Reckless & Ruined (26 page)

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Authors: Bethany-Kris

Tags: #The Chicago War

BOOK: Reckless & Ruined
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Alessa hit the damp grass running. She wasn’t entirely sure what she was running to, but it felt better than walking and far better than breathing.

The phone in her hand buzzed.

Over and over.

She didn’t need to look at it to know what it said. She could feel his presence a mile away.

I’m here

Under the willow

I’m always here

She’d texted Adriano and then waited as long as she could before she needed to just get the hell out of that house.

Alessa had a feeling she’d always be running in one way or another.

But she would make damn sure she was always running to him.




driano held Alessa tighter, enjoying the silence of the darkness as it fell around them. Pulling the corner of the blanket snugger around Alessa, he let her sink into his embrace. He usually kept a blanket in the backseat of his Camaro, just in case. While it wasn’t cold for a late August day, the rain was enough to be chilly.

“I was awful,” Alessa said.

Adriano didn’t bother to ask what she meant. Alessa had already explained the confrontation she had with her mother and what little came of it. Nothing except more hurt.

Alessa’s shoulders heaved, pressing her back harder into Adriano’s chest. “I don’t know what is wrong with me.”

“Nothing. You’re confused.”

“You’re biased.”

Adriano chuckled. “Maybe so, but you’re entitled to be a little angry, Lissa.”

“Why didn’t he want us to know? Terrance, I mean.”

Thinking about the letter he’d finally gotten the chance to read in full, Adriano figured the answer to that question was obvious. “He had a wife to protect and a family to keep in good standing. It’s one thing to run around with a
, but it’s entirely different to be sleeping with your son’s wife, Alessa.”

“Appearance is everything.”

“To a lot the men in the Outfit, yes.”

“Appearances are deceiving,” Alessa mumbled.

Adriano hugged her again. “Sometimes.”

“Have you ever … done that, I mean?”

“Done what?” he asked.

“I know we never put labels down or whatever, so I guess there isn’t much for me to say if you were with other girls.”

“No,” Adriano said. “Never, not once. You didn’t label me, but you were always mine. I’ll do a lot of bad shit, but running around on you isn’t one of them.”

“Am I a hypocrite?” she asked.

Again, he knew exactly what she was talking about without asked. “Because of Dean?”


“You’re not even engaged, yet. It’s just a promise of something in the future. You didn’t agree to that. You’ve never agreed to that. You’ve said from the start you wouldn’t follow through with that,” he replied, hoping his point was clear.

“We’re still expected to get
.” Alessa spat the word out like it was vomit. “And I’ve been with you several times since that happened.”

“Show me a ring and it’ll stop.”

Alessa’s laughter was light. “Oh, is that what it’ll take?”

Adriano cleared his throat. “Maybe a wedding dress, a priest, and a gun to my head, too. I’m here for this all the way to the bitter end, pretty girl. I always have been.”


“I’m not letting you go, Lissa. I don’t give a fuck about Dean Artino.”

Alessa sighed. “Thank you for coming.”

“You know I always will.”

“I was awful to you, too,” she whispered.

Adriano pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck. “Actually, I’m happy you called me first instead wondering and hating me. We got the bullshit out of the way quickly. There’s enough drama around us without adding to the crazy.”

Alessa fingered the leaves hanging from one of the low lying branches. “You should go soon. I don’t know when Joel is coming home.”

“Not yet.”

He didn’t mind the risk.

“Not yet,” she echoed.



“What do we know?” Riley asked.

Kolin sidled up beside the car with a coolness that could rival any made man in the vicinity. There happened to be quite a few Outfit men in the area, considering the sit-down that was about to go down a block away at one of Riley’s restaurants.

“We know the restaurant is clean and clear,” Kolin said.

“One-hundred percent?”

Kolin nodded. “The boys didn’t take their eyes off it once since you told Joel that’s where you wanted the meeting.”

Adriano couldn’t shake his odd feeling.

“Your driver will be ready to pick you up at the door the moment he sees you once this sham of a meeting is over. But I do think it would be better to walk down and take them off guard by not arriving in a vehicle like they suspect you will.”

“I like that idea, too,” Adriano said. “Who else showed up?”

“Laurent and a great deal of his crew,” Kolin explained. “Seems the Rossi crew is dispersed outside doing whatever it is they want. I have people on them.”

“And the DeLuca side?” Riley asked.

“Just Theo. But he hasn’t made any effort to go inside. And the Artinos are inside.”

Adriano frowned. “Dad, you could always tell Theo that you weren’t involved with his brother’s death.”

“I like it better this way,” Riley said as he clipped the end of a Cuban cigar. “Besides, young Theo is just one man in the DeLuca crew.”

“Heading it at the moment,” Kolin reminded Riley. “And Laurent?”

Riley waved dismissively. “We will handle him when the times comes. For now, let’s get this sit-down over with.”

Adriano pushed the back passenger side door open. “Lead the way then.”

