Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) (5 page)

Read Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) Online

Authors: Rachel Ryan,Eve Cassidy

BOOK: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)
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Watching Brody walk out the door I flop down on the couch. "
That's what friends are for"
I don't understand, what's the harm in dinner? I just wanted to thank him after all the trouble he's gone through to help me and get to know him some more. I'm sure he feels this connection as well. My heart skipped a beat when I first saw him. It's crazy that I feel this way. It is not normal. I have seen the sly glances when he thinks I'm not looking. He found me an apartment because I didn't like the ones I saw. He didn't want Mr. creepy knowing where I lived. I must have misunderstood him. He probably just felt sorry for me.


Getting up I walk into my bedroom I grab the handle of my suitcase and I lift it up on the bed. Opening it up I pull out my clothes and start putting them away. Mindlessly repeating the same steps I still can't forget about the last couple of days with Brody, he has been so polite and wonderful. Then there's Jeremy. He affects my body in a crazy way but then he is so aggravating at times. How do I feel so strongly about two people that I have just met? I'm losing my mind.


Four days later I am in my bedroom packing the same clothes that I just unpacked. I'm thrilled that I am getting this opportunity but I can't wait to just come back home and make this place feel like home. I throw in a variety of work and casual clothes, zip up the bag and leave the room.

Eight weeks with Brody and Jeremy, this is ridiculous. I'm there for work purposes I need to stop thinking about them. They are just a band that I'm touring with to expose them more. I'm not tagging along as a groupie. After all I'm sure that I'm not their type anyway. Really I'm not that much fun. No more thinking about these two. I need to think about my career.

Chapter 6


I shove the last of my bags on the small bunk I have claimed on the tour bus and take another quick look around. There are four small beds - parallel to each other, bunk style, with a small wardrobe on either side. Below the bottom beds on each side there are two more large drawers for clothes and personal items. Thin blue curtains offer a small amount of privacy for each bed. Travis told us not to bring a lot of clothes as Tori, our stylist, will be carrying our stage outfits on her bus. At the back of the bus is a small bedroom with a double bed and a door. We each decided that to be fair we would sleep on the bunks and only use the bedroom if one of us got lucky and needed some more privacy and a larger bed. Beside the bedroom is a small bathroom with basic toilet, shower and vanity. My favorite part of the bus is up the front, with a small kitchenette, 2 booth tables and seating, and a small entertainment area complete with large flat screen T.V and gaming set up surrounded by large black leather sofas. I smile to myself, this is gonna be awesome.


I make my way off the bus just as Luke and Hunter arrive and climb aboard. Glancing to the back of our bus I see two more, the same color and style, but both slightly smaller than ours. I walk past the first one, which is for the roadies, a crew of four men and all of our instruments, amps and other equipment. The roadies will also take turns driving the buses. As I head toward the third bus I see Ava standing just outside the door chatting to Tori and our hair and make-up stylist, Emma. I smile as I make my way toward them and Ava glances up at me. My smile falters a little as I see hers completely disappear, did she just role her eyes at me?

"Ladies. Are we all set?"

"Yep. All packed up and ready to go." Tori flashes a charming grin as she nods her head.

"Good, we're just waiting on Brody and then we can head off." I glance at Ava to see her studying me with a slight frown on her face. "So, Ava, how are you enjoying your new apartment?"

This makes her smile. "It's perfect; it just needs a few more personal touches to make it feel like home." She is just gorgeous. I could just stand here all day and listen to her talk.

A few minutes later we are still standing there chatting about Ava's apartment as Brody strolls toward the main bus. He glances our way as he raises his hand in a small wave, then climbs onto the bus. I look over to Ava and see her watching Brody intently with a strange look on her face.

"Well, girls! Let's get this show on the road." Tori and Emma climb onto the bus but I grab Ava's hand before she can make a move.

"Ava, let me know if you need anything at all."

She glances down at our joined hands and a small sigh escapes her pretty little mouth.

