
Read Relentless Online

Authors: Scott Prussing

BOOK: Relentless
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This is a work of fiction. All the characters or events portrayed in this novel are either fictitious or used fictitiously.



Copyright © 2014 by Scott Prussing Publishing    

All rights reserved.  

Scott Prussing Publishing

1027 Felspar St.

Suite 2

San Diego, CA 92109    


No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any mechanical or electronic means without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. The scanning, uploading and distribution via the Internet or via any other means without the written permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law.

This book is dedicated to two very special “superfans,” Angie Brennan and Kristi Brolezi. They discovered me way back when I was desperately seeking fans for
, my first book. Ever since, they’ve been staunch and constant supporters and promoters in more ways than I can count. Blue Fire Saga fans may recognize Kristi as Kristi Brolen in
. She was later joined by husband Marcio in
. Angie’s recognition comes in the form of Brennan Field, which has been the scene of several critical episodes in the saga.

One day, sooner rather than later, I hope to meet each of them in person to give them a great big, grateful hug!


A special thank you to author K. R. Jordan, who helped write the wedding night chapter. She has a total crush on Rave and is always eager to help write about his romantic escapades.





She stood in one of her favorite places in the world—on a ledge near the top of a tall ridge overlooking the Moodus River, not too far from the volkaane settlement. Rave held her hand loosely, and despite the warmth of the beautiful October morning, she could feel his magical heat flowing into her.

She loved this special spot at all times of the year, but it was especially beautiful right now. The foliage of the trees surrounding the rocky ledge was beginning to explode with reds, golds and yellows. Colorful wildflowers poked up through the soil, filling the air with sweet perfume. Above them, cottony clouds dotted the powder blue sky, and the nearby stream, widened by a recent rainy spell, flowed musically over its rocky bed as it tumbled down the slope.

For the first time since she and Rave had begun coming here, they were not alone. She thought back to that first afternoon when she had asked Rave to take her to some special place because there was something she needed to tell him. It had been the saddest day of her life, and one of the hardest things she had ever had to do. She had told him goodbye, because of the bargain she’d made with the vampire Stefan to save her brother. How long ago that all seemed now. They had come full circle. Instead of saying goodbye, today they would be pledging their future togetherness.

Bradley was here, as was her mom. Cali had come too, of course. Besides Rave, there were three other volkaanes: Rave’s friends Dral and Bain and his mentor Balin, who had become like a grandfather to Leesa. Jenna was here, too, having landed in her owl form just a few minutes earlier.

They were all gathered here today for a wedding of sorts.

This wasn’t going to be the kind of wedding that little girls dream of—in fact, it wasn’t going to be an actual wedding at all. But that was okay with Leesa. Growing up, she had been so shy and unsure of herself that she had never dreamed of things like marriage and weddings. Those dreams were for other girls, girls more confident in themselves and their attractiveness to boys. Leesa had dreamed only of having a mom like the other kids, one who wasn’t afraid to leave the house and do things with her children.

Leesa’s dreams had finally come true, thanks to Professor Clerval and the blood of the
. Her mom was here today, up on this tall ridge in the bright sunshine, sharing this special moment with her. Leesa could care less about a fancy white wedding dress or walking down an aisle. The only flowers she needed had been provided by Mother Nature; the only music she needed was the gurgling stream. What counted today were the things she and Rave were about to say to each other.

There would be no legal status to this marriage, nor was there a priest or minister to perform the ceremony. Such was not the volkaane way. Leesa and Rave were simply going to exchange vows. So that she could speak fully and openly from her heart, Leesa didn’t want anyone here who did not know about Rave’s supernatural nature. She wished her Aunt Janet and Uncle Roger could be here, and maybe a couple of friends from school, but none of them knew the truth about Rave.

Only one person was missing that she truly wanted here: Dominic, her wizard mentor, the man who had imparted his magic into her while she was still a fetus inside her mother’s womb. In a desperate attempt to destroy the evil Necromancer, Dominic had followed the black mage into the depths of his magical table, from which there seemed to be no escape. Leesa still possessed the shrunken version of that terrible implement. The wizard had been gone for several months now and she still missed him fiercely. She hoped that one day her magic might grow powerful enough that she would be able to free him, if such a thing were even possible. Every day, she worked toward that goal. The invisible ring she wore on her right hand told her he was still alive, at least, even though he remained far beyond her reach.

