Redeemed by Rubies (A Dance with Destiny Book 6) (16 page)

BOOK: Redeemed by Rubies (A Dance with Destiny Book 6)
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“Lala, my love… you know you are the most precious creature in all existence to me. If there is an Angel yet living who would not judge you, it is I. Confession to one such as me, is like a liberating stroll through the lavender.” He tenderly stroked her raven curls when she looked up at him. “And I promise you this, no matter your sin… I have done a thousand times worse, a thousand times over.”

Lala snorted out a chuckle.

Apollyon smiled. “There now, enchanting Princess. Better?”

She nodded.

“I love the way your sapphire eyes sparkle when you smile,” he whispered sweetly. “The sight makes my tired old heart sing.”

“Oh, Grandpapa.”

Lala wrapped her arms around his waist and cried against his chest.

“Shhh, now, my love. There is no harm that
cannot rectify. Save your tears, my child. Life itself will grant you more than a few opportunities to shed such grief.
is not one of them.”




“Tenshi,” Jenevier whispered, taking him by the arm. “Come with me, Son.”

The breathtaking blue Angel jerked free. “What needs to be said, needs to be said here… with these honorable people as witness.”

“Tenshi, I—”

“Let me speak first, Mama.” He held up his hand toward her. “I am not a child, and I will
be scolded.”

Jenevier just stood there, gaping, wide-eyed.

“You offended me,” Tenshi said.

“Offended you? How in the world did—”

“The way you were giggling and grinning while you spoke of how King Dofarel made you

Jenevier furrowed her brow, but didn’t speak.

“You have already been with far too many men. And I will not—”

“Tenshi!” Jenevier inhaled deeply. “How dare you!”

“How dare me? How dare
, Mama! What about
people—your family, your brothers?” He motioned toward the remaining guests with a wave of his hand. “How do you think your juvenile behavior affected
hearts? By all that is holy, Mother! Your husband was sitting right next to you. How can you even
at another man, knowing Master Yui is waiting for you at home? Waiting. Patiently. Always.”

“But I didn—”

“And what of Daichi? By the gods! How can you be so callous to the only person in this whole universe who was created especially for you?”

“I did not err in my dealings with the Elf King!” She narrowed her gaze. “You go too far, boy. I know you think you are all grown up, but you need a few more life-lessons under your belt before you are worthy enough to stand in judgment of
. I did nothing wrong! Whether you are offended or not, is of no consequence.” She took a single step toward her beloved son. “Where is this insolence coming from? Did your father fill your head with—”

“This has nothing to do with Father, and everything to do with you!” Tenshi’s chest heaved, blue power rising to the surface of his skin. “After you came back from Suou’s battle on Earth, after I found you all but destroyed in that open field, after I
clearly in your mind what had happened with Ahriman… I determined then—you need
help.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Ahriman… seriously? What were you thinking? You swore to throw everything in your life away for that damn soul-eater. What the hell, Mama? Everything—me, Lala, Daichi, every single person in this room, on this layer and every other—all for

“The fault was not hers alone,” Jophiel said softly. “It lies within her powers, and his… combined. It is such an unexplainable th—”

“Shut it, Arch!” Tenshi growled at the speaking Angel before turning back to his mother. “When the realization of what you had almost done finally hit me… my chest tightened. I couldn’t breathe. The total, devastating finality of it…” He shook his head again. “I can scarce even speak on it without exploding.”

Jenevier’s right eye twitched. She crossed her arms. “Are you quite finished?”

Tenshi glared at his defiant mother. “Not even close.”

“I disagree,” she said indifferently. “I believe everyone here well understands your position on this—the amount of disdain and lack of respect you now feel towards your mother.”

“It’s not like that, Mama. That’s not what I was saying. You need my protection.”

“Perhaps that is not what you were saying, my son, but that is most definitely what we all heard. Now, I will state my peace. Take it as you will.” She moved to stand directly in front of her angelic blue son. “I do not need your protection, or
protection, more like. What I do need, did need… was your love, your loyalty, your trust. If these have become a burden unto you, Prince Tenshi, then you should turn your attention elsewhere. Protect your wife, your daughter, your family.”

my family, Mama.”

Jenevier turned her head. “If we continue down this path, words will be spoken that should never be given breath. I will say
, and be done with it forever. I am not a whore, nor am I a saint. I am not a fallen Angel, nor am I a pure one. What I am, Tenshi… is what I have always been—me—flawed, scarred, terminally inadequate. These things I know… and I own them. Yet, I refuse to be labeled by lies and accusations.”


“Hush, child,” she whispered, walking away from him. “Yui, my love?”

“Yes, Mistress?”

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes, Naga. Always.”

She turned to face her fair husband. “I will
betray you.”

