Redrum (21 page)

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Authors: Boston George

BOOK: Redrum
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“If I don't hear from him in the next ten minutes, I'm going to start calling up the hospitals.” She looked over at Diamond, who also looked worried.
Before Crystal could say another word, the house phone rang. “I know that's him,” she said as she ran to the phone. “Hello?” she answered excitedly.
The only thing that could be heard was a man breathing on the other line.
Crystal immediately hung the phone up.
When the phone rang again, Crystal picked it up. “Listen, muthafucka, stop calling my house. You coward!”
“Baby, it's me,” Kendu said.
“Baby?” Crystal yelled. “Is that you?”
“Yeah, it's me,” Kendu replied.
“Where the fuck have you been? You had me scared to death,” she said, worry in her voice.
“In jail. It's a long story, but I just came back from court, and these crackers tryin'-a pin all kind of shit on me.”
“Did they give you bail?”
“Yeah. Seventy thousand. I need you to bring that money down here and get me out of here right now,” he told her, not wanting to spend another second in the nasty jail.
“I'm on my way, daddy.”
Crystal quickly ran upstairs to Kendu's safe, punched in the combination, and took out $90,000 just in case. She quickly tossed the money in her Louis Vuitton bag and headed back downstairs. “Can you keep an eye on Jessica for me until I get back?”
“Of course, I will.” Diamond watched Crystal hurry out the door. Inside she felt bad that another woman was loving her husband the way she was supposed to love him. She had made a big mistake by leaving Kendu, and now she was paying for it.
Perry sat outside of Kendu's house staked out like he'd been doing every night. He wanted to kill Diamond so bad, his hand began to shake uncontrollably. He'd never wanted to kill a person more than he wanted to kill Diamond right now.
As he sat parked across the street he saw Crystal storm out of the house and hop in Diamond's car and zoom out of the driveway. Perry didn't know what was going on, but he knew he was tired of waiting. It was time for him to make a move. He hopped out of his car and walked over and popped the trunk. The first thing he did was remove his blue mechanic suit and put it on over his clothes. Once Perry zipped up his suit, he immediately felt invincible. He grabbed his duffel bag from out the trunk, headed towards the front door, and knocked lightly.
When Diamond heard someone knock on the door, she immediately thought it was Crystal. “She must've forgot something.” She hopped up and ran to the door. She opened the door, and almost shit on herself when she saw who was on the other side.
Perry pushed his way inside the house before Diamond got a chance to close the door. “You thought you was going to get away from me, didn't you?” Perry growled as he slapped Diamond down to the floor. “Think you just going to steal my money then just run off into the sunset with the next nigga? I don't think so.”
Diamond tried to crawl to the kitchen, but a sharp kick to her stomach stopped her dead in her tracks.
“Fuck you think you going?”
“Please, Perry, you don't have to do this,” she begged.
Perry ignored her plea as he roughly sat her in a chair and duct-taped her hands and feet so she couldn't move.
Upstairs Jessica sat in her room watching TV, but when she heard a loud commotion downstairs, she quickly ran to the top of the stairs to see what was going on. From the top of the stairs she watched as a man in a blue jumpsuit roughly slammed Diamond onto a chair and began to quickly tape up her hands and feet so she couldn't move.
“Please, baby, don't do this,” Diamond begged.
Perry looked at her and smacked the shit out of her. “Don't you ever fix your mouth to call me that!” He couldn't believe she had just tried to call him that, the nerve of her.
Diamond felt her nose bleeding as she watched Perry dig inside his duffel bag.
“I got something for you,” he said with a devilish smile on his face as he removed an old-school slave whip from out of his bag and let it hang down to the floor.
“Please don't,” Diamond cried.
Perry ripped her clothes off her body until she was completely naked. He smiled as he swung the whip and watched the tip of it land across her chest and tear open her soft skin. Just the sight of Diamond in pain brought a smile to Perry's face as he swung the whip repeatedly, whipping her like she was a slave.
The pain was so overbearing during the whipping, Diamond passed out twice, only to wake up to the same nightmare.
“Perry, please,” she begged in a light whisper. Right about now she was willing to do anything to stop him from hitting her again. At that very moment, she regretted leaving Kendu. If she could go back in time right now, she definitely would have.
