Relinquish (5 page)

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Authors: Sapphire Knight

BOOK: Relinquish
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“We are friends, yet I can still spank you,” he says seriously and points at me. I bust out laughing. Riiiight, that man has never spanked me no matter how many times we fucked. He’s a gentle lover, yet a beast when someone angers him.

“You, my friend, have been around Tate too much! I’m seventy-five percent sure I’m kinkier than your ass and would be the one to spank you first,” I say and wear my cocky smirk proudly. He grins then chuckles lowly. 

“So, he rubs off,” he says sheepishly and shrugs. I start laughing even more.

“Ah no, pretty sure Emily rubs him off now,” I sputter. Niko rolls his eyes and chuckles louder.

“Yeah, man, that’s what she said!” he replies loudly.

It’s my turn to roll my eyes at him. He always ends sentences with ‘That’s what she said’. “Real cute, Niko, all you’re missing is a pony shirt.”

“No, I have pony shirt,” he says seriously and I start rolling in giggles again. I love his face, he’s so much fun and he has no idea. I swear I’m gonna pee if he doesn’t stop. 

“Okay, okay, okay…” I take a deep breath. “No more giggle fest ninety-nine.” I take another deep breath and prepare to talk as fast as possible before Niko can interrupt me. “SoIreallywanttogotoTexaswithyoureallyreallybad,” I say and look at him with my puppy dog eyes.

“What was that just now? You sound like jumbled kitten.”

I grin and repeat myself slowly, “I really want to go to Texas with you, please. I want to go really, really bad. I’ll stay out of your way, I promise!” He sighs and looks disgruntled.

“No way, José, I’m working. I don’t want anything to happen to you if it goes bad,” he says as he puts his hands on his hips.

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease…….Pleeeeeeeeeeeease! I’ll stay out of your way. Hey, I could probably even maybe help a tiny bit, if you needed me to. You never know, you could need my assistance,” I say and nod in an exaggerated ‘say yes’ motion. I clasp my hands in front of me dramatically, begging.

“Oh Myyyy Gawd,” he groans and rubs his hand on the back of his neck. He sits at the table and leans forward to put his hand on his forehead. I jump in quickly to keep trying to persuade him.
He’s getting weaker, only a little more and he will give in.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! I can soooo help you! Totally, I promise to stay out of your way. I promise, pleeease,” I whine. I will beg if needed. This could be my mini vacation I desperately need and can’t afford by myself. Not only that but I will get to see London and 2 Piece.

He shakes his head and chews on the inside of his lip for a second. “Fine, you can tag along.
if you stay out of my business,
poking nose in Niko’s stuff. I will be helping Cain’s motorcycle club with a problem, so you can see London.” I squeal and jump into his lap to hug him. He just made my whole day, hell, my whole week.

“Awesome! Thank you! So, um, when exactly do we leave?” I ask and stand back up off his lap. He glances at his silver-colored watch then looks back at me.

“In forty-two minutes.” I blink a few times and process what he said.

“Shit! Okay, I’m packing right now! Call the shop for me and tell Dillian I have to fly home to Florida for an emergency and I’m sorry. I’ll be back as soon as possible,” I call out as I run to my closet and start yanking clothes off hangers quickly.

I throw random shirts and a hoodie on the bed and go through my cheap plastic drawers to grab shorts, panties and a few pairs of socks. I turn to pack and some black material catches my eye. I turn back slowly and pull the material out to hold it in front of me.
Yep, this dress too. If we go out anywhere, I am totally wearing this shit.
It’s a short, fitted dress with a flowy bottom that lands mid-thigh on me. It has a hot pink, satin strip that runs down one side of it and it is my favorite dress in the whole wide world. I grab my bag and dump my school books on the middle of my bedroom floor. I walk to my bathroom and stuff all of my toiletries into my purple backpack. Oh! Pink and blue nail polishes? Yep. Never know when you might want to paint your toe nails. I zip my bag up, throw it over my shoulder and snatch my weekender bag off my bed. I stuff my clothes in quickly and head back to Niko. He smiles and nods when he sees me.