Kolin reached in through the window, stopping Riley from getting out. Adriano waited for his father and the Capo to finish before he moved away from the car.

“Are you good?” Kolin asked quietly.

Riley laughed under his breath. “Are you asking if I’m nervous, old friend?”

“No, I’m asking if you’re safe, Riley.”

“Trust no one,” Riley murmured. “I’m good.”

Adriano had no fucking clue what his father and Kolin were talking about, but he figured if it was for him to know, they would have let him in on it already.

Kolin nodded. “Good. Say the word, Riley, and I’ll finish this shit the proper way.”

Riley sighed heavily. “Bullets won’t solve the underlying issue with these men.”

“I think it would solve a world of their problems, Boss. After all, it stems from Joel.”

“I want him to do it to himself, Kolin. It might take a little longer for Joel to dig his own grave, but don’t worry, I’m sure he will shoot himself in the foot a few times along the way.”

Riley waved at his friend to move away from the door. When Kolin did, Riley opened the door and joined his son on the side of the street.

Adriano fixed the knot on his tie, feeling suffocated in the humid air outside. “It’s hot.”

“Mmm,” Riley hummed in agreement. “It’s a very good day for this. Don’t worry, Adriano. Stop minding the small things.”

“What should I concern myself with then, Dad?”

“Helping me shoot Joel in the foot, of course.”

Adriano chuckled.

Yeah, he should have known that. 



Adriano’s carefully hidden anger flared to life as he watched Joel hold a hand out to help his sisters, one at a time, out of a black car. No one had said a thing about Alessa or Abriella being invited to the meeting. They didn’t have a reason to come, frankly.

Laurent Rossi stood from his seat although his son stayed seated. Tommas Rossi didn’t give his father or the arriving Trentinis any of his attention as they made their way inside the restaurant. In fact, Tommas continued talking to his cousin Damian as Laurent greeted Joel and his sisters.

Adriano surveyed the men loitering outside the restaurant. Theo DeLuca was amongst the men, keeping one eye on the windows and the people inside while maintaining what looked like some kind of conversation with a few men of his crew.

Dean and Walter Artino sat quietly in the corner, looking smug as fuck and entirely unbothered by the fact a sit-down was about to occur just feet from their table. Adriano supposed Theo didn’t need to be inside if the Artinos were standing in place for the DeLuca family. It was too bad Theo didn’t realize Walter and his cunt of a son were looking to take over for Theo completely, not on a part-time basis.

Adriano stood with his father as Joel approached their table.

Alessa and Abriella followed close behind their brother. 

“Look at that,” Riley said.

“Dirty pool,” Adriano murmured.

“Yes, but smart. I’ve not given Joel enough credit, clearly. Bringing along his sisters is sure to keep things peaceful between all the men at this meeting.”

“Maybe that’s what he wants,” Adriano said.

Riley scoffed. “I’m sure.”

Kolin stepped in front of Joel, blocking the man’s path to Riley. Without a word, Kolin went about checking Joel quickly before taking the man’s suit jacket and laying it over a chair. It showed Riley that Joel was clear of weapons.

All the while, Adriano watched Alessa from the corner of his eyes, taking in her appearance and tired gaze. Clearly, she hadn’t slept much after he left her the night before. An unexpected ache started up in Adriano’s chest. He rubbed at the spot, hoping it looked like he had an itch or something.

Riley’s voice broke Adriano’s daze.

“Not even a gun?” Riley asked Joel.

Joel smiled falsely. “Oh, I don’t believe I’ll be needing anything of the sort today, Riley.”

Riley’s expression didn’t change. “I’m sure. Sit, my boy.”

Joel managed to find some kind of gentlemanly bone by pulling out the chairs at the table for his sisters. Then, Joel took a seat for himself before a man Adriano recognized as an enforcer for the Trentini crew came to stand behind him.

Alessa watched Adriano through her lashes, quiet and pretty. Knowing he needed to keep his feelings for Alessa in check when people were near, Adriano focused his attention on anyone else but her.

The ache in his chest increased.

Kolin took his spot to stand behind Riley, silent and formidable.

Adriano, at his father’s left, leaned back in his seat as Joel waved a skittish server over.

“Surely we can drink?” Joel asked Riley.

Riley nodded. “On the house, of course.”

Joel flashed the waiting server a charming grin. “Whiskey, four fingers; neat.”

The girl scampered off. Adriano didn’t blame her. The restaurant had been cleared of normal patrons for the meeting, but the workers were asked to stay in case they were needed.

“Terrance always said there was nothing that couldn’t be solved over a drink and a few words,” Joel said, still smiling falsely.

Riley smirked. “And a gun, Joel. If you would have listened to him more, you might have heard the rest of what he was trying to tell you. Anything can be solved between normal men over a few drinks and words. With men like us, anything can be solved with a drink and words … or a gun.”

Abriella snorted indelicately. “Or a marriage.”

Riley offered Abriella a serene smile. “Or that. I hear you’re back at the mansion, my dear.”

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