Read Reece's Faith Online

Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (82 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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Reece sucked Faith's earlobe into her mouth, studying every movement of the smaller body in front of her. Looking down the length, she could see the impression of Faith's hair beneath the thin material of her thong and the outline of her full nether lips beckoning her, causing her mouth to water. "It's been so long since I tasted you; since I buried my tongue up inside you," she breathed, holding the earlobe in her teeth.

Faith squirmed and moaned. All her instincts told her to turn around and climb on her lover's willing mouth, but Reece told her to stay and she would do anything for her. Besides, she knew, all in good time.

Reece caressed Faith's body from the top of her thighs to her underarms, her hands firm and sure of themselves. From her vantage point, she could see everything, but Faith's hard nipples seemed to be reaching for her and she couldn't tear her eyes from them.

The actress whimpered as Reece's fingertips circled her breasts. They drew teasingly slow circles around and around. She arched her back in invitation, but her lover's strong legs pulled her hips back, pressing her bottom into the increasingly wet place.

"You have such beautiful breasts, Faith. My mouth waters looking at them."

Faith whimpered.

"Do you want me to touch your nipples?"

"Yes, please."

Reece's gaze fell onto Faith's lips as they moved. The actress wet her lips and Reece caught sight of her pink tongue. One hand left Faith's breast and held her chin, turning her head upwards. Blue eyes stared, filled with desire, at Faith's swollen lips, while Faith stared at hers.

It was only a second, but to Faith, it was forever until Reece lowered her head and their lips met. The actress groaned into Reece's mouth, backing her tongue up, allowing her lover to invade her mouth at will, giving herself up to Reece.

The club owner felt Faith fall heavily into her and moaned with appreciation. Finally allowing herself the pleasure, she closed her hand around Faith's breast and squeezed it, drawing a sigh of relief from her lover. Bringing her tongue back into her own mouth, she invited Faith to control the kiss, but the actress wanted Reece's control. She brought her head even further back, stretching her neck to the limits and ran her tongue over Reece's lips repeatedly until the club owner seized her chin again and held her still, covering her lips with her own, nibbling them, biting them.

Faith inhaled loudly through her nose when Reece's fingers began pinching and pulling at her nipple, she pressed her ass into Reece in time with her strong fingers, desperately wanting that hand to slip lower and touch her where she was on fire. Faith didn't want slow, she craved fast and hard.

The club owner had the same wants, but a little teasing never hurt anyone. She released the nipple, slid her palm down over Faith's abdomen and stopped, letting her pinky delve under the silky thong, dragging it back and forth through Faith's pubic hair.

The actress whined into Reece's mouth, her tongue twining with her lover's blindly. She tried to move her hips, but Reece's legs held her tightly and she groaned in frustration. She could feel Reece's wetness, yet she couldn't touch it. Faith jammed her ass between her lover's open legs and growled.

Reece moaned in return. Having Faith squirming against her was causing an inferno in her sex. The feel of her stockinged legs wrapped beneath her own and the roughness of the lace rubbing against her nipples was making her drip. She let go of Faith's chin and rested her own on the shoulder in front of her, breaking the heated kiss to watch her lover react to her touch. Faith's head fell forward and her fingers dug into the back of Reece's neck in anticipation of being touched.

The club owner grunted and her jaw clenched. No, she couldn't tell Faith how insanely hot the sensations on her neck were making her; it was too much ammo. Reece placed her other hand under Faith's neglected breast, cupping it. With her thumb and forefinger, she teased that nipple, pulling the ring every so often. The tall woman felt every twitch that jerked through Faith's body straight to her core and she flexed her thighs and tilted her hips, bringing her sex in closer contact with Faith's ass.

The actress felt the shudder that traveled through her lover and pushed back encouragingly, loving that Reece was getting off this way, by giving her pleasure. It always pleased Faith to know this. Again, she attempted to thrust forward as Reece's pinky finger meandered lower, brushing the top of her clit.

"Yes, Reece... touch me," Faith rasped, breathing heavily.

Reece poked her tongue out and tasted the skin on Faith's jaw; it was soft, damp and salty, making her want to taste Faith elsewhere. She slid her hand lower and buried her fingers between Faith's folds, the long groan of appreciation her lover let loose caused her to groan right back. She pressed herself into Faith harder now, and rolled her fingers in the wetness that surrounded them.

"God! Yes!" Faith cried out in pleasure. The wait made it all the more intense.

Reece moved her fingers out from under the red thong and Faith watched her lover's hand it went to Reece's mouth. The club owner growled and her nostrils flared, as she tasted the thick arousal.

Faith's eyes narrowed as she watched Reece's tongue dart between her fingers to catch every drop.

With sticky fingers, the club owner grabbed Faith's chin again and pulled her up for a kiss, sharing the taste of the actress with her. She pulled the nipple ring sharply and Faith grunted, trying desperately to arch her back. The actress's fingers were sure to leave marks in Reece's neck with how hard she was holding on, but Reece couldn't care. She was hot; this was hot.

Faith whined as the hand left her breast and cupped her sex. She ground into it, gyrated around on it, but it still didn't cooperate.

"Tell me, Faith," Reece rasped into her ear. "Tell me now."

Faith let the shudder envelop her before speaking. She knew that once she said the words, she'd be filled. She also knew that once she was filled, she would come. There was no way around it. She locked her knees and clenched her teeth in preparation.

