Reclaiming His Bride (DiCarlo Brides book 3) (The DiCarlo Brides)

Read Reclaiming His Bride (DiCarlo Brides book 3) (The DiCarlo Brides) Online

Authors: Heather Tullis

Tags: #Ghost Stories, #suspence, #Romantic Suspense, #secret marriage, #secret baby, #DiCarlo Brides, #Babies, #Pregnancy, #clean romance, #family sagas, #Hotels

BOOK: Reclaiming His Bride (DiCarlo Brides book 3) (The DiCarlo Brides)
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© 2013 Heather Justesen

Ebook Edition


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Published by Jelly Bean Press, 90 S Main St. Ste #2, Fillmore, UT 84631

Cover design by Bill J. Justesen

Cover design © 2012 by Heather Justesen


Cast of Characters

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35


About the Author

Excerpt from Family Matters


Camellia DiCarlo Talmadge (Cami)—
the oldest of George DiCarlo’s daughters, born to his wife, head of guest services.

Sage Parker Watts
—Second eldest, head of the resort Spa. Born to Darla Parker.

Rosemary Keogh
—Third eldest of George DiCarlo’s daughters, born to Wanda Keogh, head of resort food services.

Lantana DiCarlo (Lana
)—Fourth eldest, second daughter by George’s wife, hotel manager.

Delphinium Gifford (Delphi)—
Fifth eldest daughter by Zelda Gifford, head of resort events.

Jonquil Chestnut
—Sixth eldest daughter by Trudy Chestnut, head of the resort floral center.

Cleome Markham
—Rosemary Keogh’s daughter.


Vince Talmadge
—Landscape architect, best friend of Jeremy and Gage.

Jeremy Litster
—local photographer, best friend of Vince and Gage.

Gage Mathews
—head of Deer Mountain, the local ski resort. Best friend to Vince and Jeremy.

Harrison Forest
—older half-brother to Sage by another father. Head of hotel HR.

Blake Bahlmann
—regional manager of DiCarlo Resorts, stationed out of the Juniper Ridge resort.

Joel Watts
—former Navy SEAL, head of hotel security.



What am I doing here?
Lantana smiled blindly over the table at Jeremy, the cute photographer contracted for events at their resort. His best friend, Vince, sat beside him, with his fiancée—Lana’s sister Cami—snuggled at his side. The air was relaxed, the food good and the conversation friendly, but she couldn’t help kicking herself for agreeing to join them. It was late September, the hotel had only been open three weeks, and she needed some time alone.

“What have we here?” Blake Bahlmann’s voice cut through the noise and it was all Lana could do not to cringe. Now she was in for it.

“Hey, Blake, come join us,” Cami offered, gesturing to a chair.

Lana carefully avoided meeting his gaze, but she could tell from his stance, hands in the pockets of his jeans, that he was unhappy. She told herself he had no right to be—but it wasn’t really true. They were still married. Technically. This hadn’t been intended as a double date—Cami had invited all of the sisters to join them that night, but somehow the other four had begged off or changed their minds as the evening progressed. And one of Vince’s best friends had backed out, leaving a very awkward, totally unintended, pseudo-date situation. The fact that Jeremy seemed no more interested in her than she was in him was irrelevant.

“I’m afraid I can’t right now. I’m the on-call manager at the hotel tonight and only popped in to pick up my order,” Blake explained. “I’d like a quick chat with Lana, though.”

She swallowed and smiled in his direction, though she avoided meeting his gaze. “I’m sure it can wait until morning.”

He grabbed her hand, which had been sitting on the table top. “No, I’m afraid it can’t.”

She looked back at her companions and widened the smile, hoping it didn’t look like a grimace. “We’ll only be a minute. Excuse me.” She rose and allowed him to pull her across the room to a quiet corner near the door.

