Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) (4 page)

Read Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) Online

Authors: Rachel Ryan,Eve Cassidy

BOOK: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)
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What the fuck did Brody just say? He and Ava went looking at apartments today? What the fuck? I'm speechless for a few minutes as my brain tries to process what I can't believe I just heard.

"How the fuck did that happen?'

Brody seems to be avoiding my eyes as he says softly "When we bumped into each other yesterday she mentioned that she needed to find a place of her own before she can go on tour with us. So I offered to give her a lift." He eventually looks up at me and I'm not sure what I'm seeing in his eyes. Is it guilt? Or just regret that he told me so many details? I'm not sure exactly but I'm fucking baffled.

"Brody, man! Do you like Ava?"

He hesitates, but eventually shrugs and says "She's a nice girl. I wanted to help her out. She's in a new city and she has no one."

Ah, now I see. He feels sorry for her because she's alone. I guess in a way that could explain it. Over the many years we've been friends he has often mentioned that even though his fucked up parents are still alive, he feels like he is alone in the world. I always tell him that's not true… he has me, Luke, Hunter and Travis. We're his family now.

Brody stands up and stumbles a little as he slurs "Shit, man. I don't want to be a prick, but I think I need to go to bed."

"Yeah, sure man. Good idea. Get some sleep and we'll catch up tomorrow night at rehearsals."

I watch Brody put his empty bottle on the counter and head toward his bedroom. Grabbing the small recycling bin in his kitchen I load the dozen empty beer bottles into the bin and set it back down in the corner. After grabbing my leather jacket off the armchair, I switch off the lights and lock the door as I let myself out of Brody's apartment.


The whole drive home my mind works overtime. I can't help but wonder again if Brody likes Ava. It's so unusual for him. Sure, I know he's had a few girlfriends and plenty of one-nighters, and apart from our mutual friend Jo, he's never really had a girl f
. Apart from me and the guys and Travis, he's never really had any friends. He tends to stick to himself always saying he doesn't have to worry about people lying and betraying him if he doesn't get too close to them. There's got to be more to it. It's also not like him to sit at home alone and get wasted. I can completely understand if he does feel more for that hot little piece of ass. The vision of her sexy curves in that green dress hasn't left my mind since the interview yesterday. Adjusting myself in my jeans I try to think of something else as I pull into my parking space. Travis mentioned earlier today that Ava's Editor was waiting on more details about our tour schedule. This might be the perfect excuse to visit the sexy little Ava.


The next morning around eleven thirty, I park my Mustang out the front of the Treble building. Grabbing the small folder off the passenger seat, I climb out, lock the car and enter the building. Making my way over to the reception desk I give the sweet looking girl my biggest grin "Hi. I'm here to see Miss Ava Flores."

The girl blushes and looks down at her desk "Is she expecting you, Mr…"

"Stone, Jeremy Stone. No she's not expecting me, I wanted to surprise her."

"Excuse me one moment, Mr. Stone. I'll call her office and see if she's available." She stares at me with a small smile as she puts the call through. "Yes, Miss Flores. I have a young man by the name of Jeremy Stone requesting to see you. No. I understand he didn't have an appointment, he said he wanted to surprise you. Okay, I'll send him up." She puts the phone down and gives me another shy smile as she points at the elevator to my right. "Miss Flores asked me to send you right up. You'll find her office on the third floor."

"Thanks, gorgeous." The color that immediately rises to her cheeks makes me smile. So easy!

As I approach Ava's office, I nervously run my hand through my hair. Why am I suddenly nervous? She's just another hot little chick. I can work my magic on her. But is she just another chick? She's a lot feistier than I'm used to. She also didn't seem to respond too positively to my attempts at flirting throughout the interview. I might need to work a little harder with this one. I love a challenge!

I use my knuckles to tap on her office door a couple times before letting myself in. I know… bad habit of mine. She's seated behind a large modern style desk but stands as I stroll into the room. As she makes her way over to greet me, I can't help but appreciate the sight of her in a tight black pencil skirt that cuts off just below the knee, sexy black heels and a white, short sleeved blouse almost showing cleavage. Her dark waves are tamed into a bun at the back of her head with a few loose waves framing her beautiful face. She's gorgeous! I love this sexy librarian look. As I'm checking out her slender legs once again, she holds out a small hand in greeting "Hello, Mr. Stone, nice to see you again. How can I help you?"

I put on my biggest panty dropping smile "Please, call me Jeremy."

"Very well, Jeremy. How can I help you?"