"Tell me what you want!" Reece yanked Faith's thong down mid thigh, squeezed Faith's naked sex in her hand and shivered as the come slid around her fingers. She felt the uncontrolled spasms in Faith's legs and knew she was on the very edge; this pleased Reece.

"I can't... I'm gonna come, Reece!" Faith whimpered.

"Good. Tell me!" she sneered squeezing her hand again.

"Fuck me!" Faith grunted.

Reece brought her arm across Faith's chest to hold her in place and plunged her fingers inside her lover, raising her feet off the ground. The actress howled, digging her nails into Reece's neck.

Faith's strangled scream, the pain of her nails combined with her wracking spasms brought Reece to orgasm with her. "Shit, Faith!"

The club owner unfolded one leg from her lover and braced it on top of the desk, thrusting her sex into Faith's ass. She never stopped fucking her, her fingers pistoning in and out while her palm crushed into Faith's clit.

"Oh god!" Faith yelled as her orgasm ripped through her. She released the back of Reece's neck and held her forearm with both hands, riding out this intense climax.

Reece scooted back, moving her sex away from Faith's ass and concentrated on her lover. She was greatly relieved that those torturous fingers left her neck; her skin was tingling there. She adjusted her hand so that she was no longer in contact with Faith's clit and slowed the movement of her fingers until the actress stopped spasming around them. She could tell that if she moved her hand from between Faith's legs, she'd fall right on the floor.

"Good lord!" Faith groaned, letting her weight fall back into her lover. "Okay, you can take your fingers out," she said with a long happy sigh.

"I could," came the drawled response, the words vibrating through Faith's back.

The actress tilted her head back to meet the still hungry blue gaze of her smirking lover. She ran her fingers up and down Reece's forearm and licked her lips. "I thought I'd return the favor." Faith turned her head and nipped at Reece's bent knee.

The club owner jumped and buried her fingers high inside her lover.

"God, Reece!"

Faith shuddered and a wicked grin crossed Reece's face. She pulled her fingers out and rested them at Faith's opening. "I can wait," the club owner said as she pushed her fingers slowly into Faith, drawing a long, low grown from the actress.

Faith felt herself sliding to the floor and clutched Reece's bicep. "But, I wanted to... oh yeah..." she tried to protest, but Reece was fucking her again, slowly and surely.

"What was that?" Reece teased, pulling her fingers out and sliding them up and down over Faith's hard clit.

"Uumm, taste you," Faith breathed out between moans.

"Turn around."

With the assistance of her lover, the actress turned to face Reece, a hard task with those long fingers rubbing her so deliciously. Faith's eyes widened as she watched Reece bring her hand down and cover it with her own arousal.

"Will this do?" The club owner offered her fingers to her lover. She was so incredibly turned on.

Faith greedily accepted, practically gnawing on the honey coated digits. "Hmmm," she hummed her delight.

Reece would have chuckled but Faith was doing incredible things to her fingers and all she managed was a groan.

Faith shimmied out of her flimsy underwear and kicked it away. She opened her legs wider and crouched down lower, swirling her hips on Reece's hand, while making love to her fingers with her mouth.

Reece could hardly take any more. The way they were positioned, Reece couldn't continue to fuck her
have Faith lick her at the same time. Thinking about it briefly, Reece came up with an idea sure to please her lover as much as herself.

Faith controlled the movements of Reece's hand by holding on to her arm. She didn't want to come again to soon; she wanted to see her lover do so before she did. She alternated rubbing against and lifting off Reece's hand while she sucked on her fingers like she would Reece's sex.

The pulling sensations on her fingers were shooting sparks between the club owner's legs. She withdrew her hand from Faith's mouth and traced the full red lips. "Do you want more?" Reece asked, closing her eyes from the feelings engulfing her other hand.

"Yesss," Faith hissed, rubbing Reece's fingers on her own clit again.

Reece brought her other hand back down between her legs, while Faith watched it jealously, her tongue moving in accordance with Reece's fingers. Green eyes narrowed when Reece's finger disappeared inside of herself.

"Oh, Reece... yes!" she groaned rubbing herself harder on her lover's other hand.

Reece moaned too as she pulled her finger out and offered it to her lover. "Faith, your mouth feels so good," the club owner twitched as Faith's tongue slid between her fingers.

"Touch yourself," Faith said as she lowered Reece's hand back between her legs. "Please," she urged, pressing the large hand into the wet flesh.

Reece let her propped up leg open wider and obeyed. Faith's hand dropped away and she watched intently as the club owner touched herself.

This highly vulnerable and open position her lover was in sent sparks shooting up her spine. "I wish that was my tongue, baby," Faith moaned, watching Reece's fingers slide up and down.

Reece shivered with the thought and groaned when she felt the fingers on her other hand being guided inside Faith. "Yeah... your tongue," she groaned out, her stare rooted on Faith's mouth, as her lips moved, and her tongue wet them.

The actress whimpered as she began riding her lover's long fingers. Her gaze glued to Reece's hand as it moved against herself, offering her the most wonderful gift. Reece's hand dipped lower, coating her fingers thoroughly before they moved back up and touched her clit. Faith whimpered and flooded Reece's hand; the smell of her lover making her weak, her head already spinning from the squishing sounds Reece was making in her own copious wetness.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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