Reluctant Submission

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Authors: JT Holland

Tags: #romance, #bdsm, #femdom, #facesitting, #rough sex, #graphic sex, #casual sex, #hardcore erotica

BOOK: Reluctant Submission
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Copyright 2016 JT Holland



Smashwords Edition,
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This story is intended for a mature audience only! Contains
explicit, graphic sex and language. Not intended for individuals
under the age of 18. All character are over 18 years of












It took Eric a little while to realize just
how awesome Jasmine was.

Of course, from the first time they met,
certain things were obvious. Namely, Jasmine was ridiculous hot,
she knew her way around the bedroom, and she could take a pounding
worthy of a porn starlet. Add to that her approachability, her
comfort in her own skin, and her flat-out coolness, and Eric was a
happy man.

In the beginning, he was perfect content to
meet with her whenever possible and get freaky in all the basic
ways. Then one night she turned the tables on him, revealing just
what was possible in the world of pleasure.

That first night it was only a little taste,
but even so, it quite literally opened a new world to him, one that
once was experienced could never be put out of mind.




The night starts out just like any other.
Eric is drinking a beer and watching TV when there’s a knock on the
door. His heart palpitates in expectation as he sets the bottle
aside, turns off the television, and walks over to answer the

He glances into the peephole and see Jasmine
there in all her glory, looking as radiant as ever. A flash of
excitement wiggles through his body. It’s his favorite time of the
week, the night he looks forward to more than any other, the only
thing that keeps him going in his pathetic little life.

Eric opens the door and holds out his hand
to help Jasmine inside. She takes his hand, steps over the
threshold, gives him a little peck on the cheek, and he closes the
door behind them.

They take care of the formalities and then
it’s on to business.

Jasmine slips out of her full-length white
coat, revealing a tiny purple bikini and light pink thigh-high
stockings accented by purple fuck-me pumps. Her blonde hair is
curled a little more than usual and she’s wearing slightly more
makeup; hot pink lipstick and a dash of black eyeliner. Her skin is
not as tan as usual but just as flawless and enticing as ever. Eric
finds himself wishing (as he always does upon first seeing her
skin) that he had a couple hours to lick every square centimeter of
her flesh.

Thin but not skinny, Jasmine always stays in
shape and tonight is no exception. Her lithe body is as toned and
fit as ever. From the barest hint of abs to the slight definition
of arm muscles to the incredibly sexy hollow of her neck she is the
measure of perfection. Eric can’t imagine a more ideal woman. At
least not one who’d he actually have a chance to fuck on a regular

But there seems to be something slightly
different about Jasmine this evening. An edge that usually isn’t

His concerns are reflected almost

The first thing out of her mouth is, “Sit
your ass down on the couch.”

Even though it’s a bit odd to see her being
so forceful, Eric does as he’s told. He immediately starts to undo
his belt.

Did I tell you to do
anything else?” Jasmine says, her tone harsh.

Eric shakes his head and gives her a funny
look. He’s confused as hell.

I can’t hear you,” she

No,” he

That’s right. So leave
them on. And sit on your hands, while you’re at it.”

He tilts his head and gives her a funny
look. “Are you serious?”

Completely,” she says.
“Now do it.”

Fine,” he says. He shakes
his head but does as he’s told.

That’s a good boy,”
Jasmine says, coming over to pat the top of his head as though he’s
a dog. Which is fitting, because that’s what he feels like right

What exactly is going on
here?” Eric asks. Jasmine has never done anything like this before.
Up until now, every time she’s come over he’s been the one in
control, the one taking charge. He’s never even considered that she
has another side to her. Which was a bit silly, in retrospect.
Especially now.

This,” she says, “Is my
way of mixing things up. You see, every time I come over here it’s
the same old thing. You slap me around and get to do whatever you
want, and then you cum on me and then I go away until next week
when we do the same thing over again.”

But I thought you liked
it,” he says, a little hurt.

I do,” she says. “I like
it a lot. But it gets a little old, always doing the same thing. I
think it’s time we mix things up a little bit. And we’re going to
start by getting you to understand the other side of the equation.
Today I’m going to be the dominant one and you’re going to be my

I’ve never done anything
like this before.”

I know you haven’t,” she
says. “Which is exactly why were doing it tonight. You need to
expand your horizons a bit.”

But what if I don’t like

Don’t worry,” she says,
an evil little smile on her face. “You will.”

I don’t know,” he says

Trust me,” she says. “I
know what I’m doing.”

He couldn’t argue with that. From what he’d
experienced so far with Jasmine, she definitely knew what she was
doing. And then some.

