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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (116 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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Faith closed her eyes at the growl in Reece's voice. It was deep, sexy and full of promises. She swallowed hard and tried to nod her agreement but her head was pulled back too far. She grunted her approval instead. The actress loved her Animal and wanted to let it be known it was perfectly okay with her for Reece to let go. She missed it; she craved it.

"You want it, don't you?"

The warm breath against her neck caused goose pimples to sprout all over Faith's body, her nipples becoming painfully erect. "Yes. I need you," she whimpered.

Reece wrapped an arm under Faith's body, around her waist and pulled her impossibly close.

The actress moved her knees, spreading her legs wider, pushing into her hunched over lover.

Reece narrowed her eyes and grinned. She released the blonde hair, slipped her hand under Faith's arm, across her chest and grasped her shoulder from underneath. "You're so fucking hot... I can't wait to hear you scream."

The actress let her head drop and looked under her body. She could see Reece's strong thighs were flexed and ready, her hand gripping her shoulder and the other one holding her hip. She braced herself for The Animal.

Reece pulled Faith upright until her back was against her body and she rotated her hips. "Feel me inside you, Faith?" she purred into a pink ear.

"Yes... more..."

The tall woman smiled as she brought her hips back, sliding the dildo out halfway before thrusting it back in hard. Faith gasped loudly and Reece felt the smaller body tremble. "Is it too much?" she whispered.

"No... I need you!" Faith begged.

The club owner pulled out and thrust again, this time Faith moved with her, pushing back as Reece thrust forward. The tall woman did it again and again, until she had a steady rhythm. She let her hand wander from Faith's shoulder to her breast and found a rock-hard nipple for her to play with. Looking down over her lover's shoulder, Reece watched her hand pull and roll the hard flesh.

"God, yes!" Faith cried out. The steady pumping, combined with the pinching at her nipple, started to make her sweat. She thrust herself harder into Reece, who growled into her ear.

"You do need this; you need me to fuck you."

"I do... please... more..." she whined.

Reece didn't reply and she didn't comply, either. She kept up her steady pace of thrusting as much as her lover struggled in front of her. She looked up at the mirror to see Faith writhing in front of her, one hand resting on her own hip, the fingers of the other teasing her other breast. The Animal felt a surge of arousal jolt her between the legs as she watched Faith's reflection. "Touch your clit," she said before she bit into the neck by her mouth.

Faith's hand left her hip and slipped between her legs. She slid one finger between her folds and stroked herself slowly, the contact causing her to jerk her hips suddenly.

Reece felt the base of the dildo dig into her sex and she gasped. "Yeah... so fucking hot..." she groaned, sucking the flesh into her mouth, marking Faith's neck. She thrust the dildo harder and quicker into her lover, making her groan loudly.


The tall woman bathed Faith's neck with her tongue, nipping at the sensitive skin as she pumped her dick faster into her depths. Faith stopped touching her breast and reached behind her to hold on to Reece's neck.

The Animal groaned as the nails dug into her flesh. She stopped moving all together and sat back on her heels, pulling Faith down with her. "Don't move," she said to Faith's bewildered reflection.

Strong hands held onto small hips and long legs unfolded and stretched out in front of her. Faith was now straddling Reece's legs, the dildo still buried inside of her. The actress looked in the mirror at the sexy smirk on the tall woman's face and she knew what was next. She felt hot breath on her shoulder and an even hotter tongue lick across her back.

"Ride my cock, Faith."

Faith placed her hands on Reece's legs, just above the knee and held on tight as she lifted herself up, watching the dildo appear in the mirror. "God..." she breathed at the sight and the feeling. She had been on top before, but never facing this way and never in front of a mirror where she could watch herself display such carnal expressions.

"Fuck it! Let's go!" The Animal slapped a taut ass cheek.

Faith yelped and complied, watching her lips slide down the length of the dick, engulfing it entirely. She felt her heart beating wildly in her chest at the reflection. She lifted herself up and down again. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensation alone.

The Animal watched with great interest as green eyes rolled shut. She raised her knees causing Faith's legs to open incredibly wide so she, too, could watch the action in the mirror. "Open your eyes; look at yourself."

Green eyes opened slowly and Faith whimpered at the new vision. She was spread wide open, her legs on the outside of Reece's. She watched as a large hand snaked between her legs. "Oh, god..." she groaned.

Reece started thrusting up as Faith came down, the actress's legs were shaking and the tall woman could feel the resistance as her muscles clamped on the dildo while she fucked her. Faith was close and The Animal needed to see her come. "Look how your pussy swallows my dick."

The actress watched Reece's fingers as they touched her clit. She screamed, but heard nothing but her blood pounding in her ears as she felt herself start to tremble.

"That's it, baby... I want you to scream..." The Animal thrust up hard into Faith, fucking her with such force that the blonde was lurching forward with each pump of her hips. She attacked her clit with abandon and was rewarded with a loud whine. She watched as Faith's abs clenched and felt her fingers dig into her legs painfully hard.

"Fuck... oh, REECE!" Faith screamed as she came.

