Regan's Reach 2: Orbital Envy (2 page)

Read Regan's Reach 2: Orbital Envy Online

Authors: Mark G Brewer

Tags: #space alien, #alien, #computer, #scifi, #battle, #space adventure galaxy spaceship, #artificial inteligence, #Thriller

BOOK: Regan's Reach 2: Orbital Envy
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She allowed her thoughts to drift, considering the situation. [Would there be any legal implications?]

Ham sighed, long and knowingly. [There are none . . . you contract his company, and as the boss he can do what he wants] [That doesn't make it a good idea!]

She didn't answer and continued up all flights to the roof where the STEIN Interceptor waited.


* * *


Stockholm Sweden


"She is seriously scary!"

The comment was somewhat ironic coming from the young woman speaking in hushed tones. To the other half dozen senior diplomatic staffers she looked somewhat intimidating herself, all 'power dressed' in severe office garb, glasses with that 'intelligent' look and needle sharp high heels.

Huddled together they stole discrete glances across the foyer, trying to take in the tall figure, Regan Stein no less, a legend at twenty eight. The dark trademark body suit and boots left little to the imagination.

"Well I think she's gorgeous," replied the man to her left, clutching his briefcase to the front. Not quite as discrete as the others, he was drinking in the image, his mind clearly distracted.

"My God Francois, you're not hiding anything are you?" The severe blonde looked down on him from her lofty steeples and smiled with amusement.

"What are you talking about?" he replied and shuffled quickly away, the group laughing in his wake.

They resumed their less than surreptitious observation.



Much thought had been given to the Stockholm venue for this meeting, Regan was sure of it. As a valued partner leasing space on Hillary the Swede's would be seen as neutral by most and as temporary members debuting on the Security Council they would also provide the veneer of fairness needed for the proceedings that would follow. Nevertheless her intimate knowledge of backroom dealings between the big six left her in no doubt as to their purpose. They wanted in.


But of course
, and she sighed,
nothing is that simple. They want in on their terms and they'll want it for nothing. Oh, and they'll all want to captain the ship, even if they haven't yet admitted it to each other, as if that were necessary. Bob has his hands full at that table today.
Eyes closed she leant back on the leather couch, stretched out her long legs, clasped hands to her chest and via wifi continued monitoring the proceedings in the opulent room beyond. She focused on The Chair.


"Ladies and Gentleman, as acting chair I think we have covered off main points of concern with the China Seas crisis. The council expects that negotiations over the next few weeks will resolve the standoff between our friends Japan and China. The meetings as agreed today will be hosted by the United States in Hawaii. I'm sure they will go a long way to reducing or even eliminating tensions in that region."

Neither the Chinese nor Japanese representatives looked happy but clearly, they too wanted to move on to the key matter for discussion. The Canadian Prime Minister cleared his throat and continued. "As you know the main item on our agenda today, by request of the American and Russian Presidents, is the matter of Hillary Station. If there are no objections I'd like to hand over to President Johnston. He has, in negotiation with President Sokolov agreed on a summary of concerns as they see them and recommendations as to the best way forward. These are of course open to discussion and debate. Are there any objections?"

None were offered and attention switched quickly to the American President, a man who seemed supremely confident and comfortable in his own skin. Sleeve cuffs turned up, shirt unbuttoned at the neck and up until this moment comfortably slouched back in the ample chair. He now curled forward slowly, sitting up, his elbows resting on the desk, hands clasped as if in prayer. He paused, dropping his head to his hands, appearing to kiss the golden eagle ring on his finger, and then raised his head to slowly make eye contact with each member around the circular table. It was pure and beautiful theatre.


At the word the German Chancellor, latest in a number of formidable women, clearly bristled!

"The concerns I will raise with you today are those of many. They are concerns that need a voice, and a considered response, a response that will be acceptable to the members of the Security Council here present, and be for the good of the world and our ongoing well being." He paused, relaxing back in his seat and smiling disarmingly. "Now, there would be no one present here who has more admiration for what USDynamics and Regan Stein have accomplished in three short years. We are in their debt for the huge leap forward they have made into space and I think we are all aware the platforms they established will be the staging posts for countless missions into our Solar System and even beyond. All humanity stands to benefit from this opportunity and I'm sure we agree it should not be the preserve of just a few. Having said that," and he again leant forward, taking on a grave expression, "We now also know we are
alone. As our people venture further out into the unknown who knows what forces we might be prodding and who knows what responses that prodding may draw. Farfetched you say? I think not. The very presence of the alien Marin in our system, the fact that one of our own has journeyed with him to his system, these truths remind us that we are under observation from afar. For what purpose you might ask?"

He stood and began to pace around the table, forcing each to turn and follow his progress. On reaching the chairman he paused and placed one hand on each shoulder of the uncomfortable Canadian. "We, this council need to take up the responsibility and leadership the world expects from us. The proposal which is outlined in the documents you now hold has been prepared by the Russian President and I in consultation with the Chinese leadership and many other like minded concerned nations. In short, the proposal is for this council to take oversight of Hillary Station, on behalf of the world and in defense of the Earth. It's time for the secrets and opportunities offered by Hillary to be made available to all and for the benefit of all.
gentlemen," he put emphasis on the word and as he did so clearly spied the Chancellor, "
ladies, is the time." Finally, he released the Chairman's shoulders and returned to his seat.


The Canadian Prime Minister, clearly rattled, perhaps undiplomatically removed a handkerchief and wiped down his shoulder pads before proceeding.

"Well . . . we have had the discussion document since last evening and the formal proposal is tabled before you. The floor is open for discussion. I understand the New Zealand Prime Minister would like to speak and perhaps that might be a good way to kick things off. Prime Minister Jarvis, I hand over to you."