A cloud passed in front of the sun, dimming the bright morning the same way memories of Dominic’s sacrifice dimmed Leesa’s mood. She pushed the thoughts away. A moment later, the sun emerged from behind the cloud and shone down upon them again.

Leesa turned to face Rave. He looked so handsome. His long, dark-copper colored hair shone in the sunlight and his bronze complexion was smooth and unlined. More importantly, he not only looked handsome, he looked so blissfully happy. She took both his hands in hers. It was time.

“The first time I ever saw you, Rave, I thought you were only a dream. I never imagined that you would become a dream come true. The first time you held my hand”—she lifted his hands slightly—“I told my friends that it was magical, even through your gloves. Little did I dream that the magic was real.” Leesa glanced at Cali. “Cali didn’t believe me, and she teased the heck out of me.”

Cali laughed. “I stand corrected. Magical it was, for sure.”

Leesa fixed her eyes on Rave once more. “The first time you kissed me, I felt like I might melt. Little did I know how close to the truth that actually was. The first time we slow danced, I felt like we were flying.” Her face broke into a wide grin. “I
a bit disappointed that you can’t fly, by the way.”

Rave chuckled softly, and Leesa continued. “But when you carry me in your arms at volkaane speed, it’s the next best thing to flying.

“I love your magic, Rave, just like I love your volkaane strength and speed. But what I love most is your heart. I love the way you look at me, I love the way you talk to me, and most importantly, I love the way you love me.

“I know how rare it is for a volkaane to pair up with a human, so I propose that we make this a trial run.”

Rave’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he didn’t say anything. Cali had no such hesitation.

“Trial run? Are you nuts? Rave’s probably just the most awesome guy on the entire planet, and you want a trial run?”

Leesa smiled at Cali. “Hush up, you. Who’s getting married here, me or you?”

Cali looked as if she wanted to reply, but she held her tongue.

“Now, as I was saying, I propose we look at this as a trial run. I think five hundred years should be long enough to know if our love is genuine. After five centuries, we can reevaluate.”

Rave laughed out loud, as did everyone in the audience.

“Well,” he said after a moment, “I had been hoping for something a little more permanent, but if you’re only willing to commit for five hundred years, I guess I’ll have to settle for that.”

Everyone laughed again. Rave waited until the laughter quieted.

“My turn, now.” He gazed lovingly into Leesa’s eyes. “You are the most beautiful human I have ever met, not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. The first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you were special—but I never dreamed just how
you would turn out to be. I also never dreamed that I could ever love someone as much as I love you, Leesa. Being together with you warms my heart more than my inner fire ever could.”

Leesa knew exactly what Rave meant—her own heart seemed to be radiating heat inside her chest as she stared up into his gorgeous brown eyes and listened to his words.

Rave gave her hands a gentle squeeze. “Right from the very start, something about you pulled at me.” His lips curved into a grin. “Who knew it would turn out to be vampire blood?”

The onlookers chuckled. Everyone there knew that Leesa’s blood contained the taint of
—a one-fanged vampire—courtesy of a bite her mom had suffered while she was pregnant with Leesa.

“I also had a feeling right from the start that you could be trouble, but I never imagined just how much trouble one human girl could get herself into.”

Leesa smiled. “I do seem to have a knack for attracting it, don’t I?” Her smile widened. “That’s why I need a big, strong magical man like you to protect me.”

Rave smiled back. “I do promise to protect you, Leesa, and to care for you, and to love you, every minute of every day for…” Rave paused, and then shrugged his shoulders. “I was going to say forever and ever here, but I guess I need to change it to every minute of every day for the next five hundred years.”

Leesa laughed. She rose up onto her tiptoes and gave him a quick peck upon the cheek.

“Sounds like a plan,” she said.

Balin moved to Rave’s side. Rave had grown quite skilled at
, the ancient volkaane technique for diminishing their inner fire. Controlling his fire allowed Leesa and him to kiss with little danger, and the couple had been enjoying the fruits of Rave’s success for several months now. But Balin had monitored Rave’s heat during their first real kiss, so they thought it would be a nice symbol for him to do so now for their first kiss as husband and wife—especially since Leesa had no plans for any holding back today.

Balin laid his finger on the side of Rave’s neck. “You may kiss the bride,” he said.

