Regan's Reach 2: Orbital Envy (4 page)

Read Regan's Reach 2: Orbital Envy Online

Authors: Mark G Brewer

Tags: #space alien, #alien, #computer, #scifi, #battle, #space adventure galaxy spaceship, #artificial inteligence, #Thriller

BOOK: Regan's Reach 2: Orbital Envy
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"Mary, that was magnificent, you are a great organizer, and I couldn't fit another thing in." Regan leant back, her hands on her stomach and let out a long, satisfied sigh.

"Haa, you know I didn't cook it," Mary laughed her loud raucous laugh and slapped Regan's shoulder. "I'm an eater not a cooker!"

"And a lot more besides, that I know!" Regan stood and stretched like a cat. She turned and hugged her new sister in law. "It's great to be here with my new sister, thank you."

Kevin stood, suddenly looking nervous. "Sis', let's go through to the lounge, get comfortable, we . . . we'd like to talk."

"We have been talking . . . haven't we?" and Regan smiled.

Kevin put one arm firmly around her and prompted her toward the comfortable chairs in the room beyond. "Yes of course we have, and we have some other things, come on let's sit down in a bit more comfort."

She allowed herself to be guided to a large single facing the couch; Kevin and Mary took the seats opposite.

"I'm sad I missed the twins Kev, it seems like an age since I saw them." Regan smiled, trying to ease the tension which had somehow come into the room.
What's up?

Ham was strangely silent, none of the normal distracting commentary in her head. Something was wrong, she knew it.

Kevin took the lead. "Regan . . . we're concerned about Jared."

She sat up straight, suddenly defensive. "Jared? He's fine . . . isn't he?"

"He's a great kid Sis'" Kevin continued, "But . . . we're concerned he spends a lot of time alone."

"Alone? I talk to him every day, and mom is with him, and Ham, what are you trying to say, I think . . ." and to her annoyance tears began to well up in her eyes.

Mary spoke quickly, "Regan we love you, and we know Jared loves you, but that boy needs more than a lonely life on Hillary Station." She continued before Regan could reply. "Regan, he needs children to interact with, I know it will come at Hillary, but maybe not soon enough for him. Don't get me wrong, it's difficult to be a working mother, but maybe there are some things that could lighten the load."

Rattled and annoyed, but feeling guilty at the same time, Regan was speechless for a moment. Nothing they were saying was a surprise to her. They knew she . . . loved the boy, but nothing of this situation she seemed confident to deal with. She dropped her head into her hands. "I do love him . . . I do, but I know . . . I'm a terrible mother."

Mary came over and knelt on the floor in front of her. She put her hands on Regan's knees. "Babe, we want to help, we want to move to Hillary, bring the children with us. They're a year younger but they're family, they're friends, and there will be others, soon." She paused. "In fact, it's decided, we're going to do it!"

Regan looked confused, stunned in fact, but only for a moment. "Kev . . . What's happening?"

"It's decided Regan, we're not needed here specifically. Most of our time now is spent online or on vid-calls or traveling and with the speed of the Pod's we can do that just as easily from Hillary. We want to move and we're going to, for you and for Jared. It's done." He was definite.

"But . . . how? Where will you stay, it's no place for a family." Regan struggled.

"Well," He quickly continued, "it should be a place for families and will be. We have a compound all prepared for us; it'll be The Stein Compound, a home for us, Jared, Mom . . . and you, whenever you want to stay."

"But how can you have done that?" She paused as she thought about the implications. "How can you have done that without . . . . ." and she again paused in mid sentence, reality dawning. [Ham?]

[Regan . . . I'm with them, for you and for Jared]

"What is this, an intervention?" She looked around; there were still just the three of them.

"No," Mary answered. "Think of it as an ongoing reunion!"

Regan took a moment to think. She felt embarrassed, a bit exposed,
but why do I feel so relieved?
And then she began to cry, quietly. It was with relief, not anger or shame.

"I do love him you know . . . I do."



* * *


The drive back to Riverside was in quiet until the Bridge, not far from home.

