Relentless Pursuit (32 page)

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Authors: Kathy Ivan

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Relentless Pursuit
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“Remy, whatever it is, just say it.”

Remy stared at her, and she read the indecision in his gaze.  Please, don't back out now, she thought.  Say something.  Anything.  Give me a freakin' clue here.  She bit her lip, still uncertain where he'd take this conversation.

“Ah, the hell with it.”  Remy let go of her hands to cup her face.  His touch was gentle, but the fire in his eyes blazed with an intensity hot enough to burn her alive.  He swept his lips over hers, gently at first, but the kiss grew increasingly more demanding.  Jinx parted her lips, wanting to get a taste of him, see if her memories of their time together were more than an illusion or a dream she'd built of her own desires.

His unique blend of assertiveness and repressed power surged forward and the kiss became more, building from sweetness to carnal in the space of a heartbeat.  He took his time, forcing her to acknowledge the growing heat between them.  Jinx was thrilled her feelings, her needs, weren't all one-sided.  Remy wanted her, and the slow burn began to build.

She curled closer against him, eager for his touch.  Her fingertips brushed against his unshaven cheeks, felt the scratchy stubble beneath her hands.  That masculine edge only added to his appeal.  But she wanted more.  Deeper, hotter.  Her tongue danced with his, but Remy insisted on controlling this melding of mouths and teeth and tongues.

A sweet heat built between them and Remy's hand slid along her collarbone, sweeping lower and cupping the heavy weight of her breast.  Through the layers of clothes, he exerted just the right amount of pressure to have her nipple standing at rigid attention within seconds.  He kept kissing her mouth, tasting every inch of her he could reach.  Desire coursed through her, her body alight with wanting the man in her arms.

Finally, breaking the kiss he leaned his forehead against hers, his breath ragged.  “Damn, I needed that.”

Jinx laughed, the sound bubbling up freely with her happiness.  She'd take this moment, secure it away to pull it out when the unhappiness threatened to consume her.  The memories of this special man, this shared moment.

“I know you'll think I'm insane, but I've got to say it.  Jinx, I love you.”

Remy's words froze the breath in her chest. 
He loved her?
He loved her! 
She blinked back tears while the reality of his words sank in.  This wonderful man who'd kept her safe, put himself in danger to protect her, the one who'd made her laugh, made her hope—the man who'd made her
—loved her.

“Oh, Remy, I love you, too!”

His answering smile was all the confirmation she needed.  This was right.  They were right.  Sure, they'd known each other for what, a week?  But in that week they'd lived a lifetime.  She had never been more sure of anything in her entire life.  This was her soul mate, the man she wanted to spend eternity with.

“Move in with me.”  Remy voiced the question as a statement, and Jinx grinned.  More than anything she'd love to live with him.  Wake in his arms every morning, go to sleep after making love, knowing he belonged to her.

“I know it's too soon for marriage and the white picket fence and everything else, but just so you know, I plan on proposing the second I'm convinced you'll say yes.  But come live with me and be my love.  We can make it work.”  Remy started laughing after he'd finished that sentence.  Wait a minute, what was so funny?

“You'll have to meet
first though.  Since it's her house, it might be a good idea for you to know her before I move you in lock, stock, and barrel.”  He reached forward and rubbed the strands of a curl between his fingers before tucking the lock of her still red hair behind her ear.

“I don't mind the red, but I'm looking forward to getting my blonde beauty back.  There was something about you, when I saw you standing in the glaring overhead lights of the station—even then you pulled at me like no one ever had before.”

Jinx wrapped her arms around Remy's neck.  “There was definitely an attraction there, right from the start.  And I'd love to meet your
.  What if she doesn't like me?”  Worry laced her words.

“Jinx, I love my grandmother dearly. She's a huge part of my life.  But
you are my life
.  I'll move out in a heartbeat if that's what it takes to keep you by my side.  I actually have an apartment I keep in the French Quarter, when I need some privacy.  I moved in to take care of her, since she's getting up there in years.”

