Red Hot Christmas (42 page)

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Authors: Carmen Falcone,Michele de Winton

BOOK: Red Hot Christmas
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“Why did you kill Patty?” Sydney asked her. Sweat trickled from her neck all the way down her lower back. Meryl had had cornered her as she entered her apartment, five minutes before Alejandro showed up at her doorstep. She had slept at a motel the night before, and then decided to go to her old apartment to retrieve the rest of her things to start a new life somewhere else. What a fool she had been.

“I was there all along, watching from a distance to make sure everything went smoothly. When he was taken to the hospital, I followed in my car, and by the time I got there, he was already inside. I knew I had to finish the job. What if he got better and called the cops on me? I heard you and Patty filling the report, and how you two talked about what he had said.”

“Oh no,” Sydney said.

“Later that night, I got into the hospital, but Patty saw me in an employee-only area. She came after me, and questioned what I was doing there. I didn’t have a badge or scrubs. I just couldn’t risk her connecting the dots.”

“Was it cyanide?” Sydney asked.

She nodded. “Yes. My first plan had been to give it to Frank. It would have been a clean death what with his health issues. But then, after he didn’t believe me when I threatened to expose him…I got pissed. I wanted him to suffer and put a bullet straight to his heart. Too bad I missed it.”

“I had to go to work, and have an alibi as if nothing had happened. I sent my cousin Stan to do the job, and the dumbass failed. I wanted to erase any doubts. I couldn’t be vulnerable. If you two connected the dots…I won’t go to jail. But Stan wasn’t up to the job. Idiot left me the mess to clean up anyway.”

Sydney’s fingers clenched behind her. Damn the woman, she kept her still with one hand while she pointed the gun at her head with the other.

“And Joe?” Alejandro asked, wrapping the ropes around his ankles.

“Tighter,” Meryl barked. “Joe was a stupid man who discovered too much. He threatened to tell the police all about my and Frank’s blackmailing if I didn’t answer some of his questions.”

“Questions about the murders,” Sydney said.

“Doesn’t matter now, does it? After you two are gone, I will have a clean slate.” Meryl’s stinky breath fanned over her ear, and Sydney thought she was going to throw up.

The bile sprung to her throat, but she shook her head and pushed it down. No time for fear now. She had to get them out of there.

      “Why the hell is it taking so long?” she shouted at Alejandro, who struggled to loop the rope around his waist.

      “It’s impossible to rope myself,” he said, his voice firm like his life wasn’t in danger.

      “Idiot. Here.” She moved swiftly closer to him, taking Sydney with her. Sydney gasped, the cold piece of metal digging into her temple. Her heart thumped in her ears.
Think, Sydney. Think.

When Meryl stretched her arm to show him how to do it, Alejandro launched at Meryl, which caused her to lose her balance and fall back. The loud sound of a gunshot filled the air, and Sydney screamed his name. Sydney’s gaze swung over Alejandro, who fumbled out of the ropes around his ankles. Then, she searched for Meryl.

      Because of her large size, Meryl was having a hard time getting up right away. Taking advantage of that, Sydney picked up a piece of rope from the floor and flung it at Meryl.

      The gun from her hand rolled over the laminate flooring, and Sydney grabbed it. “If you move, you die,” she said, and she savored the smile forming on her lips.


“Probably a stupid question, but are you okay?” Alejandro asked, as they walked to his apartment.

The past few hours had been a blur, what with giving statements to the police, trying to avoid media attention and heading back to his place. Sure, he had whispered sweet nothings in Spanish and stroked her cheek, but she was still at a loss.

“I’m better now that she’s locked up,” she said, removing her shoes and tossing her coat on the sofa.

“You never got to open your Christmas gift.” He handed it to her.

