Read Reece's Faith Online

Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (88 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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Faith laughed nervously, "Surprise?"

"You have no idea," Reece's expression turned to amusement as she assessed the situation with her hand.

"Before you laugh, I really want this, Reece."

"I can't believe you walked out of the house all harnessed up. You plan on using this on anyone, Faith?" Reece grinned knowingly.

Faith nodded and blushed hotly.

"What makes you think that someone wants you to?" Reece pressed into the dildo and watched as Faith swallowed down the moan.

"I was hoping she would want me to," she said as she looked directly into Reece's eyes.

The club owner licked her lips, "The thought crossed my mind." She took her hand off of the dildo and slid it up behind Faith's neck. She leaned in so that their lips touched. "What do you want to do to me with that, Faith?"

Faith swallowed hard before she gathered enough nerve. "I want to bend you over and fuck you," Faith's heart beat wildly as she waited for a response. The feel of Reece's lips touching hers made it hard to breathe.

Reece had to hand it to her little lover. That was a tough request to make. She poked her tongue out and licked Faith's lips before replying. "I don't know so much about the bending over part, baby," she sucked Faith's top lip into her mouth and held it with her teeth, "but I'd love you to fuck me."

Faith threw herself at Reece and devoured her lips and tongue. She was suddenly pumped full of adrenaline and grunted her pleasure inside her lover's mouth.

Reece leaned back and helped Faith climb onto her lap. Reece felt the dildo press into her crotch and broke the kiss. "I gotta tell ya, babe, this is very weird," she pushed up with her hips. "It's a little awkward for me... but I wanna do it, okay?"

"Tell me. It's my turn now, Reece." Faith was breathing heavily; she felt the arousal seep through her veins in anticipation of hearing Reece say those words to her.

Reece leaned over and spoke directly into Faith's ear, "I want you to fuck me."

Faith shivered violently, "God, Reece!"

Reece chuckled. "You like that huh?" she teased as she traced Faith's ear with her tongue.

Faith rocked her hips into her lover, pressing the dildo tightly against both of them. "Please, let's go into your office," she groaned.

"Yeah... now," Reece agreed and they ran clumsily down the hall.

*  *  *


Faith was the first one in the office and she was already pulling off her shirt by the time Reece closed the door. The club owner leaned against the wall and watched as her lover tore off her bra and hesitated at her skirt.

"A little awkward, Faith?" Reece smirked. "I, uh, yeah. What if you think it looks funny?" the actress was suddenly terrified.

"Aw, babe," Reece felt terrible for teasing. She pushed off the wall and knelt in front of Faith, unzipped the back of her skirt and stood back up. "Go on, show me what you got in there." Reece stepped back and leaned against her desk, watching as Faith slid the skirt and panties to the floor.

"Please don't make fun of me," the actress whispered, enormously self-conscious.

Reece took a long look at her exposed lover. Faith looked different, but still very sexy. She was all woman, all Faith. Blue eyes drank in the vision, tracing the outline of her full delicious lips, across to the curve of her soft, sexy shoulders, down over the fullness of her perfect breasts, and lower... to the dick poking out from her soft curls. Faith was certainly standing in a new light and it turned Reece on more than she cared to admit. Reece gave Faith a sexy, reassuring grin. "I think... you look... hot. C'mere."

Faith walked over to her open-armed lover, very aware of the harness.

Reece knew she had to do something to make Faith more comfortable. She wrapped her arms around the actress and nuzzled her neck as she let her hands roam everywhere. "Did I tell you how much I love the way your neck smells?" she purred.

"Many times," Faith smiled and leaned her head back to give Reece more room.

Reece's hands traveled up Faith's torso and her fingertips teased two perfect breasts. "How about how much I love your tits?" Blunt fingernails scraped across hard nipples.

Faith inhaled sharply. "You may have mentioned it." Reece slid down into a half squat and circled one breast with the tip of her tongue.

"How the mere sight of them makes my mouth water?" Reece closed her lips around the nipple and pulled gently.

"Oh, god..." Faith breathed, pressing herself into her lover and holding on to her shoulders... her
shoulders. "Off," she grunted as she tugged at the tuxedo jacket.

Reece released the nipple and leaned back. Faith's appreciative gaze traveled up and down the long frame as she stood up and removed her jacket.

how delicious you look in a tux?"

Reece smirked sexily, "I think so, yes. Would you rather I keep it on?" she teased, reaching for her discarded jacket.

"No! Please, take it off... quickly," Faith groaned in anticipation of Reece in all her naked glory.

The club owner chuckled and tore open her shirt, much to the surprise of her lover. "Snaps," she explained and kicked off her boots. She started on her pants when a hand interrupted her.

"Let me," Faith reached down and opened the button on the black pants, sliding her body down with them as they hit the floor. The actress waited until Reece stepped out of them and then brought her hands up behind her lover and squeezed her ass. "Mmm, I just love this ass," she said as she rubbed her cheek against Reece's cotton-covered crotch.

"Smell me, Faith. I've been thinking about you." Reece held Faith's head and turned her nose between her legs.

The actress groaned and boldly licked Reece through the material, causing the club owner to let go of her head and hold onto her desk tightly. Faith hooked her fingers in the elastic of the boxer briefs and slid them down to Reece's knees. "Lift," she instructed as she licked the inside of a knee.

