Red Satin Lips (18 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: Red Satin Lips
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“Not yet, you can hold it,” Lars grunted as sweat beaded on his forehead. Leaning over, Lars sank his fangs into Gage’s neck. “
Now, come!”
He sent to both of them as he fed. His seed poured into Gage as Gage spilled his seed into Tamara.

Her little whimper and the tears rolling down her face had his heart in his chest. Closing the holes in Gage’s neck, Lars slid out of Gage’s ass and move around the bed. “Baby, what’s wrong? Did we hurt you?” Lars knew she was still coming down from her orgasm, but something else was wrong here.

Both he and Gage searched, but she swatted at his hands. “I’m fine just being a little emotional. I was watching the two of you and it was so beautiful. I just, well I’m afraid you two will vanish just like my mom. If I lost you two…” She rolled over and buried her face into the pillow. Her shoulders shook as her sobs took over.



Chapter Thirteen


The love that Gage and Lars shared was so intense, Tamara almost felt like an intruder, but she’d also been given that look and right in that minute the damn seemed to burst along with her orgasm. Great big giant sobs took over her body for no reason, but Tamara couldn’t control them.

Maybe it was just everything adding up, her mother’s death, the betrayal of her father, Lars’ family and just so much more. Her emotions were scattered just as her brain was at that moment in time.

“Aww, baby, don’t cry. You’re breaking our hearts here,” Gage whispered.

Lars drew her onto his lap, holding her tight against him while Gage ran his hands up and down her body. “We’ve got you, just let it out. We’re not going anywhere, sweetie.”

For what seemed like an hour, but was only fifteen minutes, both men whispered words of love while kissing and holding her till Tamara finally stopped crying. She was cold and tired.

Slipping out of the bed, Gage went into the bathroom bringing back a warm washcloth. Gage ran the cloth over her face and took her from Lars’ lap. He moved off the bed retracing Gage’s steps to the bathroom where Tamara knew he was cleaning up.

“I’m sorry. I’ve never done that before.” She laughed. “I guess when women say their hormones go crazy while pregnant, they aren’t kidding.” Gage hugged her tight, rubbing his chin on the top of her head.

“If you need to break down every once in a while, then you go ahead and do it. It’s good for you to release all that pent up tension and we’ve had a couple of days from hell. Any normal person would have broken down long ago.” Gage sighed. “I had my outbursts earlier, Lars had his intense love-making and you just needed a good old cry.”

“I’m tired, really tired.” Gage slid down on the bed and pulled the covers back up over them as Lars joined them.

“Sleep, Little Momma. We’ll keep you safe,” Gage said and placed her in between them, both of them covering her with a leg and part of their upper body. You’d think she would have been smashed, but to her it felt like heaven.

Her men curled up protectively around her, they talked in their head to each other, but right now she didn’t care. They loved her, gave her everything she wanted or needed. Closing her eyes, Tamara took a deep breath and released it, letting sleep claim her.




She could have sworn she’d just fallen asleep when her eyes opened and found both of her men gone. Touching where they had been, both spots were cold. Tamara rolled over and looked at the clock and moaned. She’d slept in and Tamara never did that.

It was going to be hard getting onto the pack’s schedule since most of Lars’s family slept the day away, but here they were up at the crack of dawn. Sure Tamara would have a few rough moments in the sun, but if she kept covered up and wore sunglasses she’d be all right.

Throwing the covers off the bed, she laughed at the human rumors about vampires:  that garlic and sunlight killed them, (even though it did make them uncomfortable)/ Then, of course, there was the stake in the heart. “Please,” Tamara giggled and stepped into the shower turning on the warm water.

With the hot water slowly waking her up, Tamara reached for the shampoo and thought about what had to be done today. The first thing was renting the dome for two days. That would give her men the time to prepare for whatever they were going to do.

The second major thing that had to be done was find her siblings. For some reason they were important to fighting her father and this bitch from hell. She laughed at that pun and rinsed out her hair.

“What’s so funny?” Gage asked, stepping into the shower with her and wrapping his arms around her.

“Damn it, don’t scare me like that,” she slapped his chest and smiled up at him. “You left me alone in bed,” she pouted. “It got cold in there all by myself.”