When he rounded on her, his pale blue eyes were as cold as a Nordic winter. “You’re on a

She wanted to tell him it was none of his business—she even opened her mouth to do so when good sense kicked in. “I know what it looks like, but you’re wrong. It was supposed to be a big group, but somehow it ended up being just the four of us. Nothing’s going on. Unlike
people I know, I consider marriage to be sacred. If you’d sign the divorce papers, I’d be able to move on.” Not that she was interested in getting involved with anyone again after the way he’d broken her heart and trampled on her fragile trust.

The muscle along his jaw ticked. “You know what I want.”

“Not going to happen.” No way was she giving him another chance. She wasn’t stupid enough to put her heart on the line a second time, even if her fingers itched to brush away the lock of hair that fell over his forehead. She could smell his musky cologne mixed with the spicy Italian scent of the pizzeria and again felt the pain of his betrayal.

He crossed his arms over his broad chest, dark brows rising. “Your call. But until it’s official, you’re not dating someone else.”

She wanted to rip out her hair. “It’s not a date. It’s a group of friends—”

“Who happen to form two couples,” he interrupted. “Spare me.”

“Hey, Pot, Kettle’s calling.” He had a lot of nerve to think he had any right to lay into her for a pizza with friends.

His lips thinned and his eyes grew dangerous before his shoulders loosened. “And that wasn’t what you thought it was, either.”

“Right. Sorry, but I got a better visual of your interlude than you think.” When the pain of seeing him with another woman tried to get past her protective walls, she forced all thoughts of that day away.

“I don’t know how you could have, since nothing happened.” He waited a few beats, and his tone softened a little, though the earnestness of his gaze filled his voice. “I would never cheat on you.”

“Funny how I’ve heard that before.” She held up her hands to stop his rebuttal. This was an old argument and she wasn’t having it tonight. “Forget it. Sorry I brought it up. I’ll be more careful next time Cami invites me to go out with them.”

He shook his head. “Not good enough.”

She drilled a finger into his chest. Fury roared through her. “You don’t get to dictate to me.” She was going to make some comment about how he wasn’t her boss, but caught herself in time, since he sort of was—at least at the hotel.

He grabbed her hand and held on tight enough she couldn’t get it out of his grip, but not hard enough to hurt her. “If you go back in there and sit down, I’m telling everyone about us. I don’t know why we didn’t do it ages ago.”

Lana sucked a breath through clenched teeth. “Fine. Let me get my purse and make my excuses.” She yanked on her wrist, but he didn’t release it.

His face softened and his voice dropped several degrees, turning velvety. “I want another chance with you, Lana.”

Several emotions rolled through her: grief and longing topping the list. “I’m not my mom. I’m not going to look the other way.”

He released her wrist and held out both hands. “Look all you want. I have nothing to hide, baby.” His voice was low and had the silky Southern edge that always made her go soft when he used his favorite endearment.

Furious that he was starting to get to her, and that he would call her baby, she whirled around and returned to the table. By the time she got there, she’d managed to get her expression calmed to apologetic even though she was still steaming inside. “I’m sorry. Something’s come up back at the hotel. I’ll have to catch up with you guys another time.” She included all of them in her words, ending with Jeremy. “It was good to meet you again. I hope we get another chance to talk.”

“Same here. I hope you’re able to straighten things out quickly.” His smile was friendly, but not particularly concerned or upset. He was a nice enough guy, but even if there had been no Blake in her past or present, she and Jeremy never would have clicked.

“Thanks.” She flashed him one of her best smiles, then collecting her purse, said goodnight and headed back for the door.

Blake was still standing there—this time with his takeout container—tall, suave and infuriating.

“You didn’t have to wait for me,” she snapped as soon as he’d followed her out the door.

He put a warm hand onto the small of her back. “Verisimilitude, baby.”

“Don’t call me baby.” Deciding he had a point, though, about making it look like a real work emergency, when she got onto the road, she headed for the hotel to check things out.

A quick walk through the public areas of the hotel proved all was well with the wedding clean up, the restaurant, bar and spa. She veered back through the entry and then went up to her office. There was always a pile of work to do, so she’d take an hour or so to clear some of it out before returning home for the night.

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