Reece did as she was told and started when Faith buried her tongue in her sex without warning, attacking it with rough strokes. "God, Faith!" she gasped as her lover suddenly attempted to suck all the fluid from her body.

The actress rubbed her nose in Reece's scent and smiled at the shiver that shook the club owner's body. "You do smell so good. I couldn't resist a taste."

Faith stood up and Reece stared at her in shock. "That was some taste. Are you going to leave me like this?"

Faith chuckled evilly, "Just an appetizer." Reece narrowed her eyes and took Faith's outstretched hand allowing herself to be led to the couch. She sat back and Faith climbed on her lap, capturing her lips and both breasts at the same time. The club owner moaned at the forwardness; relieved that Faith felt more comfortable.

"I could kiss you for hours," Faith mumbled as she went back for more.

Reece sank down into the cushions and purred into the kiss. It was a turn on tasting herself on Faith's lips and tongue. The actress was kneading and pulling at her tits in such a way that it was sending a fire down to her center. Reece lifted her hands to Faith's breasts, teased the hard nipples until they were rock hard and then she twisted and pinched them, causing her lover to jerk and grunt on top of her. While pulling and working the nipple ring, she ran her other hand down Faith's belly, caressing and tickling her skin. Reece smiled to herself when she felt the gooseflesh sprout out on Faith's stomach. She slipped her fingers lower and stopped dead at the harness.


The club owner had forgotten all about it. She tentatively let her fingers travel along the leather straps and underneath to Faith's sex, but was uneasy about touching the dildo. She had never been in this position before and was a little nervous at the prospect of being completely submissive. The fact that it was Faith made her able to accept it, and she did actually think about it... but doing and thinking were two completely different things.

Faith started nibbling her way down towards Reece's nipples and when she got to the top of her breasts, she could feel her lover's heart beating insanely hard and fast. Knowing it had everything to do with the dildo she was wearing, and having no idea what to say or do to reassure Reece, Faith panicked. She sat up and looked into frantic blue eyes. "Reece, if you'd rather not... I mean we don't have to..." Faith stammered. "I know you never have and I certainly haven't..."

Looking into the worried green eyes of the woman she trusted most in the world, Reece relaxed and a grin crept across her face. "I'm fine, babe. I swear," she pulled Faith close and kissed her softly.

"I really never..." Faith looked down between them. "I don't know if I'm any good," she said timidly.

"I wouldn't worry about it, you could never disappoint me. Especially when it comes to pleasing me," the club owner said sincerely.

"Do you really mean that?" Faith wondered.

"Faith, before you, I would fuck women, sometimes every night. Sure, I'd come... sometimes three or four times... but I was never satisfied. There was always something missing. The first time you made me come, I swear, I thought I'd have a heart attack." Faith snickered in disbelief. "No, it's true. And, baby, you weren't even there," Reece grinned. "You make me feel things I never thought possible. If you ever stopped loving me, I would implode."

Faith was speechless. She never heard Reece talk like that before and for her to say all those wonderful things in one breath was shocking to the actress. She stared into her lover's eyes, reading nothing but complete honesty. It wasn't until Reece took her hands and replaced them on her breasts that she began breathing again.

"Now, make love to me, Faith," Reece whispered huskily.

Faith didn't need any further encouragement and she met Reece's lips in a crushing kiss. She was so thrilled that her normally aggressive lover was willing to allow her this moment, she felt light headed. She broke the kiss, gasped slightly for air and watched the expressions change on Reece's face as she teased her nipples. To her, Reece was the most gorgeous woman on the planet and to see the look of passion on her face and know that she was the cause, gave Faith a tremendous rush. It never failed to excite her and like every other time that she watched Reece's eyes darken, her arousal heightened dramatically. She lifted both breasts up and squeezed them together, licking and sucking both nipples at once.

The club owner was never open with her emotions especially when it came to vulnerability. She never even knew that she was capable of feeling vulnerable until Faith first touched her. Now, she welcomed the feeling, knowing that the end result would be the ultimate pleasure. Reece urged Faith on with groans of approval, running her fingers through the soft blonde hair. Knowing the surge that she felt when she was in control, Reece growled in empathy as Faith became more aggressive.

The actress paused in her assault on Reece's breasts and kissed her hungrily, pinching her hard, sensitive nipples, her tongue searching and spearing wildly everywhere inside her lover's willing mouth.

Reece's hands were frantic, they were kneading Faiths breasts, her ass, her thighs... grabbing, caressing and scratching. Faith's forcefulness was turning her on more than she thought it would. She covered the smaller hands with her own and brought one down between her legs, lifting her pelvis to meet it halfway.

Faith felt the copious wetness and groaned with Reece at the contact. She pulled away from the wild kiss and shuddered at the almost pleading look on her lover's face. She ran her fingers idly through Reece's sex and the club owner's head dropped onto the back of the couch with an open mouthed groan. Her hips rose off the leather seat. "God, you're beautiful," Faith whispered reverently at her panting lover. She entered Reece with her fingers and the tall woman reached both hands behind her head and dug her fingers into the couch a gesture that Faith found incredibly exciting. The club owner just gave Faith her complete submission, whether she was aware of it or not. It was a precious gift.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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