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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (90 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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"Don't stop kissing me," Reece murmured against her lover's lips. She needed to feel Faith inside everywhere at once.

"Mm, mm," Faith shook her head and dug her fingers into Reece's hair. The multitude of feelings she was receiving in her own body while she fucked Reece was making it hard to talk.

Satisfied she wouldn't lose contact with the actress's mouth, Reece let go of her head and slid her hands down to hold Faith's ass cheeks. She had to move her leg to reach and when she did, she gripped the flesh tightly, feeling the muscles flex and relax with each thrust. She sought Faith's lips hungrily, sucking and biting on the tender flesh.

Faith felt the strong fingers digging into her skin, clutching and releasing rhythmically, keeping time with her thrusts. She felt powerful to have such control over her lover's body and she was aroused more by knowing how it felt to be in Reece's position. She jerked as the leather harness rubbed into her already tortured clit. She briefly wondered how it was so easy for Reece to keep a steady rhythm and concentrate on what
was doing while wearing the harness as it must do the same thing to her. Faith figured she must have had three mini orgasms already from the friction alone and couldn't wait for the big one. She pulled back from the club owner's starving mouth and panted heavily into her neck.

Reece wrapped her arms around Faith so tightly that the actress had a hard time breathing. Faith, in turn, forced her arms underneath and around Reece's sweaty body, gripping her just as tight.

To Faith, it felt like they were one body and it felt fantastic. "Feels good?" she asked before swiping her tongue up the side of Reece's throat.

"Uh, uh..." the club owner grunted, cutting Faith's withdrawal short by pulling her back inside as quickly as she pulled out. "Want me to go faster?" the actress breathlessly groaned into Reece's ear.

"Yes... I wanna feel you..."

Faith gave herself some additional leverage by shifting her position so that she was more on her knees and obeyed Reece's request with harder, faster thrusts.

"Oohhh... god..." Reece moaned hoarsely.

"I'm doing it, Reece..." Faith grunted with her efforts. "I'm fucking you, baby."

"Yes... fucking me..." Reece nodded quickly. "Soo good."

Faith watched Reece's eyes squeeze closed tightly. She immediately missed those baby blues, but knew how hard it was to keep them open. She adjusted her position so that she leaned more heavily onto Reece's body as she entered her, hitting the club owners hard clit with every stroke, giving herself more relief, as well.

Reece's eyes popped open and she clutched Faith's body desperately, digging her long fingers into her flesh. "Oh... shit..."

Faith reveled in that grunt. She knew Reece was loving this and Faith was never more turned on in her life. Her own clit was begging for more time and she pounded into her lover harder. Reece made a strangled whimper that shot right through the actress's body. "God, Reece... yes!" Faith buried her face in Reece's soaked neck and felt the vibrations of her deep groans reverberate in her ear.

"Faith?" Reece pawed Faith's ass roughly.

"Baby..." Faith answered into Reece's hot neck.

"I'm gonna come..."

A bolt of lightening hit Faith's sex with those words and she felt the nerve endings in her clit ignite and spread the waves out and down her legs. She struggled to keep thrusting as she rode out her orgasm, but it didn't really matter. Reece's pelvis was raised off the couch and she was holding onto Faith's backside so tightly, the actress was forced to continue coming even after her body wanted to stop.

"Holy..." Reece was body slammed with a powerful climax and she held on for dear life as her body shook and shuddered, carrying the weight of her twitching lover. The club owner gasped and grunted through the convulsive orgasm, feeling like she might actually pass out if Faith stayed on top and inside of her for too long.

Faith felt wonderfully alive, holding her spasming lover tightly as she came, knowing that she made her feel this way. She made sure to wait until Reece at least stopped twitching before she backed her hips up and pulled out of her still-clutching depths. The club owner was not accustomed to being fucked often and if Faith had stayed in there, she knew Reece would want her again and then she'd be sore. Faith would not have that. She replaced the dildo with her hand and just held Reece's sex. The club owner bucked up into the new contact a few times, causing some pretty strong aftershocks. Faith groaned with hunger as her lover shivered through them.

Faith watched curiously as her lover covered her eyes with her forearms. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly and she was breathing through her mouth. "Are you alright?" she asked with concern.

Reece nodded. She was too overwhelmed to speak. The myriad of things she wanted to say would pale in comparison to what she was feeling. She was afraid if she looked at Faith now, her eyes would show everything and she couldn't do that.
Could I?
she thought.
Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? Tell Faith what I'm feeling?
The club owner shifted and took one arm off her face. She wiped the sweat off of her face and rested that hand on her stomach.

Faith sat back on her heels and undid the harness, slipping it out from under her, she settled herself on top of her calming lover.

Reece felt the comforting weight on top of her and knew she owed Faith an explanation for her behavior right now. She tickled her fingers absently up and down Faith's damp back.
What can I do? I don't know what to do. I've never felt like this before.
She agonized over having to express the words.
Well, words haven't always been my strong point.
She uncovered her face completely and hesitantly opened her eyes. The concern and uncertainty she saw in Faith's eyes made her swallow hard.
That will never do. Start talking, Corbett. Tell her what's going on.

Faith cocked her head in wonder as her tall lover turned them over. Reece was leaning on one elbow, the fingers of her other hand, running through Faith's hair. The club owner hovered so close to the actress, they were almost touching noses. Green eyes softened with relief as Reece's fingers began tracing her eyebrows; her eyes seemed to be studying every inch of the face beneath her. "I love you, Faith," she whispered softly.


