Rebels in Paradise (39 page)

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Authors: Hunter Drohojowska-Philp

BOOK: Rebels in Paradise
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. Warhol and Hackett,
, 277.

. Ibid., 274.

. Ibid., 279.

Chapter Twenty-four. The End of the Innocence

. Babs Altoon, interview with author, June 16, 2006.

. Christopher Knight, interview with author, November 8, 2010.



Despite the cliché that those who remember the sixties weren't really there, I found I could rely on the memories of any number of people who definitely were. Walter Hopps had a few memories to share with me just days before his death on March 20, 2005. Irving Blum offered many stories about this glittering era. Ed Ruscha, the first Ferus artist I met after moving to Los Angeles, was and is an inspiration. Others who offered encouragement at the outset of this project were Dave Hickey, Peter Plagens, Lawrence Weschler and Christopher Knight, all of whom have written astutely about these artists and this period.

I am grateful to all the artists, dealers, collectors, their friends and family: Robert Irwin, Ed Moses, Larry Bell, Billy Al Bengston, Ken Price, John Mason, Frank Gehry, Joe Goode, Jerry McMillan, Mason Williams, John Baldessari, Dennis Hopper, Dean Stockwell, Mark Di Suvero, Claes Oldenburg, Don Bachardy, David Hockney, Gregory Evans, Doug Wheeler, James Turrell, Peter Alexander, DeWain Valentine, Helen Pashgian, Judy Chicago, Vija Celmins, Virginia Dwan, Cecilia Dan, James Corcoran, Dagny Corcoran, Babs Altoon, Rosamund Felsen, Sidney Felsen, Stanley and Elyse Grinstein, James Demetrion, Hal Glicksman, Lyn Kienholz, Mary Lynch Kienholz, Vivian Rowan, Penny Little Hawks, Happy Price, Bridget Johnson, Doreen Nelson, Shirley Hopps Blum, Danna Ruscha, Eve Babitz, Julian Wasser, Zazu Faure, Paul Ruscha, Robert Dean, Mary Dean, Larry Gagosian, Margo Leavin, Frank Lloyd, Craig Krull, Renato Danese, Arnold Glimcher, Michael Kohn, Jean Milant, Ulrike Kantor, Shoshana Blank, Patricia Hamilton, Charles Cowles, Doug Chrismas, Kimberly Davis, Elizabeth East, Peter Goulds, Ronnie and Vidal Sassoon, Sally Drennon, Peggy Moffitt, Chris Claxton, Ann Marshall, Teri Garr, Michelle Phillips, and the beat goes on.…

A moment here to remember those who have died with their boots on in recent years: Henry Hopkins, Dennis Hopper, Craig Kauffman, Betty Freeman, and Patricia Faure.

I'm indebted to the colleagues who have contributed to a deeper understanding of L.A.'s cultural history including Cécelie Whiting, Michael Duncan, Thomas Crow, Kristine McKenna, James Meyers, David Pagel, Leah Ollmann, Richard Hertz, Pamela Burton, Barbara Rose, Barbara Haskell, Gail Levin, Naomi Sawelson-Gorse, Debra Burchette Lere, Calvin Tomkins, Kevin Starr, Lars Nittve, Robert Berman, Suzanne Muchnic, and Barbara Isenberg. At the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Carol Eliel, Stephanie Barron, and Toby Tannenbaum; at the Orange County Museum of Art, Karen Moss and Elizabeth Armstrong (now at Walker Art Center); at the Museum of Contemporary Art: Paul Schimmel and Ann Goldstein (now at the Stedelijk Museum); and at Scripps College: Mary McNaughton. Thanks also to Lisa Fung and Kelly Scott at the
Los Angeles Times
, Robin Cembalest at
, Walter Robinson at
and rock and roll writers Michael Walker and Barney Hoskins. Bill Lasarow's Artscene Visual Radio aired interviews with many of the artists, which are still on the internet. I thank Gail Eichenthal and Sheila Tepper at KUSC and Karen Huang, who helped with my early research thanks to the support of ArtTable. The Getty Research Institute as a whole, and Andrew Perchuk and Rani Singh in particular have been invaluable, as have David Rodes at UCLA and Liza Kirwin at the Archives of American Art. Special thanks to Catherine Grenier for the landmark exhibition of Los Angeles art at the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the invaluable catalog. Of course, this book would not be possible without my agents, Eric and Maureen Lasher, and my thoughtful and supportive editors, Jack Macrae and Kirsten Reach. I thank them for their faith in this project. A special thank-you goes to my amazing husband, David Philp, as always.