He placed a quick kiss on the tip of her nose.  “Trust me, though, she's gonna love you.  You're more alike than you know.”

“Well, as long as you know you get my family, too.  The whole Marucci clan is going to descend on us like a swarm of locusts the second they hear I've met the man of my dreams.”

“The man of your dreams, hmm.  I like that.”

He stood, holding out his hand, and she rose off the sofa.  In a wildly romantic gesture he slid his hand beneath her knees, cradling her in his arms.  She gasped and protested, knowing she was a big woman and didn't want him straining to hold her.

“Stop it.  Which way to your room?”  She pointed and he strode easily forward, and gently laid her across the white duvet.

Wow, look at that.  He's not even short of breath.  He really is the man of my dreams

With infinite care he removed each item of clothing, tossing them all onto a chair.  His grin widened at the matching bra and panties she'd worn beneath her demure skirt and blouse.

“I love the wicked lingerie you always wear.  It's like unwrapping a sexy package decorated just for me.”  He made short work of ridding her of them, and she stretched out fully, letting him look his fill.  One fingertip brushed across the roundness of her belly, and she sucked in a breath.  His frown grew, and she exhaled.  While she knew her body and loved all her curves, most guys wanted the skinny chicks.  Then again, Remy wasn't most guys and he seemed to exult in her lushness.

“Mine.”  He placed his palm against her belly, and she smiled.


His hand traveled down to cup her mound, naked now that he'd removed everything.  “Mine.”

She quirked her brow, but nodded.  “Yours.”

With a final touch, he laid his hand between her breasts, directly over her heart.


Tears blurred her sight of him, but she didn't hesitate.  “Yours, Remy.  Forever.”

Remy stared down at the beautiful woman spread before him like a sumptuous buffet.  The warmth flooding through him had nothing to do with the temperature and everything to do with the love coursing through his heart.

“Forever.”  He yanked off his shirt, uncaring where it landed and shucked his jeans, toeing off his runners, anxious to be with Jinx.  He leaned forward, sucking one breast into his mouth, savoring the ample more-than-a-mouthful womanliness of her.  He ran his tongue around the nipple, and it peaked into a rigid nubbin.  Keeping her occupied with the sucking and licking, his hand slid along her torso, down to her mound.  He threaded his fingers between her naked folds, feeling the slick wet flesh beneath his fingertips.

She wanted him and this was further evidence she was ready for him.  Her gaze lifted to the crystal chandelier above the bed and she started to sit up.  With a gentle nudge, he pushed her back against the bedding.

“Where are you going?”

“To turn down the lights.”

“Why?  I want to see you.  I love looking at you.”

He sprawled beside her, watching the play of emotions across her face, knew the moment she acquiesced to his request.  Good, because he'd planned on getting his way.  Looking at her was a joy he didn't plan on giving up for a very long time.

“You have such perfect breasts,” he murmured.  He bent down and licked the nipple again, “Sweet.  You taste like honey.”  He ran his tongue over the valley between her breasts and continued to the swell of the other.  His teeth closed over the stiff peak and gently tugged.  She murmured something unintelligible, pressing his head closer against her.

He didn't hurry.  Instead he inched down, oh so slowly until she was squirming, impatient for him to continue his trek lower.  With an unexpected move she shoved him onto his back, crawling up to straddle him.  Remy laughed, joy coursing through him.  Ah, his unexpected vixen had grown claws and wasn't afraid to take charge.  He liked it—a lot.

She pressed her body against his, and he delighted in the feel of skin against skin.  Her softer body felt perfect against his hardness.  Running his hands over her back he cupped the swell of her bottom in his firm grip.  Caressed and squeezed until she moaned aloud.

“Remy, oh…”  She broke off as he rocked his hip, brushing his hard length against her moist heat.  “Do that again,” she demanded.

At his full-throated laugh, she lightly punched his arm, a pout on her lips.

