Redeemed In Shadows (24 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Redeemed In Shadows
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“What!” Jes screamed jumping forward, but was held back by a strong arm. Cyrian’s arm. She couldn’t have heard that right. Jes let loose her powers causing the candles to flicker and the half table to crack in half. “I want to talk to Odessa.” There was no way her and her children would be sentenced to death. Draven would be broken. Hell, she wasn’t going to let anyone do anything if she had a say. She worked too damn hard, had come too far to allow it all to end this way.

“Here child,” a soft lyrical voice said. It was the same woman she’d seen off and on since visiting Draven’s home in Shreveport. She was at the very end of the table, she stood her long flowing hair glowing softly as she approached. Jes was the spitting image of Odessa with slight differences. Her eyes were honey brown, and her ancestor was a brilliant gold that swirled in the light. It was Cyrian’s reaction she wasn’t expecting. He dropped to his knees, head bent and refused to rise. His breathing became heavy as if he was having some sort of melt down.

“Cyrian… Cyrian… You okay?”

“Odessa,” his voice cracked, he cleared it and then spoke again. “Odessa, please I beg you not to punish my ward for things out of her control. I take full responsibility. She showed no signs of ascending and Faith was born to her when she was still human.”

Her ancestor glided toward Cyrian, lightly threading her fingers into his hair.

“I cannot. What should be done Cy-Rian will be done.” She pronounced his name differently emphasizing the C and R in his name. “She may not have been aware, but it’s our job as the council to keep balance. Her offspring alone will be more powerful than any other immortal. Too much power is deadly.”

Jes stepped in front of Odessa, her eyes accusing the other woman who was of her own flesh in blood. There was something that someone could do, they just didn’t want to do it. Too stuck in their fanatical ways.

“You can’t sentence me and my children to death. I’ve done nothing wrong, and Faith and my unborn are innocent in all of this. You’re all fools if you believe I will allow any of you near me or my children.” Her power was starting to rise in the room and she knew the other members of the council could sense it. She could sense their powers too, and she knew in her hearts she could take them all out.

“We can and we will. Your offspring will upset the balance. As an Elder Angel you are not to breed, you are not to enter into any kind of relationship, unless your relations involve a human. Your sole purpose is to keep balance on Earth. If you can’t, then your soul is relinquished and you are to remain housed in the Hall of Souls. Odessa turned to the others nodding her head in agreement. She was supposed to be family and still she sided with the council. It cut to the heart of her knowing her own flesh and blood agreed with her death and the death of her daughter and unborn child. Only Cyrian had tried to find a better solution.

“I will ensure Jes and her children are of no harm. She is to fight Solon as per Enri’s request. He has asked this for a reason we all know is valid. Faith is not to be harmed. Allow her unborn to pass through the Hall of Souls until such a time the babe can be cared for.”

There was heavy consideration for long seconds until all at the table nodded in unison.

Jesminda looked from Cyrian to the Elder’s, unclear on what was about to happen. She looked over her shoulder at her longtime friend and hissed.

‘What does that mean?” Whatever it meant, it didn’t sound good for her unborn baby, if the child had to pass through the Hall of Souls, wasn’t that the same as death? And when was any time better than now to care for her child?

The other members all stood to leave the chamber, each one made their way over to Jes, their robes whispering along the ground as they glided towards her.

“May the light guide you and keep you,” they said as they left the room. The loud boom of the door closing had her jumping around to face the door.

“Cyrian what is going on”

He stood and grabbed both of her shoulders gently, eyes pleading with her as he spoke. “Sweetheart, you’re going to have to trust I will be there for you until the bitter end.”

Eyes wild, Jes searched his face trying to understand what it was he was trying to say.

“Why do I have the feeling I’m screwed either way.”

The Broker Demon’s chest deflated of air as he whispered.

“Because you are Jes and it’s my fault. I’m trying to fix what I can. Now hold tight. This is going to be painful no matter what.”

“What do you-,” before she could finish her sentence her breath left her on a gust. Cyrian’s fist punched into her stomach coming through on the other side. He shattered ribs, displaced vertebrae and Jes was powerless to stop him as her nails, now claws dug into his shoulders. She clutched him to her, blood spilling from her lips and onto his shoulders. She wanted to push him away, but for fear that he was all that stood between her and death, her body clutched him tighter. Gasping for what little air she could she cursed him with what words that would come out.

