Read Red Satin Lips Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Red Satin Lips (22 page)

BOOK: Red Satin Lips
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“We know, baby. I wish we could just keep you here in this room, but we can’t. So, we have one day to pull this off, I know your brother already has half of your brothers and sisters here. The rest will be here tomorrow.”

She sat up and looked at Gage. “Can we use the pack house tomorrow when they show up? I don’t know why, but we all need to be in one room. The hall, where we were the other day?”

“I don’t see why not. You really believe that having all of you together will help?” Gage asked sliding his hands up her legs, rubbing them.

“Yes. I don’t know why. It’s just a hunch, but if I’m wrong...I don’t want to think of the alternative. My question is how are you going to deal with the spider-lady?” She trembled in his arms.

“You really hate spiders, don’t you?” Lars kissed the top of her head, running his hands up her arms.

“God yes, and a big one with part of a human body…I’m going to have nightmares tonight.”

“No, you’re not, we’ll keep your mind on other things,” Gage said as he turned her over, back onto her stomach.

“What are you doing?” She rose up, but Lars kissed her lips softly.

“Hush. We have a gift for you. You’ll wear it till tonight.” He nodded to Gage who got up and headed towards the dresser where the new toys were. “While you were busy with my mother, Gage ran into town and picked up a few things along with some clothes for you. Oh and Maxim has brought your material for you. Gage’s mom has it in the sewing room. She’ll meet you there at 2:00. Now raise to your knees and spread your legs.”

He helped position her where they wanted her. Behind her, Gage lubed up the plug, the harness Gage placed on the bed next to her knees. “I have this nice little harness. Since you like jeans so much this will fit perfectly in them. Spread your cheeks for me.” Gage ordered as he got behind her.

She reached behind her to spread her cheeks and jumped when her hands made contact with her red butt.

“Here, let me help.” Lars reached over her and squeezed both cheeks, separating them.

“Lars!” Tamara yelled and tried to get away from him, but he held her still for Gage’s toy.

“This is a little smaller than me, but it will stretch you enough and remind you of what I have planned for this ass later on.” Gage slid it slowly into her.

Her little whimpers had him hard as a rock by the time Gage attached it to the harness and wrapped it around her waist. “There, you’re all set.” Gage patted her butt earning a yelp as he helped her up off the bed. “You have ten minutes to get dressed and meet mother, but Tamara.” Gage stepped up to her and lifted her chin with his finger staring down at her.

“Talk to us before you do anything. You asked to be partners in this marriage. It goes both ways.” Gage leaned down and kissed her, hard and quick.

Lars, we have a problem,”
His father said. “
Grandfather and I would like to come and speak with you.”
Lars stood and stretched, noticing Tamara’s gaze was on him as she dressed.

“I will inform you what is going on as soon as I find out,” Lars said moving to her side and cupping her face in his hands.

“Is your mom okay?” He smiled and kissed her lips.

“Is mother alright?”
Lars asked letting her hear.

Yes, she is getting her file on the party and will be coming with us. We heard the time table has moved up and she is bound and determined to help Tamara.”
His father sighed and the connection was broken.

“Now go on. I’ll send mom in when they get here,” Lars said and swatted her butt as Tamara walked by.

“Damn it, Lars stop.” She glared over her shoulder at him.

“Really?” He asked and her eyes got big before she took off for the door, but she wasn’t fast enough.

He caught her by the waist and yanked her back, against him. “You know there is a spot on that harness where another toy can go. We were being nice.” Lars squeezed her breast with one hand and the other slid down to cover her mound.

“I’m sorry, please.” Tamara whimpered as he bit down on the side of her neck sinking his fangs into her. Her body trembled an orgasm rode her quick and hard while he took a small sample of her liquid life.

“Go, but remember I don’t put up with looks like that,” Lars whispered into her neck, kissing her and sealing the holes before releasing her.

The women would work on the costumes tonight, while the men would plan the death of the spider-lady, but first they needed to know if Bane’s mother had indeed produced another nest.

“You know I haven’t had a piece of his fine ass in a while.” Gage came up behind him and squeezed his ass.

