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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (37 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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Violet felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Reece nod her head in the direction of the door.

"No problem," she whispered in her friend's ear. "Have fun, Reece." She winked, then slipped quietly out of the room.

Still staring at the screen, Faith watched in anticipation as her lover rearranged herself so that the other woman was on top. She reached out and traced Reece's image on the screen.

"Why doesn't this bother me?" She wondered aloud.

"Should it?" The club owner switched off the TV.

Reece's low voice in her ear forced Faith to close her eyes. "I think so." She turned around to face the tall woman. "You're fucking someone else and it's turning me on. Isn't that twisted?"

"Maybe." The tall woman traced her fingers up Faith's arms, causing the actress to shiver. "But I love you just the same."

"Shouldn't I be jealous?" Faith covered the larger hands with her own.

"No." Reece bent her head and kissed Faith's neck. "Because it's old, it's a tape," She snaked her tongue out for a taste. "It's not real." Reece continued to kiss her way around Faith's throat. "Maybe you're just horny."

"Yeah, maybe." Faith breathed weakly as Reece's fingers tickled up her back and laced through her hair.

"Or maybe..." The club owner kissed her chin, "'s because," another kiss, "you're envious, and," another kiss, "you wish it were you."

"Mmmmaybe.." Faith groaned. When the hot tongue traced her ear she fell to her knees.

Reece never lost contact, following her lover down on her knees, widening her long legs to surround Faith's. The actress felt the shoulder of her shirt being tugged down, her lover's mouth trailing quickly over the exposed skin.

"God, what you do to me." Faith reached up and grabbed both sides of her lover's face and pulled her up for a kiss, sucking both lips into her mouth. Reece squeezed her thighs tightly, causing the smaller woman to groan.

"I want you, Reece." she mumbled into the kiss, pulling the dark head down to her cleavage. "Now."

Reece plunged her tongue down into the warm crevice, breathing in the smell of Faith's skin. She licked as much of it as she could reach, hooking her fingers in the neck of the shirt, pulling it down more and more. When the shirt would go no further, she yanked it down hard, tearing it open and exposing Faith's breasts. With a growl of triumph, Reece stared at her prize.

Faith gasped at the action, excited by the surprise. She wrapped her hands in the soft black hair and pushed Reece's head into her chest, guiding her mouth.

Reece briefly allowed Faith to move her head back and forth, and bathed whatever area was presented to her tongue. She attempted to close her lips over a nipple but wasn't able to, her mouth wasn't in one place long enough. She reached up and covered Faith's hands with her own and pulled them off of her head, placing them on her shoulders with a growl of warning.

"Don't touch."

Reece closed her strong hands around Faith's breasts, pushing them together. She attacked both nipples at once, sucking as much into her mouth as she could, kneading the flesh roughly. Faith arched into the touch, inhaling sharply. She sensed Reece's urgency, and it cranked up her arousal threefold. She loved it when Reece acted this way.

"More," she urged. "Harder, baby."

The club owner leaned over, pushing Faith to the floor. She grunted as strong legs wrapped around her thighs and pulled her down hard, while the hands on her shoulders tightened their hold.

"Yesss." The actress moaned, feeling her lover's full weight on top of her.

Reece let go of the breasts she was feasting on and pulled Faith's leg up between her own. The contact was electric and she bit the nipple she was sucking.

Faith yelped and squirmed. "God that's good, baby."

Reece nodded from her position and pressed herself into Faith's leg. She nipped and bit at both nipples, trying desperately not to move her own body at the pace it was dictating. The sounds Faith was making were sending jolts of pleasure between her legs, making her want to stop everything and get herself off.

Faith took hold of Reece's shirt and began tugging blindly, until it was twisted up around the club owner's neck. She dug her nails into the sculpted back, drawing deep growls of pleasure from her lover.

Reece tried to slip lower, but was tangled up in her own clothing. Reluctantly, she lifted herself up and stripped from the waist up.

"All of it. I need to feel you." Faith's voice was raspy from panting. It went straight to Reece's sex.

The tall woman stood and quickly removed her clothes. She moved to the couch and sat, motioning for Faith to follow. With a seductive sneer, the actress stripped off her remaining clothes.

The club owner leered as her lover dropped onto all fours and crawled over, stopping between her knees.

"You're so wet I can see it." Faith whispered as she rubbed her cheek against Reece's inner thigh. The tall woman groaned painfully as she felt the hot breath blow across her needy sex.

"You're gonna kill me." Reece moaned.

"Funny, I said the same of you." She smirked and stuck her tongue out for a lick. "But it was an entirely.." She licked again, "..different context."

"Faith..." Reece's whole body twitched.

The actress climbed up and straddled her lover, adjusting herself so that their centers were touching.

Reece lifted one long leg and wrapped it around Faith's back to hold her in place, in turn opening herself up wider to the contact. She braced the other foot against the coffee table.

"Oh yeah, that feels so good." She groaned and pushed into the feeling.