“Not bad,
, but are you going in your pajamas?”

I look down.
Fuck, I still have on pajamas.
I give him a sheepish grin and hold up one finger. I turn around and take off running to change. I hear him laugh loudly from the other room and it brings a smile to my face. Crazy man has called me ‘Bean’ after coffee beans since I made him his first cup of coffee. I throw on my daisy duke jean shorts and a black fitted t-shirt and make my way to the front door. Niko smiles and high-fives me on my way out of my apartment.

“Let’s get this road trip started!” I say when I climb into his blue Silverado. I routinely plug my phone in and turn on my playlist. I am the automatic DJ each time I ride with him. He learned not to touch the radio because I will not hesitate to smack his hand out of the way or titty twist him. I select ‘The Rockafeller Skank’ by Fatboy Slim and turn the volume up. I buckle my seat belt then turn to face Niko with a huge smile on my face. I’m met with his own vast smile and he starts bopping his head to the beat. He pulls out onto the main road. Only sixteen hours ‘til Texas!





























2 Piece

Chapter 3


I hear some catcalling and look over at the brothers. They are busy watching out one of the bays of the garage. I take a swig of my longneck and make my way over to them. It’s probably just a new club slut or somethin’. We will all fuck her, so not much to get too wound up over.

“Look at dat ass, man!” Smiles says excitedly and rubs his hands together like he’s about to get to touch it or some shit.

“I’ll take her off that Russian’s hands and keep her busy,” Capone says and smiles wolfishly. I wonder if Tate showed up for an impromptu visit. If he hears the brothers talk about Emily that way though, he will end up busting someone’s knees out.

“Nah, anybody tappin’ that shit, it’ll be me or 2 Piece, bet,” Ares grumbles, shaking his head and I gaze out into the lot to discover what they are talking about.

I see Niko’s giant Russian ass standing next to his truck talkin’ to Cain and next to him is a shorty with light brown hair and an ass those dukes were fuckin’ made for.

She jumps up and down excitedly and talks with her hands. Might as well get my foot in the door, in case she’s not Niko’s and I can hit it. I set my beer down on the concrete. I grin mischievously at the brothers and they shake their heads at me. They know if I get a hold of her first, their chances all drop significantly. They won’t get to test her out until I’m all done and bored with her. I walk toward them and Cain glances at me. I give him a small smirk and he grins. Fucker probably knows why I’m heading over here. Niko turns toward me. When he notices it’s me, he smiles.

“Ah! 2 Piece, how’s it going?” I grin and nod at him. He puts his hand out and we do a formal handshake as a sign of respect since we belong to different affiliations. The Mafia likes to keep everything formal and business like if you aren’t a part of their family. They have dialed it down a few notches with us, since Tate and Cain are pretty close now. I’m glad it’s his ass dealing with the Mafia and not mine. I’m not trying to get all wound up with them. People think bikers are crazy, Mafia Bosses can be just as ruthless.

“‘Sup man!” I say and the brunette spins to face me.

A wide smile spreads across her face and she sprints the few feet between us, coming straight for me.
Holy shit, it’s Avery!
I bear down when she jumps into my arms and the brothers start hootin’ and hollerin’ behind me. I hear a few send out some loud wolf whistles. I probably look like a pimp right now. None of them know I’ve been with Avery a few times already. I always kept her to myself when she would visit and very few people have met her. The only one who really knows how much time she and I have spent together is Cain or London. Ares has run into her from time to time when she was sneaking down the hallway in the clubhouse. She beams up at me and I grin down at her gorgeous face.

“‘Sup, Shorty,” I rasp. Damn, she’s already got me worked up a little. I swallow and wet my lips. She watches me do it, then copies me and licks her lips.

