Redemption (19 page)

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Authors: Alla Kar

BOOK: Redemption
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Tears streamed down her cheeks, her bottom lip trembled. “And when I get my money right, I’m going to marry you. I want to be the man you need me to be.”

There wasn’t any more to say, and she knew it. Both hands clutched my face and I diminished the space between our mouths. Everything around me vanished but her. The spots where our bodies touched felt like lava, and her whimpering mouth drove me insane. I had planned to finger-fuck her ass but it didn’t seem like the time.

I’d make love to her instead.
Show her how certain I am about her.

Her soft cries into my mouth made my self-control stagger across the line. “Please,” she begged. “More.” Her small hand slid down between our stomachs to my erection.

“Neveah,” I whispered. “I’m going to fuck you like you’re already my wife tonight. Please don’t test my self-control.”

Neveah released her grip, and her eyes softened. I pressed my lips to each eyelid, then her soft cheek, and then the corner of her mouth. I’d tasted plenty of women but none of them compared to her. None of them drove me to a higher high.

Her mouth searched for mine, her tongue sliding against the seam wanting entrance. I gave her what we both wanted and molded my mouth to hers. Her arms clutched my neck, trying to pull me closer, but I didn’t want that yet. She moaned when I pulled her wrist to the bed above her head. “I’m not going anywhere. Stop rushing me. I want to show you how much you’re worth.”

Desire flared in her eyes, but she slowly nodded her head. I leaned down again, reclaiming her mouth, tightening my grip on her hands, and pushing my erection into her spread thighs. I muffled her curse with my tongue, driving deeper into her mouth, keeping my pace slow and deliberate. 

After several minutes of sucking her lips and nibbling her mouth, I reached for the zipper of her jeans. “Oh, finally,” she whispered, her lips puffy and eyes heavy.

I chuckled into her mouth, removing her jeans with one good yank. She slipped from the legs. “Please,” she whispered. “Just please touch me.”

Sitting back onto my knees, I dipped my head to her pussy, spreading her legs wide with my palms.  Her head popped up, and confusion lit her face. “What are you doing? My panties are still on.”

I grinned up at her. “I’m aware.”

“What are you doin’ then?”

I lowered my head until I was an inch away from the damp cotton. “Lay back, Neveah. I’m going to tape your lips shut if you don’t shut that pretty mouth.”

She lowered her head, and her fingers clutched the comforter beside her. When I knew she couldn’t take the anticipation anymore, I lowered my mouth to the fabric and sucked her into my mouth.

“Holy fuck,” she shouted, her fingers finding my hair.

I could taste her sweetness through the cotton between us. Her fingers tightened, and her back arched off the bed. “Please, holy fuck,” she panted. “Rage, please. Move them, I’m going to come.”

I grinned into her, nipping her entrance to clit, palming her ass in my hands. Her body began to shake, her legs trembled against my arms. But I couldn’t get enough. I wanted to eat what she gave me like a madman. I felt completely undone at the sight of her stomach clenching, her fingers tightening in my hair.

She clenched against me, her cry the sexiest thing I’d ever heard. Her wetness soaked through to my tongue, and my dick pressed tightly against my zipper. I climbed up her, watching as she came undone, her body holding me for support. After a few seconds a smile covered her face, and her eyes closed. “I’ll marry you, for sure.”

I laughed, lowering my mouth. “Did Angel like that?”

She giggled. “She did.”

I smiled, slid her panties to the side, and stroked her slickness. “Does she like this?”

Her mouthed opened. “Yes.”

Smiling, I pressed my thumb against her clit. “How about this?”

She rocked her hips and let her head fall back against the pillow. “God, yes.”

I shoved another finger inside of her, stretching her wider. “Oh, you’re so fucking ready. This is what I wanted,” I whispered. “For you to know how I can make you feel. For you to feel so much emotion that you’re as addicted to me as I am to you.”

Siting up, I unzipped my jeans and shoved everything down my legs. My cock sprang free, falling toward my thigh. Spiderlike veins crawled down my shaft. I’d never felt so damn hard in my life.

“Put it in, Rage,” she whispered. “Put me out of my misery.”

Devouring her trembling body beneath me, I pressed my tip to her entrance. When her eyes locked with mine, I slid into her tight pulsing pussy. She clung to me, her arms round my neck and legs tight around my waist. “You fill me up so much. You feel so good,” she whispered.

