Redeemed In Shadows (21 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Redeemed In Shadows
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“Be very afraid little girl. You’ve already fucked Death, and I’m sure that was a wild ride. Me, I wouldn’t go gentle. I’d be all kinds of ugly because I’m an evil bastard, and not your brand of bad. So look your fill and get good and scared.”

Her mouth went dry, and not from attraction, but from abject horror. She scratched furiously at her throat as the scream building in her lungs refused to come out and for the first time in forever she found that she was praying. It didn’t mattered who was up there listening as long as someone removed the picture of Dietrich in his true form from her memory permanently. He put a finger to her lips and whispered.

“Sshh, we don’t want the others to hear.”

She couldn’t have vocalized her fear if she’d wanted to, she was paralyzed inside. There was nowhere else to go. A single hot tear scorched her frozen cheek as it ran a course down her skin to the underside of her chin were it stopped.

Dietrich Johnson could very well be the devil himself. He took her face in his hands, their breath materializing in the cold space between them.

“I can see your darkness saboteur, and you will be dealt with swiftly. Now that I have everyone’s attention, I will say this once. Let her go or you’ll not only deal with me, but with Isaiah and his band of merry bastards.”

Xee could feel Micah shrinking away, but she held fast, trying to tether them together. He was retreating from D when just a few days ago they’d all been the best of bed partners.

“Micah! What are you doing.”

“Honey Xee, sit tight. I’m only giving him what he wants but not really. It will be over soon I promise.”

She struggled, but found Dietrich had a solid grip on her face.

“Don’t fight me Hale, let this happen.”

Then he was inside her. A bright burning warmth that was attacking her longtime friend. She tried struggling with his physical body, tried to go inside herself and help Micah but whatever the monster had done was blocking her ability. Her body was no longer hers to control. Her hands shook but not at her doing. It was Micah controlling her body’s movements. D fought harder but was forced out, his body slumping forward for a second before he put his shades back on and searched her face with genuine concern.

She tried to speak but it was a struggle.

She coughed.

She cleared her throat, but it wasn’t really her. It was Micah.

Somehow, she was now the Para-housed and he’d taken over her body.

“What the hell D, you scared the shit out of me.” It was her voice, but not her speaking.

“I had to Xee, Micah was a huge problem. I’ve been watching you.”

“Watching me, why?”

“Micah let me speak!”

“Relax, I have everything under control.”

Xee screamed. But he ignored her. She was now in her own body, but not. It was like she was floating in the air above her head and watching from an aerial point of view as Micah and Dietrich conversed.

“Don’t worry about it. I would never hurt you, girl. You’re the only person I like in this joint. But if Micah comes back. Let me know.”

“He’s here now!”
She shouted knowing he wouldn’t be able to hear her, but screaming anyway in hopes that someone would.

“No worries man, now tell me why I’m such a coward.”

“Time to get shit done.”

What the hell did he mean by that?

Dietrich looked Xee straight in the eye, but he didn’t see her. He was staring at someone pretending to be her. She never knew her Para-housed could take control of her body, and now all she could do was wait him out.

“Again, I wouldn’t hurt you, but I had to scare him out of you somehow. Your punk ass Para-housed has been feeding information to the enemy. I’ve been waiting for the moment that I could get you alone, but then shit hit the fan so I had to speed this along. I may not like the others, but they’re still members of the Unit.”

The corners of Xee’s eyes crinkled and she could feel her body coiling tight. Something was happening and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

“Since when do you care about other people.”
Micah asked.

She didn’t normally, but D was right. They were part of a team.

“I like my job Micah. What the hell are you doing?”

He didn’t answer at first, he was studying Dietrich, sizing him up. Her Para-housed thoughts were quiet, but she could feel him calculating, waiting for his moment to take action.

“So you’re saying something is wrong with Micah?”

He looked at them with un-checked annoyance, like she was stupid. Maybe she was.

“Xee, I’m ensuring we’re on the right side of the line. When the enemy is this close, you have no choice but to react. We’re reacting baby girl. I’m making sure we get out of this thing alive.”




