Read Relentless Pursuit Online

Authors: Kathy Ivan

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Relentless Pursuit (28 page)

BOOK: Relentless Pursuit
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“You should never wear clothes.”

Jinx smiled, running her fingertips through his hair, her nails scratching lightly along his scalp.  He placed a kiss against her stomach, smiled when she took a shuddering breath.  The lovely little pooch of her belly, its softness, fascinated him.  So utterly feminine.

She stepped back out of his reach.  “I think you're overdressed.”

“I need to kiss you.”  Remy's raspy voice sounded abnormally loud, echoing over the water pounding in the shower.  Jinx wrapped her arms around his neck and licked her lips in silent invitation.  

“Yes, please.”

Remy's lips met hers in a scorching kiss, the gentleness from earlier gone.  The kiss deepened and she met his passion with her own.  He spun her until her back pressed against the wall, shifting until more of his weight pinned her in place.  He loved how hot her skin felt pressed so tightly to his.  Shifting his hips, he bumped his thigh against her, demanding entrance.

Jinx spread her legs wider, enough to accommodate him.  He broke the kiss and lifted his head enough to stare into her eyes.  His hands splayed on her ribcage as he bent his knees, lifting her higher against the wall.  Jinx slid her arms around his shoulders, shifted until her legs wrapped around his waist, locking her ankles behind him.

Lowering his head, he found the place at the nape of her neck where it joined the shoulder, trailing kisses along the sensitive flesh.  Jinx shuddered in his arms, her breath catching in her throat.  One thumb rubbed against the underside of her breast, before circling the areola.  She moaned, and it was the most beautiful sound in the world to Remy.

“So beautiful.  My precious Jinx.”

“Remy, don't stop.”

He helped lower her legs back to the floor, desperate to remove the final article of clothing separating them.  His hands reached for his zipper when her hands stopped him.

“No, let me.”

Jinx slid gracefully to her knees before him.  His breath caught in his throat when her fingertips touched the taut skin of his stomach.  She slowly eased the zipper lower and lower.  He tensed when her hands shoved down the jeans, and his hard length sprang free.

Jinx chuckled.  “Commando, huh?”

“Clean underwear hasn’t exactly been a top priority, sweetheart.”  The gravely depths of Remy's voice belied the joking words.  He couldn't remember ever wanting anyone as much as he wanted Jinx right now.  There was no missing the thick, hard shaft standing free and proud.  In a bold move, Jinx's hand encircled his heated flesh and Remy prayed he wouldn't expire right on the spot.   Oh, so slowly, she traced him from root to tip and back.

The bathroom filled with steam, sweat dripping into Remy's eyes, and he finally remembered where they were. 
Right, shower

“Come here, Jinx.”

“Busy right now, babe.”  Jinx leaned forward and swirled her tongue around the crown.  His knees threatened to buckle as pleasure roared through him.

“Jinx, wait.”

“No more waiting.”  The tip of her tongue circled the mushroom head, dipping into the little hollow beneath the tip.  Remy nearly swallowed his tongue.  The only sounds emitted from his mouth were strangled groans.  When she wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft and slid the first few inches into the hot moist depths of her mouth, he nearly exploded on the spot.

She gave a hum of appreciation, and Remy threw his head back lost in sensations.  His hands clawed behind him, seeking purchase, something to grab hold of and brace against.  Jinx was relentless, nipping and licking and sucking until he closed his eyes, fighting not to lose himself to the ecstasy her touch rocketed through him.

No, he needed to make sure she was taken care of first.  From this day, this moment forward, she always came first.  Not just sexually, although he'd make sure she never went unsatisfied, but he pledged to give her the happiness she richly deserved.

“You've gotta stop, baby, or I'm going to explode.”

“Good, since that's my plan, flat-foot.”  Remy attempted to smile at the nickname, but knew it probably looked more like a grimace.  With gentle care, he pushed Jinx back, pulling free of her oh-so-talented mouth.  It hurt, but it was a good hurt.  Next time, he promised himself he'd let her finish, but right now he wanted nothing more than to be buried deep within her heat, in the most intimate bond possible.