“Okay, I'm all done.” Perry tossed the whip to the side. “Now it's time to clean you up.” He reached in his bag and removed two bottles of rubbing alcohol and began splashing it all over her naked scarred-up body.
“Ahhhhhh!!!” Diamond screamed at the top of her lungs when she felt the rubbing alcohol sink into her open wounds.
“What you crying for?” Perry asked, still smiling from ear to ear. “We just now getting started.” He reached down into his bag and removed a pair of clippers, which looked like a super-sized pair of scissors. “I got something real special for you.”
Before Perry went back to work, he pulled out his penis and proceeded to urinate all over Diamond's face and the rest of her body. “You like that, don't you? You nasty bitch!” Perry placed Diamond's pinky finger in between the hedge clippers and snapped it off.
“You not only stole from me, but you was cheating on me with this Kendu clown the whole time, wasn't you?” Perry asked with a smirk on his face. “Wasn't you?” He smacked the shit out of Diamond.
“I never cheated on you, Perry.” Blood dripped from Diamond's hand, where her pinky used to be. “I thought you didn't love me anymore, 'cause of how you just started hitting and beating on me out the blue. We can still work this out,” she said, hoping her words would save her life. “Perry, baby, please give me another chance.”
“Save it,” Perry hushed her. “You ain't nothing but an ungrateful bitch, just like the rest of them.” He placed Diamond's ring finger in between the hedge clippers and snapped it off.
Diamond bit down on her bottom lip as she howled like a wounded animal. She was all out of ideas, and didn't know what else to do. She had never experienced this much pain in her life.
“I'm about to teach you what happens when you fuck with Perry.” He smiled as he went on to the next finger.
Chapter 22
“Fuck!” Kendu cursed as he stepped out the jail with a frown on his face. He power-walked over to the all-white Audi that waited for him curbside.
Before he could reach the car, Crystal hopped out and slid in his arms. “Oh my God! Baby, I missed you so much!” she said, trying to squeeze the life out of him. “I thought something bad had happened to you.” Crystal was overjoyed to see her man in one piece.
Kendu hopped in the passenger seat of the Audi. “We have to leave town tonight!” He knew there was no way the DA was going to let him or anybody from Dirty Black's crew get off easy.
“What they trying to hit you with?” Crystal asked as she pulled off.
“Everything,” Kendu said, shaking his head. “These muthafuckas trying to hit me with shit I ain't never even heard of before.”
“So what's the plan?”
“Soon as we get to the house, grab Jessica, a few things, and all the money we got up in the house and come right back out,” Kendu said in a firm voice.
“What about Diamond?” Crystal didn't just want to leave her for dead like that, especially with Perry threatening her and all.
“I don't know what she's going to do. All I know is, we have to go.” Kendu didn't have time to come up with a plan for Diamond. She would have to figure out what she was going to do on her own. He had his own problems to worry about.
Crystal pulled up in the driveway and kept the car running.
“Just grab a few things, and that's it,” Kendu told her. “And hurry up!” he yelled. He watched Crystal go inside the house, while he waited in the passenger seat.
Soon as Crystal stepped inside the house she dropped her keys. When she picked them up and looked up, she froze in place.
Perry grabbed a handful of her hair as he roughly tossed her down on the floor. “So glad you could join us.”
Before he could grab her again, Crystal had scrambled to her feet and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a sharp knife from off the rack. “You better back the fuck up!” She swung the knife back and forth in the air. “Take another step, and I'ma slice you the fuck up!” she said, trying to buy herself some time to think of her next move.
Crystal looked out the corner of her eye and saw how messed up Diamond's dead body looked, no fingers or toes, and her face all cut up. “Oh hell no,” she said out loud. No way she was going to allow Perry to torture her like he'd just done to Diamond.
Perry tried to grab Crystal, but she quickly sliced his hand with the knife. He snatched his hand back. He reached down and picked up his whip from off the floor. “You wanna play games with me, bitch?” He swung the whip at Crystal's wrist, causing her to drop the knife.
“Shit!” Crystal grabbed her wrist that had a long whelp on it and was now bleeding.