“You needed to sleep and we had work to do, but mom has a nice big breakfast waiting for you, but first I want you to feed.” He slid his hands down and cupped her butt cheeks. “I love when you’re all wet and your skin is all flushed.”

“You love it when I’m naked, period,” she teased. “Where’s Lars?” She kissed the spot over his chest, before sinking her fangs into his chest.

“He’s making calls. We’ve already rented the dome you suggested. You were right. It is going to be a lot easier to work with.” He kissed the side of her neck. “I love the smell of your shampoo.” He lifted her up and slid his cock inside her.

“Wrap your legs around me, Tamara,” he turned her around and pressed her up against the shower wall.

She kissed and sealed the holes. “God, you feel good. Hard and fast, Gage,” she moaned and gripped his shoulders tight as he pounded into her. The steam from the shower was nothing to the friction Gage created between their bodies.”

“Perfect! I love the way your pussy hugs my cock,” he snarled and clamped his teeth down on her shoulder.

“Gage!” she called out as her body shook. Tamara swore her orgasm spread even to her toes as they curled up.

His snarl filled the room as he released himself in her. Gage released her shoulder and smiled down at her. “Morning, baby,” he said as he stepped back, sliding out of her, but holding onto her till she could stand.

“Now that is a nice wakeup,” she said and patted his chest. “We’d better get going. Do you think Maxim can find my brother and sister? The more I think of this, the more it makes sense. I really believe with the three of us, we’ll be able to figure out what to do. If they even want anything to do with me, that is.”

“Maxim has already contacted them. They will be here this afternoon.” Gage turned off the water as she slipped out of the shower. Lars was there, leaning against the counter, stroking his cock.

“Come here, I need some morning love,” he said as he ran his gaze down her body and at once she was heated again. He didn’t wait, leaning over he picked her up and placed her onto the counter stepping in-between her legs.

“Hold onto my shoulders,” Lars ordered and thrust into her fast and hard. “Gage is right. Loving you in the morning is a must.” He wrapped his hand into her hair and pulled her head back, covering her mouth with his.

She tried to stop him, Tamara still hadn’t brushed her teeth, but Lars didn’t care. His tongue dominated hers. All the while he plunged in and out of her. Each time he pushed in, his cock brushed against that special little spot inside her.

“Lars!” She broke the kiss screaming as she tried to catch her breath as little spikes of pleasure moved through her every time Lars moved.

“Stay there, baby, and let me clean you up,” Lars kissed her nose and took the cloth Gage handed him.

“You know I can do that,” she squirmed, but he held her still as he ran the warm cloth on her pussy.

“We know that, but it’s our job to take care of you and that means in all aspects.” He tossed the cloth in the hamper and helped her down.

“Fine, but now I need to take care of a few other things. Out,” she tried to push them out of the bathroom, but they didn’t budge and only smiled down at her. “Please.”

They both leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheeks. “Don’t take long. Mom is keeping your breakfast warm for you.”

Finally leaving her alone, Tamara hurried doing her morning routine. Teeth, hair and just a little makeup before stepping into the bedroom to see another dress on the bed laid out for her. She sighed. “Jeans and a warm sweater would be real nice.” She muttered staring at the dress.

It was pretty, but today she wanted to be comfortable. A small knock on the door had her grabbing the blanket on the bed and wrapping it around her.

“Daughter, can I come in?” Gage’s mom asked. “I come with a gift.” She opened the door a crack and held out her arm. A pair of jeans and sweater was on her arm.

“Oh God, thank you,” Tamara squealed and took the clothes letting Gage’s mom in. “Now to find some underwear.” She turned to the dresser and started to dig through the drawers. “I hate not having my own stuff,” she mumbled holding the blanket to her.

“Here, these are new and I’m sure they’ll fit,” her mother-in-law dug in her jean pocket pulling out a pair of panties with tags still on them.

Cocking her head to the side, Tamara studied Gage’s mom, taking the panties. “I’m surprised you’re being so nice,” she said stepping into the bathroom. “After everything that’s happened, aren’t you afraid I’ll bring problems to your family?” Tamara pulled on the jeans and sweater.

