Reawakening (25 page)

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Authors: K. L. Kreig

Tags: #Fantasy, #Moning, #Paranormal, #vampire lords, #Romance, #Erotic, #Thrillers, #Erotica, #Ward, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Reawakening
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Romaric had bubble bath stashed somewhere? Would wonders never cease?

After he had them settled in the blissful bath, her leaning back against his chest, he pulled their left hands out in front of them to inspect the mating marks spanning their thumbs.

“You’re mine, now,” he rumbled in her ear. “For all of eternity.” Feeling him grow hard against her bottom, she groaned. Something must have happened with the mating, because if she thought she’d been completely consumed with sex before they’d bonded, now she was downright obsessive. Almost feral.

“Yes, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me,” she retorted, squirming against him.

Grabbing her hips, he growled, “Sit still, beauty.”

She huffed. “Tell me why you wouldn’t bond with me the other day.” If he wouldn’t let their bodies get busy, then his mouth had better. He owed her some answers, and if she were honest with herself, his rebuff still stung a little.

Grabbing a loofa, Rom squirted citrusy scented gel on and it began washing her. “Sarah, it’s complicated,” he hedged.

“Uh uh.” Turning around, she moved to the other end of the tub, far away from him. It was so huge their feet almost didn’t touch, even with Rom’s large frame. “You owe me an explanation and I’m not taking no or, it’s too complicated or, it’s too dangerous for you to know bullshit responses. We’re bonded or mated or whatever you call it and that means I’m your equal. So … no more dancing around the question, vampire. Start talking.”

A slow grin spread over his drop-dead gorgeous face and he lounged back, throwing his beefy arms on either side of the tub. He stared at her so long without speaking she began to get uncomfortable.

“What?” she snapped.

“You are going to test every ounce of patience I possess, beauty.”

She laughed, mimicking his casual position. “Well, I guess we’re made for each other then.”

“That we are.” His smile dropped a little and her dream of mystery girl suddenly popped back into her head. Now, in addition to a burning desire to know why she’d been rejected, she desperately wanted to know who they were to each other. Would he tell her? She highly doubted it and that weighed heavily on her heart. But first things first.

“So … I’m waiting,” she said, tapping her fingers against the cold marble.

He sighed heavily. “There are some …
… from my past that have resurfaced and I’m afraid they pose a danger not only to you, but myself as well.”

A tinge of fear ran through her. If Rom was afraid of something, then this must be very serious. And if he’d refused to bond with her because of it, then the situation was grave. “And it doesn’t have to do with Xavier?” She already knew the answer.

“I’m afraid this is a new threat.”

Chills caused her to shiver slightly, even though the water was plenty warm. “What happens when we bond? I never did ask you. How long will I live exactly?”

His face turned bleak. She’d hit the nail on the head. “Your life is tied to mine. As long as I live, you live.”

She swallowed hard. “And if you die, I die?” she whispered.

He nodded slowly, suddenly looking guilty. “Sarah, I should have talked to you about this before we bonded. Given you a choice. I’m— Fuck, I’m sorry.”

Her eyes stung.
He thought she was upset because they’d bonded?
What a goddamned fool. She closed the distance between them and climbed onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder. He held her tightly, stroking her hair gently.

“I’m sor—”

“Stop,” she yelled, pulling back. Grabbing his face, she held tight. “I’m
sorry we bonded and if you say that again, I swear I’m going to kick you in the balls.” Her mouth met his harshly and when she sat up, she was unable to help the tears that fell down her cheeks. “I don’t care about me. I care about
. I just found you, Rom.” Her voice cracked and she had to choke the next words out. “I can’t bear the thought of losing you. Of losing us. Now. Or ever. I love you.”

“I love you too, Sarah. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

And that meant nothing could happen to him. She believed him. He was strong, mighty, and powerful. Drawing on her strength and fortitude, she firmly resolved to herself they would get through this together. “Okay then. Tell me about the threat and let’s figure out what we’re going to do about it.”

He grabbed her shoulders firmly. “
won’t be doing anything Sarah. It’s too dangerous.”