“Get over here, bitch!” He knocked Crystal out with a punch to her temple. He watched as her head bounced off the floor like a basketball. He dragged her from the kitchen back to the living room by her ankle. Then he grabbed another chair from the kitchen and tossed her body in it. Then he taped her hands and feet together, so she couldn't move.
“All you women are all the same!” he huffed. He roughly snatched Crystal's clothes off until she was butt naked.
Crystal's eyes shot open when she felt the tip of the whip swipe across her chest.
“I'ma teach you some manners too.” Perry forcefully swung the whip, whipping her like a runaway slave the same way he'd done Diamond.
Outside in the car, Kendu sucked his teeth. He looked at his watch and beeped the horn, signaling for Crystal to hurry up. “Fuck taking her so long?” he said to himself. “I told her to just grab a few things.” Kendu hopped out the Audi and stretched his legs. He figured Crystal was inside giving Diamond the rundown on what was going on. He shook his head as he walked towards the door.
When he stepped inside, he was about say something, until he saw Perry with a whip in his hand in a swinging motion.
“Fuck is you doing?” Kendu yelled as he ran and tackled Perry.
The two men went crashing through the kitchen table and on to the floor. Kendu jumped on top of Perry and began raining blows on his face.
Perry lifted up and threw Kendu off him, and both men quickly hopped up on their feet. Perry reached down for his whip, but Kendu stepped on it and kneed Perry in his face.
“That's right. Kick his ass, baby!” Crystal said, cheering her man on from the sideline. “Kill that mufucka!”
Perry fell on the floor, on top of his duffel bag, and came up with a hammer in his hand, which he swung at Kendu's head.
Kendu partially blocked it, but the impact from the hammer dropped him.
Perry smiled as he gripped the hammer with two hands and raised it behind his back. Kendu, on the floor, closed his eyes to brace himself for the blow when he saw Perry coming down with the hammer. But before Perry could swing the hammer, Jessica jumped on his back and tried to choke him.
Perry quickly reached back with his hand, grabbed the back of Jessica's head as he bent over, and flung her to the floor like she was a rag doll, knocking the wind out of her.
“I see I'm going to have to teach this little bitch a lesson too,” Perry said with a twisted smile on his face. He dug inside his duffel bag and pulled out a mini-sword. He raised it in the air. Just as he was about to come down with it, he felt four shots rip through his chest, dropping him immediately.
Kendu lay on the floor holding the .380 he had left on the counter for emergencies.
“Baby, are you all right?” Crystal yelled from the chair.
“Yes, baby, we are both fine.” Kendu went inside his closet and pulled out his shotgun with the pistol grip and cocked one into the chamber as he walked over to Perry's body and stood over him.
“No, baby. Untie me first,” Crystal said from the chair. “I want to shoot him in his face myself.”
Kendu smiled at his woman. He looked over at Diamond's dead body and forced the tears not to come down. Deep down he still had love for Diamond and even though they couldn't be together, this was the last thing he wanted to see happen to her. He had to force himself not to look at her.
He reached down and picked up the mini-sword and walked over to Crystal. He sat the shotgun down by her feet as he began cutting the tape off her feet. Then he worked his way up to her wrist. Kendu cut the tape off one of her wrists. Just as he was about to cut the tape off her other wrist, he heard Crystal yell, “Watch out!”
Before Kendu even got a chance to turn around, Perry swung the hammer down with all his might, hitting him right on the top of his head and killing him instantly. He then climbed on top of Kendu and began beating his face in with the hammer until his face looked like red apple sauce.
“I'ma teach y'all muthafuckas about playing with me!” Perry growled as he walked back over to his duffel bag and removed an electric saw. He quickly found an outlet and plugged it in. “I'ma show you what happens when you fuck with Perry,” he said, spit flying from his mouth with every word he spoke.
Perry suddenly dropped down to his knees as he looked directly at Crystal, and he began sawing off Jessica's arm. He smiled as he felt the saw cutting through her bone, the blood splashing up in his face and all over the place. He ignored Jessica's screams as he continued to saw away with a crazy look on his face.
Crystal screamed at the top of her lungs, “No! Please, that's my babbbbbyyyy!” she cried as she struggled to get her arm free. “Take me instead!”