"We never did this before." The actress closed her eyes for a moment to relish the sensation of Reece's pubic hair rubbing against her clit. "I wanted to try it," she breathed, and reached down to open herself up, jerking at the sound of Reece's whimper.

Reece gritted her teeth as Faith tried to find a good position. "You keep wiggling like that and it will be all over," she warned, trying to will her hips not to buck.

The actress reached behind her and grabbed the edge of the table for support, then began moving herself against Reece.

The club owner growled as Faith's clit rubbed over hers. Her eyes raked over the arched body riding her own, traveling from flexing thighs to pause on the taut stomach. She moaned as Faith quickened the pace, throwing her head back. Blue eyes watched the stretching and clenching movements of Faith's abs as she moved herself, and she longed to feel them. Reece felt a flood of wetness between them, slickening Faith's movements so much that the actress's nails dug into her thigh as she held on tightly.

Not able to sit back idly any longer, Reece reached up and pinched her lover's nipples. Faith groaned loudly.

"This isn't going to take long, sweetheart," Faith grunted between breaths.

"No, not long..." Reece whispered, and moved her hands to Faith's hips to guide her faster. There was a fire in her belly like never before. The sights combined with the sounds overwhelmed her. She felt the first sparks of her orgasm burst upward from her toes.

Faith whimpered and moved her hand from Reece's thigh to her bicep, squeezing hard.

Reece tore her eyes away from Faith's face for a moment and looked down between them. The sight made her mouth water.

"Oh yes!" Faith groaned. The sensation of Reece's wet silky flesh, alternating with her scratchy pubic hair and her hardening clit moving quickly against her, was too much. Faith jerked erratically for a few seconds then pushed herself frantically against Reece.

"Now...coming, Reece," she whimpered and shuddered violently.

"Right with ya.." The tall woman grabbed Faith's chin so she could watch her and she too succumbed to the pleasures.

Before there was time to recover, Faith found herself on her back, Reece leaning over her with a feral look on her face.

"What was it you said about paybacks?" She snickered evilly.

Faith swallowed dryly, still trying to catch her breath. "They're a bitch?" She smirked.

"And so am I." Reece snickered again and wrapped an arm under the smaller woman's back. She lifted and pulled her forward until only Faith's shoulders and head were touching the couch. Draping the smaller legs over her shoulders, she knelt there grinning like crazy.

"Uh, baby?" Faith asked curiously, as Reece pulled her closer against her body.

"Yes?" she cocked an eyebrow in amusement as Faith tried to wiggle around.

"I'm completely at your mercy, aren't I?" Faith smiled at the feeling of Reece's nipples brushing against her ass.

"That's correct." The tall woman nodded and licked a bit of Faith's thigh.

"Oh." she shuddered.

"You're going to watch me make love to you now."

Faith groaned in realization. She could see Reece poke out her tongue and taste her leg, how would she handle seeing her tongue poke there?

"Watch my tongue, Faith." Reece ordered in a throaty whisper.

The actress bit her lip as the wet muscle extended and slowly neared her sex. She wanted to move up to meet it, but couldn't. Reece didn't budge, just let her tongue sit there, the steel ball glistening, taunting her. It was frustrating and exciting all at once. Her lover was teasing her, hovering over where she wanted it most. A drop of saliva fell from Reece's tongue onto her clit, which twitched at the sensation.

"Please, Reece.." She begged.

The club owner dipped lower and with her tongue flat, pressed it against Faith's twitching sex.

"Oh yesss." she hissed in pleasure.

The tall woman drew the muscle up, tweaked her clit with the piercing, and then slowly brought it down.

"God that's so hot to watch," Faith gasped. She felt the wetness flow out of her and down into her ass.

Reece saw the delicious drop seep out and this time slid her tongue lower. She teased Faith's anus until the actress whimpered, then repeated the process again.

"Oh...oh..." The redhead moaned.

The club owner smirked and paused to run her fingers between her own legs. Faith moaned as Reece presented her sticky fingers to her. The actress quickly sucked the fingers clean as her lover resumed licking.

Reece pulled her fingers away and used that hand to run her short nails across Faith's stomach and up into her pubic hair. She detoured her mouth momentarily to lick her own fingers and then continued to lap the wetness that was forming at her lover's opening.

"Honey...please...I can't take it." Faith begged in short gasps. "It's too much."

"Watch me." Reece said, and slid her wet fingers onto Faith's clit.

The actress nearly screamed in pleasure. Both women watched as Reece brushed her fingers lightly in slow circles. Not quick enough to satisfy, and not nearly enough pressure. Faith groaned in frustration, receiving a raised eyebrow and a chuckle in response.

Reece could feel her clit pounding with every rotation. She wished she was able to do something about it. She was soaking wet and beyond hot. She added some pressure to her fingers. Green eyes started to roll back.

"Watch me." Reece reminded her lover and stuck out her tongue again, playing with the piercing.

"Please!" Faith sobbed.

Reece took pity on her lover. She stopped the motion of her fingers and used them to spread Faith's swollen lips. Her clit was red and hard, begging to be licked.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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