Bob Jarvis leaned forward, a picture of calm.
What a change
Regan thought from her security camera view,
In four years he has gone from a first term PM to a man of genuine gravitas, a respected international leader.


"Thank you John," he sounded warm, comfortable in his position and he smiled as he looked around the room. "I join with the President in congratulating Regan Stein for her achievements. She has truly opened up a gateway to the stars. Who would have thought it possible only a few years ago that we would make such progress so quickly. It would be all too easy to attribute this progress more to the visit of our Dahlian friend than the work of any other however I have had the privilege of discussing this with him personally. Make no mistake; Marin is in no doubt as to the force that is Regan Stein. That he is here and that she returned with technology the envy of many is a result achieved by her efforts and personal risk. It is not the charity of distant neighbors that she profits from at others expense. Further Marin points out that already she and her team are building on this technology and improving it, something that will be of benefit to his world as well as ours." He paused, clearly choosing his next words carefully. "President Johnston, with respect, in your introduction you called for the secrets and opportunities offered by Hillary Station to be made available to all and for the benefit of all. You spoke of the good of the world, ongoing wellbeing, all humanity benefitting. You implied this bounty might become the preserve of just a few. Sir, I fail to see how your proposal will in any way improve on the situation as it now stands. The huge gains you speak of have been made and continue to be made under the inspired leadership of a private corporation showing generosity of spirit that could put many to shame. You speak of the world sir. You may not be aware that as at today twenty seven nations are represented on Hillary with ten more soon to establish research missions there. Those nations include many on this council today such as major partners, Japan, India, Australia, Canada, the African and South American coalitions. Collectively they represent more than half the world's population. Of the other half, only The United States, Russian and Chinese Governments have so far chosen not to participate although I understand the invitation remains always open. It should also be noted that private corporations from all of your countries are active on Hillary station as we speak and work together well. Sir, the 'world' has no need of this committee's assistance sharing in this bounty. They already are." He paused to nods of approval from around the table, some more circumspect than others.


"The member has failed to see the point of our proposal . . . with respect." The Russian President drew out the last word pointedly, glaring at Jarvis as he did so. "This is the Security Council after all." He gestured expansively with his hands and smiled disingenuously. "Clearly Stein has, how do you say, prodded the beast. It is time," he continued, dismissing all previous arguments, "time that those with knowledge of such matters take control, for the good of all you understand, this is self evident."

"Not to me," Bob Jarvis interjected, "and I think possibly not to others around this table. Private companies, not just STEIN are taking a lead here and doing a damn fine job of it. The last thing this project needs is controlling beurocracy."

"Security!" The Russian leader thumped his fist to the table. ". . . This is about security!"

Jarvis remained calm, almost soothing as he replied. "Oh please, this is about control. She has it and you want it. If there is anything self evident it is that your Governments have been invited to participate fully but chosen not to. Why, because you're not prepared to unless it's on your own terms. Regan won't allow military or spies on station and you won't agree to leave them out."

"It's not as simple as that Bob." The US President was conciliatory but unmoved. "Most of our senior pilots and astronauts are military simply because that's the way they've been trained. It's the same for the Russians and the Chinese. It could be argued that Regan's demands are a convenient way of keeping us out."

Jarvis turned to him. "Cliff, you know that isn't true. She's even offered to put all their resources at your disposal to establish your own base in orbit. Regan wants you there and she's delighted to be in partnership with USDynamics but, she won't entertain any nation's military presence, or spying on Hillary Station. Is that too much to ask?"

The Canadian PM stepped in. "I think we should get some insight on how the Committee feels with regard to the proposal. Shall we take a show of hands on whether to refer it to a later meeting or vote this session?"

"Nyet!" Sokolov, sensing the mood in the room stood suddenly. "I exercise veto; we withdraw support for the proposal. There will be no vote."

The US Secretary General exchanged concerned looks with the President. Clifford Johnston looked ashen.

"Perhaps it's time for a break?" The Chair made the suggestion quickly as the Russian Representatives were already departing the room. They were followed closely by the Chinese.


The room cleared quickly, a number of the gathered leaders taking time to shake Bob Jarvis hand and request later meeting time. He was under no illusions about his own importance. Their interest was in Hillary Station, favors' in space, and possible contacts with these latest rock stars, Marin and Regan. It was a cross he bore happily. Gathering his papers he hardly noticed the young man approach from behind. He slipped a note into Jarvis hand, a request from the President, a meeting, now. Quickly he pulled himself together and followed the junior official to a side room off the main conference hall. Inside, waiting for him were Cliff Johnston and Secretary of State Anne Marshall, the only person, man or woman to be invited to hold that role in consecutive governments under different administrations. Without a word they all took seats and looked at each other. Appropriately it was the President who spoke first.

"We're good Bob, don't worry. Anne's been good counsel on this but you need to understand, and I'd appreciate it if you'd pass it on, we're in a difficult position here. I meant what I said when I pointed out most of our top prospects for Hillary come from military or ex military. I'd like to work something out that works for both of us but I also understand what any compromise might set as a precedent. If you can do anything to get some movement from her it would mean a lot."

"I hear you Cliff and I'll talk to her but I can't promise anything. I'm more concerned about the Russians, he looked seriously pissed."

"Oh, he'll get over it. Sokolov hates appearing to be begging on anything. I think he just decided on his own that they'd go it alone. They have their manned mission to the moon due there any day. If it comes off they'll establish a base there. Don't be surprised if they claim it as sovereign territory. No, we need to move forward and we want to do it with Stein. Their partnership with USDynamics is too important to us and we don't forget out friends."

"Not if we can help it anyway." Anne Marshall added the comment sheepishly, a clear reference to the earlier James Walker fiasco.

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