“Don't worry, bitch. You're next!” Perry smiled as he pressed the saw down on Jessica's leg. “Here, hold this for me.” He laughed as he tossed Jessica's leg at Crystal. Perry stayed on his knees until he chopped Jessica into little pieces. His face was covered with Jessica's blood, as he tossed the pieces of her body in a black garbage bag.
Once Perry was done, he stood up and turned towards Crystal. He immediately stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her standing there holding the shotgun with two hands.
“It was an accident,” Perry said with a smile on his face. “I didn't mean to chop your daughter up like that. Now give me that gun before you do something stupid.”
my ass
!” Crystal snarled as she pulled the trigger.
Crystal watched as his body hit the floor, and slid until it hit the wall. The shot was so loud that both of her ear drums were ringing.
“Muthafucka!” Crystal turned and grabbed the house phone. She dialed 9-1-1 and waited for someone to answer.
As she talked to the operator, Perry was slowly crawling back up to his feet behind her.
“Listen, bitch, just send help now!” Crystal yelled as she slammed down the phone in the operator's face.
When she turned around, Perry was gone. “What the fuck!” she said out loud as she looked around and didn't see him. Her head quickly turned towards the stairs when she heard footsteps running up the stairs.
“Fuck!” Crystal slowly inched her way up the steps one by one. When she reached the top of the steps, everything looked normal, but she knew he was up there somewhere, and there was no way she could let him leave the house alive. He had to die for what he did to Jessica.
She inched her way down the hallway, taking baby steps, until she reached the first room, which was the bathroom. Crystal slowly eased open the door with her foot as she stepped inside and turned the light on. The bathroom wasn't too big, but what scared her was, the shower curtain was pulled closed, so she couldn't tell if he was hiding in the bathtub or not.
She slowly eased her way over to the tub and took a deep breath. Once she got close enough, she quickly snatched the shower curtain back as she let out a frightened nervous scream. She quickly caught her breath when she saw the bathtub was empty.
Crystal swiftly exited the bathroom and made her way towards the next room, which was the master bedroom. She stepped inside the room and turned the light on. She slowly eased her way over to Kendu's closet first. She snatched open the door and was thankful when she saw nothing in there except for Kendu's belongings.
“Fuck!” Crystal cursed, looking at her king-sized bed. She knew that in order to check under there she would have to put the shotgun down. “Shit!” She sat the shotgun on the floor and quickly checked under the bed. She exhaled when she didn't find nothing under there.
Crystal stood up to her feet, and just as she re-gripped the shotgun, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Perry running full speed at her. She aimed the shotgun at his chest, closed her eyes, and pulled the trigger.
The shot hit Perry in his chest, but it didn't slow him down as he tackled Crystal like a linebacker, and the two went crashing out the window. The fall from the window felt like it was a slow-motion dream to Crystal, until her body hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.
Five minutes later, she woke up with police and paramedics all around her.
An officer shined his flashlight in her face. “Ma'am, are you all right?”
Crystal quickly hopped up off the ground. “Where is he? Where is he?” she screamed, looking around, a frantic look on her face. She knew Perry was still close by. Even though the police were there, she still didn't feel safe.
“Where is who?” the officer asked.
“He's going to kill me!” Crystal screamed.
“Ma'am, calm down,” the officer yelled as they all carried Crystal into the back of the ambulance and strapped her down.
“He killed everybody!” Crystal screamed, struggling to get free.
Detective Washington walked out of the house with a disgusted look on his face. He made his way over to the back of the ambulance. “Everybody out!” he yelled. “I need to talk to her alone.” He watched everyone exit the ambulance. He was now in charge of the case and planned on running it his way.
“He killed everybody!” Crystal said frantically.
“I know he did,” Detective Washington told her. “We've been trying to track this killer down for years now. Did you happen to see his face?”
“Yes, I saw his face. I know his name, I know where he works at and everything.” Crystal broke down crying. “He killed my daughter,” she said, tears just streaming down her face nonstop. All she could think of was the sick images of her daughter being sawed into little pieces.
“Dont worry. I've just been assigned to this case, and I promise you, I'm going to catch this psycho,” Detective Washington said. “Let's get you downtown and away from all this madness, so we can hurry up and catch this fucka.” He covered Crystal's naked body with a sheet then decided to ride the ambulance with her.

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