Fine,” he says. “Tell me
what to do.”

Oh I will,” she says with
a little twinkle in her eye. “I most definitely will.”

A little flutter wiggles around in Eric’s
stomach. He isn’t sure if it’s fear or excitement or a little of

For now, just sit there,”
Jasmine says. “I’ll take care of the rest.”

If you insist,” Eric

Smiling like she owns the situation (which
she does, of course) Jasmine forcefully spreads Eric’s legs and
steps between them. Then she reaches down and grabs ahold of his
flaccid cock through his jeans.

What’s the matter?” she
says. “Don’t I excite you anymore?”

Of course you do,” he

It sure doesn’t look like
it. Are you sure?”

I’m positive.”

Let’s just see about
that,” Jasmine says.

She unzips his fly and reaches into his
jeans and grabs his cock and pulls it out. It just lies there
pathetically, the zipper teeth digging into his skin.

Is that what you call
excited?” she says.

No,” Eric says. “It
doesn’t look very excited.”

Fix it,” she

Eric grabs ahold of his cock and starts to
jerk it. Thirty seconds later he hasn’t gotten anywhere.

Oh, poor baby,” Jasmine
says in a tone that offers absolutely no sympathy. “You just aren’t
feeling it, huh?”

No,” he says, letting go
of his cock.

Why not?”

I’m not sure.”

Is it because you’re
scared?” Jasmine asks.

I think so,” Eric

Why? Do you think I’m
going to hurt you?”

I don’t know,” he says
after a slight pause.

think I’m going to hurt you,
don’t you?”

Not really,” he says.
“I’m just afraid I’m not going to like it.”

Jasmine sighs and shakes her head. “It’s
obvious you’re nervous, which makes sense. So we’re going to have a
little conversation. Hopefully by the end of it you’ll understand a
few things.” She sits down on his lap and looks him straight in the
eye. “Okay. I’m going to ask you some questions. I’ll start with an
easy one. What do I do for a living?”

You’re an escort,” Eric

That’s right,” Jasmine
says. “I’m an escort. And what do escorts do?”

They get paid to have

Exactly. Now, who does an
escort get paid by?”

The person they’re having
sex with.”

Right again,” she says.
“Their clients. Now, with that in mind, is it fair to say that the
more clients that call for a specific escort’s services, the more
money that escort will make?”

Eric nods.

So then how does an
escort get more men to call her?” Jasmine asks.

By . . . being good at
their job?”

Yes. And what constitutes
being good at your job if you’re an escort?”

Making the client

Bingo,” Jasmine says.
“The better job an escort does of making a client happy, the better
the chances are she’s going to get more calls from him. And if she
doesn’t make him happy, then she is in danger of losing him as a
client, right?”


Good. Now do you think I
want to keep you as a client?”

I hope so.”

She gives him a look that she’d give a
five-year old. “Do you think I like money?”


And we’ve already
established that more clients equal more money, right?”

Right,” Eric

So I’ll ask you again, do
you think I want to keep you as a client?”


And how does an escort
keep their clients?”

By making them

Jasmine smiles at him and tilts her head
slightly. “So you see what I’m getting at, don’t you?”

Eric nods.

Now, I can’t promise you
that you’ll like it,” Jasmine says, “But so far I’ve never come
across anyone who hasn’t. And to a man they’ve ended up asking for
the same treatment on other occasions. There is just something very
liberating about giving yourself up to someone else, letting them
control you, allowing them to have their way with you. And not only
that, but it inevitably leads to better sex down the road

Why’s that?”

Because it tends to open
things up between people,” Jasmine says. “Being on the other side
of the equation brings a new appreciation to what the other person
is feeling and experiencing, which builds empathy. And the more
empathy two people have for each other, the better they’ll
communicate, and the better they communicate the more comfortable
they’ll be, and the more comfortable they are, the better the sex
will be.”

I take it you’ve
experienced this phenomena before?” Eric says.

Oh, I’ve been through it
a few times,” she says.

I’ll bet you have,” he
says with a laugh and a shake of his head. “You’re something else,
you know that?”

Jasmine raises her eyebrows twice in quick
succession. She knows. She definitely knows. A little smile teases
her lips. “So what do you say? Are you game?”

Eric takes a deep breath, lets it out
slowly. “All right,” he says. “You convinced me. Let’s give it a

She claps her hands and bounces on his lap a
couple of times, momentarily slipping out of her role in her
excitement. Or maybe it is just all part of the experience. Eric
isn’t sure.

You won’t regret it,”
Jasmine says. “I promise. Not by the time we’re done.”

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