Release (The Protector Book 3) (55 page)

BOOK: Release (The Protector Book 3)
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“My dear boy, you were no match for me before I had this dagger. Even with that amulet you are nothing but a tick that irritates my skin. But since you’re so fond of flaunting treasures, let me show you mine.” Riley held his hand out to the side, palm up, and Drake stepped forward, setting something in it. Riley’s grin was one of pure satisfaction and he held out his arm, dangling a small chain with a key on the end from his hand.

“Wow, you have a key. Congratulations. I hope it unlocks the door to hell so you can let yourself back in.”

“This, my dear boy, is what your friends failed to retrieve. The key to Ithreal’s power is in
hand, not theirs. So you see, I don’t have one soul piece—I have two. And soon, I will have the third.”

“The only way you’re pulling this off my neck is if I’m cold and dead. And from what I’ve heard, you can’t do that. I, in some way, play a part in all this, and you can’t kill me.”

“Yes, and why I can’t still remains a mystery.” Riley glared at Drake.

They all walked forward, their eyes piercing through me, but I didn’t budge. I had a god’s power around my neck; I was ready for a fight.

“I will admit that I’m impressed you finally killed my mutt Arian. But I’m sadly disappointed it took a small army to do it. Chase, let’s be realistic here. I gave Arian his power, and alone, you were no match for him. What makes you think you can possibly stop me?”

He was right. If it hadn’t been for Eric, Arian would’ve won. But I wouldn’t let that stop me now. I would either win, or breathe my last breath trying, and he knew that.

Riley smiled. “Of course,” he said. “I can see it in your eyes. The same determination you had in Drakar. You won’t stop. You can’t. I admired that once, but I have no tolerance for it now.” Riley’s magic sparked to life and red flames shot towards me, surging into my chest. My skin burned and the force threw me to the ground.

“The amulet is mine, Chase. Give it to me.”

The bubbling pain on my chest disappeared. The amulet closed the wounds, and I smiled, crawling to my feet.

“No.” My water element burst from my hands in a ball of boiling fury. It crashed against Riley and the Brothers, and they all screamed as it scalded their skin.

I didn’t let up. I called fire to my hands and both elements churned together until the trio collapsed to the ground. I unleashed my magic, focusing on its intensity. It hit them harder and hotter than ever before, and the amulet vibrated, adding its own stream of power to the mix.

Steam filled the air and the flames changed from blue to red to white. Heat scorched over their bodies and the screaming stopped, but I didn’t pull back the power.

Magic prickled against my skin but it was no longer mine. A clear barrier formed in front of the trio, and my magic parted to the sides around it.

Riley and the Brothers rose, their skin marred with red blisters. Riley’s wounds closed instantly while the Brothers’ skin healed at a much slower rate.

“You’ve been given countless chances,” Riley said. My magic faded. The barrier they had formed was too powerful. “The time for leniency has come to an end.”

Black streams of power reached through the barrier and wrapped themselves around me. I flexed my muscles and pushed back with my arms as they forced themselves around my body.

My body weakened as Riley neared, anger coursing through my veins. The fire inside me came to life and everything around me went red. Riley’s eyes lit up with surprise and his magic weakened against my power.

“A wonderful trick, son. But too little, too late.”

My bones cracked and popped as his magic returned with crushing weight, and I wasn’t strong enough to fight against it. Heat scorched my insides as the black strands swallowed me, pushing my elements back inside.

A black blur dove from the shadows, and Riley’s magic finally broke, spitting me to the ground as the beast attacked. Willy’s colorless eyes were filled with rage and his snarl was fierce. His jaws locked around Riley’s neck, pulling and tearing away his skin.

Riley screamed but it turned to a gurgle, and blood spilled from his throat. As Darius’s magic filled the air, Willy jumped from Riley’s chest and attacked the Brother. His teeth latched around his arm and Willy shook his head violently from side to side.

