Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice) (27 page)

BOOK: Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice)
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“Speaking of that, how did you find out Kaleb’s reason for breaking up with me?” I hop up on the desk to sit.

“Tequila. Lots of tequila.” She shakes her head. “We got drunk, he went on about you, and I asked.” She shrugs her shoulders. “The rest is history.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she says. “Now, I have a body to exercise.”

She heads to the free weights, picks up a set, and moves to the mats. Forty-five minutes later, she finishes the most intense abdominal workout I’ve ever seen. Those suckers are not hereditary.

The gym is full, and time no longer seems to be standing still. The energy is lighthearted today. Ski season is winding down, and locals are well rested and recharged. This is the time of year we all get plenty of free skiing. It makes for a happy group.

Gretchen walks over to my desk. “I’m out of here. Seeing Kaleb tonight?”

“I sure am. By the way, that was quite the workout you do to maintain those good genes.”

“Oh, right.” She looks down at her stomach, and I think I see a blush. “Go back to plotting the things you plan to do to that boy’s body.” She winks at me and walks out.

I have plans all right. I check my phone. Less than two hours until I can be alone with Kaleb. My abs tighten in their own kind of workout.

Chapter 46

I wander around my apartment and think about the best way to present myself when Kaleb gets here. The truth is nothing will matter. He wants me as badly as I want him. But I need something to do with the next forty-five minutes.

I pull out the vacuum and start to clean. One of my least favorite things to do, but it’s bound to keep me distracted. I scour the kitchen sink until I hear him pull up. I wipe the dampness from my forehead with my arm and rinse the basin.

I worked up a sweat cleaning, and now I think it might not have been such a good idea. I touch my hair and know wisps have escaped my ponytail. Footsteps sound as Kaleb approaches. I walk to the door and open it before he can knock.

The look of hunger in his eyes makes all thoughts of my appearance disappear. He strips off his coat and lets it fall to the floor with a whoosh of nylon. His foot kicks behind him and slams the door. He lets out his sexy growl and approaches me.

Oh my goodness. My panties moisten, and I back up as he moves toward me. I strip off my shirt and throw it at him as if I’m fighting him off. He bats it away with a hand and pulls his over his head too. It gets dropped, and he continues forward.

Barely naked, I’m already backed up against my bed. Inches from each other we continue to strip off our clothes and throw them. My entire being trembles for him.

I scramble back onto the bed. I’m on my knees, and he crawls to me with a condom packet in his hand. His husky voice says, “Turn around and hold the post.”

He wants me from behind, and just the thought has me on the edge of an orgasm. I do as he asks and the polished wood of the headboard is cool under my fingers. One of his hands reaches up for my breast while the other slides over my sensitive slit. I shudder.

Kaleb says, “You’re so wet. So ready for me.” He drives two fingers in deep, and I utter a small cry.

“Kaleb, I need you,” I say. “Now, please, now.”

He presses his erection against my butt and rubs as he tears open the packet. Moments later, he pulls my hips back against his groin, and I lean my forearms on the bed. Arching my back, I beg him to enter me.

His thrust is quick, and I welcome him as he fills me over and over. His hand works my clit as we rock our hips together. My climax explodes around him, and I fall from it as he comes too. We collapse in a heap.

He licks my shoulder and works his way down my back. That incredible mouth sends shivers down my spine as he kisses places I didn’t know were sensitive. He makes his way down between my legs and to my feet. He worships every inch of me.

I roll over and look up at him. “You are the sexiest man I have ever laid eyes on,” I say. “Come here.”

He lies beside me, and I climb on top of him and press my entire body into his.

I say, “Makeup sex is awesome.” An aftershock twitches in my core. The heady odor of our musk surrounds our sweaty bodies. I should move off him, but my muscles are spent. Instead, I lick Kaleb’s chest. The salty flavor of his skin renews my energy a bit, and I nip my way up to his neck.

“You’re going to be the death of me. I’m pretty sure I can’t go again.” He flips me over onto my back. “But you can.” He twirls his tongue in my navel, and I shudder.

I place my hands on his head and gently push him down. I can’t believe I’m so confident in asking for what I want. I don’t think and just go with it.

Kaleb parts my thighs and his hair teases the tender flesh. His mouth finds me, and I raise my hips in response. His tongue is magic and makes me writhe within seconds. Every nerve ending fires, and I hear my unbidden moans as I hold nothing back. I tense as my juices flow, and my cry is almost a scream. Even after I’ve come, he licks me, and my heightened senses send my body into spasms.

My pleasure is on the brink of too much, but I let go of all restraint and allow him to take me higher. I’m delirious with the sensation. I scream out “Kaleb!” and every muscle relaxes in exhaustion. “Oh God.”

Kaleb moves up to lie next to me. “What was that about makeup sex?” He grins.

“I think we should break up now. Just so I can come like that when we make up again.”

He lifts himself up on an elbow to look down at me. “I don’t intend to break up with you again. Being without you was awful.” He traces my face with his finger. “I love you with all my heart, and every day it broke a little more. Seeing you just hurt, you know?”

“I do know.” I give him a little punch. “I’m still kind of mad at you for putting me through that torture.” I trace the profile of his nose. “I love you, too.” My heart sings. “So you’re okay with me saving you?”

“Yes. You’re right. If we can’t be a team, then we’re nothing. I don’t want to keep you in an ivory tower. I’m sorry I thought I should. It makes me feel good to take care of you, and I wanted to protect you. I didn’t, and I felt like a failure.”