[Ham, you said nothing to me about this]

[I said lots of things, you weren't listening]

[I thought you were on my side]

[I am on your side. I'm not a slave Regan; I care about you, and Jared. This is for the best]


She pulled into her private park and just sat there a while, reflecting. Undeniably she felt a weight had lifted off her shoulders. A weight that before now she didn't even know she carried. She did love the boy, but she couldn't help it, there was something there that made her hold back, meant that she didn't give her all. She knew what it was. It wasn't fair on him.
This could be the start of putting it right.


[Thank you]

[Your welcome]

A weight off her shoulders and a feeling of euphoria replacing it she found her mind drifting.

still there?]

She sensed more than heard Ham's long sigh. [He's a man, what can I say?]


Leaving her BMW there directly in front of the entrance she sashayed up the steps and in through the sliding doors. Smiling at the female guard in attendance she then turned, poker faced to the manager, Martin. "My systems tell me that the apartment security is playing up again, I'd appreciate an inspection."

He didn't miss a beat. "Of course Ms Stein, lead the way." Quickly organizing himself he followed, not too closely, up the stairs.

She entered the apartment, leaving the door open for him and without looking back continued straight through to the bedroom. She stopped, facing the bed and slowly peeled off the suit down from her shoulders to the waist. Turning, she sat back, resting on the bed. He was still standing at the door. "Come in Martin, don't be shy, I made a promise."

He stepped through into the room as she slowly removed her soft leather boots. With a lift of her hand she stopped him several meters from the bed and then holding eye contact, used both hands to slide the suit down, off her hips and legs, and then tossed it aside to the floor. Naked, beautiful, she stretched then slid up the bed until she could grip the headboard with one hand behind her. With the other she grasped a tube from an alcove at her side, an almost unconscious act made without looking. She then slowly parted her legs as she looked across the room at the man staring wide eyed and eager. "You can come a little closer."

He stepped forward until she again stopped him, not far from the bed, and then poured a long stream of the oil below her belly. It drizzled tantalizingly down between her legs and without breaking eye contact she began to massage herself slowly with palm and fingers.

She delighted in his growing discomfort, soon closing her eyes and luxuriating in the feelings and in his lust.

[Spice it up for me Ham]

And immediately, when she reopened her eyes, she could see a small group gathered. Whether hologram or illusion she couldn't tell, all she felt as she kneaded herself indulgently, taking her time, was that merging of fantasy with reality. Martin there, joined by men and women watching
perform, famous and unknown, and all with
look. Soon, writhing, she climaxed . . . powerfully.


* * *





[Regan . . . wake up]

She opened her eyes to bright sunlight and realized it was already late morning. Looking around she was relieved to find she was alone. It had been fun, with Martin, but complications now she didn't need. Rolling on to her back she stretched and groaned then slipped off the bed heading for the shower.

[What is it Ham?]

[So . . . no 'good morning' for me then?]

She laughed as she turned on the water, [Good morning my friend, and I feel wonderful. So, what's up?]

[Don't take too long in there, the Saucers back]

Regan stopped turning under the flow, [Aren't they early? is that good news or bad?]

[I don't know. I'm updating as we speak so I'll know soon. They've also come out of warp hot so they'll make Hillary in about twelve hours. I thought you'd like to be there. There's also a request in the system for a Vid-Conference with Bob Jarvis. Perhaps you could take that on the way up?]

[Sounds good Ham, I'll be ready soon] She found herself blushing at the mention of Bob Jarvis name, a memory of the night before.
Remember, he wasn't really there!

[Ham, Jared, is he Ok?]

[Oh yes, he's up and about. We're down in the USDynamics section at the moment. Your mom is showing Jenny Joyce around. Jared and I are, well, up to no good]

[Tell him I . . .] she searched for the words.

[Don't worry; I tell him good things all the time, you'd be amazed what you say]

Regan rested her head forward on the shower wall, letting the water run down her back,
I'm going to be a better mother! I'm going to be a better mother!