“This I well know, dearest beloved.”

“Daichi?” She looked toward him as she spoke. “I cannot even begin to ask forgiveness where we—”

“Shhh, Naga,” Daichi said softly. “Our story is our own. There is no mark against you in my heart. And I know the same holds true for you as well.”

She barely smiled, slowly nodding her head in agreement before turning to walk out onto her balcony. Nilakanta was patiently waiting in the field below.

“Mama!” Tenshi started toward her. “Don’t leave things like this between us. My words were born from love.”

“No, my son,” Gabriel said, grabbing the younger Angel’s shoulder. “Your words were born from fear.”

“Yes,” Raphael agreed. “A righteous and protective fear, ‘tis true. But, fear… nonetheless.”

“My Dragon will be my partner,” Jenevier called out over her shoulder. “Pair the boy up with someone else. Perhaps he wishes to stand at his father’s side for a bit.”

“Mama, stop it!”

Jenevier ignored all the voices now clamoring in the other room.

“Come, Nilakanta.”

She raised her wings and her arms as her Dragon rose up to meet her where she stood atop the balcony railing.

“Wait, Mama.” Tenshi pushed Gabriel aside and rushed out to stand next to her. “If you leave things like this between us, I
follow you.”

would be a mistake,” she whispered to herself.

“Tenshi, Brother,” Daichi said in a low voice. “Leave the remains for another day. Now is not the time.”

“If not now, then when?” Tears filled Tenshi’s eyes. “Why won’t she listen, Daichi? Why won’t she even look at me?”

Is everything all right, Little Fire?

“Yes, Dragon. All is well.”

Nilakanta looked from her son back to his bonded Guardian. Yet, he held his words.

“Mama, I love you. More than anyone else in the universe—I love

“The council decided we should pair up and search for answers within every realm,” Jenevier said, ignoring her son’s cries. “You’re with me, Brother.”

Of course I am, Naga.
Nilakanta’s gaze was fixed upon Tenshi.
Are you certain all is well?

“No! All is
well!” Tenshi said, lunging for her before she could take flight.

“That’s enough, boy.”

When Jenevier heard Apollyon’s voice, she turned a hardened, narrow glare toward the Angel now holding her son back. She didn’t speak, but both men felt the ice in her stare wash over their prickling skin.


Jenevier hissed when the Prince of Hell whispered that name. He flinched.

“Mama, please.” Tenshi stopped struggling. “Don’t go like this. Not by yourself. Something bad is stirring. I can feel it. Aren’t you scared? Please… let me go with you.”

“Scared?” Jenevier chuckled as she turned back to face her Dragon, rubbing his soft snout. “Nilakanta, do I look scared to you?”

The Dragon snorted out hot air.
Like I said before… you cannot scare fire.

“That’s right.” Jenevier smiled as she kept petting the majestic blue creature. “How lucky am I that I am not broken by what
happened.”  She snickered. “And luckier still that I am not scared of what

That’s because you are fierce—strong enough to weather your storms, Kagi Naga.

She chuckled. “Yes, I am. And if the day comes when my fierce strength should fail me… still, I will not be
. Neither will I weep.”

“How can you say such a thing, Mama?”

“Because, my son…” She looked at him then. “…like us all, a piece of me will remain.
are that piece, Tenshi—perfect and powerful and the light of my heart. When
destiny of mine has been fulfilled, I will open a new door, begin a new journey. Do not think separately of this life and the next, my son, for one is born from the other. Now, my most glorious Angel… what, pray tell, is
about that?”

“…Mama… I am so sorry. I just—”

“Hush, child. This day will not be spoken of again. Ever.”

And with that, Jenevier mounted her Dragon and headed for the clouds.

Chapter 10






“Come, little Kali. I wish to show you something,” Baytac said, taking her tiny hand in his.

The Elven Princess giggled. “I’m not so
anymore, Brother.”

Baytac stopped short. Kaleeska almost bumped into him. He held his words until their eyes met.

“And I am not your
, Princess.” He smiled. “And I give thanks for that.”

Kaleeska blushed brightly. “As do I,” she softly whispered.

They smiled at each other a moment more before continuing on their secret journey.




“You have a guest, My Liege.” The guard bowed low as he spoke.

“See them in,” Alastyn said, not looking up from the scroll he was intent upon.

“As you say.”

The guard went back through the doors. Still, Alastyn’s gaze remained focused on the ancient words before him.

“So… you know how to read?”

Alastyn half chuckled, half snorted. “Yes. I have always known how to re—”

But when he glanced up, no one was in the room.

“Truly? Always? Even as a babe?”

Alastyn jumped, inhaling quickly as he spun around to see the tiny curl-crowned woman perched atop the back of his ornate chair. He automatically grasped his chest as he tried to steady his breathing.