She glances into my eyes then stares back at my mouth. I love that this bitch is wild for me when she’s around. I dip my head in a small nod and she leans in. Our lips meet and the feelings completely consume my entire body. I’ve kissed her many times when we’ve been together in the past. It seems like my lips miss hers more and more each time we are apart. I wrap both my arms tighter around her so she’s molded along the front of me and she yanks on my hair hard as she kisses me. She sucks on my top lip and pulls it with her teeth. I yank my head back and dip back in for a forceful kiss. Avery likes me to get a little kinky with her sometimes. My left hand goes under her ass and I grip her thigh tightly. She moans as I flex my fingers roughly against her skin. She makes me instantly hard and I want to lay her down on the hood of the truck. I want to spread her legs wide and fuck her so hard to make up for the lost time. She pulls away and I kiss down her neck and suck in some spots until she giggles.

I lift my head up leisurely. My scruff tickles her throat, as I move until I get close to her ear where I whisper, “I’ve missed you, Shorty.” I glide her down my body easily and hold her steady until she gets her bearings. She blushes a little on the apples of her cheeks and it makes a few of her adorable freckles stick out more. She looks up at me through her eyelashes with her bedroom eyes and I grit my teeth.

“I’ve missed you, too, 2 Piece,” she says softly. Nikoli places his hand on my shoulder and I look at him curiously.

“If I knew you were the real reason she wanted to come, I would not have made her beg to come with me,” he says jovially and I chuckle. Avery reaches over and shoves Niko in the arm and he laughs. She glares at him, and if looks could kill he’d probably be on fire right now.

“Shut it, Niko! God, you don’t have to broadcast it!” She blushes furiously and turns, so her back is to us.

“Oh yes, you want broadcast?” he says loudly and she squeals. She turns back around quickly and yells.

“NO! NO! NO! Just no, don’t broadcast, please!” He laughs exuberantly and she shoots me a bashful look. I smile and shake my head.

Hmm, guess my little free bird is embarrassed ‘bout me knowin’ she begged to come for a visit. It sounds to me like she was jonesin’ to come see me. My dick throbs as I take her in from top to bottom. Her light brown hair goes past her shoulder in layers and she has pretty honey brown eyes. She’s short, ‘bout five foot five, and curvy but slim. She’s got some junk in her trunk but not much up top. It’s all good; she can fuck like no tomorrow. I take in her shorts again and my cock throbs for her, confined in my pants.

Ares chin lifts at Avery and she gives him a little finger wave with a flirty grin back. He eats that shit up and glances at me, gloating because he wants a piece of her and she just gave him some attention.

Just imagining what can be done to her makes me grimace. She tilts her head a touch and squints at me. She knows I gotta have some booty frequently or I’m grouchy and get stomach aches. My eyebrow shoots up and she shakes her head.

“Hummmmf.” I grunt and roll my eyes. Whatever, she’ll be wanting it later after she gets a few drinks in her. She’s a wild one when she drinks. I smirk knowingly. “I gotta get to the garage,” I mumble.” Niko nods and I throw him a salute. Cain chuckles and shakes his head. Fucker knows I was just shot down and that shit doesn’t happen often. Usually the club whores are all over my dick. They all call me ‘the pretty one’. I ain’t fuckin’ pretty, but I’m damn sure better lookin’ than these fools.

“Later.” I turn and start to walk to the garage. I catch Cain chuckling quietly. I have to remember to get him back later. I throw in an extra little swagger for Avery’s sake and my brothers in front of me are all beaming. I grin back and they hit me up with fist bumps as I pass them. Ares slaps my back and snickers.

“You hittin’ that, 2? Bitch looked at you like you were a fucking ice cream cone, brother.”

“Naw, man, but I will be later,” I say confidently and the brothers all laugh.

“Maybe I’ll see just how dedicated she is to your dick. She might want someone a little more manly,” he jokes and I make the jack off gesture toward him.

I glance back over to the truck where Avery stands next to Niko and she looks a little lost. She probably thinks she just fucked up, but I’m cool. I’ll find her later and remind her why she was so happy to see me in the first place.

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