The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Abstract Expressionism

Ace Gallery: Los Angeles; Vancouver

Action I (Santa Monica Pier)

(Now Gallery)

action painting

Adams, John

Aesthetic Research Center

African Americans

Ahmanson, Howard


Alan Gallery (New York)

Albers, Josef

Alexander, Brooke

Alexander, Peter;
Green Wedge

Alexander, Robert

Allen, Terry

Alloway, Lawrence

Altoon, Babs Lunine

Altoon, John

Amaya, Mario

Amend, Richard

American Vanguard Art (Paris)

Ames, Nancy

Andre, Carl

Andrews, Oliver

Anger, Kenneth;

Anthony, Barney

Anthony, Fern

Antin, David

Apple, Billy

Arensberg, Louise

Arensberg, Walter


Armory Show

Arnstein, Nicky

Art After Philosophy and After

Art and Architecture

; moves to New York

Art in America

Art International

Artists Protest Committee


Art of Light and Space, The

Art Workers Coalition

Asher, Betty

Asher, Dr. Leonard

Asher, Michael

Auden, W.H.

automobile aesthetic

Avedon, Richard

Axelrod, George

Babbs, Ken

Babitz, Eve

Babitz, May

Babitz, Mirandi

Babitz, Saul

Bachardy, Don; Hockney portrait of; portrait of Bengston; portrait of Hockney

Bachardy, Ted

Bacon, Francis

Bagley, C.

Baldessari, Carol Wixom

Baldessari, John;
Quality Material

Ball, F. Carlton

Balzar, Fran

Banham, Reyner

Barnes, Molly

Barney's Beanery; Kienholz
The Beanery

Barris, George

Barrymore, John

Bart, Peter

Bartosh, Ben

Bartosh, Betty

Basil, Toni

Batterton, Wally

Bauhaus Modernists

Beach Boys

Beard, The

Beat Generation, The



Beauvoir, Simone de

Becket, Welton

Bell, Gloria Neilsen

Bell, Larry; glass boxes; London shows

Bellamy, Richard

Bengston, Billy Al; Bachardy portrait of; chevron stripes series; LACMA retrospective; Valentine and Dracula motifs

Benjamin, Karl

Bereal, Ed

Berlant, Tony

Berman, Shirley Morand

Berman, Tosh

Berman, Wallace;

Bertoia, Harry

Biberman, Ed

Biller, Les

Bing, Anna

Bing, Léon

Bing, Leo S.

Bishop, Katherine

Blackwell, Patrick;
Royal Road Test

Blair, Streeter

Blake, Peter:
Sgt. Pepper
album cover

Blankfort, Dorothy and Michael

Block, Sherman

Blood of a Poet

Bloomingdale, Betsy

Blum, Irving; Common Objects and; Ferus and; Irving Blum Gallery opened by; marries Shirley Hopps

Blum, Jason Ferus

Bolles Gallery (Palo Alto)

Boshier, Derek

Boy with Green Hair, The

Brach, Paul

Breton, André

Brice, William

Bright, David

Brittin, Charles

Broad, Eli

Brockman Gallery

Brogan, Jack

Brown, Edmund “Pat”

Brown, Richard Fargo

Browner, Juliet

Bruce, Lenny

Buffalo Springfield

Butler, Eugenia

Butterfield, Jan

Butterfield, Paul


Byrnes, James

Caesar, Sid

Cage, John

California College of Arts and Crafts

California Institute of Technology

California Institute of the Arts (CalArts,
Chouinard); Feminist Art Program; The Last Plastics Show

California Painting and Sculpture Awards

California Women in the Arts

Cameron, Marjorie:

Card, Greg

Caron, Leslie

Carter, Edward W.