He walked behind her, stepping into the shower, his body curled around hers, and let the hot water slide against his skin.  Her delighted sounds at the luxury of not just running water but hot water sent a spiraling warmth curling like a well-fed kitten in Remy's chest. He grabbed the bottle of liquid soap sitting on the little cutout niche beside the folded washcloth.  Delightfully wicked thoughts raced through his mind while he squirted the liquid soap onto the cloth.

Gently, he ran it over her shoulders and down one arm, soaping her skin all the way to her fingertips.  He gave the same dedicated care and attention to the other side.

Jinx's head lolled back as he ran the cloth across her clavicles and down the center of her chest.  Lifting one breast with his free hand, he plied the washcloth around the outside and the undersurface, paying special attention to the nipple area.  The shower was steamy, the glass fogged from the heat, but Remy paid no attention to anything but the goddess in human form standing before him.

He gave the same loving attention to the opposite breast, again stroking and coaxing the nipple to a distended peek.  Lowering his head, he laved his tongue across the tight nubbin of her right breast, and smiled at her sharply inhaled breath. 
So good

The cloth eased along her stomach, loving the inward curve of her waist, flaring out to generous hips.  Hips he had been aching to dig his fingers into, so he did.  Pounding into her while he grasped her close—plunging deep as he rocked within her.  Oh yes, that was at the top of his to-do list, right after he finished giving her a shower she'd never forget.

Dropping to his knees in the cramped small space, he continued his soapy journey, down over her thighs, stopped to drop a kiss on the dimple of one knee.  He lovingly paid special attention to her feet, knowing they were probably sore from all the hiking she'd endured over the last couple of days.  She'd never complained—well, hardly ever.

Jinx squirmed in his hold when he worked his way back upward, caressing her calves and thighs, edging ever so slowly toward the one area he'd saved for last.

“Remy, please.”  Oh, he loved that pleading tone in her voice, loved knowing she was close to the brink and he'd been the one to bring her there.

“Shh, I'm busy now.”  A planted kiss against her hip bone, and her hands were clawing at the shower walls.  Another kiss against the top of her pelvic bone, a bare brush of lips, and her body pressed forward seeking more.

She mewled his name and the corner of his mouth quirked up. 
Almost there
.  He dampened the washcloth under the shower spray, and finally beginning rubbing slow circles at the juncture of her thighs.


“Go ahead, sweetheart.  I want to hear you scream,” Remy whispered, the cloth now forgotten, dropped to the floor as his fingers trailed through her bare folds.  He felt the wetness between her thighs, and felt ten feet tall knowing it wasn't from the water, but tangible evidence of her desire.

“Now, please, please.”

Remy's groin tightened with every cry she uttered, with each clenching of her muscles.  She was close, and he eased one finger deep inside, slid back out, and plunged in again.  He wanted to give her this—needed to bring her pleasure.

When he pulled his finger out, he added a second one on the next inward thrust.  Jinx's breathing sawed in and out, guttural cries falling from her lips pleading for release.  He felt her muscles contracting, squeezing. 
Almost, so close

Plunging two fingers deep inside, Remy twisted his thumb, rubbing against the bundle of nerves at her clit, round and round in small circles, and Jinx screamed out, her vaginal walls clamping down on his fingers.  He continued stroking deeper and deeper, giving a little twist when he withdrew them, only to send them deep again.   He pressed his face against her stomach, holding her steady as her body rocked with the orgasm he'd given her, gentling her with kisses and caresses as she wound her way down from the heights of pleasure.

Grabbing up the forgotten washcloth, he made quick work of cleaning her and did a quick personal wash down, before shutting off the water.  He wrapped a towel around his hips, and grabbed another, lovingly drying every inch of her body, just like his fantasy at the motel the first night they'd spent together.  Her gaze was drowsy, but filled with emotion.  His heart swelled, but Remy didn't want to read more into what he saw there, not without the words.  He knew his own feelings, knew he'd found the one woman he wanted to spend eternity with, but realized they'd only know each other such a short time.  
Would that matter to her?

Biting back the words felt like a punch to the gut, but he'd wait.  When Dubshenko had been dealt with, he'd court her.  Bring her roses and chocolates, take her to dinner.  Let her meet

He led her to the bed, covered in a deep purple velvet bedspread.  He turned down the bedding, and helped her slide beneath the sheets. He stood looking down at her, this woman who'd come to mean more to him than his next breath.