“By the gods…” He panted quietly. “Mind what you do, my love. I am not the young man you once knew.”

Jenevier giggled. “Apparently, I never really knew you at all. I am amazed at how handsome you still are.” She lightly leapt from the back of his chair and now stood before his large desk. “You must be nearly a hundred by now, Emerald Eyes. Hmm…” She drummed her fingertips atop her cheekbone. “You’re not a man at all, are you?”

“Yes, I am a man. As you well know.” He smiled softly. “I am an Olden.”

“Yes,” she said, nodding. “But I don’t really know what that means.”

Alastyn chuckled. “Nor do I. Not wholly. I was just reading up on that very subject… before you graced me with your lovely presence.”

“Oh, am I disturbing you?”

“Not at all.” He moved to stand beside her. “I have missed you, Jenevier,” he whispered, wrapping her up in a gentle hug. “More than you can possibly imagine. You haven’t changed a bit.”

“You have.”

Alastyn chuckled again as he released her. “Is that so?”

Jenevier tilted her head to the side, studying him closely. “Well… not much, I suppose. But you do look… different.”

“Well, I
fifty years older than I was when last we met.”

“True… but that’s not the whole of it, is it? I see a few more wrinkles laced about the edges of your eyes… when you smile.” She narrowed her gaze. “I was recently told an Olden can live past many lifetimes of that of a
human. But it’s not just that, either.”

Alastyn reached for one of her curls. “There has been a change in me since last we met, yes. I joined with Izadori—Elven Amalgamation.”

“Ugh!” Jenevier rolled her eyes. “Yes, I heard you had wed that little Elf tart.”

“Elf tart?” Alastyn laughed. “Are you jealous, my love?”

“You know I am.” She crinkled up her nose at him. “So stop teasing me.”

He pulled her back to him. “I still love you. I always have, and I always will.”

“Yes. We are of like-mind in this, Your Grace. Apologies for screwing that whole thing up.”

Alastyn gently kissed the top of her head. “What are you talking about, precious Angel?”

“My Senpai back on Jinn, Munenori… he told me that we were originally made for each other—to

Alastyn smiled. “Yes, my love. I always felt that truth.”

“But I messed up Father’s plan when I killed Merodach.” She bit her lip, demanding her tears stay put. “
of the results of that epically tragic decision… I lost you.”

He squeezed her tighter. “Although I never heard those words spoken aloud, the bitter truth of them yet lives in my heart. Somehow… I always knew.”

“Yeah.” She pulled away. “Sorry about that. Sorry about a lot of things, actually. But
sorry about that.”

“As am I.” He gently yanked one of her curls. “Alas, all is as it should be.”

“Yes… as it should be.”

A servant quietly entered with a tea set-laden tray. Alastyn motioned for Jenevier to take a seat. He watched her, a sparkle lighting up his mesmerizing eyes, as she added almost twice as much sugar as he thought she would… or
. Jenevier closed her eyes, smiling at the warming sensation of the fragrant tea trickling down her throat.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

Jenevier slowly opened her eyes, their tender smiles matching one another.

“As are you, Alastyn. As beautiful a man as I have ever known.”

He blushed slightly. “Tell me, sweet Angel. What has brought my first love back to me after all these many years?”

“I seek guidance… and wisdom.”

“I fear your talents far exceed my own in such things. But if it is within me, I will gladly share in all that I know.”

“Where is Izadori?”

“She went to visit her father.”


Alastyn chuckled again. “What is it you wish to know, Milady?”

“In your vast library…” She glanced around at the enormous room. “…have you read of anything concerning Nephilim?”

“Nephilim? No, I have not. What’s a Nephilim?”

Jenevier shook her head. “Nothing, really. Just a troublesome creature I have recently come across.”

“I guess there is much you have seen that I never will.”

“Trust me.” She arched a single brow. “Most of it, you’re better off not knowing.”

“But the adventure… Ahh, Jenevier… to be able to experience rare magic with you at my side.”

She giggled. “That would be amazing, Alastyn. But we never even got the chance to explore
realm.” She bit her lip. “We didn’t really get to do anything together, did we?”

“Would you like to?”

Her eyes lit up. “Are you mad? Of course I would like to! Have you discovered a secret? Something magical no one else has discovered? Do you have a
secret place
we could go explore together?”

Alastyn chuckled. “You truly haven’t changed, have you?”

Jenevier blushed. “Not much. Well… not when I’m around you, it seems.”

He smiled. “That makes me happy.”

“Me, too.” She giggled. “Ridiculously so.”

“Well… I’m afraid I don’t actually have a hidden
secret place
where we could go exploring.”

“That’s too bad.” She sighed. “I would love to spend the day exploring with you. But
you… no Izadori.”

