Relinquish (2 page)

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Authors: Sapphire Knight

BOOK: Relinquish
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I was about to head home, back to Texas, when I met Cain. Cain was on his piece of shit bike. I could tell when I first saw him he’d had a rough life like myself. The club has a lot of stragglers, so I knew he would be welcome. Most of us had rough lives growing up. We have all dealt with some dark shit at some point in our lives, and some of us still fight with it.

I count myself lucky; all I dealt with growing up was missing parents. I’m still fuckin’ jaded though. I’ll probably never have children of my own. I had to grow up too fast. It’s all good though, I got Sadie out of the whole mess and she’s worth it. I may not give a shit ‘bout my own life, but I will always be proud of my little sister.



I love going for runs all over the country, not just to Cali. It feels like I can just drive away from any problems I may have. You also never know what you may find or who you may meet. Like Cain for example, he was lost and now he’s found. It’s an awesome feeling knowing I helped him find his way. He’s happy and has a wonderful life with his Ol’ Lady and kid.

There’s nothing in the world like the feeling of freedom I get, riding my bike down a long, open stretch of highway. The wind whipping against you, and some good tunes to listen to, it’s just you and your bike. It’s refreshing and relaxing. It’s my own piece of complete bliss. Speaking of bliss, I can’t wait to head back to Tennessee. Hopefully I’ll get to make a trip soon. There’s a certain sexy brunette I wanna hit up again. It’s been months since I last had her in my bed and I can still remember every dip and angle of her smooth body. 

“2” Cain says, as I sit across from him in the navy blue booth. I set my small tumbler down in front of me and chin lift toward it. “Too fuckin’ lazy to pour your own shots now, huh, brother?”

This little prick is always givin’ me shit ‘bout my age. I’m only a few years older than him and still look better than his ass. He’s lucky his ass ain’t a prospect any more, or I’d make him scrub a fuckin’ toilet just because.

“You jealous fuck, I’m only a few years older. Quit your belly achin’ and pour me some Jack,” I say and grin at him. “You been talkin’ to that bike of yours again?” I rib him good naturedly. I may be a little older but I’m in my prime right now. I look the best I’ve ever looked, feel great and am ready to face shit head on.

“Haha, motherfucker. I heard you talking to yours the other day, too,” he says and I chuckle.

This man is obsessed with that custom 883 of his. We all enjoy hasslin’ him about it, too. It’s a really sweet bike; we all think it’s pretty sick. I personally love my Hog; she’s my baby, all glossy black and chrome. It’s a bitch polishing all that chrome up, but I don’t mind.

“Naw, man, it’s cool. How’s London and Jamison doin’? I haven’t seen her round much.” Brother seems happy so I don’t think anything’s up.

“They are good, thanks for askin’. Jamison’s walkin’ around the house, getting into shit like he owns the joint, and keepin’ her busy. I’m just busy tryin’ to knock her up again.” He grins and his eyes crinkle.

“You’re nuts, bro, you’re gonna have like twenty kids in five years. You’re gonna be livin’ here just to stay sane.”

I’m so happy the brother has found something to look forward to. He and London are going to be a couple that stays together forever. They have that real happily ever after shit and they are pretty much obsessed with each other. I hope Cain realizes how lucky he is to have what most of us all really want, deep inside. We all just pretend like we don’t, and fuck as many club sluts as it takes to hide that emptiness. Sure, there are a few brothers who want to stay single and just have a good time, but there are also plenty of brothers discreetly looking for their ‘ride or die’ chick. I’m in the middle, on the fence about it. I figure it’s either gonna happen when it’s ready or it won’t. There ain’t shit I can do about it and I’m not fixin’ to substitute it with the first thing that wags her ass in front of me.

“Naw. I love her being knocked up with my kid in her belly. She’s so fuckin’ sexy and eats good shit. Now she’s eating healthy and bitchin’ that her hips are wider. I keep tellin’ her it’s ‘cause her body was made to have my babies. God, I love that chick. Best fuckin’ thing we ever did was go to Tennessee.” I nod and sip my whiskey.