Her arms flung up underneath his hold, effectively knocking it away. His eyes bulged. “Yah, that’s right, vampire. I may not be as big as you are, but I certainly am not weak. In mind or body. I’m your mate now and I feel your power coursing beneath my skin like a million volts of electricity just waiting to be unleashed. I may not be able to go into a battle with you because I’m inexperienced, but I will be able to hold my own if I’m threatened. I told you that I won’t be under anyone’s boot again. And that includes yours.”

Grabbing her face, he kissed her hard. “Christ, Sarah. I’m so lucky to have found you.”

“Yes. Yes, you are.” She smiled. Turning serious again, she asked, “Who or what is the threat?”

He sat back, hands on the sides of the tub again and she felt bereft. After several long beats, he finally answered. “My father.”

His father?

Grabbing the sponge, he poured fresh soap and began slowly washing her again as he talked. “We hadn’t seen each other in over six hundred years. You could say we have very
views on life.”

“If you haven’t seen each other in so long, why is he suddenly a threat now? And how do you even know he is?” She was clearly missing some puzzle pieces.

“The source I have is very credible, and the threat is very real, I’m afraid.”

This still wasn’t making sense. “Wait a minute. You said
. As in you hadn’t seen him … until recently?”

She didn’t miss his eyes quickly shift away from hers, returning now with resolve.

“Why did you see him?”

“It matters not. All that matters is that I need to eliminate the threat.”

Oh, it mattered. If he’d avoided seeing him for that long and just recently saw him, something must have precipitated their visit. He wasn’t exactly lying, but he was hiding something. She knew that with absolute certainty. Sarah thought back to what she’d learned about vampires over the course of her months at the shelter. What she’d learned from Manny, Thane and her sisters. Even from Damian and Dev.

“What does he want?”

“That’s simple. He wants me
under his boot
, as you say. And if I refuse, then he wants my head.”

“But … why? Why now? I don’t understand.”

That thick steel door that Rom liked to use when he didn’t feel like answering a question slammed firmly shut. She practically saw it hit the ground and heard the echo reverberating in her ears.

He sighed. “Trust me to protect you.”

She knew that each vampire possessed a certain skill or set of skills passed down from their bloodline and they got stronger as they got older. If Rom’s father lived, he was most likely stronger than Rom and she’d heard gossip of the West Regent Lord from her sisters long before she’d met him. He had unheard of power, but she didn’t know exactly what it was.

“What is your skill, exactly?”

Smirking, he dropped the loofa into the bath with a splash. Gripping her hips, he pulled her firmly against his stiff erection so hard her breath caught. “I’m skilled at many a thing, Sarah.” Leaning forward, he nipped her earlobe. “And fucking my mate until her voice is raw is one of them.”

Putting her hands on his shoulders, she pushed away. “Rom, do you realize that anytime you don’t like the way a conversation is going that you either divert with sex or dirty talk, or you get angry and shut me out?”

“Sarah …”

“Or you do that. You say my name with exasperation.”

“That’s because I am exasperated with you. Why can you not trust that I know what I’m doing? Why the third degree?”

“You see? That’s the problem right there. This isn’t about me trusting you at all. I
trust you, Romaric. With my body. With my heart. With my
.” She should pull away, but instead she rolled her hips slightly, eliciting a groan from him. “This is about
not trusting
. And when I ask you a question and you divert or you hedge or you simply shut me out, then I have to make up my own shit. And that’s not a good place for me to be, because the stuff that I’m coming up with is probably far worse than reality.”

“I assure you, it’s not,” he muttered. Shifting so he was aligned with her entrance, he thrust hard.

Her head fell back in pleasure. “Rom …” she moaned in both euphoria and frustration.

“You’re wrong. I do trust you, Sarah. I just want to protect you.” Holding onto hers his hips pushed upward in slow strokes. “I. Love. You.” Each word was punctuated by another rough movement. Cool water sloshed everywhere. His hand snaked down and found her swollen bundle. “I love your pussy, beauty. It’s always so wet for me.”

