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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (44 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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"You tell me." Faith lovingly trailed her fingers along Reece's eyebrows, her nose, and then traced her lips. Bending down, she kissed those lips, the nose, then each eyebrow. Sitting up again, she took Reece's hand and kissed each finger before rubbing her cheek into the palm. "What do you see in my eyes, Reece?" she whispered into the strong hand.

The club owner didn't have to think before answering, but the feel of Faith's soft lips in her hand made her pause. "My salvation." She answered quietly, swallowing the lump in her throat.

The honesty with which she spoke caused a swell of emotion in the actress. She threw herself on top of her lover and rained kisses all over her face.

Reece cupped Faith's face in both hands, relishing in the feel of her lips touching her skin.

"Do you know what that means to me?" The actress asked.

"Couldn't possibly be as much as you mean to me." Reece answered matter-of-factly.

"Oh, Reece, do you mean that?" Faith wondered tearfully.

"Faith, I'm not nearly what I would consider the poster girl for relationships...and I am a horror to deal with, I know. But you've shown me how much you love me, you prove it to me on a daily basis just by being here when I open my eyes in the morning. I have no idea how you put up with me and my shit. I know what I have, and how lucky I am to have it. I'd be a real asshole to let you go."

Faith was speechless at Reece's monologue. She didn't know what to say. After a short while of just staring at her lover, she found the words. "Thank you for giving me your trust." Faith twined her fingers with Reece's.

Reece stuck out her chin in an oddly defiant gesture, but Faith knew it was her way of showing that Reece acknowledged the admission of her own weakness, but wasn't able to deal with it yet. Faith didn't press the issue and simply took it for what she knew it was--Reece's pride covering her fear.

"I'm not going anywhere, Reece." Faith said sincerely.

"That's right, you aren't. I don't intend on letting you." Reece mock sneered.

"Oooh, I love it when you're bad." Faith half teased, really wishing Reece would be bad more often.

"Do you now." The club owner wiggled her eyebrows with a lecherous glare.

"Oh yeah." she shuddered.

Faith leaned into her lover and kissed her. The kisses changed into deep hungry ones, and soon both women were moving against each other with need. "Now, I do believe we have unfinished business," the actress said after giving Reece's body a long leer.

Faith scooted down and licked a trail from navel to throat, where she attached herself and sucked hard.

Reece squirmed and groaned.

The actress got a thrill that Reece still allowed her to take control and suddenly became aggressive, sucking and biting a path downward, leaving a line of bruises and teeth marks.

"Marking your territory, Little One?" Reece bit out through her gritted teeth.

Faith nodded and began giving the same treatment to Reece's breasts. She scratched her nails down the long arms and held strong hands down on the bed.

"Faith!" Reece's back arched off the bed when the actress bit her nipple too hard. "Go easy!" She breathed through her clenched jaw, even though her legs opened wider.

Someone's getting a little too comfortable here.
The club owner thought with a smirk.
Gotta fix that.

Reece's eyes widened as half her breast was sucked into Faith's mouth.
Ok, so ask me again in an hour.
She closed her eyes and groaned.

Faith sat on Reece's thighs, reached between them, and positioned the dildo so it was standing up in front of her. She stroked it as if Reece could feel it, and rubbed herself back and forth on her lover's slick center, which was framed by two strips of leather. "Oh yeah...I've been waiting for this..." she breathed into Reece's neck as she stroked the toy and pressed harder. She moved her other hand to squeeze Reece's breast.

What has gotten into her?
wondered the club owner when one nipple was twisted and pinched quite roughly, the other one sucked hard. "Faith baby.. " She growled. The actress's sudden wild streak was driving her insane. The unpredictable behavior was so out of character. She had to keep reminding herself to calm down, that this was Faith.

Ok, this is your lover, look at her.
Reece focused on the green eyes looking back at her from her breast. Then she focused on the hand between her legs.

Yeah, that's Faith alright. And she happens to be jerking you off.
Reece found it hard to control herself and pumped her hips in time to Faith's stroking.

The actress began another descent, never letting go of the dildo, but dragging her free hand down, digging her nails into the Reece's skin as she did. She settled herself between the long legs and propped herself up on her elbow. She kissed the dildo and paused to look at Reece's confused face.

"Oh're gonna...oh god.." Reece had to close her eyes, Faith was acting so much like the girls of her past, it was blowing her mind. She fought the urge to jump to her knees and grab a handful of hair. "JESUS!" she screamed, as her right knee was suddenly at her ribs and Faith's tongue thrust inside of her.

Reece's hands flew to the edges of the mattress, grabbing the sheets tightly. Blue eyes glanced down, rolled back and shut. It was all too much for the club owner.
The blowjob would have been enough, but this..?
She growled as her lover rubbed her whole face back and forth between her legs.

That tongue is pure evil.

Faith grunted an animalistic sound, her tongue delving deeply inside Reece. The hips beneath her thrust up into her nose so hard that her eyes watered. She stopped abruptly and climbed back up the writhing body, attacking Reece's mouth with the same abandon.