Dravaggio was getting restless and weak. He hadn’t gone in search of energy for two days and it was all Ann’s fault. He was convinced the human was slowly trying to end his long-standing bachelorhood. There was something familiar about her, yet totally foreign. He was drawn to the Unit’s beautiful head doctor.

He should have stopped at the Lotus for at least an hour before boarding the plane. Now his entire team would see him at his weakest and he didn’t want that. Things were going south and fast. If his father were here, he would know what to do. Davarus had taught him many things, but the most important lesson his father had left him with was controlling the beast. His father had been beheaded for a crime he did not commit. Killed on the day the twins were born. After his passing, Dravaggio had taken to bedding any and everything that moved, and during his absence his mother Ursa and sister Stiana had been taken hostage by a rogue Angel where they were tortured sexually until his mother had gone insane and his sister had disappeared, and the twins had been slaughtered after their birth. How else should he have acted? He was an incubus and it was his nature to feed off of other’s energies. Male, female, Demon, Angel, he didn’t discriminate. If it breathed, he fucked it. He was so intoxicated by the power, he’d become insatiable, feeding non-stop. Until Raven. The woman appeared harmless enough, but being that she was Fae, he should have known better. Captivated by her sensuality, he’d gone back to her multiple times and in a heated session of love making, he’d let three little words fall from his lips. Not caring that she’d take his words to heart.

Now he was bound to a mad woman who’d cursed him for all eternity. He could neither touch nor lay with another woman sexually, save for Raven. When she’d refused him, he knew his fate was sealed. That was when he’d met Gabe. The Angel had shown him how to use his voice to get the energy he needed to sustain his human form. His friend had come into his life during a time when he’d been on the brink of madness. Now he could bring any creature pleasure just from a string of phrases and well-placed words, feeding off their sexual energy. His talent became stronger over the years and now all he had to do was speak and intended target or not, they would melt at his feet. He owed Gabe his life, his friendship, but above all the Angel had his unfailing loyalty.

That was the only reason he didn’t beat him to a pulp for screwing with Xee.

“I’m disappointed in you, Gabriel.”

“Yeah, well I’ve done worse. This is nothing.”

“What could be worse than breaking a woman’s trust? I’m not gonna say she loves you, but she could have.”

Dravaggio watched his friend closely as he winced and re-settled in his now broken chair. The Angel could lie to himself all he wanted, but he was bothered by his actions.

“Man, she’s a grown ass woman. I didn’t make her any promises.”

“You sure about that?”

Men said a multitude of things when buried balls deep inside a woman. Their brains turned to mush and all coherent thoughts flew out the window while rushed words were spoken. Women took soft-spoken words to heart.

“I was crystal clear.”

“From where I was sitting back in that conference room it didn’t look crystal clear.”

His friend was getting more uncomfortable as the minutes ticked off. His left knee bounced in agitation and Dravaggio decided to drop the conversation. They’d be landing soon and as awkward as the situation already was, it was only going to get worse.

“She’ll be okay. I’m gone in a few days. Just make sure nothing bad happens to her. Tell D if he fucks shit up with her, I’ll be the one visiting him when his numbers up.”

Yeah, the Angel of Death was in way over his head.

“Yup, message received.”


Chapter 19

“You,” a garbled voice said, “follow me.”

Royce looked over his shoulder at the robed figure pointing a bony finger in his direction.

“You talking to me Skeletor?”

He already knew what this was. Everyone in the cell had heard of the judgment of Asa. It was the All Seeing Eyes playground of death. Almost like UFC only immortal style. At the end of the fight, the looser did not get to explain how he could have better beat his opponent, because he would be dead and stuck in the sixth hour forever with no hopes of returning to Earth’s realm, ever. The All Seeing Eye would always claim justice was being served. The bitch Goddess didn’t care who was right or wrong, all she cared about was getting more souls for Asa. One of three purgatories for those stuck in the in-between.