"Yeah... that's what I wanted." The tall woman held onto her lover tightly as she trembled and twitched on top of her. She stopped touching her clit and wrapped both arms around her body, pulling her close, feeling her orgasm. Wave after wave of delicious spasms wracked the small frame and Reece reveled in them. She'd made them happen and she was very pleased with herself.

"Baby, out... please..."

The tall woman understood the whispered plea and lifted the spent actress off her body, backing her self up and allowing the dildo to slide out. Faith jerked again as Reece did this and she fell heavily onto her tall lover.

"God, Reece!" Faith breathed.

"Good, huh?" Reece bent her head and kissed the sweaty neck. "Turn around, I want to see your face."

Faith groaned as she sat up and turned around, but smiled at the cocky expression on Reece's face. "You're pretty happy with yourself, aren't you?"

"Yeah. I made you scream, that's always good," Reece gasped when Faith reached between her legs.

"Take this monster off," the actress pulled at the dick then rolled her fingers in the abundant wetness, "I want to lick up every drop."

*  *  *


Dear Cori,

Well, here I am in sunny Cancun and, yes, we did manage to leave the hotel room, as I am sitting on the beach while I write this. Reece is a couple yards away... get this... playing volleyball with some of the other guests. Can you believe it? She has never looked more relaxed since I've known her. Cancun becomes her. Then again, it could be because she's now a married woman.

Faith sat back in her lounge chair and sucked on the end of the pen while she watched her wife dive for the ball. The sunlight glinted off of Reece's platinum wedding band and Faith reflexively held out her hand and stretched her fingers, admiring how the two rings looked on her own finger. She smiled indulgently as she stared at the rings.

Yes, dear Freak, I said married. I can hardly believe it myself. It would seem that our Reece planned the whole thing. We got married two days ago, here on the beach. Nothing fancy. In fact, I was wearing a bikini, flip-flops and a sarong, she was wearing a wet suit and water shoes, the Jet Ski primed and ready for us to fly off into the sunset. It was more than I could have dreamed and, believe me, I dreamed.

Cori fell back in her bed and stared at the letter, her mouth hanging open in shock. "That little... VIOLET! Get in here!"

The minister was wearing a garish Hawaiian shirt and a Speedo. The people on the beach all gathered around, most of them newlyweds themselves, and threw flowers at us when it was all over. It was a short ceremony, again, nothing fancy, but it will be a day I'll remember for the rest of my life.

Faith leaned her head back and tried to blink away the joyous tears. Just thinking about their ceremony made her cry. She felt like the happiest woman alive. The actress jumped as the volleyball bounced onto her legs. She grinned contentedly when she saw the tall, sweaty woman trot over to retrieve it.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Reece dropped to her knees and kissed Faith on the lips, ignoring the errant ball.

"I'm happy. I love you, baby," Faith pulled her wife into a crushing hug.

"Hey -  get a room, willya?" someone called from the net.

"I gotta get back. Are you okay?" Reece wiped away the tears with her gritty hands making Faith grimace. "Sorry... we're almost done," she grinned lopsidedly in apology.

"Take your time, Reece. I'm not going anywhere."

"You can't now, it's forged in platinum," the club owner wiggled her ring finger. "Forever," she said confidently. "I love you."

Faith watched Reece sprint back to the game with the volleyball under her arm.

Reece was so nervous. I first noticed it on the plane, but I chalked it up to flying. Little did I know...

"Wow, babe! I can't believe it!" Violet shook her head in astonishment. "Reece tied the knot."

"Faith seems so happy. I could just spit that we weren't there! But I could cry at the same time. How wonderful!"

When we first got here, I couldn't get her to stand still -- not even when I sat in our hot tub naked with a bowl of fruit and a bottle of champagne. I couldn't imagine what had gotten into her. I tell you, Cori, she was pacing and edgy and I thought we were going to have a trying vacation with her in that mood. Turns out, she was a nervous wreck. My big bad butch. I love her so much. She almost hyperventilated minutes before the ceremony! She blamed it on the sun. I suspect that she hadn't eaten since New York. It all seems so clear now, but, at the time, I was so distracted with packing and the excitement of actually going away, I guess I didn't pay enough attention to my needy fiancÈ. Don't you worry, though, I made it up to her -  and then some.

"I'm sure she did," Cor snickered.

"Do ya think they joined the Mile High Club?" Violet wondered.

"Reece? Fit in those bathrooms?" Cori laughed at the vision.

"Hmm -  you've got a point... there's no rule that it has to be in the bathroom," the piercer pulled the covers up and demonstrated the alternative.

"Ooo, hey, cut that out. I want to finish this."

"Speaking of making it up to her... did I thank you, sweet Cori, for adding those extras to my carry-on? You did know that, with our luck, we were checked at customs. I don't have to tell you the color of my face when the man rummaging through my bag came up with edible underwear and a thigh harness. God, I could have just died. Reece managed a fierce growl that scared the men enough to zip up the bag and send us on our way. I'm more than relieved that he didn't find the other goodies you stowed in there. I'm not being ungrateful, mind you, they were put to very good use. By the way, Reece said the grape panties tasted like cough medicine.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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