ReEmergent -Guardians of Vesturon [4] (11 page)

Read ReEmergent -Guardians of Vesturon [4] Online

Authors: A.M. Hargrove

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

BOOK: ReEmergent -Guardians of Vesturon [4]
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They had enough food for a week. After that, they had arranged with the Command Center to have some teleported to a designated area. They were discussing how they would retrieve it that night.

Sharra decided that the two men would go and she and Maddie would run the search together. Zander and Rafe left the building and Maddie watched Sharra closely as she said her goodbyes. Maddie had to hand it to her because Sharra was not crossing any lines in front of anyone and she was being very professional in her behavior.

When the two girls were alone, Maddie broached the subject with her. “So, are you going to fill me in?”

On what?”

Sharra!” Maddie exclaimed in exasperation. “After everything we’ve been through I can’t believe you’re acting like this!”

Okay already,” she grinned. “He is kind, charming, sweet and I like him.”

That’s it? You like him?” Maddie was looking at her close friend like she’d suddenly developed a third eyeball in the middle of her forehead.

Well, what do you want me to say?”

I want you to tell me that you’re madly in love with him and that you’ve found your soul mate.”

Sharra’s mouth formed a huge O and she stared at Maddie. “I...he...well I don’t think I should discuss that with you,” she stammered.

A huge grin spread across Maddie’s face and she said, “Aha! So you’ve thought about it though, right?”

Maddie, I’ve only known him for several weeks. I will not rush into things!”

Maddie started to laugh and shook her head. “You are a Vesturion Sharra. It’s impossible to deny your connection with your soul mate. I shouldn’t have to tell you that. Does his touch make your body tingle and hum, like an electric current is running through your veins?”

Well, yes but...”

Ha! No buts Sharra! You have found him. I knew it! The way you two sneak peeks at each other when you think no one is noticing. The looks you give each other when you think others aren’t watching.”

Sharra’s face burst into flames. She’d never been involved with a male before so she didn’t quite know how to handle this. Her friend came to her rescue though.

Hey, it’s me Sharra. I’m your friend and I only want what’s best for you. I couldn’t be happier for you. I have always wanted you to have what I have with Rayn. And I think you’ve finally found it!” She hugged Sharra and was happy to have her friend return the gesture.

So tell me. Is he everything you dreamed of?”

Sharra was suddenly overcome with a case of shyness. She lowered her head and whispered, “He says things to me that I never thought I’d hear. He makes me feel things I thought didn’t exist. And he’s so...” she looked up at Maddie and giggled, “he’s so hot!”

That he is, but don’t tell Rayn I said that,” she agreed with a laugh. “So what are your plans?”

We haven’t made any because of this mission.”

Well, I think you and I need to do some planning then, don’t you agree?”

Yes, but I think I need to wait until he asks me to be his mate.”

Oh. He hasn’t asked then?”

I’m worried that he doesn’t think he’s good enough for me.”

Maddie nodded. She remembered a time when she felt the same way. “You want me to talk to him. You could switch up the teams for a couple of nights and I could discreetly bring it up.”

Sharra crammed her fists into the front pockets of her jeans and said, “Maybe. I’ll think about it. Thanks Maddie.”

They headed out the door for their night duty.




The two women were hunkered against a wall, hidden from view. Four men walked down the street and met the Xanthian. They exchanged words for about fifteen minutes and then the group turned and headed back toward the two women.

Sharra made sure the Xanthian was long gone before they confronted the men.

The men were surprised when the two females slipped out of the darkness and told them they wanted a word with them. Both women were tall and probably would have been gorgeous if they would have cleaned the dirt off their faces. One had long straight black hair and the other had long wavy copper hair. All four men gave them lewd grins and decided they’d take the two girls back to their hangout for a bit of fun.

The men didn’t know the two girls were telepathic and were “hearing” the nasty thoughts flying through each of their minds. The girls weren’t surprised by them; in fact, they were ready for the show to start.

Maddie clenched her fists a couple of times and grinned. In her roughed up clothing, and even with her dirty face, she still looked sexy as hell. Her hair was a wild mess with its unruly curls, and her amber eyes were shooting sparks. Her jeans were tight and low cut with torn out knees and frayed pockets. They were stuffed into knee high black boots and right now she was ready to kick some ass.

Sharra was her perfect companion. Her long black hair was mussed up and her face was smudged with dirt, but never in a million years could it hide her beauty. Her cobalt blue eyes lit up the night and she, too, wore frayed and torn jeans stuffed in knee high black boots. The two of them looked like avenging angels.

So, boys, we were wondering if you’d be so kind as to answer a few questions we have,” Maddie purred.

One of the men chuckled and said, “Sure honey, we can answer anything you’d like. But there’s a catch. You might call it quid pro quo. A question for a favor.” All the men laughed.

Maddie and Sharra laughed too.

I don’t think that’ll work for us boys. We have something else in mind.”

Oh yeah? What?”

How about this? We need to know some things. Like who was that you just met and what did you talk about?”

The looks on the men’s faces instantly changed as they moved to take the girls.

I Command you to stop!” Maddie said. All of them immediately froze in their steps, unable to move.

Maddie began to speak as Sharra paced a circle around the four of them.

I would highly recommend that you don’t fight the control I have over you. It only makes it worse. All of your muscles are in complete lockdown right now and until I release you, you are under my command. So, who among you is the leader?”

The one that had been doing most of the talking said, “I am.”

Very good. Now then, tell me who you were speaking with earlier? The Xanthian. I need his name, your arrangement with him and all pertinent details.”