“You’re … you’re doing … it … again.” She could barely talk.
Damn him.
Damn him for feeling so good she couldn’t tell him to stop, even though she knew exactly what he was doing.

“I need to feel you clench around my cock.” She squeezed her inner muscles. “Fuuuck. Come hard for me, Sarah. Now.”

The control he had over her body was almost scary. It greedily obeyed his every command, each whim. Minutes later, they lay against each other, breathing still ragged, her skin chilled by the cooling water.

“Let’s dry off and I’ll answer any questions you have, okay?”

“Thank you.”



Chapter 41





Fucking hell. He did not want to tell Sarah about Seraphina, but he didn’t want to lie to her either. She would know. His blood was very potent, he could already sense the changes within her. Within less than twenty-four hours, she’d already gotten remarkably strong and would only continue to do so. The fact that she could take his blood on her own without his assistance proved it.

Rom had reaped many powers over his lifetime, both physical and mental. In fact, there wasn’t much he couldn’t do.

With his vast abilities to manipulate both the body and mind, he could bring even the strongest vampire to their knees with either physical or emotional agony. He could control all of the elements with simply a thought. While vampires could live a very, very long time, they were not immortal. They could be killed. But with his unique powers, Rom was as close to immortal as one gets. And unfortunately so was his father. So the only way to end him was to take his head.

And while Sarah would never match his strength, she would become very powerful, so he needed to prepare her. Things he should have done before he bonded with her.

“How are the eggs?”

“God, they are so good. I’m starving,” she mumbled through a mouthful.

A smile crept its way over his face. Christ, he loved this woman so much already it was terrifying. Winning a battle against his father would be difficult, but losing was simply not an option he would consider. The one thing he thought lost to him forever after Seraphina died, was sitting across the table and a thousand years with her wouldn’t be enough time, let alone just a few measly days.

He hated to leave her, but he needed to prepare and strategize. He had to return to Romania within the next few days and there was no way he’d take her with him. Even with the beefed up security here, Sarah wouldn’t want to stay, so he needed to talk to Dev. Leaving her in his care seemed to be the best option.

“Thank you, Raziel,” Sarah said as his chef took their plates. He’d introduced her to his staff this morning, including her security detail, which, surprisingly, she didn’t balk at.

“My pleasure, ma’am.”

“Please call me Sarah, Raziel.”

“I will try, ma’am.”

He laughed when she rolled her eyes. “He’s very old fashioned, Sarah. In fact, most of my staff is.”

“Hmmm … of course they are. You hired them.”


Leaning back in her chair, arms crossed, he knew questions would start coming at him like rapid fire any moment. And he hadn’t decided how much he would share with her. She was wrong when she said he didn’t trust her. He
. Maybe it was old school of him, but as the man, he thought it his duty to protect his woman. And telling her the entire truth would only upset her. He never wanted her to know the entirety of the threat that loomed over both their heads.

“So, let’s start with your skills.”

Easy enough. “Okay. I am what’s known as a reaper. I have the ability to take the powers of other vampires as my own, but only if they use them against me. I can also negate any power they try to use against me, but then I can’t procure it. So I have to be selective about the skills that I reap because if I can’t absorb it quickly enough, it could be deadly to me.”

She sat there stunned, opening and closing her mouth a couple of times before she finally whispered, “Wow.”

Rom had never really thought too much about his skills. He was born with them, had them his whole life and yes, they were mighty useful, but he’d be a liar if he didn’t admit that his mate’s look of awe was ego boosting.

“So, what kinds of things can you do?”

“I have many skills. Too many to count, but I can bend any element on Earth to my will. Fire, water, air. I can also manipulate anything in the physical or mental state.”


“Meaning, if I want to cause pain, I can. If I want to make someone fall to their knees in emotional agony, I can.”

“Can you do those things to me?”

Rising from his chair, he walked around the table and pulled her up into his arms. “No, beauty. Vampires cannot use their skills against their mates.” If they could, he was sure his father would have used them against his mother long ago. Instead his father used physical, verbal and emotional abuse as his weapons of choice. The simple, but effective, tools that humans also use against one another.

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