The heat in her eyes sent warmth to my chest. “Because we’re made for each other, Angel.” I sunk deeper into her. “No other person will ever be between your legs again but me. Only me.”

She smiled, her cheeks flushed a dark pink. “Only you.”

Lowering my mouth to hers, I devoured her lips and tongue while sinking into her over and over. Her moans turned into cries, our hips meeting in synch with one another.

The minutes turned into hours. I only knew because of the damn wall clock chimed every goddamn sixty minutes.

She pushed against my shoulders, sweat racing down her face. “I’m so swollen,” she rasped through bruised lips. “Please come. Please come, Rage. I’m so swollen.”

“One more second, Angel,” I plowed into her, bringing her hips up to meet my heavy thrust. Her helplessly tired body shivering and too exhausted to move. “Oh God,” I groaned, my fifth nut exploded inside of her.

Her body shook again, her pussy clenched around me. I’d lost count of her orgasms after her eighth. Kissing up her belly to her lips, I stroked her side softly. We watched each other for a few seconds. I traced her perfect face like I’d never see her again. Seeing the passion I’d brought her made my dick ache. “I’ll be right back.”

I pulled out of her and went to dampen a wash cloth under the faucet in the bathroom. I spread her legs and wiped her swollen pussy. After deposing the wash cloth in the hamper, I crawled into bed with her and tucked her into the curve of my body.  There wasn’t much I could say afterwards. I’d said everything in the last three hours. There wasn’t a good part or bad part of my soul that she didn’t own. “I love you, Neveah.”

I could hear her smile through her words. “I love you too, Rage.”




The moment my eyes fluttered opened, I remembered everything. From the sweet scent of his skin, to the desire in his eyes the night before. When I stretched my arms above my head my entire body ached from soreness. My pussy still felt swollen and my lips hurt.

I dreaded to see myself in the mirror.
How would I hide bruised lips?

The clock read six thirty which meant Rage had another thirty minutes before he had to help my dad. I needed to get the hell back into my room. The sheets bunched around his waist, his shirtless frame all hard lines and sharp edges. His mop of hair was disheveled, and his mouth parted in a soft snore.

My eyes watered thinking about the night before. How he went from raging mad to loving me so gently my heart swelled. I’d been right when I said there was more he had hidden deep down. All he needed was someone to trust him.

I slipped into my jeans and reached under his bed for my shirt. My fingers curled around something hard, and I yanked it out from the dusty floor. I didn’t know the book. I don’t even think I’d seen it before. It was a shiny purple kid’s Halloween story book.

I checked to make sure Rage was still asleep before opening the book on the floor. The hardcover fell slowly to the hardwood when I turned the page, my eyes scanned the small handwritten note on the inside.

The date was March 1993. A month before I was born.

My Sweet Angel,

I talk to you daily. I hope you hear me. There isn’t a kick or punch to the stomach that hasn’t put a smile on my face. I don’t tell your daddy because he’ll assume you’ll be a fighter. But as scared as it makes me, I think you will be a fighter. Even though I don’t wish it, I’d love you anyway.

I can’t wait to start reading these stories to you. My mother read them to me growing up. I don’t like to think about you growing up because I don’t want to leave you already, and I haven’t even met you. Not really, but I understand you. I know I will.

One day you’ll find a special guy to call you angel but for now you’ll be mine.

Mommy loves you, Neveah. Because every angel comes from Heaven.

I’d never seen the letter before. Not once. Wiping the tears from my cheeks, I tried to keep the tears at bay. I folded the note into my pocket and climbed to my feet. Rage was still asleep. I made sure his alarm was set and left a note.

I needed to go see my mom.


I stood next to my dad’s truck in the cemetery. Mom’s grave was the third driveway from the right and the second row. On the very end sat a small headstone with my mother’s picture in the middle.

The hairs on my arm stood on end. It was like looking into a mirror. The heart shape of our faces, the high-cheekbones, and green eyes. It wasn’t like I hadn’t seen the picture hundreds of times before but that every time I saw it, I knew she loved me without knowing it.

The wind was humid, but I sat down next to her grave and traced the engraved words on the stone, ignoring the sweat that’d gathered on my upper lip. That’s when I noticed the wings engraved into the stone beneath her birthdate.

I chocked back a sob and rested my head against the smooth stone. I’d never talked to anyone about missing my mother because Aunt Shelly had stepped in, and I was glad she had. I loved her, but she was more of a big sister than anything else.

