Redhead Blitz (14 page)

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Authors: Janie Mason

BOOK: Redhead Blitz
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“What was the allure of booming

She chuckled, and he imagined her doing the same thing during some lighthearted foreplay.
His jockeys seemed to shrink and he fought the urge to adjust himself.

“The head football coach position at Newtown.
I’d been an assistant coach for a few years and thought I’d like the challenge of being in charge.”
He was learning quickly that being the boss had both pros and cons.
“I didn’t want to live in the same district I teach in, though.
Makes it easier not to have to teach the neighbors’ kids.”

“I completely understand.”
The depth of her gaze intensified, those emerald green irises darkening as her pupils dilated.
Whether her reaction was from arousal or something else, he didn’t much care.
And he didn’t want to wait.
Not that he didn’t enjoy getting to know
, but being alone here with her had the embers she’d flamed with that kiss at a full burn.

Sean set his bottle on the table behind him and reached to grasp the back of her neck.
He shifted forward and pulled her mouth toward his.
She let him, meeting him halfway.
He feasted on her lips, her tongue.
God, she tasted good
At her moan of pleasure he wrapped his other arm around her lower back and pulled her completely against him, falling backwards on the couch so she lay on top of him.
The mating of their mouths went on and on, wild and hot, their heads twisting one way and then another in an attempt to deepen the already consuming connection.

feel of her breasts flattened against his chest brought out primitive urges and a possessiveness he’d never experienced.
He suppressed a feral growl and his hands slid down to squeeze the cheeks of her ass.
Another of her moans vibrated through him and she ground her hips against his arousal.

Jesus, I’ve got to slow this down before it’s all over
He’d never expected to find himself making love to
, and he damned well wanted it to last.
He put his hands under her arms and dragged her up his body until her breasts were level with his mouth.
She straddled his belly as he took one distended nipple into his mouth, cloth and all.
Although he’d only suspected, his tongue confirmed that she’d opted not to wear a bra under the two layers.
She grabbed the armrest above his head for support.

, Sean.”
Already she was rocking her pelvis against him as he tugged with his mouth.
The aroma of her perfume had nestled in her cleavage and he inhaled deeply, wanting to imprint the scent, along with the moment, in his memory.

He switched his attention to the other breast and began lifting her blouse and spaghetti-strapped top from the back.
He paused long enough to whip them over her head.
She pulled them over her hands and tossed the fabric on the floor while Sean’s mouth found her nipple again.

Her cry was uninhibited.
Good thing she didn’t share walls with any neighbors.

He sucked harder, loving the plump, sweet mouthful.
Then he flicked the tip of her nipple with his tongue and switched to the other breast.
Her mewling sounds of pleasure grew high pitched.
She moved one hand to hold his head firmly against her breast.
With the other, she reached behind her to rub his erection.

“That feels so good,” she said.

No kidding
So good, in fact, he was going to come in his pants if she didn’t stop her caresses.

, stop.
I need you too much.”
He had to force the words out.

He reached between them for the button of her jeans and her gaze met his, her eyes drunk with arousal.
She sat up, moved his hand away and unfastened her jeans herself.
Then she crawled off him to stand and strip.

Not wanting to waste a second, Sean sat up and whipped his shirt over his head.
He toed off his shoes, ripped off his socks and stood to shuck his pants.
As he straightened, she took his erection in her fist and leaned forward to plant kisses on his chest.
He combed his hands through her thick hair and palmed her head.

The expletive came out long and low.
He allowed himself to revel in just a few pumps of her hand before he pulled it away.
“As good as that feels, baby, I’ve wanted you too long to hold off much longer.”
His put his hands at her waist and sat on the sofa, the action pulling her to stand between his spread thighs.

Sean wanted inside her so badly it hurt, ached, but this was the first time he’d seen her naked, so he paused to admire her luscious body.
He drank in the creamy skin of her breasts, tummy, hips and legs.
Her rosy nipples were hard and glistening from his sucking.
The auburn triangle of hair at the juncture of her thighs hid treasures he was determined to explore.
He tilted his chin enough to meet her gaze, and her wide smile showed him how pleased she was he liked what he saw.

She took the initiative to straddle him again, this time with her knees sinking into the sofa cushions on the outside of his thighs.
His erection nudged at her folds and he could feel the dampness of her sex.
She was wet and ready.

I need my wallet.”
Here he was centimeters away from her opening, and just
remembering a condom?
He’d never been so irresponsible as to go unprotected, but the passion this woman aroused in him couldn’t compare with his previous sexual experiences.

