Relinquish (9 page)

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Authors: Sapphire Knight

BOOK: Relinquish
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“Pay me with fuck? No, you idiot, she is hung up on biker dick from what I hear. Now who is going to tell me why I was called?” He turns his shoulder from me and gazes at the other brothers.

I swear, if he answers sarcastically one more fucking time I’m going to throat punch this motherfucker. I may be smaller than his ass by about two inches, but that makes me the perfect height to hit him low. I’m not some bitch. Around here you have to earn your respect. The brothers are friendly and shit, but you still have to continuously prove yourself that you won’t take no shit from nobody.

“You tellin’ me she called you, upset, ‘bout some shit and you drove over here to threaten me? All because she’s hung up on me? She knows this is just a good time, it always been that way.” This woman is gonna be the damn death of me, just watch. I knew she wouldn’t be able to separate this after so long. She’s a woman; and women tend to get attached more quickly than men. I’m not gonna lie, I have some feelings for her too. I didn’t realize we were gonna start to move in this direction though. I mean Christ; she lives in a whole other state. Figures I’d pick a bitch to start having feelings for and she’d live sixteen hours away. I’m gonna have to talk to her ‘bout this. I need to find out what her true feelings are for me and if I wanna give it a go with her. It’s been a long time since I had a chick to call my own. After earlier though, I don’t know if she can even handle this lifestyle.

“Yes. That is what I said. Any good vodka here?” he asks, friendly now, and just like that, Niko has moved past this fiasco.

Me on the other hand…it’s just starting to sink in. It’s hitting me like a kick to the nuts. I mean, Avery’s a good girl. She’s fun, smart, gorgeous and I like being around her. She’s been right in front of me this whole time and I never even noticed what could be. I’ll have to show her I can be what she wants. But what does she even want? God, I know fucking next to nothing about what she actually wants or cares about. I’m a damn idiot. I gotta pull my head outta my ass or she’s gonna pass right on by.

I gesture to the bar, “Yeah, man, there’s vodka.” I nod at the prospect, and he rushes over to the bar to get Niko his tumbler of Absolut on the rocks.

“Hey, Scratch, get me a beer too,” Ares pipes up and I start to fix my clothes. I always forget this dude’s name. Hell, I was called prospect the entire time until I got patched, so it won’t hurt ‘em.
Pull yourself together and find her.

“Спасибо (Thanks)”
Niko sits at the bar and takes a sip. The prospect nods, face full of shaggy hair, and hands Ares his bottle of Budweiser.

“I’mma go check on Avery, make sure she’s straight,” I grumble and pat down my shirt. It’s caked in blood, I can feel it stiff in certain spots. At least it’s a black shirt this time.

“She was sad. I do not like her sad, fix it, 2 Piece.” I roll my eyes at Nikoli and he smirks. This Russian is going to be a pain in my ass.

I start to walk toward the hallway. I don’t even know what to say to make it better. I probably shouldn’t start with something like, ‘Hey, sorry you sicced your friend on me to kick my ass’. I feel bad, and I know I can be an ass, but I don’t roll over either.

I knock softly on the bathroom door and I can hear her little sniffles through the ply board. My muscles in my stomach clench tightly. I need to do some major ass kissin’. I can’t believe Shorty is in there crying over me right now. I must really mean something to her. How did this shit spin out of control? It went from us having fun, us both storming away, to getting into a fight and making her cry. I can’t stand drama and this is turning right straight into drama city.

“Shorty, come on, open the door, babe.” I rest by forearms on the door frame and speak against the door so she can hear me and I don’t have to yell. She sniffles then she blows her nose.

“No,” she says softly, stubbornly. There’s my feisty girl. She’s upset but still her normal stubborn ass. Good, make me beg, babe. I deserve it right now.

“Come on, free bird, open up,” I say a little louder.

“No, and stop calling me pet names,” she hiccups and I chuckle to myself.