“Really…” In a matter of seconds he had Gage over the bed rubbing his hard cock against his ass. “Maybe tonight I’ll take you while our woman is tied to the bed.”

His partner growled, the thought of Tamara tied down had even him cussing. “Shit, come on. Dad and grandfather will be here soon.” He helped Gage up.

“You do know that no one can actually kill Baal?” Gage asked, as they made their way down the stairs.

“I know, but there has to be a way to send him back below so he can’t walk around freely.” Lars had heard of demons being sent back and locked below for periods of time. He only hoped Tamara could do it for good.

At the same time the thought of her facing her father scared the living shit out of him. Her idea of a protective shield might not be such a bad idea if it could be created.



Chapter Sixteen


Soft jazz music played and candles lit the bathroom. Lars and Gage were already at the stadium checking last minute security issues. Tamara laid her head back and stared up at the ceiling.

Yesterday, Tamara had met every one of her sisters and brothers. She smiled remembering Lars’ and Gage’s reaction every time one of her brothers hugged her. Her men didn’t want anyone touching her, even family males. Oh, but when they got her home last night both men made sure Tamara knew who she belonged to.

She ran her hand down her ass and smiled at the small pain reminding her of the flogger Gage had used on her backside. Damn, if they didn’t surprise her with all their new toys. But tonight Lars promised that last night was just a warm up of to what was to come. That when everything was finished today…and he had left that statement end there, but Tamara had seen the heat on both of their faces.

Shaking her head, Tamara concentrated on the words that would need to be said tonight. She didn’t know if the spell Tamara and her siblings had come up with would work, but it was their only shot.

Both of her men had been furious to learn she would be the one performing the ceremony today, but Tamara was the only one strong enough to do it. Who knew her father had passed on his gift of magic to her.

“I can’t believe you have all that tucked inside you,” Maxim had said as each one of the siblings did the test he had put forth to them.

Three others were close to her strength, Storm, Bane and Denver. Each one of them would be at opposite ends of the room covering all directions, North, South, East, and West. She would be positioned at the North end of the room on the stage where the pretend speech to honor her father would take place.

Her gaze fell on the costume dress she would wear today. No one had seen her in it yet, not even her men. Tamara turned to the mask that was on the counter next to it. It had red and black feathers, with gold trim around the eyes of the red mask.

She rose up out of the water and grabbed the towel. Today she was going to be The Lady of Blood. Her father and his mistress had killed too many innocent people. Tamara was going to put a stop to it tonight. Looking up at the clock, Tamara had one hour to get ready.

Below Maxim waited for her and Lydia. For now the two of them had arranged some sort of peace agreement. She smiled and remembered that Lydia was going as The Lady of Death. Her gown, black with silver trim, was the same as her mask. Gage’s grandfather would not know what hit him when he saw her.

For that matter, neither would her men. Her dress was the most reveling dress she'd ever worn. Tonight her long red hair would be worn down in curls that hung to her ass, covering part of her naked back. There were slits in the bottom of the dress, one in the front going up almost to her pussy and one on each side of her going up to her hips.

Of course the only thing Tamara planned on wearing underneath was the red garter belt, stockings and one of her small knives. The top of her dress was cut down the middle in between her breasts. With her ample breasts, the silk would give little shots of them when she moved. There was no back whatsoever to the dress, just the small silk straps that draped down to her sides.

Around her neck, she would wear the choker Lana had given her. It had belonged to her mother’s mother and it was now hers. It was a ruby choker with a gold-weave design around each stone.

With the curlers still in her hair, Tamara started her make-up process. After that, she rolled each fishnet red stocking on and attached it to the garter, before she strapped her knife to inside her leg.

“Hey, you almost ready?” Lydia called out from the bedroom.

“Give me five more minutes.” She pulled the satin dress off the hanger and stepped into it. Tamara reached up to take the rollers out of her hair and drop them into the sink as Lydia opened the bathroom door behind her.

“Hot damn, woman, you’re going to sizzle…” Lydia said as she stepped into the room.

“And you don’t? Wait till Maxim sees you, he’s not going to take his eyes off of you.” Tamara took the last roller out and ran her brush through her hair.