“Wait, I’ll get it.”
Grabbing hold of one of his hands for support, she lay back on his thighs and stretched over her head, reaching with her fingertips for his pants.
Her position almost did him in.
The soft mounds of her breasts with their aroused nipples pointed heavenward.
And with her pink sex exposed.


Too quickly she grabbed hold of his pants and he pulled her back up, ending his visual feast.
Starving, he took her mouth in a ravenous kiss.
She dropped the pants in their collective laps and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back as if she could go on forever.
But he needed to sink his throbbing erection inside her heat so desperately he ached.
By touch alone, he fumbled for his wallet and found the condom.
Tossing all else off to the side, he broke their kiss.
Since he only had one condom, he wasn’t going to chance tearing it.

“Let me.”
Her seductive purr froze his actions. She took the package and put the very tip in her teeth.
Holding his gaze captive, she tantalizingly tore the corner of the plastic and then pulled the condom out.
She scooted her bottom further down the tops of his thighs, again tempting him with a view of her open sex, and rolled the condom down his shaft.
His hands went to her hips as she raised herself up on her knees and positioned the head of his penis at her entrance.
Thank you, God, she wasn’t going to torture him with waiting.

Although the apartment was cool, sweat beaded on Sean’s brow.
met his gaze and slowly sank onto his erection, her eyes drifting shut and her head falling back.
He let go of the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding while she sighed aloud.

He growled again.
Her inner muscles clenched him tightly as her ass came to rest on his thighs.
He wanted to howl in ecstasy.

Then she lifted her head and, holding on by gripping his shoulders, raised herself up on her knees and sank back onto him.
He was lost in sensation as she continued to rise and fall along his shaft.

When she leaned forward and nudged her nipple to his mouth, Sean sucked it inside as he would a rich, creamy confection.
It took all his determination to stay aware of her needs as well as his own.
He timed his draws on her breast with her movements, even as her rhythm accelerated.

The moist, patting sound of her bottom bouncing off his sweat-dampened thighs echoed in the room, intensifying his excitement.
He hoped like hell that she came soon, because he was ready to burst.

“Yes, oh God, yes,” she cried only seconds later.
Sean’s moan of relief and satisfaction escalated into a roar of sexual demand.
His fingers squeezed the flesh at her hips in a grip that marked her as his, if not physically, at least mentally.
Two more powerful thrusts had him teetering on the sword edge of pleasure, then finally his body rocked with an orgasm unlike any he’d ever experienced.

Chapter Twelve

slowly came back to consciousness.
Had she dozed?
Sean had somehow shifted their positions and she lay sprawled on top of him with her temple resting on his smooth shoulder, her forehead under his jaw.
If she relaxed any more, she’d liquefy.
As she watched the slow and steady pulsating of the vein at the base of his neck, she thought perhaps the same could be said for him.
Maybe more time had passed than she thought.
His hands rested on her rear end, and he was no longer seated inside her, but she wasn’t certain whether or not he slept.
She said nothing to rouse him, in no hurry to move.

That was the best sex I’ve ever had
Of course she didn’t have a whole lot of lovers for comparison, but she knew what she liked.
had never been shy when it came to love-making, but she had been selective in who she took as a lover. Only Heidi knew the real count was three.
Oops, four now.

His hands lightly squeezed her butt.
“I’m going to need a minute to clean up.”

She detected both satisfaction and fatigue in his tone.
She rolled onto the sofa, bending her knees to get her legs out of his way.
He grabbed one of her feet and tickled the arch.
Giggling, she wrested it out of his loose grasp.

“Don’t go anywhere,” he said.

She lay sated, admiring the flex of his superior butt as he went in search of the bathroom.
Since it was a one bedroom apartment, she didn’t feel the need to call out directions.
Her eyes drifted closed, and she would have been content to spend the rest of the night right where she was.

Sean was a terrific lover.
That blessing was also now a curse.
It would have been so much easier to work with him if she hadn’t found out firsthand that he could drive her to sexual madness.
But, what was done was done.
She hoped her budding feelings for him wouldn’t intensify simply because she’d let down her defenses once.
Surely this one round of fabulous sex was enough to satisfy her sexual frustration and eradicate the dangerous notions that had taken hold.

“Should we move to your bedroom?”
She opened her eyes to see him hungrily eyeing her nude body.
He was fully aroused.

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