The amulet recharged my body as Drake approached Willy, but I threw my elements at the Brother. A tornado of black air swirled between my hands and hurled him across the road. I called the earth to my aid and rocks drifted up to my hand. One by one, they attached themselves to me like a magnet until they completely covered my arms.

As Drake tried to get up, I launched my fist into his head. His face bounced off the gravel and I cocked my arm back, throwing it into him again.

The fire surged beneath my hands and the rocks glowed, matching the shade of red filling my vision. Drake’s cheekbones shattered beneath my fist, and each time he called his magic, I threw my rocky fist back against him, the stones breaking and searing his skin all at once.

The earth element swelled inside me, and the power filling my eyes crackled with magic, forcing the world around me to shimmer in a wave of green. I beat Drake’s face until it was nothing but a swollen mass of blisters and broken skin. He was unconscious on the ground when I finally stopped, and his jaw sagged, dislocated from his face.

I turned to attack Darius, and Riley jumped to his feet. His throat was healed and his tight white t-shirt was soaked in red. Darius was on the edge of the road, fighting against Willy’s locked jaw, and Riley laughed, watching them battle.

Darius screamed in pain and anger and an explosion of black magic flashed between them, finally breaking Willy’s grip. Willy yelped as he skidded across the gravel, trying to dive back into the shadows.

“Oh, no,” Riley said.

Dark magic flourished from Riley’s back and grabbed Willy’s hind legs, jerking him back into the center of the road. Darius screamed when he looked at his bloodied arm and stormed towards Willy.

I moved to intercept him but his magic tossed me backwards into the ditch beside the road. When I got to my feet, Darius’s power hung thick in the air, snapping Willy’s bones and forcing him back to his human counterpart.

Willy lay huddled on the ground, naked and covered in blood. He was in the fetal position, covering his face with his hands as Darius kicked him with godly force, and Willy’s body skidded across the pavement.

“Stand up!” Darius screamed, but Riley grabbed his shoulder and held him back.

“Do not touch me!” Darius pulled his shoulder away. “You don’t even know what all this is about.” He spat the words at Riley and circled him.

Anger raged in Riley’s eyes. “How dare—”

“Do not look down upon me as though you are greater. You are but a vessel for greatness, and I’ve stood silent long enough.”

“Darius, no!” Drake screamed, struggling to his feet. The right side of his face was a mess of cuts and blistered skin, swollen with fluid.

“No, Brother, do not interrupt. I have withstood these conditions for far too long and I will stand by no more.”

“This is not the way. Do not spoil this again. Think of Father,” Drake reasoned.

Darius stopped in his tracks, staring at Drake. “Why must I sit by idly with these fools?”

“Do not forget your place, Brother. Do not forget what the gods would have done to us without Father’s interference. If not for Father, and not for yourself, do it for me.”

Darius growled and kicked at the gravel.

I crouched down next to Willy and helped him to his feet. He wasn’t badly hurt, but outside of his wolf form he trembled with fear.

“I’m so—sorry, Chase,” he whispered.

I pulled his head against my chest and held it tightly, whispering in his ear. “Don’t apologize, Willy. I’d have done the same thing. But now it’s time. You
to go.”

Willy sniffled; I could feel his tears running down my chest.

“Listen to me. You’re stronger than this. Shift and leave this place. Don’t come back, Willy. I know you want to be part of this, but you deserve better. Please, for me, just leave and be safe.”

Willy pulled away and looked back at Riley, whose eyes were fixated on Darius. His power swelled and a branch of black magic emerged from his back, rushing through the air and crashing into Darius.

“You disrespectful little shit!” Riley screamed, his voice sounding entirely different. “I am the vessel that will carry your father’s power. Your challenge to me is an insult.”

“That is enough, Riley. Leave him,” Drake said.

Riley turned his angry gaze to Drake as he walked towards them. “Do not interfere with me, or you too will suffer my wrath.”

“No, it is you who forgets your place. None of this happens without us. We brought this to you, and we are the only ones who can give you the answers you need. You will release him, or you will gain nothing from us.”

