Remember Ronald Ryan (15 page)

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Authors: Barry Dickins

BOOK: Remember Ronald Ryan
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Then I was hurled in the quicklime and even now there's no grave for Ryan

But they won the vote all due to me

If they dig me up again I'd gladly do it again for the Liberal Party

They've got my vote now

I tell you that for nothing

Listen my dear friends of the Theatre of Imprisonment right here

You can hear the mermaids in Bass Strait if you sit perfectly still and respectful

And so forth and so fifth

And they will sing for me.


Copyright Details


Remember Ronald Ryan
first published in 1994
This edition first published in 2014
by Currency Press Pty Ltd,
PO Box 2287, Strawberry Hills, NSW, 2012, Australia
[email protected]

First digital edition published in 2014 by Currency Press Pty Ltd.

Copyright: Introduction © Barry Jones, 2014;
Remember Ronald Ryan
© Barry Dickins, 1994;
© Barry Dickins, 2014.

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Performance Rights

Any performance or public reading of
Remember Ronald Ryan
is forbidden unless a licence has been received from the author or the author's agent. The purchase of this book in no way gives the purchaser the right to perform the plays in public, whether by means of a staged production or a reading. All applications for public performance should be addressed to the author c/- Currency Press.

ePub ISBN: 9781925210149

mobi ISBN: 9781925210156

Typeset by Dean Nottle for Currency Press.
Cover artwork by Barry Dickins.
Cover design by Katy Wall.

This eBook was developed by IntegralDMS

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