There are something’s only a mother can teach a daughter, and I felt I missed out on them.

“I’m in love with someone,” I whispered, my voice small. “I love him and I haven’t known him long. I feel like a mother would tell me to not jump into things, but I feel it so deep. Would I feel this crazy with someone I just liked? Plus Daddy made him promise and we both know how he is about promises. I haven’t told Rage that I’m scared yet because when I look at him and see the fearlessness, I know it’s worth the risk.” The wind blew my hair off my shoulders, and I smiled into the warm breeze.

After a few minutes, I brought out the book I’d found. Most of the stories were catchy little Halloween rhymes for kids. But there was a very small paperback tucked in the last page of the book.

The pages were very fragile but it looked like a Cinderella type story. In the back of the book was a quote in my mother’s handwriting. 

“Some people are so poor that all they have is money.”

A smile spread across my face. My mother had meant to teach me things. She’d meant to teach me to be strong and love someone for themselves and not money. She’d been a wonderful mother and part of me felt her there watching me. All the lessons I learned by trial was her guiding my way.

I smiled down at her picture when something reflected against my eye. A dark SUV sat in the distance, the sun reflecting off the windshield. I had no reason to be scared yet something felt wrong.

No movement came from inside but the windows were tinted pretty dark so it was hard to tell. After a few minutes, I kissed my hand and placed it against my mother’s picture. I gathered my things and got back into the truck.

Instead of going forward and passing by the vehicle, I reversed out of the driveway and went the way I came. I pressed the gas down quickly when I found the main road and focused on not looking in the review mirror.

My knuckles turned white from my grip. When the sight of their truck behind me caught my eye, I went cold. I knew I didn’t need to go home but something told me that whoever it was probably knew where we lived. We lived right next to where my dad worked. Our address was everywhere for advertisement for the gym.

Despite the fear in my gut, I slammed the gas pedal down and took the closet dirt road where I could lose them and get to the house. I knew the roads like the back of my hand. Cooper would take me back-roading on his four-wheeler, and he knew every mile of town.

They tried to keep up but the dust from the gravel blocked their view. Several minutes later I pulled into our driveway and hid dad’s truck behind the gym.

My heart beat drummed quickly, and I felt it in my throat. My hands still clutched the steering wheel. I yanked myself from the seat and ran toward the gym.

Through the crowded room, I found Rage first. He stood at the punching bag, his eyes glued to my face but his hands still moved. I could tell he saw the fear in my eyes. I walked past him toward the hallway that led to the locker rooms and waited.

He rounded the corner a few seconds later. “What happened? You’re pale.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I went to my mother’s grave and a vehicle tried to follow me home. It was a dark SUV with tinted windows. I lost them and hid the truck in the back of the gym. I’m so scared.”

Rage’s jaw locked.

“Who do you think it is? Don’t they think you’re dead?”

Rage swiped his palm down his face. “Yeah, I don’t know. Don’t leave the house until I find out what they know. I’ll call Dante after practice. Don’t leave, Neveah. Stay at the house. Fake sick, I don’t care what you have to do to stay in.”

“I promise.”

He licked his lip before kissing me on the forehead. When he pulled back he palmed my cheek. “I’ll keep you safe.”

“I know you will.”

“What are you two doing?”

My pulse skyrocketed. Rage dropped his hand and stepped backwards, his attention turning to my dad standing in the hallway. His hands were shoved down into his pockets, and his eyes glued to Rage.

I’d seen that look before. He’d used it on my dates growing up but this time it was different. It was serious. “Neveah looked pale so I came to check on her. She fell this morning on our run.”

Dad’s gaze flickered to mine. I wasn’t the best of liars but when it counted I normally could pull it off. Dad’s eyes searched my face, and I hid my nerves with a small smile. “I’m fine. Rage is just overprotective.”

Dad met Rage’s stare again, and I prayed he was keeping it together. All I could see was the back of his head. “Neveah why don’t you go fill up the water jugs.”

Rage’s fists were tight beside him, his shoulders tense when I walked out of the hallway. I could feel his glare on my back and prayed my dad didn’t jump to any conclusions, even though they were spot on.

Ten minutes passed before Rage stormed out of the hallway. He had tunnel vision and didn’t stop or stray until he got back to the punching bag where he’d started.