Riley’s glare locked with Drake’s, their wills battling one another.

“Now is your chance, Willy. Now is both our chances. We make a break for it in opposite directions. They’ll have no choice but to follow me. Just run until your legs won’t run anymore, and then push yourself even further. You deserve a good life, Willy. And that isn’t this one.”

Willy didn’t respond with words. Tears ran down his face and he shook his head.

“If you do anything for me in this lifetime, do it now. Just run, not forever, but until this is over.”

Willy fought a silent war in his eyes and finally nodded.

“Promise me.”

“I…I pro—promise.”

“Fine!” Riley screamed, tearing the tendrils away from Darius. “But you will not hold all the cards forever, Drake. Remember that. I suggest you and your brother start appealing to my better side very quickly.”

“Willy, it’s time,” I said. “Go!”

Willy’s magic came to life and I tried to run towards the warehouse, but my body froze as Drake’s magic wrapped around me. Darius appeared behind Willy and pushed a knife against his throat.

“This fight is over, Chase,” Riley said. “It ends now. From this point forward, you are but a pawn on the board.” Riley stepped in front of me as I struggled against Drake’s magic. I felt it give a little as I pushed harder, but it didn’t break. “I’ve tried kindness, I’ve threatened you and all that you love, and still you defy me. I’ve grown tired of your insolence, son. If I did not need you, I would tear the heart from your chest. Since that is not an option, I’ll take the high road.”

Branches of magic spread out behind Riley and reached towards me. I braced for the coming pain and searched the amulet for power. It filled my soul, but still Drake’s magic wouldn’t break.

The darkness wrapped around my neck and yanked the amulet over my head. The chain sparkled beneath flashes of lightning, and the colors inside the gem were brighter than before. Riley’s magic dropped the chain around his neck and his power grew stronger, making the air taste of sulfur.

Lightning cracked down from the sky and struck the amulet. With the dagger in one hand and the key in the other, Riley stretched out his arms and the lightning flashed from one soul piece to the next.

His body rose in the air, darkness reaching out around him, and the lightning flashed again. His body jerked as the energy filled him, and when the lightning vanished, he dropped from the sky.

His body hit the earth on one knee and the ground rippled around him like a wave. He remained still for a long moment before he lifted his head. Instead of blue, his eyes were black with bursts of white light crackling inside them, and his face was vacant of emotions. His skin had paled and his lips were completely white.

“It is done,” he said, and his voice wasn’t his own; it was deep and demonic.

Riley had turned himself into a creature much darker than he could have imagined. He had released a power far too great and now he had absorbed all three of Ithreal’s soul pieces. All because I wasn’t strong enough. I wasn’t fast enough. I wasn’t smart enough.

“Interfere again and I will shatter your world, son.” Riley was beside me now, his demonic voice whispering in my ear. “And to ensure you don’t…” Riley vanished behind me and reappeared behind Willy.

Willy broke free of Darius’s grip and ran, trying to escape, but Riley’s magic wrapped around his body and smashed him into the ground. The darkness dragged Willy’s naked form against the gravel until he was back at Riley’s feet.

“No!” Willy screamed, fighting against the power. His wolf broke through and his bones began to snap, but Riley’s power flexed around him and the beast was shoved back inside. Willy cried out in pain. “No, please,” he whimpered.

Riley didn’t look at Willy. Instead, his black eyes stared straight into mine. I screamed in anger and fire burst inside me, but Drake’s magic silenced my voice and my magic, leaving the scream to echo inside my head and fire to burn my soul.

Riley flung Willy into the air and his body hit the earth with a
. He smiled as he reached down, grabbing Willy by his hair. The Brothers moved to stand behind Riley, and their pale skin was nearly glowing as lightning flashed across the sky. Riley pulled Willy up, and his hands moved to either side of Willy’s face. Willy trembled and his brown eyes were streaming with tears and wide with fear, begging me for help.

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