Redefined (21 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee

Tags: #teen, #ya, #insight, #paranormal, #jamie magee

BOOK: Redefined
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“I kinda like you as a redhead,” I teased Olivia, trying to change the subject and point out that Madison had to stick to her word.

If anyone knew Madison, it was me – she could act like she was mad about this all she wanted – but she wasn’t mad. She was nervous, like the kind of nervousness you would have around your crush. I dare say she was looking forward to it.

“Me and my big mouth,” Madison said through gritted teeth.

A few minutes later the elaborate makeovers were done and I was now in my plum dress. It fit every curve of my body with the exception of a silk train that met my heels. Within the fabric there were what looked like diamonds. It fell into a V-neck that enhanced my new necklace. The back was lace with plum flower prints here and there. My hair was up in a French twist, and my long bangs were pinned behind my ear. Long curls were lingering here and there. Though Olivia had put a gallon of makeup on my face, it didn’t look like I had any on. The overall look of my image was older, mature, refined. I didn’t like it.

Madison was enchanting. Her hair was left down, enhanced with luscious curls that made her look younger, more innocent than me. Her dress was ivory with lace covering the silk near her body. A black belt was just beneath her chest. It encircled her and fell into a train that reached to her heels. The neckline was squared off with only thin straps over her shoulders.

We both stared at each other’s reflections. For first time I was nervous about tonight. I didn’t want anyone to see me like this. I was starting to think the universe had a twisted sense of humor. I’d avoided all my proms and dances like the plague, having purposely planned trips or concerts on the same weekends. And now here I am having to play a part in this masquerade.

Madison and I slid on our short black gloves - which conveniently covered our tattoos - as Felicity explained to Olivia how to use the lace and pins she gave her to carry in her purse. Apparently, she’d made these dresses. If the lace became snagged she wanted Olivia to be able to fix it.

As we followed them to the door of the room, Madison whispered into my ear, “Can you put a lid on that anxiety? I may puke if you don’t turn it down.”

I took in a deep breath, pushing my fears down. I didn’t want her to puke, and I was embarrassed at the thought that the others could see that emotion in my energy. It made me feel vulnerable.

Felicity had gone down before us. Madison went next. Just before I went down, Olivia squeezed my arm and said, “When you see red in your aura, it’s not always bad. There’s a good red, too.”

I furrowed my brow at her, then carefully descended the stairs in the heels I was forced to wear.

Draven was talking to Brady about something, not looking in my direction. He was now wearing a black jacket and tie over the outfit he had on before. The sight of him took my breath away. He reeked of raw power, of the role he was meant to play tonight.

Brady’s eyes grew wide when I reached the halfway point on the stairs and he saw me. Slowly, Draven followed his gaze. When our stares collided I couldn’t make myself move anymore. His gaze made me feel beautiful and loved. It was as if he were seeing me with new eyes. He swallowed nervously and smiled shyly as he stepped forward and held out a black cover up.

Olivia must have walked to the point of the stairs on which I stood. I heard her say, “That’s the good kind of red,” as the others laughed.

Cashton appeared in the doorway and gave me a quick nod and a wink, a sign that told me that he felt confident that he had gotten through to Draven and that I looked the part I was meant to play tonight.

I let my eyes shift out of focus and saw that the color of red was all around Draven and me. Not crimson, but the color of a rose. I could almost swear I could smell the aroma of roses coming off him. I put my emotions under wraps, not wanting to be so revealing, but Draven had never been a shy one.

I walked the few steps to him and turned so he could put my coat on. Against my ear, he whispered, “How lucky can one guy get?”

I smiled shyly, then turned to him. “I’m still mad at you.”

He leaned in and let his lips gently touch mine, sending a humming sensation through me before asking, “Still?”

“Still,” I whispered back.

He moved his head from side to side as he held his arm out. “We’ll have to work on that later.”

I really turned red then, which made him grin widely and Cashton chuckle under his breath. I was sure that I was overanalyzing Draven’s words; had to have been. He was too thick-headed for Cashton to have convinced him of anything in that short amount of time.

Draven guided us out to where the Jeeps were waiting. Once in the string, near where the gray passages began, I saw at least fifty people lined up to walk into a passage that was laced in an ominous haze of gray. Willow and Landen were at the front of it, helping them through.

“Where does that lead?” I asked, squeezing Draven’s arm.

“The boat, I think.”

“Is that Willow with Landen?” Cashton asked. He was on my other side. I felt invincible between him and Draven.

I nodded to confirm.

Chrispin, who was on the other side of Draven, confirmed my question. “Nature makes the best passages. It took Landen forever to line the boat up with this one. Don’t worry, you guys won’t get wet. A few others did,” he said with his familiar innocent charm.

He’d changed his image, too. His blue eyes were masked with dark contacts, like Olivia’s. His blond curls were cut short and dyed a dark brown. I doubt I would have recognized him or Olivia without my ability to see.

I felt a tense sensation in the air and noticed it was coming from Madison. She had some kind of shield of energy around her. One that I was sure was in place because we had reached the point of no return. She was going to see Drake very soon.

Landen and Willow both grinned and bowed slightly when we approached them.

“Why, Charlie, is that you?” Landen asked as Willow elbowed him.

“You guys look awesome,” Willow said, stepping forward to let her hands rest on me. I felt a calm ease through me. “Thank you for this. I owe you one.”

I just smiled politely back, knowing this was easy for me, but not so much for my best friend.

Olivia and Chrispin stepped through the gray passage. As Madison went to step through, Willow reached for her arm. Madison smiled vaguely then pushed through the gray haze.

I held my breath as I gripped Draven’s arm and followed Madison’s lead.