“Open this fuckin door, Avery Marie, or I’ll bust it the fuck down. You don’t want me breakin’ doors right now, baby. I’m already all spun the fuck out from that bullshit your boy put me through in there in front of my brothers. Pissin’ me off more is
the right way to go ‘bout this. I came over here to check on you and apologize, don’t start up no more shit,” I growl and just as I’m about to start pounding on the door, I hear a small click and the door cracks open. I look through the small sliver and see her face is red, blotchy and tear stained, and her nose is swollen.

“Okay, geesh,” she murmurs and backs away from the door. I push through and lock the door behind me. My heart hurts for her right now. I hate seeing her upset.

“Shorty.” I grimace and pull her to my chest. I’m such a fucking piece of shit to make her cry like this.  She sniffles and wipes her nose with her hand. She’s fucking adorable and I can’t help but look at her differently after my revelation earlier.

“It’s okay, I’m fine,” she says and clears her throat, but she ain’t fine, she’s all down and out.

“Shit, sugar, I’m not dumb enough to know that fine actually means fine when it comes to a woman. You’re upset, and I’m a dick; you made your point clear, now please talk to me so we can fix this.” She leans back a little and looks up at me with those wide, golden honey eyes that warm me inside.

“Umm, you mean we-we can fix this? I thought you would be hating me right about now and kicking me out of the club.”

“Naw, Shorty, I couldn’t hate you ‘cause you freaked and weren’t comfortable. I didn’t grasp that we weren’t on that level or I never would have called Ares in to have some fun with us.”

“What do you mean with us?” She cocks her head and raises an eyebrow.

“You know, join in. I thought it would bring you further pleasure, having the two of us.”

“Wait, you did that for me? You weren’t trying to pass me around to your brothers?” she asks, surprised, and I scrunch up my face. Fuck, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Of course she would get that impression. She doesn’t know how everything works in the club.

“What the actual fuck? Hell, no. My brothers don’t touch shit unless we agree or say it’s cool. Ares and I are good when it comes to threesomes, so I didn’t mind him. I wouldn’t invite no other brothers in though.”

“You wanted to have a threesome with me and Ares? Shit, I’m a dork,” she says, her eyes go wide and she rubs her forehead.

“Yeah, Avery, I would never pass you off. You’re not some club whore and I would never treat you as one. I have way too much respect for ya, babe.” She beams a bright smile at me and I return it with one of my own. She’s so fuckin’ gorgeous, just that smile turns me on.

“I’m sorry I spazzed out and locked myself in your bathroom. I know you would never hurt me, I was just really confused and hurt.”

“It’s all good, Shorty, I’m sorry for not stickin’ around and making sure you were straight.” I pull her tight against my chest. I love how she feels against me, in my arms. I breathe in deeply and smell her sweet, girly smelling hair. “Damn, baby, you bring your own shampoo this time?”

“Yeah, I always steal yours when I visit, so I brought mine this time.” She grins cheekily.

“I like my smell on you though,” I grumble as I take her mouth with mine. She leans up eagerly and returns my kiss with fervor. I palm her left breast and tweak her nipple. She has me all turned up and ready for her.

“Mmmm, 2, I want you. Just you right now, maybe Ares can join us another time. As long as it’s together and not me with him, alone,” she says breathlessly and I want to eat her up, she’s so fucking intoxicating.

“Yeah, Avery, you got me, Shorty.” My hands skim over her curves, until I reach the button on her shorts. I undo them and push them down with eagerness. I kiss her hard once then spin her around. Pushing her toward the counter and sinks, I put pressure on her back so she bends down.

“Hold onto the counter, Avery. This is gonna to be hard and quick. I’ll take you again later and make up for it,” I rumble and undo my jeans button with one hand.

I pull my cock out and pump it twice, grasping and flexing my hand at the tip. I grip my wallet with my other hand, stick it in my mouth and dig out a condom. “Shorty, turn back around and slide this on my dick first.” She complies, turning around and taking the condom for me. She drops to her knees and I grit my teeth thinking of her taking my cock deep in her mouth. She lines the condom up with the tip and pushes it on about an inch. She leans forward and rolls the condom using her tongue and lips while taking my cock into her mouth. Little tingles spread rapidly all over my body and I shudder. My groin tightens and I can feel myself dripping pre-cum into the condom. She makes little slurp sounds and I feel my tip engorge, ready to take.