"Our manager, Travis, mentioned that he was going to be sending you through some information about the tour. So, I thought I'd save him the trouble and bring it straight to you myself. I was in the area. It was no trouble." Am I rambling? I never ramble. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"That's very kind of you Mr…Jeremy." Once again she holds out her hand and I'm confused. Does she want to shake my hand again? I look down…Oh, the folder. Placing the folder in her hand I stroll over to the chair across from the desk and make myself comfortable. She watches me with a bemused expression and then makes her way back to her desk chair. I watch her slowly take a seat and lean forward, her elbows resting on the desk. "So, Ava, how are you settling in? Are you enjoying the City of Angels?"

She responds with a slight smile and I can see her eyes light up.

"Yeah, I am. I haven't been able to explore it as much as I'd hoped yet. I've been busy with work and looking for my own apartment."

"Hmmm, so I hear. Found anything you like?"

"Not yet. I am quite particular, though." She glances down at the folder on the desk and changes the subject. "Are you looking forward to the start of the tour? I imagine it must be very exciting for you?"

Once again I offer my biggest smile. "Yeah, I am very excited. Especially now that I know you'll be there."

She laughs softly and looks me straight in the eyes. "Mr. Stone. I will be coming along strictly for work purposes only. I am not some little groupie that will be waiting backstage for you to bang after the show!" I can't help but throw my head back and laugh at her words. She sure is a feisty one. That may be just what I'm attracted to. She doesn't hold back. I wonder if she's like that in bed. A vision quickly enters my mind of her in
bed. Hair wild and skin flushed from a night of………Shit! I feel my jeans tighten in the front and slowly lean forward resting my elbows on her desk.

"Ava. That's the last thing I would see you as. I'm just looking forward to spending some time with you and getting to know you a little better."

She asks in a soft voice. "Why are you so eager to spend time with me, Mr. Stone?"

As I rise out of my chair I place my hands on the edge of her desk and lean forward to look down at her pretty face. "I can feel this chemistry between me and you, Dundee. I told you I'm relentless when I see something I want. When you stop fighting it, I promise you it will be more than just a 'bang'." Her jaw drops as I make my way to the door. At the last second I turn and see her sitting back in her chair, sexy mouth opened in surprise and reddening cheeks. "I'll be seeing you soon, gorgeous!"

Chapter 4


Straining to open my eyes, my head pounding, I glance down at the clock on my bedside table. Fuck! Two o'clock in the afternoon. I move to sit up and the pounding in my head gets worse. I can't believe I slept so long. As I lay back down on my pillow, memories flood through my mind about the events of the night before. The drinking, the conversation… Shit! Jeremy knows I've been hanging out with Ava, and from what I can hazily recall, he didn't seem too happy about it. Why the hell did I blurt all that shit out to him last night?


Shaking my head, I rise from the bed and head straight to the shower, stripping my sweat pants off as I go. While I'm standing under the hot spray of water I can't help but wonder about Jeremy's feelings towards Ava. Maybe he's serious about this one? For him to go as far as making sure she's spending the next eight weeks with us he must be pretty serious. As I scrub my body with the sandalwood scented body wash, I think about the time I've spent with Ava over the last couple of days. She really seems like a great girl and there seems to be a real connection between the two of us. I'm sure she feels it too based on her reaction when we touch and that cute little blush. What am I thinking? It would never work. She doesn't deserve someone as messed up as me. My fucked up problems would just drag her down. She's better off with someone that's secure, someone like Jeremy. I need to just take a step back and try not to go after this one. It's gonna be so hard being around her for the next eight weeks, but for her own sake, we can only be friends.


Chemistry between us! What was that? Was he just saying he wants more than just a sexual relationship? I have no idea what to think. I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover but that doesn't sound anything like the lead singer of a band. Yes he's extremely good looking and he makes my body tighten and warm. So yes there's some chemistry between us, but is it just physical? I guess I'll find out more about him in two weeks.


Leaning forward I study the itinerary. We are leaving at 10am on Thursday 10th of April. The first show is in San Francisco on the Friday night and the final show of the tour will be in LA. Finally I will get the opportunity to see some of the US as they are doing a lot of shows over the east coast. I guess the more shows they have, the more publicity they get. Dallas is in the tour as well, I wonder if I'll have time to pop over to Georgetown and visit my Grandparents. Standing up from the desk I walk out of my office. Jennifer needs to see these so she will know when I leave and where I'll be. I hope this is all Jennifer needs I've done all my work today and need to get ready for this trip. Knocking on Jennifer's door I wait.