Chapter Eleven



The smell of salt was in the air immediately. I found myself on the bow of a massive ship. Draven gripped me tight and slowly walked me to the center.

The sky was gray and ominous. I tried not to take that as a sign as Madison paced beside me. Chrispin, along with others, continued to coach Draven on his role. Apparently, he had more speaking parts than we did. Olivia instructed Madison and me on how to walk, where to stand, and such. It all seemed insignificant to me, but the way she was stressing it made me focus on her. I got the idea that their hand was forced when it came to tonight. They had planned to wait months before announcing the fall of the horrible ruler that Donalt was, but someone had let the cat out of the bag. I kept hearing the name ‘Xavier,’ but my seeing ability had yet to show me his image. Cashton seemed to tense a little each time his name was said, but I couldn’t ask him why - and he clearly wasn’t offering answers freely.

A few minutes later, the sun broke free from the clouds and shined directly on the ship. It was a setting sun, but somehow it seemed to shine a spotlight on us.

I could see the shores of Delen on the horizon. A force of energy compelled the boat in that direction. When the shore looked like it was only a few feet away, a smaller, yet elegant boat was lowered and we were guided onto it. It led us to the dock where men in black cloaks were waiting, at least twenty of them.

Gothic horse-drawn carriages were lined up, anticipating all those within our entourage. We climbed in the front carriage with Olivia and Chrispin and an older man. It was my understanding that the older man was playing the part of Draven’s master priest and advisor. Chrispin and Olivia were some kind of guards or servants. I didn’t really care for the ‘servant’ title. It made me even more uncomfortable.

Cashton took a seat next to the driver of the coach, surveying the crowd.

Every step of our journey, the sun followed us, making us look like saints. We were almost to the palace before it dawned on me that it was probably Willow doing that. I raised one eyebrow, thinking that was a clever way to use her power.

People had lined the streets to watch us arrive. I’m sure sixty carriages were a sight to see in any dimension, especially one that was forced to live a virtually non-existent life. There was literally no creativity or color in anything or anyone. These people looked so sad, out of place, like my shadows - only they were still alive.

Madison had found a way to calm her nerves: she was whispering to the pleas of the dead all around us, paving a path. It was easy to help them. All you really had to say was, “You are worthy.” It seemed every one of them had died thinking that they weren’t.

I found it odd that there were not more of them around us. I thought about asking Draven if they had come before to help them, if that was why it was not as overwhelming as it was the last time we were here. But before I had a chance the carriage stopped and a large older man dressed in a black suit opened the carriage door.

Olivia nodded her head for me to go. I held my breath and took the man’s hand as he helped me down. I faced forward, staring at the two doors that were at least a hundred feet high, wide open, less than three hundred feet from me. Once I felt Madison next to me I stepped forward, slowly, elegantly, the way Olivia had coached me to.

Halfway to the door that led to the three images that were waiting on us, Madison quietly said, “I’m going to do this for you, Charlie. I’m going to let my guard down tonight, let them see whatever energy they want to.”

“You’re not doing anything for me. Tonight - of all nights - keep your guard up,” I whispered harshly.

“Charlie, all of us would be in a mental institution if it weren't for you. If I do this and this place does hold the vortex of the darkness - we’ll kill The Realm, Bianca, and save Draven from whatever is trying to claim him.”

“You cannot fall for a guy just to do your best friend a favor. We
in a mental institution. Have you taken inventory of your situation lately?”

I heard her smile, which told me it had to be a bigger grin than what was more than likely appropriate right now.

“Well, I’ve always said only insane people fall in love. I guess we’ll find out how crazy I am.” Her voice was dry, trembling - and I knew why: Drake was just a few feet away now. Flanking him were Alamos and Perodine.

I glanced around, looking for Cashton, but he’d vanished from my sight.

Drake looked like the king I knew he was. His dark eyes sparkled with a dangerous anticipation. His firm jaw was locked in place, making him look even more powerful. His broad shoulders were pulled back in a commanding manner. I could feel his energy from here, the dominance of it, and I could feel Draven’s just behind me. If I weren’t standing in the center of this hypnotizing bliss, I’m sure my heart would be racing, my anxiety wreaking havoc on every part of my body. But the energy in both of them had the power to still every anxious emotion in existence.

Side by side, Madison and I climbed the steps to where he was. Once there, I stepped forward first, as I was told to do before by Olivia. Drake bowed as I did.

Quietly, I said, “Your Grace,” which made me feel ridiculous because I knew this guy.

He noticed the sarcasm in my tone - he had to hold in a grin. I stood to his right as Madison stepped forward. Drake definitely took advantage of the custom, kissing her hand more softly and intimately than he had mine. I wasn’t sure, but I thought I saw the ‘good’ red aura around them.

Madison stood to his left, opening the way for Draven to greet him, playing the part of strangers - even though in the last few days they had only been apart for a few hours at a time.

Now that I was just inside the entryway, the whispers became more defined, urgent. I heard
cried out in agony over and over. I tensed hearing it and locked eyes with Madison. She’d heard it, too. We broke eye contact and both started whispering,
“You are worthy,”
just under our breath. If Draven heard it, he was keeping his cool, greeting Drake with all the mannerisms of royalty.

I felt Perodine’s stare and my eyes angled to where she was standing. She was not in slacks with her hair tossed into a ponytail. No, she looked like a refined queen. Her stance suggested harsh judgment, but I saw approval in her eyes, maybe even a ‘thank you.’ Her gown was massive, black, decorated with priceless jewels. Her silver hair was pulled back in what manner I could not tell. A black satin train was there (I assumed it was to represent her suggested grief over the loss of her husband). The judgment in her stance was to represent that she would not easily give up her place as the ruler of this world.

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