He may be crazy wanting a car load of kids but at least he likes good whiskey and loves his woman so much. I wasn’t sure for a while. She took off and Cain moped around like a drunk ghost. I hope one day I can find me a good woman like London. Once they came back here and Cain bought her that house, it’s like she completely embraced our life. She’s smart, beautiful and respectful of the club. She could be the poster child for an Ol’ Lady. I guess she’s a firecracker at home though. Cain’s always talkin’ ‘bout her stirrin’ shit up with him so they can have make-up sex and role play.

“Yeah, been thinkin’ ‘bout that too,” I say and shrug.

“You mean you’ve been thinking about Avery.” He tips his cup toward me and smiles a sly smile. 

Of course I’ve been thinking about Avery. She’s the best piece of pussy I’ve ever had, she hugs my dick like a tight fist. She’s visited down here twice since London came back. It’s only been a few days at a time though. Each visit, she hangs with London during the daytime and then stays the night here with me. I thought she might freak at first about the club, but she didn’t care. We always stay holed up in my room, so she’s only met a couple of the brothers.

“Maybe,” I say nonchalantly. I don’t like people all up in my shit. I know Cain will be all over that shit like a bitch in heat if he gets wind of me missin’ her.

“Maybe my ass. Just text her. She talks about you every time London speaks to her on the phone. I know she wonders what you’re up to and if you’re ever headin’ up there.”

I shake my head. “I’m good. I’ll see her the next time she visits, just like last time she was here.” God, last time. It was fucking bliss, having her around. We had so much fun. I love it that she’s so forward with me and free spirited. She definitely belongs on a bike exploring the country. She can also make a mean cup of coffee and that shit matters a lot in the morning after you’ve been fuckin’ all night long. “Anyhow, did you get a hold of that Russian friend of yours?” Tate’s not so bad for being in charge of the Mafia in America. He’s really calm and collected though. Especially when that shit popped off with his best friend. He didn’t even blink when he ordered the kill on Cameron. The fool lived with him and everything. Tate’s the kind of fucker you need to be scared of, but also the best kind of ally to have in your corner.

“Yeah, I spoke to him. And he ain’t my Russian. He’s practically my brother-in-law with how close London and Emily are,” he says and tips his whiskey back to drink it in one swallow, then bites into his lemon. He’s a weird dude, eatin’ lemon with his drink all the time. I scrunch up my nose and shoot him a disgusted look, and he just laughs.

“Well, did you talk to Prez ‘bout it and what did you find out?”  I ask the million dollar question since he’s not offering shit up like a normal person would when talking.

“I told Prez what Tate said as soon as he walked out of Church. You were too busy takin’ a piss then screwin’ around behind the bar,” he says. I scoff and cross my arms.

“I wasn’t screwin’ ‘round, none of you fucks wash the glasses so I was cleanin’ my shit to drink out of. Excuse me if I’m tryin’ not to get Mono from the nasty ass glasses.” He just rolls his eyes and I shoot him an icy glare.

Come on, already. He likes to drag shit out ‘cause it gets me goin’. It always ends up with us trading arm punches and that fuckin’ hurts. He’s the club Brawler so he’s always lifting. Every time we play arms, I end up with like twenty bruises and can barely lift my arm the next day. I’m no small man by any means but he punches fuckers for a livin’. I’m six foot two and I think he has an inch on me and probably about twenty more pounds. I’m lean but muscular, and Cain is just solid everywhere.

“Alright, alright! Geesh,” he says sarcastically and his eyes widen marginally. “Tate said he doesn’t have shit to do with the Twisted Snakes but he’s going to ask his brother, Viktor. I guess when Tate took over as Big Boss a few months ago, his uncle and him started talkin’ to Viktor to take over the Bratva shit. He thinks the Bratva might have had some dealin’s with ‘em but he’s not one hundred percent sure. He’s supposed to call me back tonight. Prez is probably gonna call another meeting when he finds out what Tate says, so be prepared,” he says and stands up. I nod up at him.

“You bouncing?” I ask him and pour myself another shot.

“Yeah, man, gotta get back to the baby momma and all.” I smirk at his baby momma comment, they’ve been calling each other that shit since she found out she was pregnant almost a year and a half ago.