Rave did just that, and Leesa melted completely.





to their homes and in their place Leesa and Rave enjoyed the naked silence of the summer night. Darkness stretched its arms from one horizon to the other, making Leesa feel somehow alone and in a crowd at the same time. She and Rave stood hand in hand at the apex of the universe, almost as if they were about to embark on a flight through the bejeweled canopy of stars above. Leesa's eyes gravitated toward the Big Dipper, but almost immediately the constellation fell out of focus as Rave stepped in front of her. She looked up into his eyes and it was almost as if she were seeing him for the very first time. Her heart pounded in her chest and she found she could scarcely breathe.

 Rave had recognized the wonder in her eyes as she marveled at the night sky. When her eyes moved slightly toward the Dipper, her expression changed. With her lips parted and eyes wide with wonder, she looked breathtakingly beautiful. All he wanted to do was kiss her. The pull between them felt even stronger than usual, but still he hesitated. He did not want to rush this. He could hardly believe they were married now, and the thought of spending five hundred years together with Leesa warmed his soul like nothing before. The heat from the magical fire inside him paled in comparison.

Stepping in front of her, he cupped his hands gently on each side of her face. Leesa's instant smile was infectious and had him smiling, too.

Leaning slowly in to each other, they kissed tenderly, almost as if they were afraid of the freedom they now enjoyed. Their kiss deepened until they were both breathless, their hearts beating urgently, fire coursing through their veins that had little to do with their magic.

Rave rested his forehead against hers, looking down into her eyes as he caught his breath. Her lips were swollen and pink from their kissing; her hair was sexily disheveled. Taking her hand in his, he turned her so that she was facing the meadow behind them.

Cali and Balin, with a little help from Jenna’s magic, had transformed the already verdant meadow into a honeymoon paradise. Leesa caught her breath as her eyes took in the dark green grass and colorful wildflowers lit up with a row of flameless candles leading toward their makeshift wedding bed. 

A broad smile stretched her lips when she saw the bed. The frame was constructed of driftwood strapped together by vines. A wooden step stool framed by tiny tea lights sat flush against the high-set frame. Draped over the four driftwood columns was a canopy net constructed of a finely woven translucent material that was virtually invisible.

A jumble of large red throw pillows covered the head of the bed. Instead of flower petals scattered across the lower part of the dark coverlet, white orchids had been shaped into a giant heart. The overall effect was magical and sensual at the same time.

When Leesa looked over to see Rave’s reaction to their special honeymoon bed, she saw a slow smoldering burning deep in his eyes. Blushing at his desire for her, she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. She kissed him lingeringly on the lips, and then trailed down his chin and cheek to the side of his neck. 

“Rave…” she sighed. Kissing his warm skin like this felt like drowning in a sea of heated honey. She wanted to enjoy every last drop of it.

Hearing his name on his lover’s lips and feeling her tenderly kissing the skin of his throat stoked the fire already burning inside Rave. When she whispered his name again, her moist breath against his flesh, he could restrain himself no longer. He lifted her into his arms and kissed her mouth deeply. When finally their lips parted, Rave cradled Leesa’s head with one hand while his other arm supported her under her knees.

“I love you more than the sun,” he said softly. “More than the moon, more than all the stars that brought such a look of wonder to your face just a moment ago.”

Leesa gazed deep into Rave’s dark brown eyes. For the first time, she thought she could almost see his volkaane fire burning inside them.

“You are and always will be a wonder to me, my love,” she whispered as she leaned in to kiss him once again, letting her tongue play lightly along his lips. She reveled in the feel of his heart beating against hers, the feel of his strong arms holding her so easily, so firmly. 

With a sigh, Rave lowered her gently to her feet. They walked hand in hand toward the bed, gazing into each other’s eyes as they went. Rave held her hand as she stepped up onto the bed, her sandals slipping off her feet to disappear into the grass beneath the bed. She knelt atop the mattress, careful not to disturb the heart of orchids, and faced Rave.

“Lift your arms above your head,” she said.

A confused looked covered Rave’s face, but he did as he was bid.

Leesa fastened her gaze on the bottom of Rave’s dark blue pullover shirt, concentrating hard. Using her telekinesis, she lifted his shirt slowly over his head and up and over his raised arms. When the shirt was completely off, she let it drop to the ground and stared at his bronzed, firmly muscled torso. She made no attempt to hide the desire she was certain he could see in her eyes.