This was what had been missing for so long.  This connection to another person, their wants, their needs more important than his own.  He speared both hands into her hair, dragging her down for a passion induced kiss.

“In case you've forgotten, I love you.”  She placed a kiss against his left pec.  “Adore you.”  She trailed her tongue across his chest, and Remy raised up propping himself on his elbows, watching her every movement.  “Worship you.”  Her legs straddling his groin squeezed tight, and it was Remy's turn to let out a groan.

“Love you too, sweetheart.  More than words can say.”

Without missing a beat, Remy rolled, positioning Jinx beneath him.  All playfulness evaporated as need spilled through him.  He loved sharing the laughter and humor that came so easily with this woman, but time for play was over.  Making love to Jinx, knowing she felt the same, elevated this moment to a different plane.  He wasn't going to get all sappy and call it spiritual or something corny like that, but it felt different.

He trailed a hand along her hip, before sliding between her thighs, spreading them wider with his body.  An ache coiled inside him, the need to spill inside her, claim her as his, was somehow foreign, yet felt right.

His fingers slid through her desire-slick folds, finding her wet and ready.  Positioning himself at her opening, he eased forward. He felt her welcoming heat encircling and embracing him as he slid within her welcoming folds, felt her stretching to accommodate him.

He stared down at her, hair spread out about her across the snowy white bedding, her skin the perfect pink, flushed with desire.  Her eyes began to flutter closed as he slid forward, and he stopped to lean down and press a kiss to each lid.

“Eyes on me, sweetheart.  I want to watch you while I make love to you.”  Her eyes opened, a yearning so deep he nearly wept.  He felt inadequate, unworthy of the love of this special woman, but he'd do everything he could from this day forward to make sure she knew how special, how precious a gift she was, and one he'd never take for granted.

“Remy, make love to me.”  Her whispered words were all it took for Remy to surge forward until he was buried deep within her.  Nothing ever felt so right, made him feel so alive.

“Love you, my Jinx.”  He pulled out only to slam forward, again and again, riding the waves of passion, her body undulating beneath his.  Her breaths quickened, the soft pink flush painting her skin with a warm glow.

“Love you, Remy.”  Her words sent a shockwave of desire searing through his body.  He arched into her, surrendering, letting her take everything he had to give.  Felt her opening herself for him, accepting him with each thrust deeper. Her body cradled his as he took her over and over, possessing him in a way no one ever had, touching the deepest part of his heart and soul.

“Take me,” she whispered.   He shuddered, braced above her and plunged into her welcoming body.  Felt her contract around him, her back arching off the bed when her orgasm hit, a cascade of brilliant stars exploding behind his eyelids as he floated on wave after wave of ecstasy.

His world fractured into a million tiny pieces, fragments of sensation and pleasure burst around him.  Felt the warmth as he filled her, and peace as he fell into her embrace.  She held him tightly refusing to let go, not wanting their time together to end.

He brushed a soft kiss against her lips, brushing her sweat-streaked hair back from her face.  Rolling to his back, he pulled her spent body alongside his, keeping her wrapped securely within his embrace.

“You are moving in with me.  I want this every single day.  We'll make it work, I promise.”  Remy pulled in a deep breath, inhaling the scent that was uniquely Jinx.

Her soft lips kissed the pulse at the base of his throat before pulling away.  “That's all that matters, Remy.  If we love each other, we'll find a way to make it work.”  She smiled, her eyes shining brightly with a blaze of love so strong it humbled him.

“I'm willing to take a chance, because I'm not sure I can live without you.  I don't want to even try.  Love is worth the risk.”  When she put it that way, who was he to argue.

He covered them both with the sheet, tucking her up beneath his arm.  Resting his head atop hers he played with one of the curls, fingering its softness.

“You've always considered your nickname unlucky.  Never again.  You're
my jinx
, and meeting you was the luckiest day of my life.” 

Remy meant every word.  His luck changed the day she walked into his world and blew everything to smithereens.  If she was a jinx, he'd take being jinxed for the rest of his days.



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