His name is Commander Yurgon. He is based at the old airport. He commands the team of minions there. We are getting our supplies from him. Weapons, food, water and other things. We are joining his forces to control Earth.”

How often do you meet?”

Every week.”


That depends. He usually contacts me a day in advance and tells me where and when.”

How does he contact you?”

He leaves me a message at a designated drop point not too far from here.”

Take me there now.”

The group of six headed to the place and it was on a corner of a building where a brick had been dislodged. The man pulled the brick out and told her that the Xanthian would leave the message in the hole behind the loose brick.

I have a few more questions for you. When you receive your supplies, where do you get them from?”

They just show up at our warehouse.”

Which is where?”

The Castleberry Hill area off Walker Street.”

How many members are in your gang?”

About two thousand.”

What is your name?”

Lenny Johnson.”

Good job Lenny.”

Maddie looked at Sharra and motioned for her to do her magic.

Lenny,” she began, “you will remember nothing of this conversation tonight. Is that clear?”

Yes,” Lenny replied.

Sharra repeated her Power of Obliteration with the other men and then Maddie looked at them and said, “I release you.”

They all dropped to their knees and groaned. Their muscles were quivering so uncontrollably that they couldn’t move for about fifteen minutes. Finally, the feeling in their limbs returned and they were left wondering what in the hell had happened to them. One minute they were walking along, and the next they were on the ground moaning. None of them remembered meeting up with the two lovely women.




Sharra and Maddie returned to their headquarters eager to share their news with Zander and Rafe.

They decided it would be a good idea to call in Jurek so he could put a watch on that warehouse in Castleberry Hill. They would have a team cover the drop point so they would know when the next meeting would be. If Jurek’s men could start intercepting the shipment at Castleberry Hill, the rebels would score another coup.

Jurek popped into their headquarters and they explained everything they knew. He said not only would he watch the warehouse, he would also be covering the drop point to intercept the shipments. The group decided at this rate, their mission could be completed much quicker than they had initially thought.

Chapter 17




Jurek and Xarrid were discussing what Maddie and Sharra had uncovered on Earth.

We need to get those minions out of there,” Xarrid decided.

I’ve thought of that, but for right now, I want to keep things status quo. It will help us get our cause up and running. As long as they’re doing their job, they’re safe.”

Xarrid felt his gut wrench because he thought of someone else’s family going through what Saylan’s had when she’d gone missing.

I know what you’re thinking and I don’t think it will be much longer. The girls found what we needed much faster than I thought they would.”

I know. Leave it to them. I wonder what Rayn thought of that,” Xarrid mused.

Jurek broke into a huge laugh. “I’ll bet he wasn’t pleased that his mate was able to accomplish what he figured was an impossibility.”

Say what you will, but Rayn really only has everyone’s best interests at heart. I know you two have had your differences, but he’s not all bad Jurek.”

Jurek stared at Xarrid and nodded curtly. “I suppose you’re right. I need to lighten up where all of your brothers are concerned. So, how is Saylan?”

Xarrid actually blushed. He looked at Jurek and then stuttered, “She-she’s good. Really g-good.”

Hmm. That’s an interesting reaction. If I didn’t know better I would think that you two...”

No! We haven’t. So don’t think that. But...”

But what?” Jurek prodded.

Xarrid rubbed his neck and started pacing. He pushed up his shirtsleeves, and then pulled them back down. Giving Jurek a look of frustration he scrubbed his forehead and sighed.

What is it? You’re acting strange.”

This is really personal. I’m not comfortable having this conversation, but I need to talk about this so here goes. I’m rather at odds here.”

You know what we discuss will always stay between us, right?”

Xarrid nodded. “Yeah, I do. Saylan told me she wanted to break our vow of celibacy.”


I can’t do that. You know how it is with us. Vesturions don’t do that. I told her that and the look of disappointment on her face just crushed me.”

Jurek knew Xarrid would do the right thing. He wouldn’t break that vow until he was united with Saylan, so he let Xarrid ramble on about it. In the end, Xarrid just needed to vent and let his feelings loose.

She’ll understand why you made that decision and she’ll love you more for it Xarrid. Don’t worry about it.”

I hope you’re right.”




Xarrid had arranged to pick up Saylan and take her for a ride on his speedster, a flying vehicle, similar to a motorcycle. She looked at him with doubt and he assured her she would be safe as he put the helmet on her head and adjusted the volume so she could hear him. He helped her climb on and then got on in front of her.

Wrap your arms around my waist and hold on tight. I promise you’ll love this.”

She did as he told her and the speedster took off and headed up into the sky. Xarrid chuckled when he heard her “Ooohs and “Aahhs” as they soared over the mountains and sea. He dipped down into the valleys and followed a river as it wound its way around a gorge and then he ascended back over the mountain range. When he crested the top, he set the speedster down so they could get off and enjoy the view.

He helped Saylan from the vehicle and removed her helmet for her. She laughed with joy and flung her arms around him. “That was great!”

Told you!”

They looked at the view for a few moments and then he announced, “I have a surprise.”

What is it?”

If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”

She giggled as she watched him walk back to the speedster. She admired the view (not of the scenery as one might expect, but of Xarrid, for Saylan thought him to be a much more exciting view) as he opened a compartment on the back of the speedster and took out a container of some sort. He walked back toward her and smiled. He reached into the container, pulled out a blanket and spread it on the ground. Then he started pulling out other things, which turned out to be items of food. He surprised her with all sorts of treats such as bread, a variety of cheeses, fruits, some juices and water.

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