She took it from his hands, and the brush of his fingers on hers set a thrill of excitement through her body. How could she be sure, though, that this was it? She loved him, but was it worth it to be just his plaything? No, she knew better than that. Her fingers hovered over the green wrapping paper, and she toyed with the sparkly golden bow. “Alejandro, I’m not sure—”

He sent her a smile that perked up all her nerve endings. “Sydney, I was a jerk. Sometimes when I’m around you…I get scared of what it could be.” He licked his lips, and lifted up her chin, so her gaze locked on his. “I

She shuffled her weight from one foot to the other, restless. Then she eyed the flickering Christmas tree, and the bright glow and colorful lights were like an entity, egging her on.

“Open it. Please,” he urged her.

Drawing back from him a couple of steps, she untied the bow and ripped the wrapping apart, a tad clumsier than she would have intended. Her heart tattooed against her ribcage, her blood flowing hot and thick…for a moment, she felt light-headed.

In her hands, she held a picture of the two of them standing next to each other at the gala in Buenos Aires. The picture was in a frame larger than the black and white one with the fake family.

“How did you get this?” she managed to ask.

“I got the picture online, and well, the rest is history.”

She caressed the corners of the wood frame. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes to me, Sydney. Look, I didn’t want to be predictable and get you a ring. I’ll get whatever ring you wish. What I really want is to build a life with you. I want us to be the couple in the picture until the end of our days. That can be the first frame of many. I want us to start a family and I want you to keep me on my toes until my last breath.”

“Why should I believe you?”

He tucked her hair behind her ear, and a shiver went through her. “Because I love you, Sydney Bell. I want a home with you and I’m not letting you go.”

She sucked in a breath. “You…love me?”

“It was easier for me to go back to my old ways and believe I couldn’t offer you much. My entire life I had wealth, a family name, a place in society. In all fairness, it all seemed too little compared to what you have given to me. Whether you meant it or not, you showed me it doesn’t have to be perfect, to be wonderful. Magical. My family isn’t perfect and I have to accept that.”

“I’m far from perfect.”

“Maybe, but you’re still a lot closer than I am. Besides, who cares?” He planted a kiss on her nose. “I love you.”

      She hugged him to her, her fingers biting into his cardigan. A glorious warm sensation filled her, the kind of happiness that was about to burst if she didn’t let out. “I love you too, Alejandro. And I’d love to start a picture frame collection with you,” she said, and her throat lumped with joy. She would make sure she’d add a picture of Patty to the collection. Patty, the kind soul who had invited her to a Christmas dinner she never got to have. From now on, Sydney would make every Christmas count, starting with this one.

Carmen’s Acknowledgements

I am eternally grateful to my critique partner and writing buddy Michele de Winton for planting the seed in my head about a Christmas themed joint project. Getting my big toes wet into the world of self-publishing was just so much more fun when I could share everything with her.

Big thank you to my editor Melinda Fulton, for always being there for me, and delivering, it, too. You are amazing!

Muchas gracias
to the fabulous Vero Stro, for all your Argentine expertise! You were so open and willing to help.

Thanks also to my friend Ellen Mororo for helping me nail some Argentina facts.

To the cover artist who was able to put up with me and Michele’s constant emails and changes of mind—I salute you!

Big thank you to the wonderful Nas Dean for jumping onboard and proofreading this puppy.

About Carmen

Carmen Falcone learned at an early age that fantasizing about fictional characters beats doing math homework any day. Brazilian by birth and traveler by nature, she moved to Central Texas after college and met her broody Swiss husband—living proof that opposites attract. She found in writing her passion and the best excuse to avoid the healthy lifestyle everyone keeps bragging about. When she’s not lost in the word of romance, she enjoys spending time with her two kids, being walked by her three crazy pugs, reading, catching up with friends, and chatting with random people in the checkout line.

She loves to procrastinate, so please indulge her and drop her a line @
[email protected]
. For more info, visit her website:

Other Books by Carmen Falcone





Table of Contents

Christmas Secrets

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Michele’s Acknowledgements

About Michele

Christmas Scandal

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chaper 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Carmen’s Acknowlegements

About Carmen

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