Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9) (41 page)

BOOK: Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)
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It was his turn to grin as she sat there staring at him. Well, at least she didn't protest.

Score one for him.



                                *     *     *




When Ethan finally got there, he was both annoyed and worried. The idea that his wife was left at a bar pissed him off to no end, but then he knew his brother had to have one hell of a reason.

Once she jumped in, he tore out of the parking lot and
toward the cabins. “What the hell happened?” he asked.

She told him the story. Then, she told him about the only thing that could have made him bolt.

“There was a man?”

She nodded. “I glanced over, and he was sitting
at our table. I couldn’t see much of Callen, since the wall was blocking my view.”

“And he said nothing to you before disappearing?”

“No, and when I looked over again, he was gone but the man was watching me. Ethan, he has to have something to do with this. Callen wouldn’t ever ditch me. In the field, he might leave you, knowing you could handle yourself, but me? He’d be afraid that I couldn’t take care of myself.”

He agreed. “I wish we knew who he was.”

“Dean Quinlan.”

When Ethan looked over, she answered before he could ask the question. “I asked Katheryn Drake. She told me he just got out of prison.”

“My tablet is in my messenger bag. Run him.”

did just that. Putting his name in, she ran him first through the Bureau of Prisons. She pulled three men up by that name. Going by their pictures, she was able to narrow it down. There was only one Native in the trio.

“Oh, holy shit,” she said, glancing up at her husband. “I know who he is,” she offered.

“What did you find?”

His first stint in jail was for selling drugs to a woman who overdosed. He spent ten years in for that, and then he was rearrested for possession of a firearm while on probation and selling drugs. Once out, he went back to his old ways.”

Ethan wasn’t getting it. “I’m missing it, baby.”

“Who do we know who died of a drug overdose? Think back to your childhood.”

He glanced over fast. “Seriously? That’s the man who sold to Callen’s mother?”

“Yeah, but that wouldn’t make him run. I’m betting that’s the man who abused him. It fits the timeline. Right after Callen ran away, Charlene turned up dead. That’s how granddad got custody of him.”

He didn't want to do it, but he needed to know. “Pull up her record. Let’s make sure
we’re right before we go there with Callen. I don’t want to make him relive this if it has nothing to do with it. If that man was the scumbag who hurt him, I’m not shocked he took off.”

Elizabeth began searching the police report for
the night Charlene Whitefox died. When it finally popped up, she scanned it. “She was found with a needle in her arm and Dean Quinlan passed out beside her. Apparently, he liked using his own stuff. The money and drugs were in his pocket. Plus, they tested the fingerprints on the syringe, and it was his. That’s why they were strict in sentencing.”

Ethan was getting angrier and angrier. He didn't want that filth touching his family.

“Do we have an address for him?”

She searched. “He’s on parole. I have it.”

Parking in front of the cabin, they jumped out. Once inside, they searched the entire place. All of Callen’s things were there, but he wasn’t.

“He’s running for it,” stated Ethan.

“Where would he go?” she asked, getting scared. This was one of her fears.

Ethan pulled out his phone and dialed FBI West. When Elizabeth’s administrative assistant answered, he had a job for him. “Jameson, I need a GPS location on Callen Whitefox’s phone.”

“Sure thing, boss. Give me a few second to get it for you,” he said, putting the call on hold.

Elizabeth raced into the bedroom to get changed. She was going to need to be comfortable.

When she came back out, Ethan was talking. “I need you to track it for me. If he changes route from Damascus and heads elsewhere, I need you to call me.”

“Anything else?”
Jameson asked.

“No, but text me if it goes offline.”
Ethan could only hope that his brother was so freaked out that he’d forget to turn off his phone.

Hanging up, he glanced over at his wife.

“I’m going,” she said, pulling on her boots. “Is he heading home?”

Ethan didn't want her making the drive alone, but he didn't have a choice. “
As far as we can tell, yes. Jameson is alerting the jet. They know you’re coming. If he’s heading home, Callen won’t likely head to our house. That leaves his or granddad’s cabin. You’ll need to beat him there.”

She was up and out of her seat. “You need to get me to the airport. It’s going to take me almost the same amount of time with getting there and finding him.”

Ethan was out the door right behind her. Already, the anger and hate was brewing in his gut as he dwelled on the man who hurt his brother.

This was the bastard
who held him down and burned him.

First, he was going to get his brother back, and then he was going to find the man who scared him.

No one touched his family.






                                *     *     *




Dinner was absolutely amazing. Afterwards, Tony held her hand as he drove them back to the cabin. It was nice to have this night with him. As she leaned back in the seat, Jaxon watched the trees and scenery.

She was at peace.

Tony was in hell. After he dropped the boyfriend comment, the night seemed to go downhill. Granted, she was holding his hand, but Jaxon wouldn’t look at him. At that moment, it was hard not to worry. Tony freely admitted that he wasn’t good with this sort of thing, especially having a girlfriend.

He almost laughed
out loud.

Tony was well aware that he sounded like some crazed stalker, forcing a woman to
date him.

What the hell was wrong with him?

Maybe he’d gone too far and should apologize.

As he pulled into the driveway, she was already out of the Denali.
Tony had little choice but to race after her to open the door.