The cell door creaked opened causing more dust from the ceiling to drift to the ground. Two of the Anubis wannabe’s stepped through holding long spears and shields. Their chests greased up and ready for battle.

“Bring the brother as well.”

Bells looked to Royce and then to Ronin before stepping in front of the Asa Warriors.

“Where are you taking them?”

“It is none of your concern. You’d do well to stay here with Queen Cleopatra, Matria. Your fate is still undecided.”

That got a reaction out of Ronin, he stepped forward grabbing the warrior by his hyena like head and twisted. The warrior crumpled to the ground, but only for a second, then two more rose up in his place. Now there were three warriors.

“Don’t,” Cleopatra said, “They can’t be killed. They are sons of Samil, and death will only duplicate them.”

Royce pulled on his brother’s shoulder, he wasn’t budging. His feet planted firmly in the ground and in front of their mate.

“There’s nothing we can do now, remember Bells. Keep your cool. Lets just get this shit over with.” Royce looked to Belinda and smiled tightly.

“Baby, you know what this is, I’ll be back, we both will. Now, give me and Ronin some sugar before we leave.”

She was hesitant at first, walking slowly first to him and kissing him harshly on the mouth, before turning to his brother and doing the same.

“If justice sees fit to return you to your life, then that is what will happen. Now step forward and follow me.” Skeletor said.

The robed figure, who was all kinds of nasty, motioned for Royce and his brother to follow the warriors down a hall and through a corridor single file. Torches were stuck into the mud walls at internals, lighting their way as they walked. Traces of dried blood decorated the wall from top to bottom. In a far corner off to the side was a pile of rotting bodies, some still intact with wounds they would never be able to recover from. Others were missing limbs or sliced down the middle, but the bodies all had one thing in common, an army of desert flies with maggots that hatched in various orifices rotted black with decay. The stench was unbearable. Both he and his brother covered their mouths and noses as they passed by.

“This remind you of anything?”

Royce thought to his brother, but got no response. He tried again, this time he even turned to look over his shoulder making eye contact with Ronin, who was also waiting for a response. When they were younger they could read the other’s body language. They were going to have to revert back to when they were children, because they could no longer communicate with each other mentally. One more thing to add to the long list of word choice

Debris continued to rain down from the ceiling as the crowd grew louder. The guards let them out into the middle of the now full arena. The crowd was on their feet, jeering and booing as they stepped onto the sand.

“Just like old times, eh brother.” Royce commented.

“Yeah, minus the crucifixes.”

That was true.

High up on a golden dais sat the All Seeing Eye. She was one of three, cloaked in blood red robes. Only her porcelain white arms were visible as she gripped the railing. Her head turned in their direction.

“Varinus and Vibanus Zarides of House Atrades, you stand in the arena on trial for treason.” Her voice was a wound doused in salt and left to air dry, he felt it deep in the marrow of his bones. “How do you plead?”

“No disrespect, but we haven’t gone by those ridiculous names in over a millennium.”

“You will go by them here!” The All Seeing Eye hissed.

“Royce, quiet. Think of Belinda,” His brother warned. That got his attention, but he was still pissed off. How the hell did they stumble into this realm anyway. They were on their way to Philae, not the Sixth hour. Someone sold them out. It had to be that bastard in the white linen suit, Dakarai.

“Not guilty.” Ronin said, taking control of the conversation. “We’ve come in search of an ancient relic.”

Damn, maybe his brother should start doing public relations for the Unit. Usually he was the one smoothing things over if Adam wasn’t available.

“That is what another group has claimed as well. They came in the last hour of light.”

“Is that your fancy way of saying you captured some folks before dark? Because honestly I don’t need the extra flare you’re adding.”

“Are you mocking me?” She asked.


“Bring out their female.”

That was the wrong thing to say to either of the twins. The gate opened and Bells came out escorted by the same two guards, but with Cleopatra and Alexander at her side.”

The All Seeing Eye focused on the group.

“Why are you here Cleopatra?”

“To witness your down fall of course.”

The robed figure cackled with a kind of malice that would worry the strongest of men.

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