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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (38 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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"Would you like me to lick it?" she purred.

Faith nodded quickly, the sound of Reece's aroused voice sent more wetness to flow into her crack.

Slowly the tongue emerged again, and just the tip made contact with the swollen bundle of nerves. It flicked back and forth. Faith cried out, watching her clit being toyed with.

Reece grunted in sympathy, wishing she had the nerve to allow someone to do this to her. Imagining what it would look and feel like to have Faith's tongue licking her in this way.

The actress felt her lover's hips moving and her breath coming in short pants. She couldn't help feeling proud that she could have this kind of effect on Reece without even laying a finger on her.

"Much better than a mirror, don't you think?" Reece's voice was impossibly low. Faith shivered.

The club owner took her teeth and captured the throbbing flesh. She ever so slightly bit down and pulled.

Faith strained to keep her eyes open as her clit was manipulated by Reece's sharp teeth. The intensity of seeing and feeling was driving her insane.

"Please...I can't..." She grasped the couch cushions for dear life and managed to force her hips up into Reece's face.

Reece wrapped her lips around Faith's clit and sucked with the rhythm she knew by heart.

Faith screamed and bucked wildly. Reece was sucking her clit and she could see every delicous movement of her lips, her cheeks, her was almost intense enough to make her cry. Reece was groaning as she suckled, and Faith could see the muscles in Reece's mouth work, knowing in advance when she would sweep her tongue across her straining clit.

"Oh ...god...Reece...harder..."

Reece obeyed. She pulled harder at the flesh, using her tongue continuously, all the while staring into the wild green eyes of her lover. Watching Faith now, she didn't need any announcements. Faith was going to come and she could tell it was going to be huge. Wrapping her arms around her lover's body, she held on tightly as Faith's legs started to tremble.

"Yes...yes..." Faith chanted, forcing herself to watch.

The club owner's own clit throbbed incessantly, she could feel the moisture on her thighs.
Faith's gonna love that
, she thought.

The actress's heels dug into her lover's back and her own back arched as much as it could in her current position. Faith inhaled deeply and then with one last hard pull on her clit, fireworks exploded in her head.

"OH GOD!" She yelled, and stiffened so tightly, her shoulders came up off the couch.

Reece shivered. It was a sight to behold. She quickly laid Faith down on the couch and slowed down her attentions, wanting to draw this one out as long as possible.

Finally able to move at will, Faith wrapped her legs around Reece's head and trapped her between her legs, grabbing her ears and holding her there.

Reece, who had no intention of moving, watched as Faith shuddered and twisted around, grunting and whimpering like never before. Reece stifled the urge once again to quench her own desires, wanting to feel her lover's touch more than her own.

Faith started to relax and her grip loosened. She was breathing very heavily and Reece needed to lap up the ambrosia that was sure to have escaped during that orgasm. She pulled her mouth off of Faith's clit and winked when the spent woman lifted up her head to look at her.

"Good god Reece...I never--YAH!" The actress almost jumped out of her skin when she felt the tongue enter her.

Reece raised an eyebrow and glanced curiously at her lover.

, she thought, and tested her theory by plunging her tongue deeply inside Faith.

"Ooooohhh...yeah...I can't believe this, but," she slid her hand up to pinch her own nipples.

Oh no she don't...
thought Reece, as she turned herself around, and Faith was now sitting on her face.

Looking down at Reece's wide open soaking-wet thighs, Faith had to laugh.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. Did I neglect you?" She spoke the last sentence into Reece's sex and kissed it.

Reece's hips flew up into her face, and the club owner groaned into her center.

"I'll take that as a yes." She moaned breathlessly as Reece impaled her with her tongue.

Leaning down and settling herself on her elbows, Faith licked the length of Reece's lips. As she touched her clit, the club owner's whole body spasmed.

"Yes, I know, honey, I missed you too." she said as she lowered her mouth to the glistening folds.

*  *  *


'It's been quiet too long,' thought the girl. A hard shudder ran up her spine.

'He's testing me.' Her fists clenched unconsciously at her sides. 'I hear him breathing, he's so close.' Standing tensely for so long caused her arm to twitch, jerking her chained and bloodied wrist. She whimpered out loud from the pain.


The word left her lips without warning and she fretted. A bead of cold sweat trickled down her back at her audible sign of weakness. He always got her good in the dark. She closed her eyes tightly and pressed herself closely against the rusted pipe in hopes of disappearing.

"You cry like a girl, you fucking pussy!"

The blow to her head sent the girl to her already bruised knees, wrenching her chained arm hard. She grunted, nostrils flaring in anger.