“So much better,” she said as she stepped out of the bathroom. His mom sat on the bed where she patted the side next to her.

“Come sit for a minute before we go downstairs,” she said and held up a pair of furry socks.

“Oh you are really good,” she mumbled and sat down next to her, taking the socks.

Lana, Gage’s mom, snorted. “I’ve had a couple of daughters and know when they need a little extra. As to your question, no, I’m not afraid. In our lives things are bound to come up. You didn’t kill those people and you can’t control what your father, does just like I can’t control what Gage does. I was watching you last night and there is no way you’d hurt my son. If anything, you’d put him before your own needs.” She turned to face Tamara, taking her hands in hers. “But Tamara, sweetie, when you need something, speak up. Don’t let those two boys run over you. Sure the Alpha thing is sexy and a turn-on, but when you need something like these clothes, tell them and if they don’t listen, hit them over the freaking head.”

“What?” Tamara was shocked to say the least.

“You heard me. I know for a fact Gage and Lars are very dominant men and you handle them fine, but I have a feeling that sometimes you allow them to run over you. So.” His mother stood up and pulled her up.

“I’m going to teach you how to stand up to your men. Both of them will have a fit with the jeans, as my husband will, but there are ways to get around them. After all they love you and would do anything in this world for you.” Lana hugged her, and then pulled her towards the door.

She heard the talking before they entered the kitchen. Lana winked at her before she pushed open the door and they walked in. All talking stopped. Both Gage and Lars scanned her from head to toe before standing and moving to her side. “Where did you get these clothes? They’re not the ones we laid out for you,” Gage asked.

Looking down at the ground, Tamara shrugged. “I wanted jeans and a sweater today, no, I needed them. Something comfy and warm, I’m sorry, but I even have fuzzy socks. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve worn fuzzy socks? It’s like heaven.” She peeked up at them and they laughed.

“Like heaven?” Gage looked over at his mom who was in a deep conversation with his father. “Somehow I think my mother gave you these.”

Placing her hand on Gage’s thick arm, Tamara squeezed it. “She was super, Gage, and she likes me.” Shit, she sounded like a little kid.




Her shoulders slumped and she looked down at the ground again. Her words brought tears to Lars' eyes. His family had really done a number on her confidence. “How would you like to see the little town they have here on the land? I know they have a shop there with clothes you can pick out whatever you like,” he said. “Look at me, baby.”

It took a few seconds, but finally she glanced up at him. “We both know there will be days you just need to relax and we have no problem with that, but fuzzy socks being heaven?” He leaned down and pretended to whisper. “I thought when my cock was buried in you that was heaven, but fuzzy socks?”

Throwing her head back she laughed so hard, she had tears rolling down her face. She stepped into his arms and hugged him. “Having you inside me is paradise. I can live without fuzzy socks, but I can’t live without you.”

“Good answer, Little Momma.” He swatted her butt and kissed her nose. “Now, go sit down and eat. Your brother and sister will be here soon.”

Lars looked at Gage and he nodded, knowing it would take them a while to undo the damage his family had done. “We should have come here first and none of this would have happened,” Lars grumbled.

“How were you to know what was going to happen?” Gage sat down next to Tamara as Lana placed a big plate of food in front of her and him.

“Eat and quit blaming yourself. With everything going on around you, certain things were out of your hand. You’re all safely here now. That’s all that counts,” Lana said.

“Now, let’s do some planning,” Maxim said and pulled out a chair across from them. “I think we should send Furor and his men in first. Baal would not see them as a threat and won’t recognize them as being Fae. They’ll blend in and be able to help where your team stuck out.”

“I resent that!” Lydia snarled coming into the room.

Tamara squealed and jumped up. “It’s about time you got here,” she cried and hugged her tight. “I was so afraid you were dead.”

“Hey what’s this crap? You never cry,” Lydia teased her.

“I’m blaming hormones,” Tamara said stepping back. “Where were you? I called at least twice.”

“Tamara, come here and finish your food. You can still chat while you eat,” Lana said as she patted to a chair for Lydia.

Both women sat down, but it was Maxim’s reaction to Lydia that caught Lars’ attention as well as Gage’s.

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