"Actually, when we arrive at San Francisco, I was hoping to get some one on one interviews with the band. To… you know…put together some profiles… That kind of thing." She seems nervous as she licks her bottom lip and I can't take my eyes off her mouth. My grip tightens on her delicate hand and I lean in close to her ear as I reply in a soft voice "Dundee, it would be my pleasure to spend some one on one time with you"


Pulling my hand from Jeremy's I look deeper into his eyes and can't think clearly. I'm clearly not hiding it too well after all, his smirk is huge now. "Great Jeremy it will be really good for the band to let the public know a bit about you all as individuals. Anyway I don't want to keep anyone waiting; I'll see you at San Francisco." Smiling I turn and walk up the steps up the bus. This is so surreal; I have never been on a tour bus. There is a black leather couch on one side of the bus with tinted windows behind it. On the other side there is booth seat with a small table. In the corner near the door there is a flat screen TV, across from the booth there is a medium sized fridge. Walking further down the bus to where Tori and Emma are I see they have already claimed a bed each. Tori has claimed the top bunk on the left and Emma has claimed the bottom bunk on the left side as well. So I'm left with the right side top or bottom. Easy, I'm a restless sleeper, so I'm going the bottom bunk, closer to the ground. Pulling back the curtain I place my bag on the bed. I look towards two doors, one at the end of the bus and the other one on the right hand side at the end of my bunk. "Which one is the bathroom?"

Tori looks at me "The one behind your bunk is the bathroom. Its tiny so if we keep our stuff in our draws there will be more room in there."

"The other door leads to a small bedroom with a double bed. Unfortunately it has the bands stage clothes on small portable racks in there along with Emma's makeup. If you need more room for your clothes it has a bigger cupboard we can share it."

"Thanks, I don't have a lot of stuff. I moved countries so I packed light." I giggled at the girls and went to unpack.

"Where are our cupboards?" Tori points down to the bottom of my bunk where there are two draws side by side. "Wow not much room."

"Tell me about it, I'm a stylist I have so many clothes."

Emma is in the bedroom with five dresses or hers, peeking her head around the doorframe.

"Tori you have taken up one of the wardrobes."

"I'm sorry I have needs. I'm sure you and Ava can share."

Emma laughs "Of course we can, Ava hand me those dresses and I'll hang them up for you."

Looking at the dresses in my hands I smile "Thanks."


Finally we have all unpacked. Rubbing my head I try and ease the headache beginning in my temples.

"Are you ok Ava?"

Looking at Emma I smile.

"Yeah I think the movement of the bus is messing with me. I have a small headache."

"Do you want something for it?"

"N…" just then Tori cuts me off with a huge smile on her face.

"What she need is to be distracted. What was that with you and Jeremy before we got on the bus?"

I look between the two girls; I may as well be honest after all I'm going to be with them for a long time.

"Honestly I have no idea. Like oh my god he is hot but he seems a bit egotistical. I know I'm judging him but I can't help it. He's very forward sometimes and I find him a bit of a dick but then other times he's really funny and nice."

Both girls are staring at me mouths wide open. Emma turns to Tori and lightly hits her on her arm. "Are you jealous?"

Tori looks back at her "No I'm totally into Hunter; he's hot. And I heard he is amazing in bed."

I feel my mouth drop open. Did Tori want Jeremy? Just then Emma looks at me

"Tori had a small thing for Jeremy and they hooked up but clearly they have both moved on."

My stomach knots, they had a thing. I guess I was right about him. I need to change the subject I don't want to hear anymore. "Have you been on tour with other bands before?"

Both girls look up and say "yep" at the same time.

Chapter 7


While I'm finishing typing up a small piece describing the tour buses, I feel the bus stop. Looking up from my laptop I look out and see that we are in a parking lot. What in the world? "Emma where are we and what are we doing?"

"We are in San Fran. This is the venue they play at tomorrow night we will just stay in the staff parking lot for the next three nights."

"Home for the next three nights? Yay! Mass murderers here we are."

"Oh gosh is that some Australian joke? It's bad."

Laughing so hard my head falls back I look at Emma "No, I'm saying we are a prime target for a mass murderer."

"We'll be fine."

"I hope you're right, I better start these profiles. I'm just going to go and get Luke."


Walking out of the bus I look around, yep we are in a parking lot. I make my way to the bands bus and knock on the door. Jeremy comes to the door and gives me the biggest smile. Looking away from him I peer into the bus "Is Luke available for a profile?"

"Luke, are you right to go with Ava, for her to do a profile on you?"