“Fuck, babe.” I yank her up quickly under her arms and turn her to face the counter. “OVER, NOW,” I gasp and shove her roughly. She grins, bending down and holds onto each side of the counter. I want inside her so bad, I’m shaking like a crack addict. I grab my cock roughly and squeeze it.
Spreading her ass cheeks so I can see the pretty little anus and her pussy, I rub the tip of my cock on her core, coating it in her juices. She squirms and lets out a little mewling sound. I contract my muscles tightly and slide deep inside, clutching firmly onto her hips.

“You think you can control this?” she puffs.

“Baby, I know I control this.”

“Arrrgh, God.”

Yep. I’m fuckin God and you’re gonna remember this for the rest of your life. I reach forward and wrap one hand around her delicate neck. I give it a gentle squeeze and I feel her swallow.

“Please, 2.” I hold onto her hip with my other hand and scoot in close to her so my body heat washes over her and warms her back. I rock my hips back and slam into her the same time I squeeze her neck. “GOD, YES,” she screams and I replicate my movements a few times.

“I feel your little pussy squeezing me, Shorty, you gonna come like my good girl?” I squeeze her hip roughly and she grinds back into me.

This pussy’s so fuckin’ hungry and I plan to give it exactly what it so badly wants. “I got you, babe,” I say and start hammering into her. She lets out little whimpers with every thrust. I run my hand from her hip to her breast. I squeeze and play with her rigid nipple. I can feel her pussy begin to spasm frantically. She calls out and I grip her neck, hard, effectively silencing her into a soundless moan. I pull almost all the way out to my tip and slam home three times, I feel myself start to go off like a volcanic eruption.

“Fuck me, that’s so good,” I say as I dump every last drop deep into her clenching, soft cunt.




OH MY GAWD! And that is one of the reasons why 2 is so special to me, above any other old Joe-shmo. He knows exactly what I love when it comes to sex. No other guy has quite gotten it, but 2 Piece hits it right every time. I have never in my entire life, been so sexually compatible with a man before. It will happen over and over too. It’s not something that occurs once and then I have to wait a while for it to transpire again. Nope, he can do it to me over and over and over, until I can’t feel my legs anymore. He is by far the most erotic, dangerous, best man in bed I’ve ever been with.

He has other things that stand out to me too besides the sex though. For example— his confidence. He always seems so sure of himself and knows he has it going on. It’s so refreshing; the guys I go to school with are all patsies or tools. Maybe it’s because most guys I go to class with are all math nerds. They are too spineless and dorky looking. There’s nothing wrong with that, just not my type. The hot guys I’ve dated from school are all douche canoes or moochers. When you see 2 Piece, he screams ‘I don’t give a fuck what you think’. I envy that, I wish I didn’t care so much what my mom thinks and about the the shit she’s always put me through. I wash my hands thoroughly again in the sink. I hate the smell of condoms. For some reason they always smell weird to me and leave a weird feeling on my fingers. 2 Piece washes his hands, then his still semi-hard cock and smirks over at me. Arrogant ass. He’s so cute.

“So where did you go when you left the room, anyhow?” I ask curiously. I can’t help but wonder if he was only in with the other guys. I don’t know why I’m so territorial over him. I hate these feelings of jealousy. The thoughts of him being with another female grates on my nerves and it makes me want to climb the walls.  

“I was in Church,” he says simply.

“That’s the room you came out of? You were praying with all those guys?” He chuckles and smiles at me like I’m amusing.

“Nah, Shorty, Church is a meeting to discuss club shit. Not sure prayin’ would do some of us any good.”

“Oh shit! I feel like a dork.” I giggle, I hate to be so naïve about his club, but I can’t help it. It’s fascinating to me and I want to learn everything about it that I can. “What do you guys talk about in there?”

“I can’t talk ‘bout club shit with you. I’m sure London’s told you we don’t discuss club business with anyone,” he replies, getting defensive.

“No, actually I never asked before and she never said anything. I won’t tell anyone if that’s the issue.”

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