I watched Dad leave the hallway, his eyes met mine. I couldn’t pinpoint the look. I quickly lowered my eyes to screwing the water jug cap on.

Dad wasn’t stupid. I knew he’d saw the way Rage looked at me. And by the heated glared, I knew he’d warned Rage one last time.

But Dad didn’t know we were too deep to warn. We’d gone into the deep end with no life jacket.


Dad watched from the doorway as I cooked dinner, and I had a good feeling I knew why. He was scared to leave us alone which he had every right to be. There wasn’t one place in the world I’d rather be than under Rage Cohen.

“Smells good,” he said.

Clutching the wooden spoon in my hand, I forced a smile his way. “Thanks, it’s chicken spaghetti and it’s ready. I just need to take the garlic bread out.”

The back door closed, and I felt the tension rise in the room. Rage’s heavy footsteps drew closer, I bit my tongue and didn’t turn to look at him.

“Dinner is ready,” Dad said. “You can go ahead and take a seat.”

The bitterness in his voice was loud and clear. Rage didn’t respond. I listened to his footsteps carry toward the dining room.

I carried the meal to the table and greedily took him in as soon as I broke the barrier of the room. The V-neck shirt he wore was tight to his muscles, showing me everything that I’d clutched the night before. When I finally meet his gaze, his face was grim. “Hey,” I said, trying to act nonchalant. 

His frown deepened. “Smells good.”

“Thank you.”

We ate in silence. The clock was the only noise in the entire house besides the sound of Dad’s fork against his plate. He slowly pushed it to the side and leaned back in his chair. Instead of leaving like always, he kept his seat. I swore I heard Rage’s teeth grind together.

When I finished, I excused myself and locked my door. Lucy was asleep on my bed and opened her eyes at my entrance. I curled up beside her and silently cried into my pillow. My dad wouldn’t ruin this for me. I couldn’t let him. I wouldn’t let hm.


Something trailed against my leg, and I jerked awake. Rage stood over my bed, his hand patting Lucy’s head gently. I guess he’d become stealth like working for a guy like Denver.

“Hey,” I rasped out. “How’d you get in?”

He smiled. “The window. I guess you never locked it back after you snuck out to
on me.”

I flipped him off and grabbed his wrist, pulling him on top of me. The moment he was close enough he kissed my lips. It’d felt nice to sink my fingers into his hair. “What happened today?” I asked when he pulled back.

“With your dad or the people following you?”


“I called Dante, but he said nothing seemed out of the ordinary over there. He hasn’t heard anybody mention my name or yours.”

Relief swarmed me. “Then who could it have been?”

Rage’s eyes darkened. “I have no idea. You stay here as much as you can. If you see anybody acting suspicious, let me know.”

“I will. Now tell me what my dad said.”

His frown deepened. “He reminded me of my promise and warned me to keep away from you. Neveah, there isn’t any changing his mind. I can see it on his face. He’s protecting you from me. He’s got real good intentions.”

I shook my head. “Well, it’s not his decision.”

Rage nodded. “But it’s his gym and house. I have nowhere to go, Angel. I’m here because your dad gave me a chance. We need to tell him gently. We can’t just rip the Band-Aid off. He’s the only reason I’m here with you now.”

His chest muscles flexed when I placed my cheek against him. “What do we do?”

His fingers stroked my arm. “We keep our distance for a while until he thinks we’re staying away and then work up the nerve to tell him. I don’t see this going anywhere good. He’s going to be pissed.”

He was. He’d be beyond pissed. I knew my dad. “I’m an adult, and I can make my own decisions. We don’t have to live here. We can get a place. I have money saved up from college refunds and work. He’d have no choice but to get over it.”

Rage closed his eyes. “As good as that sounds, I can’t let you take care of me like that. I only have the little money your dad pays me and not enough saved to do anything. I need to get established before we move in together. I just need to save some money for a deposit—,”

“I don’t want to wait forever, Rage. I hate hiding you. I hate tip-toeing around my dad. Just let me do this, and we’ll find you work. Aunt Shelly works for the city, maybe she can get you a job there.”

He pressed a kiss to my forehead and held me to his chest. “We don’t have to make a decision now. We’ll talk about it. I need to get back to my room before he decides to check on you.”

I whined, but his narrowed eyes cut me short. “I’ll be sneaking inside in a few days because we both know I can’t stay away from you.”

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