"Come in"

"Hey Jennifer, Jeremy Stone just brought the itinerary around…"

Jennifer cuts in "Hang on a minute, why is Jeremy Stone personally bringing you the itinerary?"

"I honestly have no idea."

She holds out her hand and I pass her the folder. "Interesting. Sit down and we will go through it."

Sitting in the chair across from her, I look over her desk. Just then Jennifer speaks up "So it looks like a big tour. I think this will be great for the magazine. I think some one on one interviews, back stage photos, what the bus life is like, photos and even videos that we can post online would be great. Some photos from the shows. Maybe get down in the crowd on one show to get the feeling. Dig deep we want to know what these guys are really like."

Smiling I respond to her, "That sounds great; I'll get what we need."

"I know you'll do great."

"If that's all for today I'm going to head off and pack, buy some linen for my apartment."

"Yes, that fine. Go sort it out before you leave."

"Okay thanks see you later."


Looking at my suite case I realize I may as well just pack everything I have. Eight weeks is a long time and I don't have much after all I don't even have a place yet. This is going to be a long two weeks between work, getting ready for the trip and moving. I hope Brody's manager can find me a place. Picking my phone up I decided to message Brody and find out what is going on.

Hey Brody, How are you? Just wondering if your manager has found me a place yet?


The reply message is almost instant.

I was just going to call you; Travis has found one about 5 blocks from my place. I can take you to see it on Thursday afternoon and you can decide if you want it.


Jumping up and down I smile. I may finally have somewhere to call home.

That would be fantastic. What time?

I don't know what else to type I'm just so excited.

Thursday at 4pm. Where shall I pick you up?

I ask him to pick me up from work. Hopefully, this place will be better than the others and I can finally make my home in L.A.

Chapter 5


By the time Thursday rolls around, I am so nervous about seeing Ava again. All I have thought about for the last five days is what I am going to say to her and how I am going to convince myself that it is best for us to remain friends. Yesterday afternoon I called into Travis' office to pick up the address and keys of the apartment I'll be showing Ava. Jeremy had been there going over some last minute plans with Travis and it had been a little awkward to say the least. Apart from a couple of nighttime rehearsals I haven't seen a lot of Jeremy since my drunken secret spilling episode last week and the times that we have been in the same room together it has been quite tense. Even Luke questioned me about what was happening between us as he could sense the tension at rehearsals. I told him everything was fine and that we're probably both just nervous about the upcoming tour. Luke seemed satisfied with that response and didn't say anymore more about it. This needs to stop, it is already affecting the band, which really just confirms the fact that I need to take a step back from Ava, mainly for her sake, but also for the sake of the band and my friendship with Jeremy. We can only be friends and nothing more. I figure the more I tell myself that the more I will start believing it.


"Wow. I love it!" Ava exclaims as she strolls around the small one bedroom apartment. I can't help but admire how classy she looks in her work outfit of black wide leg pants, black high heels and a charcoal grey button down sweater as she looks through the stylish apartment.

"This is just my kind of style. Even the furniture is perfect. But are you sure it's in the price range I gave you?"

I smile reassuringly "Of course it is. I wouldn't be showing it to you if it wasn't." She doesn't need to know that Travis is a good friend of the landlord and I had him call in a favor to have the rent reduced by almost a third.

She walks slowly around the open plan living space and then disappears into the bedroom. After looking quickly through the adjoining bathroom she walks back into the kitchen with a huge grin on her face.

"When can I move in?"


"Well, that's the last one." I say to Ava as I place a large shopping bag full of linen up against the wall of the spacious bedroom. After looking through the apartment yesterday, I asked Travis to let his friend know that Ava was ready to sign the lease and move in. Twenty four hours later and she is unpacking her small amount of belongings. "Do you need some help unpacking?"

"No, that's okay. There isn't a lot to do. I still have to go shopping and pick up some more things, but at the moment it's just clothes and some basic linen."

I nod my head and offer a small smile. "Okay then, I'd better get going. Call me if you need anything else." I head toward the door but her voice halts my steps.

"Brody, let me take you out for dinner." She blushes slightly and looks down at the floor. "You know…to thank you for everything you've done for me." Our eyes meet for a few seconds before I force myself to look away. "I can't. I still have a lot of packing to do myself. Anyway, you don't need to thank me. I'm happy to help you. That's what friends are for." I give her a fake smile as I walk out the door.

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