Alastyn laughed. “Oh, but I did read one rather interesting little tidbit about a
secret place on Ashgard. One I had never even heard about.” He pulled a scroll from the shelf. “I was reading it only yesterday. Let me see here… a magical cave, said to connect realms.”

“A magical cave?” Jenevier peered over his shoulder. “Does it say where it’s located? Do you know where it is?”

He smiled as he turned his head and quickly kissed her cheek. “As a matter of fact, I do.”




“So… you came all the way to Ashgard to ask me if I knew about Nephilim?”

Alastyn gently elbowed her as they made their way across the outstretched field.

“No. Not truly.”

“I didn’t think so.” He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. “Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you? Or do I have to tickle it out of you?”

Jenevier laughed as she glanced back over at Nilakanta. The Dragon was walking beside her with his head bowed so she could stroke his velvety cheek.

“I had a fight with my son,” she whispered. “It was our first.” She felt the sting of coming tears. “I guess… I guess I just wanted to go somewhere that felt… comfortable.”

Alastyn wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I am glad you thought of me, Jenevier. There is no place more comfortable than home… coming back to the place where carefree childhood memories were made.”

“Yeah.” She sniffed. “It soothes the soul.”

the heart.”

She smiled. “…Yes, it does.”

“Come on. It’s not far through the trees, there.” He pointed. “I found it several years ago, but I didn’t know what it was then—never ventured inside.”

Jenevier snorted. “And there is where we differ, Brother. I always rush headlong into the unknown.”

Alastyn chuckled. “Yes,
. As it should be.”

Do not encourage her, Olden King of Ashgard.

Jenevier smiled at her Dragon’s unspoken words.

You know he cannot hear you, right?

That truth is irrelevant
, Nilakanta said with a snort.
The words were meant for you, Little Fire.

I know. I know. Yet, you are with me, Brother. No matter what trouble I stumble into, you will always save me.

Always, Kagi Naga. So I have vowed it, so will it be.

Jenevier smiled, running her fingertips out the length of one of his large whiskers.
You are the eternal light in my soul, Dragon.

Yes. As you are mine, Little Fire.

“Here we go, Jenevier.” Alastyn gently tugged on her arm. “This way.”

“Worry not,” she whispered to Nilakanta as she kissed his soft snout. “If I need you, I will yell.”

And I will burn the forest down to reach your side, little one.

She chuckled. “Take it easy on these old trees, Brother. Mangladune is ancient
home to my oldest and dearest friend.”

Then I suppose you best not run into any trouble, Little Fire. To make it to your side, I would burn the universe down… Elves and all.

She was still grinning happily as she followed Alastyn into the trees.

“I love that smile, Jenevier.” He bumped her with his shoulder. “Feeling better now?”

She scrunched up her nose at him. “I’m getting there.”




“We’re almost there, Princess Kali,” Baytac said, glancing back at her. “Are you well? Has the journey been too arduous?”

“I am fine,” she answered through a tiny pant. “I can make it.”

“Here,” Baytac said, squatting down in front of her. “Climb on, Princess. I will take you the rest of the way.”

She giggled. “Just like when we were little.”

Baytac’s chest tightened when he felt her soft breasts press against his back.

the same,” he mumbled.

“What is it, Brother? Am I too heavy?”

“You’re as light as a bird, Princess. And please… stop calling me brother.”

She giggled again. “As you wish…
.” She tightened her grasp around him. “Do you have any idea how badly I have missed you, how I have longed for your company since the very moment you left the city?”

Baytac didn’t answer, but the tightness in his chest grew as the threat of coming tears burned the backs of his eyes.

“I was so lonely,” she whispered. “I cried myself to sleep for weeks. Did you know that?”

Still, Baytac kept his silence.

“Then, one day my tears dried up… and I became vexed with you.” She lightly pounded her fist against the back of his shoulder. “How could you do that to me? How could you just up and leave me like that… all alone?”

“You were not alone, Princess. You are blessed with many loved ones.”

“Is that what you say to me? After all these years?”

Baytac’s heart quivered when her voice began to crack.

all alone, Baytac. Completely alone. It matters not how many people are stirring about you, if the one you love abandons you… you are utterly alone. Miserably so.” She buried her forehead between his shoulder blades. “I got so angry with you. After my countless tears had not produced your return, I wanted to hit you. I wanted you to feel pain… pain akin to what you had bestowed upon me. I may have only seemed as a child to you, Baytac, but my heart was already set where you are concerned.”


“I have moped about, the whole of your absence. I have refused to let anyone else near me… near my heart. I am the outcast—the
Untouching Elf
. I did not forge new relationships. I have no friends, save my family. And I fear
only put up with me because we are bound by blood.”

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