"Shh," Reece put her fingers over Faith's lips. She traced them, feeling a strange warmth inside as the air she exhaled brushed across her fingertips.

Faith stared intently as Reece's mouth opened as if to speak and closed again.

The club owner watched her own fingers as they cupped her lover's chin. "You've changed me, Faith. I didn't think it was possible..." Reece tried to complete the thought but couldn't find the right words. "There's only you."

The club owner barely spoke. If Faith had breathed at that moment, she would have missed it. Faith smiled and her heart felt full.

Reece pressed her hand over Faith's breast, not lingering long before she began sliding it downward. There were no guessing games, its intent was clear. Faith shivered with anticipation as the large hand made its way lower.

"Do you know what you did to me?" Faith opened her mouth but Reece hushed her. "Shh. Don't talk, just feel," she said quietly.

Faith nodded and when her lips opened again it was to sigh as Reece's hand came to rest on her center.

"I wasn't scared. I wasn't afraid of you, Faith. I don't think there's a thing in this world..." Faith whimpered as long fingers slid through her folds. "...that I wouldn't let you do," Reece paused to lose herself in the feel of Faith's wetness. "...that I wouldn't dofor you."

Faith licked her lips and smiled, her eyes reflecting the love and passion she felt for her most surprising lover. Her voice hadn't risen above a whisper and the actress knew these words were spoken from her heart.

"You've taught me things..." Reece entered Faith with one finger and brought it back up to look at it. "I did this, I gave you pleasure," the club owner stuck the whole finger in her mouth and sucked it, once again looking at it when she finished, "...and where it once was a triumph for me..." Reece replaced her hand in Faith's sex and brushed her clit. Faith jerked and groaned. "Now, I feel the pleasure with you. It's wonderful, really."

Faith lifted her arms to touch Reece and the tall woman intercepted them. She brought them one at a time to rest above Faith's head. "No, just feel." Faith swallowed loudly.

Reece circled Faith's clit and kissed her lips gently, sucking her bottom lip before pulling back again. Faith groaned and her eyes fluttered closed.

"Please look at me, look in my eyes." Faith opened her eyes and focused on bright blue. There was so much love in those eyes a tear of joy slid down her cheek. "What do you see?" Reece continued to talk in hushed tones. Before Faith could answer, Reece kissed her again and entered her with two fingers. Faith's nostrils flared with the intensity of the feelings Reece was invoking inside of her. "Tell me," the club owner spoke against Faith's lips. "Can you read my feelings?" She pulled back and let Faith look into her eyes. "It's devotion. I can't hide the truth." Reece whispered and leaned in, kissing Faith passionately, lovingly, pouring every ounce of feeling into the kiss.

"Reece... god..." Faith sputtered when her lover finished.

"Shh. Just feel me... worshipping you."

Faith nodded as more emotional tears welled in her eyes. Reece was making love to her so wonderfully, so passionately. Her hips started to move in time with the long fingers and Reece nodded silently. She leaned down and kissed Faith again, slowly, causing a whimper of desire to escape the actress.

"You're so beautiful," Reece whispered as she watched Faith's face express her pleasure.

The actress bit her bottom lip, never breaking eye contact with expressive blue. Reece rubbed her palm into Faith as she worked her fingers faster. The feelings in her center became intense and Faith started to moan loudly. Her eyes closed for a second before she forced them open again.

"That's it, baby, I want you to see me loving you." Faith nodded and her mouth fell open with a deep groan.

Reece could feel the climax as it built quickly and she knew just what to do to bring her lover over. "Come for me, Faith," Reece ordered gently.

Faith sobbed loudly and grabbed Reece's shoulders, grounding herself. She felt that she had to hold on to her in order to keep her eyes open. Finally reaching her orgasm, the actress cried out and sat halfway up on the couch. It wasn't an earth shattering orgasm, but it was the most wonderful one she'd ever experienced. Looking into the love-filled baby blues made it special. Not being able to stand it any more, she pulled Reece down on top of her and wrapped all her limbs tightly around her. "Oh, god, how I love you, Reece," she mumbled into her shoulder. "I really do."

"Well that's good, baby, because I'm never leaving your side."

They embraced like that for a long time until a certain puppy thought it was high time he got some attention. He jumped and yipped continuously.

Reece reached down and lifted him up. He walked all over the couple until he found a nice spot to curl up into and chew his tail.

Faith looked down at the dog curled up contentedly on her breasts and sighed. "I think someone's been spending way too much time with his auntie Reece," Faith giggled as his tail began beating into her chest. "May as well call him Killer"

Reece chuckled and scratched his head. "I thought you'd see things my way. Right, Killer?"

"Yap!" The pup jumped up and bounded across their bodies to smother Reece's face with kisses.

"Whoa! Okay, little man... calm down," Reece sputtered against the attack.

Faith laughed outright. "He seems to like kissing you. He just might have some of me left in there yet."

*  *  *


Reece jumped in confusion from her sleep from the thud, not sure what was going on. She sat up, focused in the dark and saw Faith sprawled out on the floor, still sleeping deeply, Smudge sniffing the actress curiously. Reece chuckled to herself at the sight of her cute, sleeping lover and tried to imagine how she wound up on the floor. She stood up and stretched the aches from her body, making a promise to herself that she was never going to sleep on this couch again. Locating her pants, she slipped them on and rummaged around for Faith's clothes.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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