Read Reece's Faith Online

Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (83 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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"You're so wet. Can you feel my tongue, it's touching you clit," Faith whispered breathlessly, pushing Reece's fingers higher into herself.

Reece jerked her hips as she indeed felt Faith's tongue massaging her clit. "Yes, it's so hot... your tongue." Blue eyes rolled slightly as Faith moved her tongue in the same manner as Reece moved her fingers. The club owner growled deep in her chest. The combination of sensations and sounds of their lovemaking drove her wild. She could feel her fingers covered in Faith's sticky juices and the way her soft pubic hair rubbed against the inside of her wrist made her nostrils flare. She fought the need to fill herself, her toes curled with the effort not to plunge her own fingers inside of her.

Faith glanced at her lover's face. It was flushed and sweaty. She was taking in huge gulps of air and Faith realized she had not seen her lover so turned on before. Looking back down, she saw the club owner's thighs twitching and her pelvis rocking from her own attentions. Faith moaned loud, she could take only so much. Letting one hand go from Reece's forearm, she placed her fingers at her lover's dripping entrance. "May I?" she asked while already sliding the tips inside.

"God, yes! Do it!" Reece groaned throatily, her inner muscles grabbing at Faith's fingers, trying to pull them inside.

Faith impaled herself on Reece's fingers at the same time she buried her own inside Reece. Both women groaned gratefully and pumped their hips to the same rhythm.

Faith watched Reece's fingers as they still teased her own clit. The actress knew what Reece needed to come and this wasn't it. This was purely indulgent play for the club owner, but to Faith, it was the ultimate turn on. Reece was giving her quite a show and she wondered briefly how to get her back in this state again. Faith tried to concentrate on one feeling, but seeing her own fingers being greedily sucked up inside her lover at the same time as Reece's finger worked inside her and on herself was a sensory overload to the actress. Faith felt herself nearing climax and she wanted Reece to come first.

"Rub it, like it was my tongue Reece, come on."

The club owner looked at Faith's face drinking in her desire. She couldn't refuse her anything and she moved her fingers purposefully, right on her clit. She arched her body forward, wanting more of Faith's fingers.

"Yes, baby, come for me."

"I need you harder," Reece grunted.

Faith complied. She thrust her fingers harder in and out of her lover and thrust herself harder up and down on her hand. "Reece, I'm so close."

Faith's whine made Reece even wetter. The idea that her lover was riding her hand and getting off watching her touch herself brought a tingle into her thighs.

"Watch me come," Reece ground out as she tensed her body and attacked her clit with abandon.

"Yes!" Faith cried, her orgasm building from her toes at this sight.

Reece huffed a few times and her face scrunched up in concentration before she finally lost it. Faith looked into her lover's intense eyes. Reece was a goddess, her tongue twitching in her half-open mouth and her body tight as a bowstring. Her own muscles clamped and twitched. She felt Reece's hand on her shoulder and saw she wasn't touching herself anymore.

Reece groaned out Faith's name as she came, grinding herself into Faith's hand, lost in the feeling of her own hand being milked by her lover at the same time. They came loudly, spasming erratically, but with each other.

Faith revived first, climbed off Reece's hand and pushed her down on the desk, hopping on top of her. She kissed her senseless until the club owner relaxed around her hand and then pulled away from the kiss with a series of smaller nibbles to her lips. "Reece, you are amazing. I love you so much."

Reece chuckled, "I can say the same for you."

"You did that for me, thank you."

"Made love to you? Don't tell me you're thanking..."

"No, silly. You touched yourself." Faith kissed Reece's nose and settled herself down on her shoulder. "It was wonderful," she shivered.

"Hey, it was for me, too," Reece smirked and kissed Faith's head before yawning.

"Poor baby. Are you exhausted?" Faith wrapped her arms under Reece's neck and squeezed her in a semi hug.

"Yeah, but it was well worth it."

"You're telling me." Faith ran her fingers through Reece's hair. "I like it, honey, I really like it. Who did it?"


Faith propped herself up on an elbow and looked disbelievingly at her lover. "You let her near you with a scissors? You trusted her with your hair?"

"Yeah, she did okay, didn't she?" Reece shrugged.

"I don't get you sometimes."

"Aw, Faith, she begged me. Besides, I threatened her within an inch of her life if I came out looking like a freak."

Faith chuckled into Reece's neck, "I bet you did. What did you say to her?"

"I told her I'd let you at her."

Faith pinched Reece's side. "Very funny."

"You can be scary, Faith. I'm afraid of you."

"I love you, Reece. Now hush, I'm going to take a nap."

Reece wrapped her arm around Faith's back and sat up. "We'd be more comfortable on the couch." She lifted her lover and Faith grumbled.

"Speak for yourself. I'm most comfortable when I'm in your arms; no matter where we are."

The club owner smiled at those words. Never before did she think she'd be the source of someone else's peace. It felt damn good. Settling herself on the couch, she stroked Faith's hair and kissed her on the head. "I really love you. You changed my life."