“Aren't you coming to bed?”

“I'll be right there.”

“Okay.”  She snugged down deeper, and he pulled the bedspread up lovingly tucking its warmth around her.  Then he stood looking down at her, knew the moment she fell asleep.

He felt a twinge of guilt at what he was about to do, but squashed it down.  Deception and lies had been a part of this investigation from the beginning, right down to her name.  Once he made the next call, plans would be put into action which couldn't be stopped.  He just prayed she'd forgive him.

Walking to the living room, he pulled out the final burner phone.  If he did this, he could lose her.  If he didn't, she could die.

He didn't have a choice.  With a ragged sigh, he began dialing.  


Chapter Thirty


nother fabulous press opportunity wasted while he twiddled his thumbs.  His unworthy political opponent was late.  Again.  These debates had been scheduled months in advance.  Didn't he have a blasted social secretary to remind him about the important stuff?  He'd shown up on time.  Then again, being elected Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana was a major coup in his political journey.

He had big plans and he didn't plan on wasting any more time in this backward state than he had to.  He belonged on the national platform, not dealing with crawdads and curfews.

It wouldn’t be much longer, though.  This special election was in the bag, bought and paid for by others who wanted him in this potentially key position.  That was the lovely thing about political favors.  It was a buy-now, pay-later scenario.  Like a chess game, it was all skill and timing.

The pieces were positioned on the board, and he'd played them with precision and finesse.  Another two moves and he'd be sitting in the Governor's mansion.  He wasn't worried about the necks he stepped on along the way.  The ends justified the means, and the ends in this case came with an oval office and unlimited global power.

The flash of cameras to his right heralded the arrival of his rival.

What an ass!
  Did he really think there was a bat's chance in hell he'd be elected?  He might put on the airs and polish of gentility, but this backwater bayou nobody wasn't a match for him.

Digging up dirt was a time-honored tool of the trade, and when you couldn't find anything—which unfortunately he hadn't—well, then you bend the truth just enough to make a palatable lie.  People were sheep, easily led and wanting to believe the salacious rather than truth.  The juicier the gossip the more the tabloids, and thus the gullible, ate it up. They were ravenous for more.

It was time to play dirty.

Pulling out his personal mini-tablet, he pulled up his e-mail account that was carefully hidden beneath layers upon layers of falsified trails.  Only the finest hackers in the world would be able to break into its encrypted contents, and only if they knew where to look.

With the press of one button—send—the demise of a candidacy began.

Hail to the Chief
, he strode forward to take his place behind the podium.  Time to give the people what they wanted.

# # # # #

“Is everything in place?”

“For the hundredth time, stop worrying.  The meeting is all set.”

“Wasn't Branson suspicious when you called instead of me?  Carlo paced the spacious hotel room floor.  Carpenter had rented out an entire suite in downtown New Orleans.  Stated the best place to hide was in plain sight.  They'd never look for them in the exclusive five-star hotel.  Hell, he was probably right, but Carlo's gut was coiled tighter than the trigger on a brand new pistol.

“The man comes with food.”  Isabella stepped back from the door.  She'd constantly peered through the peep hole ever since they'd called in the room service order.

“Both of you in the other room.”  Carpenter barked.  “I'll get it.”

The closing of the door had all three converging on the wheeled cart.  They hadn't stopped the entire drive from South Texas to New Orleans, other than for gas.

“Give me that!”  Isabella snatched the cheeseburger platter right out of Carlo's hand.  She'd taken to treating him like a big brother, most of the wariness and fear now absent.

“Hey, that was mine.”  He groused, but it was half-hearted at best.  The girl could stand to put on a few pounds, she was pretty much skin and bones.  Spying the rib eye steak and loaded baked potato on another plate he raised a brow at Carpenter, who waved his hand at it. Carlo snatched up the plate and silverware before he changed his mind, striding toward the coffee table.   He eyed Isabella drag a french fry through a puddle of ketchup and felt a momentary twinge.  Burger and fries—his kind of comfort food.  But then again, a tender, juicy steak with all the fixin's wasn't a bad second choice.

BOOK: Relentless Pursuit
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