“Traitor,” she spit into his ear. “I will see you dead if it’s the last thing I do.”

Cyrian’s his hand pulled back, causing her to collapse to the ground, she saw he was holding a small glowing light in his hand. It was shining bright, flickering in and out as if it too struggled for life. Like a light from a candle wavering in the wind, it continued to sputter back and forth. The blood on Cyrian’s hand fell to the ground in splatters as Jes tried to stand. Her legs gave out and more of her life’s blood decorated the floor. She clutched her stomach, understanding dawning across her brows. He was holding her child, her unborn child. He knelt in front of her and held the light in front of her face, whispering to the ball of light as she struggled to reach for them both.

“This is your mama little one, now conserve your strength so that you can return to her loving arms one day.”

The light flickered again and abruptly died. Jes collapsed on a soundless scream as agony gripped every pore of her body. Her powers completely drained, slowed the process of her body trying to heal. How could he take life, snuff it out as if it no longer mattered anymore. It mattered to her dammit! It would matter to Faith and Draven when he returned to his senses. Cyrian was going to die! Solon too would die by her hand. The Elder Council especially, each one would pay for the death of her unborn. Vivid images of her ripping them to pieces with her bare hands made her laugh and sob at the same time as she lay on the floor, her body mending muscle and bone.

Yes, their time was coming and it would come swiftly. Dirt form the ground entered her mouth on an inhale making her cough. Her body convulsed as she lay curled in a ball clutching her stomach. Cyrian walked away, leaving her there. What little love she had left was enough to give her strength for the destruction she would cause. She would destroy them all, every single person that had a hand in this murderous decision to rip her from her unborn child. As soon as she was good and healed there would be a reckoning so great, the screams would be heard beyond the arena walls.


Chapter 21


Xee watched Cyrian return without Draven’s mate and wondered what was happening. There wasn’t much she could do or ask, because of the control Micah had over her body.

“Bring me to the All Seeing Eye, I request an audience,” The broker demon said to the guards.

“Follow them.”
Xee pleaded with Micah who ignored her.

“Quiet yourself, or I’ll give you to that beast of a Feral, Albanus.”

Xee wasn’t familiar with the twin’s father, but he was clearly the crazy one. He’d been the one to enlist the help of Micah to sabotage the Unit. Her memory was foggy, but she vaguely remembered him, although it had felt dreamlike more than anything else.

Albanus looked to Cyrian, but it was Enri who spoke. Everyone treaded carefully around him. It was an observation she’d made early on when he and Draven had faced off.

“Have you done what was needed in order to fix all of this wrong the Angel caused.”

“Yes.” The demon broker hissed.

“Excellent, don’t forget to grab the girl. We haven’t much time.”

Grab the girl, Xee thought. Who were they grabbing and why.

“And Gabe?” Cyrian asked.

“He can come too and watch. This will put chaos back to sorts and hopefully appease the thread weavers.”

Strong arms grabbed Xee, but it was Micah who struggled. It was Micah who spoke.

“What the fuck Enri! We had a deal. Albanus promised nothing would happen to me.”

“That was his promise not mine.” Enri said over his shoulder as he walked away.

Xee didn’t struggle, not that she could, instead, she watched as they dragged her body through the doors into an enclosed sterile room. A single chair with restraints sat alone in the middle. A wash bin was placed in front of the chair and candles scattered along the room in no order whatsoever was lit to bathe the room in a red glow. Her eyes went up by Micah’s doing and they both spotted the large gilded mirror that hung from the ceiling parallel to the chair. It took a moment, but after Micah stared at the mirror for long seconds, he looked to Enri, Cyrian, and finally Gabe, and commenced to freaking the fuck out.

“No! No! Not the chair!” Her voice screamed.

She didn’t know why Micah was so scared of the chair. The strong arms grabbing her forcefully sat her in the chair, strapping in her hands and placed her feet into the tub of water. Gabe stood at the entrance of the door, looking first to Enri and then to Cyrian. He wouldn’t even look her direction and for some reason she was glad. She didn’t want him to see her like this, even if what the other two Angels were doing was obviously to hurt Micah. Hopefully it wouldn’t hurt her.