[I'll be on my way up in five minutes Ham] Then she rotated again and considered Marin's return. Better get ready . . .
Ham knows I'll never be there in five.

An hour later as they lifted from Riverside Ham connected her straight through to The Prime Minister's office. It was presumptuous she knew but with Ham able to bypass all system blocks it seemed such a waste of time waiting to go through the normal screens just to talk to people.

Bob Jarvis was at his desk, surrounded by files. It looked like a marathon of reading and she didn't envy him.

"Hi Bob, it's Regan." She launched straight in, to his surprise.

He swung around in his chair and smiled as he moved across the room to get a better view of the wall screen. "Thanks for getting back to me, you've rescued me actually. If only I could take all this in by direct feed." he gestured at the files and laughed as he sat down more comfortably.

"If only," and she laughed with him, "Although it may not be the blessing you imagine. What can I do for you Bob? Some issue following Stockholm I imagine."

"You're not wrong, the President has asked me to speak with you, and Regan, before you say anything, I must say I do have some sympathy for their position."

"Just give it to me straight Bob, you know I'm not just trying to be difficult and I do value them as friends."

"OK, well the simple truth is they are in a bind. They want to be on Hillary and participating fully. But for decades their astronauts and engineers path into space has been via the military. All their top pilots are military, and many of them are brilliant. They can't see how they can build a viable space program without their most skilled people being able to participate. Frustrating as it may be, no doubt the Chinese and the Russians are in the same position. The President understands you're in a difficult position. Allowing the States in may set a precedent, but he would like you to think about it."

[There's the Hillary Step] Ham subbed into her thoughts.

"Just give me a moment Bob; I need to think about something."

Jarvis settled back into his seat. On the screen he could see Regan sprawled in her control chair, one leg over the arm and her head resting on her hand on the other arm. Her eyes were closed, deep in thought. It wasn't an unpleasant view. "No problem, I can wait."


[What are your thoughts Ham]

[The Hillary Step, sure it was important to us in the early stages of the build, we needed it as a stop off point as we ferried sections into our present position. But now it's a large station that we hardly use. USDynamics have a facility there and there are several research projects going on as we speak but now that we do most things here, well, there are thousands of square meters of space available.]

[So we give it to them, is that what you're saying?]

[No way, I'm too mercenary, but we could lease space to them there, maybe even move it a little farther out. USDynamics could be contracted to build extra facilities, platforms]

Regan looked up at the screen and saw Bob Jarvis was giving her his full attention. She smiled knowingly. "Bob I do want to be reasonable, but I don't want to encourage nationalism in space, particularly not at the point of a gun. The private companies are already doing a great job up here and we are steaming ahead. That's to the benefit of everyone. Political posturing between the big boys up here will be no help at all."

"I understand Regan and it's your ship up there, you make your rules, but can you do anything. They do want to cooperate."

"I think so. We have space available on The Hillary Step. That's our first station that we used getting Hillary Station underway. We could lease space there to the States and others if they want it and I'm prepared to compromise there on the military presence. The station can be expanded if desired and USDynamics would need to do the work, at the Lessee's cost of course. It may even be possible to move the whole thing farther out if that's what they want, provided it doesn't compromise what we're doing at Hillary Station. As for Hillary Station itself, I'm reluctant to let anyone here who likes to carry guns, period. No Generals, Admirals or anyone who feels entitled to take control at any opportunity. But, maybe we could ease up on the flyboys. I do understand that if we're going to populate this system we need more people with the skills to do it. So, yeah, I'm ok with their astronaut crews working here with us, how we do that will need to be worked out. How does that sound?" She sat up, clearly tense. This was a big concession.

"You know Regan, I think that might just do it, Thank you. Would it be Ok with you if I pass that on myself?" He looked eager.

"Bob, you score as many points for the little guys as you can. Tell them to contact Kevin to sort out the details, contractual and otherwise. Oh, and for your information, Kevin and Mary will be based on Hillary for a while so they can be contacted there. I'll bring them up to speed. And one last thing Bob, remind them, there will still be no active military or spies tolerated on Hillary."

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