“Are you scared?” Tamara asked Lydia as she grabbed her lipstick. Blood Red it was called.

“Of course I’m scared. We’d be fools if we weren’t. I still can’t believe I’ve worked with this man and never even suspected who he was. But you know what scares me more? That spider woman.”

Taking one last look into the mirror, Tamara met Lydia’s gaze. “Whatever happens, thank you for being my friend and being there for me.” She held out her manicured red nails which contrasted with Lydia's black ones as they held hands.

“Don’t get me started or we’ll never get out of here.” Lydia squeezed her hand. They both placed their masks on and nodded.

“Let’s go. First reaction, your mate,” Tamara teased her friend all the while her stomach knotted as Tamara tried not to break her neck on the three inch fuck-me pumps she wore. Both of them were quiet as they made their way down the stairs.

They stepped off the stairs and moved to the family room where Maxim waited. But Tamara should have known Lars and Gage would be there too. Both of them were dressed in black tuxes with red dress shirts.

She fanned herself. “Damn, you guys are hot,” Tamara said as they both circled her when Lydia stepped aside.

“You should have shown us the dress beforehand,” Gage snarled and ran his finger down her exposed skin in the front.

“Why? I am covered.” Tamara pouted and looked to the ground. “You don’t like my dress?”

With a tug on her hair, Tamara lifted her head to stare into Lars’ eyes. “You know we love the dress, but it will draw too many eyes to you.”

“It was meant to. The more my father is watching me, he won’t notice the others moving around him.” She reached up and cupped his cheek. “Let’s get this done.”

Tamara glanced over at Lydia who was backed into a corner, Maxim whispered something in her ear and she snarled at him. “Back off, ancient one,” Lydia stomped down on his foot and he flinched, giving her the time she needed to escape his arms.

“Let’s go,” Lydia said and held out her hand as Tamara reached to her, but Lars stepped between them, taking one of her hands, while Gage took the other.

She shook her head and smiled. “I love you two, never forget that.” With those parting words. Tamara thought of the dome as she closed her eyes.

“Stupid man.” Lydia’s words had her opening her eyes to see her friend yank her hand away from Maxim.

Herick, Lana, Ishka, Bane, Orlando and the rest of Gage’s family all stood around waiting. Lana stepped up to her and hugged her. “You look fabulous.”

“As do you. Love the green, and I never knew you could make a corset out of silk.” Tamara smiled. “We’ll have to make one for me next. I love corsets.”

“Only if you plan to wear them in the house,” Gage mumbled and everyone laughed.

She turned to Orlando. “Please don’t stay too close to me when I’m on stage. I don’t want to hurt you. Now, has anyone showed up yet?”

“Only those with that band, catering and a few of your siblings,” Alton announced coming around the corner with Lars‘s mother and father, Trevor. Angeline stepped away from her husband and hugged her tight.

“You look amazing. Lana you have out done yourself with this dress.” She stepped back and looked at her husband.

Trevor held out his hand and Tamara looked up at him. Taking a deep breath, Tamara placed her small hand into his. He pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. “You look divine my daughter, but I expect you to take precautions tonight. I will not lose my grandchildren.”

“I’ll do my best,” she stepped back, but before Tamara could move into her husband’s arms, Alton placed his hand on her arm, stopping her.

“I owe you an apology. I spoke with grief in my heart and my wife would have clocked me a good one for my behavior if she were here. I want to also thank you for your willingness to help with this.” He waved his hand to their surroundings. “None of this would have been possible without you.”

He leaned over and kissed each of her cheeks. “I’m just sorry my family hurt yours.”

“Enough of this mushy stuff. You two keep your hands off our woman,” Lars mumbled while squeezing her ass cheek.

“Stop, Lars. I need to see the hall before everyone gets here. Also is…” Her words stopped as Jander appeared in front of them.

“I will not be able to help with your father, but I will with the woman, but she is not alone. We must not forget the one that loves to carve people up.” Jander’s form seemed to fade in and out. “I’ll be around watching.” With that he vanished again.

BOOK: Red Satin Lips
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