She patted the mattress beside her, and Rave leapt nimbly up to join her. 

He knelt in front of her in a mirror image of her posture and delicately reached for her fingertips with his own. Lifting her left hand to his mouth, he softly kissed each of her knuckles, gently nipping at her ring finger, which now sparkled with the symbol of their never ending love. Leesa sighed again.

She wanted to make love to him; her body yearned to join with his. She had never wanted anything more than what she wanted right now. Rave still held her left hand so she brought their clasped hands to her chest. She almost fainted with pleasure when he grasped and gently but firmly squeezed her breast. She wondered how a feeling so hot could send shivers through her body.

Closing her eyes, she pulled his free hand to her other breast.

Rave felt Leesa’s desire and fought hard to keep himself from pushing her down and taking her right there and then. It wasn’t easy to delay, but this was going to be a magical moment. There was no need to rush it. He forced himself to hold back.

Leesa had other ideas, though, and looped her arms around behind Rave’s neck. A low moan escaped her throat as she began to hungrily kiss him again, her tongue pushing inside his warm, wet mouth. Letting himself go, Rave wrapped his arms tightly around her back and returned her kisses with equal ardor.

Leesa loved the feel of Rave’s tongue against hers, the feel of his arms wrapped tightly around her, the feel of their bodies pressed together. She was SO ready for this—and so was Rave.

Rave used one arm to brush the orchids from the mattress. He brought Leesa with him as he lay back on the pillows. Their hands fumbled at each other’s clothing, pulling and tearing at the cloth that was the sole remaining barrier keeping them from joining their bodies the way their hearts and souls were already joined.

At last they were naked, and once again they pressed their bodies together, luxuriating in the sensual feeling of smooth skin against smooth skin. Rave’s volkaane flesh was naturally warm, but Leesa felt that her own hormone-driven body heat must be nearly a match for his right now.

After a moment, Rave rolled over onto his back, pulling Leesa on top of him, allowing her to decide what would happen next, to control the pace of their joining. Her crystal blue eyes shone luminously as she smiled down at him, rocking her body against his hips. When she felt the most sensitive part of him rubbing against the center of her womanhood, her eyes closed and she sat straight up, arching her back in pleasure. Still holding his hands, she lifted them to her waist. Rave knew she wanted him to take control, but he wanted to enjoy the view a little bit longer.

He soaked in the sight of her firm young breasts, and his mouth began to moisten with want. Bringing his hands up from her waist, he slid them through her hair, tugging slightly. With her hands leaning back on his thighs, she began to undulate against him, her low moans growing increasingly louder. 

Leesa couldn’t help but rock against Rave; her body seemed to have a will of its own. She groaned with pleasure as he pushed himself up onto one elbow and began flicking his tongue against her breast.

Their passion grew, and their control waned. Rave pressed his hand against Leesa’s shoulder, flipping her over onto her back. He climbed on top of her, spreading her thighs with his knees. Leesa’s heart seemed to stop for an instant when she saw his hungry gaze slide down her naked body. Goosebumps raced across her skin as she felt the intensity of his want—but his desire was no stronger than her own.

“Now, Rave,” she gasped. “I can’t wait any longer. Please, now!”

Just like the first time Rave had kissed her, Leesa swore she saw fireworks as he slid inside her, filling her with a heat she had never imagined possible.


For what seemed like hours, Leesa and Rave bathed in the glow of their joyous love-making. Spirited whimpers and pleasure-filled sighs filled the night in a song as old as time itself. At the culmination, mutual cries of ardor and ecstasy filled the night. The stars themselves seemed to celebrate the couple’s joy by shining brighter than ever.

Spent at last, they lay back upon their honeymoon bed, side by side. The summer night had cooled significantly, but pressed against Rave’s still hot flesh, Leesa didn’t notice.

Rave leaned over and softly kissed her shoulder, then slowly moved his lips up to her face. He was surprised to see her eyes glistening with tears.

“Leesa?” he asked worriedly, afraid he might have hurt her. “Are you all right?”

She smiled, a wide, loving smile that left no doubt how she was feeling.

“I love you, my husband,” she said. “More than you can ever know.”

Rave kissed her lips softly. “And I love you at least as much, my wife.”

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