I touch his lips with my finger. “I don’t mind if you want to take care of me. I like it. But I need you to let me take care of you, too.”

He grasps my hand. “I know.” His soft lips kiss my palm. “You were pretty awesome that night.” The bed shakes as he falls back down beside me.

I nod and say, “Yeah, I kicked his bony butt.” A vision of Kaleb in duct tape flashes through my mind. I whisper, “I’ve never been more afraid. Lucas planned to kill us.” I clench my eyes shut. “I saw what he had in that bag, Kaleb. Just like he wanted me to.”

I push the vision out of my head. “But because of you, I was able to turn paralyzing fear into a powerful adrenaline surge.” Tears prick my eyes, and I roll against his chest. He wraps his arms around me and I say, “Thank you.”

He pats my hair. “No. Thank you for saving me. Us.” He sighs. “I would do anything for you, babe. Anything.”

I sniff and pull away. “Good, because I was serious about the poster.”

“Ugh, that damn poster.”


“Okay, I didn’t want to do it. But you know Gretchen. She convinced the Burton guys to sponsor me by telling them I would do the poster. I had to.”

“You sold your body for product.” I snicker and drag my finger along the outline of his pectorals.

“Great. That makes me feel so much better.” He grins at me.

“I’m the one who should be upset. I date Poster Kaleb. All the girls will be ogling you.” I put the back of my hand to my forehead. “How will I ever manage?”

“You’re such a girl, making it all about you.”

This gets a smack from me. “Good thing I know how to bring them down.” I push his shoulders down on the bed and straddle him.

“Good thing you have nothing to worry about.” He gets an evil look on his face and pulls my head toward him. “Because this mouth’s only for you.”

Chapter 47

Steam surrounds me when I step out of the shower. I crack the door to let cool air in to clear the mirror. The aroma of coffee is in the air. While it’s not my morning drink of choice, the smell makes me smile. It means Kaleb’s here.

With a towel wrapped around me, I step into my bedroom. Sunlight streams in and little specks of dust sparkle. Mesmerized, I watch for a moment and admire the simple beauty. The spell is broken when Kaleb walks in.

“I brought you a cup of tea. I thought you might like it while you get ready. There’s more in the pot, and I made pancakes.” He’s in just his boxers, and I can’t help but lick my lips as I check out the naked parts.

I take the cup. “You spoil me.”

He gives me a teasing smile. “And you look like you want me for breakfast.”

“You’d better get used to it. Now that you’re about to be a famous movie star, I’m not the only one who will be fantasizing about that body of yours.”

His forehead creases. “I’m not sure I like the idea of that. You’re the only one I want doing wicked things to my body with their mind.” His face is strained. I wonder what he’s thinking.

“I like the sound of that.” I drag a finger down his chest and toward his navel. My voice gets husky. “Very much.”

He grasps my hand and stops its trip. “I need to make something very clear to you. I won’t let anyone come between us. I love you and only you. Okay?”

He seems so serious. “I know that. I’m only teasing you.” I regain control of my hand and cup his cheek. “I trust you completely, Kaleb.” His face relaxes, but I think I should stop teasing. “Can I have my pancakes now?”

Something seems off as I sit and dig into the stack of pancakes. Real maple syrup from home coats my tongue, and the flavor comforts me. “So delicious. Thank you for making them.” I know he’ll only eat one or two to go with his protein-packed eggs.

He sits and eats but doesn’t speak. I don’t think he’s angry, but he’s struggling with his emotions. I reach over and touch his arm. “What’s wrong?”

The fork clanks against his plate. “Did you and Nate—” He looks away. “Did you do anything together?”

The way he says “do” insinuates he means sexual and my stomach clenches. “No. Oh my God, no.” I put my fork down and take a deep breath. “Okay, we didn’t even date. We went out one morning before work to ski bumps. I was trying to get over you and wanted it to work. It didn’t. Not even close. I spent the whole time comparing him to you.” I see his eyes lighten, and he unfurrows his brow. “Kaleb, I never stopped loving you. Ever.”

He still looks a little uncomfortable so I keep talking. “Look. The thing is I was tired of the way Megan and Casey would look at me if I showed any sadness. It was as if they thought I was refusing to accept the truth. It made me think I was and needed to stop.”

“Oh, babe.” He takes my hands in his. “I don’t think they thought that.”

“I thought you broke up with me because you couldn’t deal with damaged goods. How was I supposed to know you thought you were the problem?” I let go of him and pick up my cup of tea to take a sip.

“You weren’t.” He pushes eggs around on his plate and avoids looking at me. “I was a jerk. I should have explained myself.” When he raises his gaze to mine, moisture brims there. “I’m so sorry I made it all about me.” His voice cracks, and so does my heart.

I get up, sit in his lap, and take his face in my hands. I say, “Don’t. I ran off and didn’t give you the chance. I certainly managed to make it all about me, too. So just don’t.”

A tear escapes and rolls down his cheek. I kiss it and taste the salty residue of him. My voice is shaky. “We’re here together, right now. Let’s move past this.”

Before my tears can fall, I kiss him. Kaleb’s tongue searches desperately. He hugs me so tight it hurts, but I let him. I fall into his emotions, his love. He pulls away and combs my hair away from my face. I say, “I don’t deserve you.”

Kaleb’s voice waivers. “No. I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you.”

Chapter 48

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