Distantly I hear Luke from within the bus, I can't see him.

"Sure." Just then I hear footsteps and Luke pops up beside Jeremy.

"Hey Ava are we going to your bus?"

"Is that okay with you, it would be great to have a little privacy."

Jeremy is staring at me I don't think he has taken his eyes off me I can't say though as I have been looking at Luke since he appeared.

"Sure let's go." As we walk away Luke breaks into my thoughts.

"Stone put your eyes back in your head. So how's this going to happen?"

"I just want your fans to know a bit about you all individually. So I'll ask you a few questions about yourself then that's all I will need."

Opening up the door I find the bus empty. Sitting down at the booth with my laptop I see that the girls left me a note.

We are taking the makeup and stage clothes inside and also getting set up for tomorrow night.

Em & Tori.


Smiling I look up to Luke "Have a seat and give me a minute." Luke sits down opposite me and just waits. Opening up a new document I type in Luke's name. "Okay Luke I'm good to go tell me your full name and how old you are."

"Well I'm Luke Jamieson and I'm twenty four years old."

"Oh wow, we are the same age. What month is your birthday?"


"Me too, what date?"

"The fifth. When is yours?"

I smile at him "Mine is the tenth. Cool. What is your favorite food?

"My favorite food is nachos."

"What's your favorite movie and song?"

"Easy, I love The Fast and Furious movies. Choosing a favorite song is a little harder though. There are so many awesome songs out there. 'Famous last words' by my Chemical Romance is one of my fave rock songs from this generation."

"What is something not many people know about you?"

"I have a twin sister."

"Really what's her name? Does she look like you?"

"No we aren't identical, her name is Olivia."

"See these profiles are great I didn't even know that. That's all I need can you send Hunter over please."

"Sure thing, catch ya later, hot stuff."


Leaning back in the booth I close my eyes. Really? Hot stuff? That's so lame. Opening my eyes I turn around to see Hunter standing in the doorway.

"Am I right to come in?"

"Of course, I was just thinking about all the new things I found out about Luke. Take a seat."

Hunter walks further up the bus and sits opposite me where Luke was just sitting.

"So I just want you tell me a few things about yourself like favorite movie and color."

Hunter chuckles "I'm Hunter Morris, twenty three years old. I have sandy brown hair and have blue, green eyes. I like the color grey. Oh and my favorite movie is The Hangover."

"I love the Hangover movies."

Glancing up from the screen I see Hunter staring at me with a shocked expression.

"What? Does that surprise you?"

"Yeah, I kind of thought you would be the Notebook kind of girl."

"I don't mind that one either. But I love a good laugh."

"What is your favorite food? Where have you always wanted to visit? Do you play any other instruments?"

"I love all Chinese food and I always wanted to go to Barcelona. No, actually none of us play more than one instrument except for Brody."

"Really? What else does he play?"

"Piano, surprisingly."

"Thanks Hunter you're all good to go now can you please ask Brody to come around for his."

"No problem, I'll let him know."

Smiling at Hunter I watch him leave as I climb out from the booth and walk to the bathroom.


Stepping out of the bathroom I see Brody sitting at the table.

"Hey, Brody."

"Hey Ava, how has the trip been so far?"

"Really good, I can't wait to see some new places; I'm thinking tomorrow I might do a bit of sightseeing."

"That sounds good."

"You can always come along if you want."

"I think I'm busy preparing for tomorrow night, you know sound check and all that."

"Oh yeah of course, anyway let's get to it, just tell me a bit about you. Your favorite color, song, food, anything."

"I'm Brody Cooper and I'm twenty six years old. I guess black is my favorite color. Wish you were here by Pink Floyd is my favorite song and I enjoy eating sushi."

"I have heard that you play piano, is this true?"

He grins "Have you been asking about me, Ava?"

"Well, that is my job. What is something not many people know about you?"

Brody shifts in his chair, his eye look away from me. "I have a pierced nipple."

I didn't know that and wasn't expecting it either.


Brody stands and looks at me "Is that all you need?" All I can manage is a small nod and Brody makes his way to the door. I can't believe he has a nipple ring. An image of Brody, shirtless, enters my mind and I quickly shake my head trying to get the image to disappear before I have to interview Jeremy.

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