Case Study House Program

Castelli, Leo

Cavafy, C. P.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Ceeje Gallery

Celmins, Vija;
Time Magazine Cover



Chamberlain, John

Chamberlain, Wynn

Chandler, Dorothy Buffum

Chandler, Norman

Chandler, Otis

Chicago, Judy Cohn (
Car Hood
Dry Ice Environment
Rainbow Pickett
10 Part Cylinders

Chouinard, Nelbert Murphy

Chouinard Art Institute; renamed California Institute of the Arts

Chrismas, Douglas

Cinquième Biennale de Paris

City of Night

Clark, Gene

Clark, Ossie

Clarke, Michael

Clarkson, Lana

Claxton, William; Ferus yacht

Clean Slate

Clert, Iris (Paris)

Clift, Montgomery

Cocteau, Jean;
Blood of a Poet

Cohen, Mickey

Cohn, Harry, Jr.

Collins, Jess

color-field art


Common Objects (PAM New Painting of Common Objects)

Conceptual art

“Conformity in the Arts” (Longman)

Conner, Bruce

Contemporary Bazaar

Cooder, Ry

“Cool School, The” (Leider)

Cooper, Paul

Cooper, Ron

Coplans, John

Copley, William

Corcoran, Dagny Janss

Corcoran Gallery

Corman, Roger

Cornell, Joseph

Cornwall-Jones, Paul

Coronet Theatre Cinema

Corse, Mary

Cotten, Joseph

Cowles, Charles

Crosby, David


Cunningham, Merce

Curtis, Jamie Lee

Curtis, Tony


Danieli, Fidel

Danziger, Lou and Dorothy; Studio by Gehry

Darrin, Howard “Dutch”

Daughters of Bilitis (DOB)

Davie, Alan

Davis, Alonzo

Davis, Dale

Davis, Ron; Gehry house for

Davis, Sammy, Jr.

Davis, Susan

Dean, James

DeFeo, Jay;
The Death Rose

de Kooning, Willem

DeLap, Tony

De Maria, Walter

Demetrion, James

Dern, Bruce

Des Barres, Pamela

Dickson, Jim

Didion, Joan

Diebenkorn, Richard

Dilexi Gallery; San Francisco

Dill, Laddie John

Dine, Jim

Disney, Walt

di Suvero, Mark

Dixon, Dane

Documenta 4 (Germany)

Donahue, Troy

Donoghue, Mary Agnes

Donohue, Kenneth


Dorment, Richard

Dorn, Warren

Dowd, Robert


Dubuffet, Jean

Duchamp, Alexina “Teeny”

Duchamp, Marcel;
The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even
; chess poster;
Green Box
; Hotel Green “Signed Sign”;
Large Glass
Mona Lisa
Network of Stoppages
Nude Descending a Staircase
; PAM retrospective;
Tu M'

Dunne, John Gregory

Duveen, Lord Joseph

Dwan, Candace

Dwan, June

Dwan, Virginia; Collection of, at UCLA; L.A. gallery closed; moves to New York; My Country Tis of Thee; New York gallery

Dylan, Bob

Dzubas, Friedel

Easy Rider

Edge, Don

Edwards, Melvin

Ellin, Everett

Elliot, James

Elliot, Mama Cass

Éluard, Paul

Engelberg, Freddy

Entenza, John

Ernst, Max

Ertegun, Nesuhi


Eucalyptus School

Evans, Rex

Eversley, Fred

Eve's Hollywood

Experiments in Art and Technology

Factor, Betty

Factor, Donald

Factor, Lynn

Factor, Monte

Falkenstein, Claire

Faure, Patricia

Feitelson, Lorser

Feitelson on Art
(TV show)

Felsen, Rosamund Faibish

Felsen, Sidney

Felsen, Suzanne


Ferus Gallery; Altoon and; artists' camaraderie; Baldessari and; Bell and; Bengston and; Berman and; Blum as partner in; Blum takes over; closed; collectors and; Cool School and; Dwan and; Hopper photos and; Hopps and Kienholz found; Johns and; Kauffman and; Kienholz
show; Kienholz leaves; LACMA exhibit celebrates; London and; Mason and; Moses and; Moss share in; New York artists and; Objects on the New Landscape; Price and; Ruscha and; San Francisco artists and; Schwitters and; Shirley Hopps and; Stella and; Studs show; Warhol and; women artists and

Ferus/Pace Gallery

“finish fetish”

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