I can’t believe it’s been that long already and Jamison is his own little person now. Little dude’s cool, too. All the brothers treat him like their own when London brings him around here. Only a few of us actually have kids, so I guess that makes us all the really cool uncles. I’m undecided ‘bout havin’ kids. I could see the enjoyment, but I’m just not at that point in my life yet. I wanna enjoy someone for a while before I start planting my seed.

“Cool, tell her what’s up for me. Ride safe, Cain.”

“Always. Take it easy.” He chin lifts then he turns and places his cup in the bar sink. He shoots me a two finger salute then walks out the club door.

I sip on my whiskey and savor the burn as it slides down my throat. Lucky fucker, going home to his Ol’ Lady. This life is a great one and you’re surrounded by your brothers all the time, but it can still get lonely sometimes. I finish up and put my glass in the bar sink. I had to wash my own, so these lazy asses can wash theirs too.



I set yet another college student’s coffee down on the counter. I really have to stop working in these damn coffee shops. I go from A Sip of Heaven to Brewed. Brewed at least lets me drink free coffee as long as I make it. Woohoo, that is if I was a coffee drinker. I like it sometimes but not a crazy amount or anything. The other shop made me pay for everything, except faucet water. Their faucet water had a yellowish tint to it, so that was a serious no-go. The owner tried to play it off as the Tennessee water system—yeah right, my ass. He was full of shit too. I have the same tap water at home and amazingly, mine comes out clear. I’m thinking his pipes were full of rust and he’s slowly poisoning the city of Knoxville. It wouldn’t surprise me since he’s a penny pincher on everything else.

Gosh, I’m so sick of being here. I’m almost finished with school though. These accounting classes are so boring, I could watch paint dry and get more of a show. One more semester of summer college life, then it’s off to the big world. I’m going to school for accounting; Mom and Dad say it’s a real job. Truth is, I don’t know what I will do with my degree. It’s terrifying to think of. I could try to get a job at an accounting firm. Who knows if they would even call me for a damn interview. No matter how much I try, I just can’t imagine my life sitting behind a cubicle or in a box-sized office. That does not sound fun or life fulfilling at all. Some may enjoy it, more power to them.

This growing up crap has me thinking about my age. This shit is for the birds. I miss my biggest worry of eating cereal and watching cartoons on Saturdays. I can’t believe I’m twenty-three years old. God, when did that happen? It seems like I just blinked from being twenty-one. Now
was a fun age for me. It’s amazing I didn’t ever have my stomach pumped from hitting the fraternity parties. Those were some good times.

I suddenly feel a scorching-hot burning sensation. It’s like my hand is touching a stove burner lit up with a hot flame. I glance down quickly. “SHIT,” I yell and drop the metal milk steamer thingy. Damn it. I am forever getting burned by these stupid coffee machines. Well, in this case the container that you use to steam milk. What happened to the good old fashioned cup of coffee? I mean if you like sweet, just add a shit ton of sugar to it. Wha-la! Done!

I shake my hand fast beside me and bring my fingers to my lips, hoping my saliva will cool the burn. It doesn’t work, it only makes it hurt worse. I yank my fingers out and blow on them hard. Flailing my hand around manically like I’m an injured bird or something. Fuck, that hurts, bastard devil coffee machine! These things could be torture devices if someone were creative enough.

“You alright, sweetie?” Dillian asks me.

I look over at her and she has concern written all over her features. She’s such a sweet girl and absolutely gorgeous. She has bright red hair and tan skin. She has a little Monroe piercing and it makes her look hot. I’m not against kissing a chick, and her I’d kiss. Just saying. I really like Dillian a lot. Some people you have to work with are total dicks and slackers, but not her. She is always in a decent mood and isn’t afraid to help someone out if they need it. I hope I come off as the same. Well, when I’m not busy burning myself and yelling at coffee machines.

“Yes, ma’am, I am. Thanks for asking. You mind finishing his order so I can clean up though?” I wheeze and give her a defeated look. I’m so over this day today. I need like a yearlong vacation to an island, with lots of rum. Or Vodka, Tequila, whatever, I’m not picky. Oh and a bottle of sunscreen, yup, sounds perfect. 

“Yeah, hun, go ahead. Why don’t you just take your break now too and have a cuppa.” I nod and make my way to the closet-sized break room.

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