Faith snored. Reece chuckled and closed her eyes.

*  *  *


Faith's eyes fluttered open slowly and she tried to gather her bearings. Looking around the office, the actress smiled at the memory of the night before. She stretched healthily and turned her head to look for her lover. Her eyes widened and her smile broadened at the sight she encountered. Reece was wearing nothing but her unbuttoned tux shirt and was bending at the waist holding her ankles. Faith's first instinct was to crawl over and bury her face between Reece's cheeks until she noticed the odd red splotches on them and the backs of her lover's legs.

"Baby? What happened to your legs?"

Reece turned her head from her current position and this prompted a gasp of surprise from the actress.

"Your face! What happened to you?" Faith jumped up off the couch and howled as she left half her ass stuck to the leather.

"That," Reece said as she straightened up and snickered. "I had some trouble peeling myself off the couch."

"Ooooowww," Faith groaned and rubbed her ass.

Reece shook her head at Faith's childlike pout and bent backwards, stretching the rest of the kinks out of her sore body.

"Oh, that will make me forget my stinging butt," Faith said excitedly.

The club owner straightened up and grinned at Faith's joyful expression. "See something you like?"

"Absolutely! I'll take it," Faith nodded rapidly as her eyes took in the whole vision of her semi-nude lover.

"It's all yours. Should I wrap it?" Reece asked playfully holding both ends of her shirt open.

"Hell no! Bring it here, baby," Faith leered openly.

"No way. Not anywhere near the couch," Reece put both hands up in protest.

Faith came over and snuggled herself up against her lover's chest, wrapping both arms and a leg around her. Reece looked down at the top of Faith's head. She snickered at the unruliness of her hair and engulfed the actress with her arms.

"I wish I didn't have to go anywhere today, hon. I wish I could stay in your arms all day." Faith mumbled.

Reece nodded in full agreement with the actress. It felt so good to be loved the way Faith loved her and she wanted to get lost in this feeling all day.

Hearing the drawn-out sigh under her ear, Faith looked up into her lover's contented blue eyes. It brought a warmth to her heart to see Reece in this state. She smiled brightly up at her lover, "Comfy?"

"More than I thought I'd ever be allowed."

Faith craned her neck for a kiss and was very pleased when she received one. Settling back into the safe cocoon of Reece's warm embrace, she nestled her face between her breasts.

comfy?" Reece chuckled.

Faith nodded and kissed the side of Reece's breast, "I wish I could take this feeling with me."

Reece nodded again, feeling totally at peace.

"I feel safe, so loved and incredibly warm," Faith sighed herself, as Reece's arms tightened around her. "Sometimes all I need is one minute in your arms and I feel like I can take on the world. I miss you terribly when you're not there."

"I make you feel that?" Reece asked disbelievingly. "With just a hug?"

Faith closed her eyes and smiled against Reece's skin. "Reece, I cannot even begin to describe the ways you make me feel. Nothing compares to you."

Suddenly, Reece felt like crying and she had no idea why. Surprised, she blinked the feeling away. She had the urge to pick Faith up and twirl her around like a fool. Instead, Reece kissed the top of her head and closed her own eyes, drinking in the new sensations that Faith's words caused in her, knowing that as soon as they let go of each other, the world was going to turn as planned.

*  *  *


Reece was more than looking forward to flopping herself down into her big, inviting bed. Her back ached from sleeping on the couch, not to mention how her flesh felt in the spots where she had stuck to the leather. Reece ran her hands through her short hair repeatedly, getting used to the feeling of it, messing it up as she did. She went to the dresser and pulled out her most comfortable sweats and the softest, most worn out T-shirt. She had big plans involving her bed, a nap and these clothes. She stopped by the mirror and laughed at her appearance, remembering the many looks Barry had given her in the rear view mirror on the way home. Reece laughed out loud at what Barry must have thought when Faith dragged her out of the club.
Whatever he was thinking probably pales in comparison to what Faith actually did to me just before we left.
The tall woman studied her hair, trying to see as much of the back as she could, then began to inspect the red splotch on her cheek. She was frowning at it furiously when her doorbell rang. She shuffled down the stairs muttering to herself. Reece cursed her luck as she opened the door. "What?"

Cori and Violet both stared inquisitively at Reece. Her shirt was inside out and buttoned wrong, her hair was doing its best impression of Don King, there was a curious mark on her cheek, her pants were horribly wrinkled and the fly was open.

"What?" Reece asked again, this time filled with annoyance.

Cori nudged Violet who spoke up. "Uhm, we
going to ask you to come shopping with us... but..." the piercer cocked her head and chuckled quietly at her friend's state of dress.

Reece looked down at herself and grinned. She attempted to smooth out her hair and then zipped her fly. She stood aside and motioned for the two women to come in.

"What the hell happened to your face, Reece?" Cori stepped into the house and approached the grinning club owner.

Reece closed the door and turned to follow her friends into the kitchen. "I got stuck to the couch."

"Oh, no, is that why you look like that? Did you fight? You slept at the office?"

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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