A long leg wrapped around Faith's back and pulled her close, two strong hands holding her head. Reece sucked the evil tongue into her mouth and thrust her pelvis blindy. Faith pulled away and began to chew on her lover's lips. The club owner moaned and her leg squeezed harder.

Reece smelled herself on the warm breath and her nostrils flared. She grabbed Faith's neck and pulled her down, pushing her tongue into her mouth.

"Your body's screaming again." Faith murmured against swollen lips. With her best seductive sneer, she reached down and positioned the dildo at her entrance. "Now, fuck me now, Reece."

The club owner lifted herself up on her elbows to watch and thrust up hard, burying the whole thing up inside her lover in one swift motion.

Faith threw her head back and groaned languidly, digging her fingers into Reece's shoulders. "You feel so good inside me." she moaned breathlessly.

Reece looked down between them, and then up at her lover's face. Then it hit her.
Fuck! I know what this is about!

She remembered how Faith wanted to hear about how she used those girls, how the young Reece would take them forcefully at their own pleading. Reece also remembered how her lover reacted to the detailed descriptions she offered with slight clenching movements of her thighs and unconscious lip licking. Reece felt a powerful heat explode inside of her chest and she inhaled harshly to stifle the flames. Baring her teeth and growling, she wrapped her other leg around Faith and used the momentum to roll them over. Then she pulled out and sat back on her heels.

"Reece!" Faith protested and reached for her lover's arms. Reece swatted the hands away and grumbled deep in her chest.

"Uh-uh." she shook her head. "My turn, remember?"

The hungry gleam in her eye told Faith all she needed to know. Faith felt her heart pounding.
She shouted in her head.

"Turn over." Reece commanded with a light slap to the hip. Once Faith complied, she used one hand to gather both of her lover's smaller ones and pulled them up over her head, stretching Faith's body up into her chest. The other hand slid under Faith and lifted her hips, pulling her ass up into her belly.

"You want me to fuck you?" The club owner gyrated her pelvis to emphasize her words then suddenly let go of the smaller hands, and Faith fell to her elbows.

The redhead nodded and whimpered.

Reece sneered ferally. "Good, cuz that's what I'm gonna do now."

"Yes, please," the actress begged with a frantic nod.

Reece molded herself on top of Faith's back and bent her head, her lips touching the actress's right ear. She contemplated her situation, not sure if what she was about to do was really what Faith wanted. She was trembling at the idea of letting herself go. The adrenaline was making her scalp tingle, and all she needed was one more push and she was there.

Faith shivered as the long hair tickled her shoulders and neck. She waited and waited while Reece did nothing more than breath into her ear. She was so tense with anticipation of her lover's next move she whimpered.

"Is this really what you want?" Reece whispered shakily.

Faith nodded, and arched her back ever so slightly.

Reece breathed hard through her nostrils and clenched her jaw to keep from screaming from relief. Her whole body shook with excitement.

The actress moaned quietly as the heat blew onto her face. She felt Reece rear back and shudder behind her. The dark head appeared at her left ear. She shivered again from the sensation of Reece's hair spilling across her heated skin.

"I've just lost control, Faith."

The low dangerous timber of her voice sent goosebumps all over the actress. She whimpered again.

With a growl, Reece thrust her hips hard into the upturned ass, and Faith fell face first onto the bed, her elbows unable to hold the weight of her shaking body.

Reece lifted her back onto her knees roughly, slamming Faith's butt into her groin. "I hope you know what you're in for, sweetheart." The club owner said in a singsong voice as she pushed roughly against her lover again.

Faith swallowed loudly, unable to speak. She'd played with fire and now she yearned for the consequences. Her heavy lover dropped back down onto her and she struggled to hold the added weight up. Warmth blew across her cheek and Reece's hair blanketed her face once more.

"Does my strength excite you?"

Her voice was measured, calm, but Faith could see the tremors in the forearm that was braced by her lips. Reece was at the very edge of her willpower, she was about to explode. Faith worried that she had pushed her lover too far.

Reece drew her hips back further before pumping them slowly, sliding the dildo up through Faith's folds. "Tell me." she bit out through her teeth, reaching a hand under Faith's chin and turning her head.

The actress felt her heart pound at the intensity of Reece's glare. The blue eyes seemed to glow with heat. Her lover was giving her a last chance. She thought fearfully of what Reece might do if she backed out now. And to whom... with whom... The actress decided that she needed to experience this. Reece needed to do this too.

"Do.. you.. want.. this.. Faith?" she rasped.

"No, I need this." Faith swallowed loudly.

Reece's pupils expanded and her lips twisted into a sneer. She pulled Faith's chin higher and plunged her tongue into the open mouth. She was breathing loudly as she claimed every bit of the actress's mouth, their teeth scraping, Reece's tongue thrusting deeply inside.

Faith's neck was cramping in her current position, but her chin was held tightly in a strong grip. She could hardly breathe as her mouth was being invaded in such a manner. Abruptly the onslaught ended and Reece let go of her face. The actress gasped for breath. She was as turned on as she was scared. She trusted Reece with her life, but this was not Reece. The danger made her shiver, she surprised herself with her reaction. Faith turned her head and inhaled sharply. Those eyes burned right through her, she was looking at The Animal.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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