"Get up, you little shit!" He hauled her to her feet by her hair. The metal handcuff scraping loudly as she was lifted upright.

She winced as his foul alcohol-laden breath blew across her face. Her heart was beating so hard with the urge to spit at him that she felt dizzy.

"How's my little soldier?" He chuckled.

"My arm hurts, Sir." she managed through her dry throat and clenched teeth.

"Good." He patted her cheek, making her sneer in disgust. "If you'd have obeyed me yesterday..."

"I won for you, didn't I?" she cut him off. "You're sleeping on fancy sheets because of me."

He stood there staring at her with a sickening smile on his face. The girl stared back, unflinching in her defiance. Her eyes appeared to glow in the darkness and he felt a twinge of uneasiness. Masking his fear, he chuckled and lifted his hand. It was intended to frighten her, but the girl stuck out her chin in a daring move.

"You're tough, I'll give you that. A good little moneymaker you are." He sneered at her cocky grin, then turned and disappeared into the darkness.

The girl put her free hand in her jeans pocket and fingered the business card. 'The Lounge, huh?' She thought about what she could possibly do in a place like that. 'He's probably a fucking pimp.'

'You're not an animal'. Frankie, the well-dressed man's, words echoed in her head. She closed her fist around the already crumpled card and ground her teeth.

'But I am, aren't I?' she sighed. 'Whatever this guy has to offer, has to be better than this.'

She'd been existing like this too long. Just out of her teens, the girl was feeling rather rebellious. She tried to break away, but He found her and made sure she'd never try that again.

'Stupid. I should have waited till he was passed out. At least til he took me home.'

She yanked at the chain again in frustration. He said her attempt at freedom was a need for more discipline, and fear. But she was tired of being a trained dog. The urge to escape burned in her veins, freedom was inevitable. She'd take it any way she could, at any cost. She was just waiting for another opportunity. The girl shook loose that train of thought, it only made her heart beat faster. The more pumped she was, the more careless she became. He could always sense her anxiety and used it against her. If she wasn't careful, she'd get another beating and she needed her strength.

She carefully measured her breaths and listened to his footsteps in the dark. She was hungry and her stomach knew it was time to eat.

"Chow time," he said as he threw a metal tray on the floor at her feet.

The back of her head hit the pipe with a loud clang as the bright floodlights blinded her. Her blue eyes teared uncontrollably, the sensation making her nose run.

"You're so goddamned pathetic. I'll make a man outta you yet, soldier." He said as he laughed.

"I'm not a man...Sir." she muttered, knowing she'd be hit for it.

He grabbed her head and brought her face centimeters away from his.

"Then why do you fuck women?" He asked with amusement, tightening his grip on her head.

"Because you're to drunk to get it up," she smirked, then added, "and you like to watch me..Sir."

He growled, throwing her head back as he released it. She readied herself for the blow, but it didn't come.

"Fucking animal."

She bristled with anger.

"I'm NOT an animal!!" she yelled and pulled on her chain again, re-opening the wound she made earlier. "Look what you made me do!" She screamed in frustration, "I fucking hate you!"

But there was no answer, just a chuckle as he ascended the stairs, infuriating her more.

"I'll fucking kill you." she vowed quietly, trying to control her breathing again.

She lifted her aching shoulder and wiped her nose on her shirt. Once her eyes adjusted, she dragged her chained hand lower, squatted down and examined the food.

'Not too bad.' She thought of the meal. The good thing about being someone's trained pet was that she ate well. With her free hand, she balanced the tray on her knees. Once settled, she used that same hand to shovel the food into her mouth. No more utensils until she learned to behave herself, he said. She knew better; he was becoming afraid of her. She was tall, and muscular, and as strong as three men. She could kill him with one blow. He should fear her--he'd made her.

Lost in thought for a moment, she chuckled with the memory of how the last woman he brought home had come downstairs to her. She wasn't chained then, she was behaving. The woman was nothing special to look at, but she was damned horny. Drunk and horny. The girl snickered.

'Man was he pissed when he found us.'

The girl had to lay on her stomach to reach the water, as he loved to make her crawl. This too was in a metal cup.

'Serves him right,' she thought as she drank. 'Women have needs too.' she smirked. 'And she needed me.'

She stared distractedly at the cup for a moment, then grinned wickedly.

He must have been pretty drunk to have given her an opportunity such as this one. She took the empty cup and placed it under her booted foot.

Although she could hear the drunken sounds from him and the woman upstairs, she was careful to be quiet while she worked at it. Slowly and methodically she turned it over and over, crushing it into itself thinner and thinner. Then she wedged it in between the pipe and the handcuff. There was a slight scraping noise, and the girl had to stifle a scream of triumph.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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