“Do what needs to be done.” Gabe’s voice drifted across the room devoid of emotion or compassion. He turned and left the room, leaving her to meet whatever malice the two men had planned. It still hurt watching him walk away. To him she was a traitor, someone not to be trusted, and in a way, he was right. She had betrayed him. Honesty wasn’t her strongest suit and what should have been a working relationship turned into something more. She should have never entered into something that had no permanence attached to it. He was passing by. She was a blip on his long lists of blips before and after her. Agreeing to the one night was the worst thing for her. Abandonment was okay as long as she was the one to walk away. If it was the other way around, it did nothing but break her down into a belligerent mess. She hadn’t broken down yet, and that she attributed to this new situation. At least when they killed her, they’d kill Micah too.
Damn, she really wasn’t ready to die. She wanted to apologize to everyone first at least. Then she could go. Then she’d succumb to the eternal slumber.

“All right, keep your feet in the bucket of water. You don’t obey; I’ll make sure this is a painful process.”

Xee’s body bucked and thrashed, Micah trying his hardest to break free. Enri bent low so that he was face to face with her. His black eyes focusing on her, not Micah. She didn’t know how to explain it but she knew he could sense her struggling inside.

“I see you fragile human, fight the demon and put your feet in the fucking water.”

“She can’t you fucking fairy,” Micah said, but he barely finished his sentence when Enri backhanded her across the face. The only thing that did was piss her off. She felt the slap reverberate through her body, slicing through skin as her lip busted. She could taste blood as it leaked inside her mouth.

“Fucker!” That was all her.

“See, not so hard right? Now put your feet in the water or next one will slap you into the next life.”

Xee placed her feet in the bucket. Micah didn’t fight back, nor did he take over her body. Cyrian came up to her kneeling in front of her and the bucket of water.

“As soon as the switch happens, you’ll no longer be able to see us as we truly are. That was something Micah provided. Once we are free of this place, I need you to keep this secret.” He showed her a ball of light that was flickering off and on. A soul. “Once he’s ready he will choose his place in Earth’s realm. But you need to guard yourself, you’re fully human now. If you feel your life is in danger and there is no hope for you, I ask that you pass on your Host abilities to someone else, preferably on the team.”

What did he mean she was human now, she’d always been human.”

“I’m human now.”

“You are, but because of Micah, he made you stronger and less susceptible to many types of illness. Now, I need your promise once the swap is made and Jes baby chooses a new body, you won’t divulge our secret.”

Why in the world would she be hosting Jes’ baby, unless,-

“Is Jesminda dead?”


“But I’m hosting her baby?”

Cyrian nodded and explained how the baby was taken as punishment, and that he was breaking laws by giving the soul to her. The child was supposed to be escorted to the Hall of Souls. She was the only one who could house the cub because she was a Host. Jes was not to know now or ever. Her feet planted firmly in the water she nodded. Enri circled her chair marking the ground with sea salt. Cyrian stepped out of the circle and whispering softly to the ball of light.

Standing in front of her Enri expanded his scaly wings, lifting his head and starring directly up at the mirror.

“I call forth those of warrior’s blood. Isaiah, Grey, Raziel, Uriel, and Castiel.”

The mirror expanded outward, bulging until it looked beyond swollen and about to burst. The Angels she’d met back in Dravaggio’s War Room had returned. They were all dressed in the same fashion, even Uriel, the female, sword at her hip, looked official. Grey stepped up to her smiling wide showing Vampiri like teeth. He had fangs, functional fangs.
Learned something new every day.

“I told you I’d see you soon,” he said. His brothers and sister surrounded her as Grey stepped even closer. They began chanting a serious of phrases she couldn’t understand, but her body began to respond to. Like a tuning fork, her body vibrated until her teeth chattered. The water in the bucket became hotter and Xee looked down in shock as the water made its way up her calves, past her knees and covered her torso in a watery blanket. It continued to cover her in a constricting manner almost as if the water itself was a living breathing thing. Inside she wanted to scream, but did nothing because as the water continued to travel upwards it seeped into her mouth, her nose, her ears, even her eyes were covered. She could do nothing but try and hold her composure as she held her breath. Seconds became agonizing as her lungs burned. Someone was speaking to her from outside her watery grave but she couldn’t understand what it was they were saying. The sound muffled. Her limbs ached from the heaviness of her impending death, the water surrounded her completely now. Something was happening. She could feel the water in her chest, filing her lungs, and when she tried to gasp for air, it wasn’t there. Instead, her insides filled with water. Inside her head she was screaming, every fiber of her being was on fire as darkness descended quickly to wrap her in its ugly silence.

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