Yeah, he’d screwed
this one up.

Opening the door
for her, Jaxon rushed in. Tony had just enough time to close the door and turn, when her body crashed into his, pressing him to the wall.

It took a second to register
what was happening as her mouth was on his. Then, her hands started wandering, and Tony wanted to shout a chorus of hallelujah.

“Jax,” he muttered, as she dove back in. The kiss was so hot
that he swore he was going to go up in flames. When her hands went to the front of his shirt, to start unbuttoning it, Tony’s brain went haywire.

Jax had never wanted a man quite like this. When he found out about her father, he took it with stride. Then, he told her he was her boyfriend. It was so very high school and
charmed the hell out of her. How could she not fall for this man?

When she got his shirt open, she grabbed him by the front of his pants and pulled him toward
the bedroom. Yeah, she was going to show him how she felt.

After all, this was the living part of her day
, and she planned on enjoying it.

Tony didn't know what to think. His body was too focused on her hand
, leading him by the front of his pants. Generally, all the women he’d been with had been far less aggressive.

This was new to him.

Yeah, and he was liking it.

A lot.

At the door, she pulled him inside. Since the room wasn’t that big, she had no place to put him but on the bed. With a shove, he tumbled.

Tony was shocked.

Then, Jaxon began undressing.

When she pulled
off her shirt, he was left to see the amazing body beneath. In that moment, he wanted to let her do anything she wanted.

Hell, he’d beg
at that point.

Jaxon shimmied out of her pants and stood there in nothing but a very sexy pair of panties and bra. When she headed to
ward the bed, she could see the look on his face.

It almost made her want to laugh
, and Jaxon might have if she wasn’t so wild at that moment. Crawling across the mattress, she straddled his body.

“Jaxon,” he said, as she ran her hands up his body and through his chest hair. Leaning over him, he was staring up into her eyes.

“I want you, Tony,” she said simply. “There’s something about you that makes me crazy.”

He’d never heard a woman say that to him before. Generally, there was sex and that was it. Now, he was emotionally involved
, and it was amazing.

Bringing her mouth down to his, Jaxon kissed him senseless. Everything in her came pouring out, flooding over him in wave after wave of pleasure.

Burying his hands in her hair, Tony held on for the ride. The kiss was probably the best one he’d ever shared with a woman in his entire life. In that second, he was lost.

To her.

To the moment.

To his heart.

Suddenly, her mouth was free of his, and he opened his eyes.

“Did you mean what you said?” she asked, staring down at him. “Am I your girlfriend?”

It caught him off guard. Then, the masculine need roared to life in him. “Yes, I meant every word of it. I want you, Jaxon.”

With his declaration, t
he tempo changed.

Her mouth found his chest and slowly, she left kisses all the way down his torso. Jaxon was gentle, loving, and made him feel wanted

When she reached the top of his khaki pants, her fingers found the buckle of his belt. There was a hitch to his breath as she lovingly took her time.

Jaxon wanted this to be special. While he wouldn’t be the first man she’d ever slept with, he would have the honor of being her first boyfriend.

No other man had wanted to stick around
to see the real her. There was no doubt that Tony saw past the outside. With him, she felt safe.

As she lowered the zipper, there was excitement at what wait
ed for her.

This was living.

This was her new adventure.

Stroking him through the material of his boxers, her body shook in want when he moaned.

“Oh, honey,” Tony whispered.

This moment was amazing. Jaxon wanted to savor it. Tugging his pants and boxers down, she admired his body. Trapped beneath her was a very sexy man.

With gentle fingers, she teased and tormented him. His erection was so silky and smooth, that Jaxon had the overwhelming need to taste him.

Eagerly she lowered her mouth.
With warm breath, she blew across him just to watch Tony bob in anticipation.

brain was on overload. She wasn’t even touching him yet, but he was so off balance. First, Jaxon had been wild and unbridled, and now she was gentle and loving.

He couldn’t get his balance.
This woman took him to his knees.

“I want to taste you,” she whispered.

“Please,” he murmured, staring down his body at the redhead perched across his lap. If this never happened again, this one memory would be his forever.

With the tip of her tongue, she teased him. There was absolute giddiness that she had this power. Never before had she wanted to spend time getting to know a man’s body.

Now, Jaxon never wanted to stop.

When he closed his eyes, a warmth enveloped him as Jaxon took him into her mouth. The heat was
unbelievable, and he could barely put a thought together.

With gentle strokes, she worshipped

never wanted it to end.

With each passing moment, his control slipped little by little. It was a battle to keep his head above the water. When he began shaking, he couldn’t take anymore.

“Jax, honey, you have to stop,” he urged.

She heard him and gave him one more second of bliss before setting him free. Again, she traversed his body, working her way back up.

Immediately, his arms wrapped around her, holding her to him. “It’s my turn,” he whispered, rolling with her. Pushing off her body, he stood to slip out of his shoes and pants. Dropping his shirt, he stood before her, aroused and ready to take the woman he was crazy about.

Her breath caught in h
er chest. The man was perfect. “I’m waiting for you, Tony,” she purred. When his body came down over hers, there was this feeling of contentment.

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