Render Unto Rome (15 page)

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Authors: Jason Berry

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None of the cardinals, it is safe to say, envied Ratzinger that task.

Ratzinger was prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)—the old Holy Office of the Inquisition. Although it had been renamed in 1965, Sant’Uffizio (Holy Office) was still emblazoned on the majestic rust-colored palazzo just behind the colonnade to the left of St. Peter’s. This is the building where Galileo in 1633 was convicted of heresy for claiming the earth revolved around the sun. Most of the investigations at the CDF had involved theologians accused of straying from orthodoxy. After the 2001 order, the next nine years saw three thousand cases of priests accused of abusing young people lodged in the office.
The financial reality registered at the Congregation for the Clergy, which is housed in a stately, pale yellow building of four stories some five hundred yards across St. Peter’s Square from the Sant’Uffizio.

In December 2001, when the papal document confirming Ratzinger’s new authority made news,
the ceiling for a bishop to sell church property was $5 million. A bishop could sell property of lesser value on his own. In June 2002, amid the worst scandal of modern Catholic history, the bishops pulled into Dallas for their summer conference trailed by seven hundred reporters. News coverage swung between survivors staging protests and
the bishops’ parliamentary vote for a youth protection charter. In a move that drew far less notice, the bishops voted to raise the ceiling for liquidating assets to $10.3 million in large archdioceses without seeking approval from Rome. In America some two dozen priests had gone back to ministry after jail terms. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops hired R. F. Binder Partners Inc., a Manhattan public relations company that specialized in damage control, to advise them amid the media onslaught after the first four months of 2002.

Back at the Vatican, on that day in 2002 as the cardinals debated other steps to remedy the crisis, Ratzinger suggested a day of prayer for the victims. It was a kind gesture, but the American cardinals faced a bleaker reality. Plaintiff lawyers in the civil suits using discovery subpoenas were gaining ever-deeper access to clergy personnel files, particularly therapists’ reports on the priest offenders, in trying to show how much bishops knew. Getting such documents in an Italian or Spanish court would be most unlikely. The more damaging the evidence, the greater the money (and prestige) lost to the church.

As the cardinals’ meetings ran through a second day, the Americans wanted a show of solidarity with their colleagues from other countries. But as the final session at the Apostolic Palace ended in the evening of April 23, they had no consensus on
why the crisis happened

As the American bishops in 1921 had resisted passing judgment on Boston’s cardinal O’Connell for his nephew’s secret marriage and misuse of money, so the hierarchs in 2002 avoided talk of Cardinal Law’s disaster. His Eminence had apologized as the meeting began. No need of punishment there; thus they turned to more pressing matters. Encased in their small Tower of Babel, the prelates and princes ran late for a news conference. Castrillón and Bertone drafted a communiqué in Italian; three English texts circulated—so many ideas to distill. When the briefing finally began that night, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, D.C., normally at ease with the press, faltered when asked why the document said nothing about laypeople: “I was looking for it … we had it in there last night.” Of Catholics in the pews who had watched the church battered and stained day upon day for nearly five months, the noted author David Gibson wrote: “No reference to their sorrow, their anger, or their possible role in ensuring that such a scandal would never happen again.”

The worst Catholic crisis since the Reformation produced a statement
that endorsed celibacy as “a gift of God.” The cardinals and archbishops called on pastors to “reprimand individuals who spread dissent.” The Vatican would conduct a visitation of U.S. seminaries. Bishops would hold a special day of prayer for victims and work on a process to expel “notorious” priests from the priesthood. Many of them were already going to prison.

“Where is Law?”
a reporter asked.
“Is he dodging us?”
asked another. “I do not believe so,” said the other official at the briefing, Archbishop Wilton Gregory, president of the USCCB. “But I could not tell you why he is not here.”

Law flew back to Boston, expecting to resolve the lawsuits with the John Geoghan victims, hoping to salvage some of the standing he had built up in four decades and lost in four months.

In the prosperous suburb of Wellesley, a group had formed called Voice of the Faithful (VOTF), which quickly drew several thousand members. They wanted to support the abuse survivors, affirm priests of integrity, and press the hierarchy for changes. Money was an emotion-charged issue. Joe Finn, a CPA long active on archdiocesan projects, worried about parishioners’ funds going for settlements. The archdiocese had an $18 million operating budget, of which $14 million came from the annual Cardinal’s Appeal. “They’re in steep decline,” Finn told VOTF members. “They’re already cutting like crazy … Look around! There are five hundred cases,
five hundred
. It’s nuclear winter here in Boston.”

Finn sought an opinion from a canon lawyer for the wealthy Bostonians who served on Law’s Finance Council. These were the people who worked the phones, raising the big money when the cardinal asked. Finn sent them the canonist’s opinion, which said they could veto a settlement. He added, “You guys have the power to say no.” When the Finance Council did just that at a meeting with Law, the legal negotiations hit a wall. A furious Mitchell Garabedian, the plaintiff attorney, accused his counterpart Wilson Rodgers of double-crossing the survivors. Cardinal Law, meanwhile, was in a stew, unable to approve a settlement and
move on

The Boston agreement was in limbo when the bishops arrived in Dallas that June. The Binder spin-control team helped the USCCB planners orchestrate a drama of crisis-and-response. The bishops sat in a meeting room; journalists in a spacious reception hall watched by closed-circuit video as four abuse victims, in shaky voices, told the bishops about their lives. The bishops’ grim faces joined the harrowing prelude to a vote, the
parliamentary procedure by which they adopted a youth protection charter. They pledged to remove any priest with a single past transgression, a “zero tolerance” policy that made international headlines and assured a bottleneck of dismissal cases for Ratzinger’s staff in the Sant’Uffizio. The bishops agreed to empanel advisory boards to field complaints against priests. The Vatican had already insisted that bishops and cardinals be excluded from the jurisdiction of the lay review boards. One justice standard for priests, a much softer one for bishops.

A National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People, composed of twelve prominent laypersons led by outgoing Oklahoma governor Frank Keating (a former prosecutor), would conduct hearings and produce a report. The bishops hired the John Jay College of Criminal Justice to gather the data on the perpetrators, victims, and costs to the church. The bishops were still under a harsh media spotlight, but to their credit, they had responded with apologies, a vote, and a plan.

Back in Boston, assets were under scrutiny. The
Boston Herald
found a value of “nearly $160 million in land and buildings that are not being used by the church.” Jack Sullivan and Eric Convey reported that the assets were “a fraction of the archdiocese’s total property holdings, estimated at $14 billion.” The archdiocese, “land rich and cash poor,” had the advantage of a hot market in real estate for residential developments.

In nearby Brookline, the archdiocese has closed two churches, including St. Aidan’s, where slain President John F. Kennedy was baptized and served as an altar boy. The church and rectory, valued at $2,880,200, has been targeted by the archdiocese to be rehabbed for condominiums including nine high-end units mixed with affordable housing.
On West Roxbury Parkway in Brookline, the former Infant Jesus church, which was consolidated with St. Lawrence, sits empty as does its well-kept four-bedroom rectory in the upscale neighborhood. The buildings are valued at $1,512,400 … In Newbury, developers have been clamoring to buy a former church assessed at $3.34 million.

Mindful of Law’s warning to write no articles, an angry Father Bowers told a
reporter of “this feeling of disgust and betrayal … I don’t think
any of us understood the role of the church—whether it was denial or incompetence. I think the jury is still out on that.”
Spotlight Team had spent weeks reading the clergy files before publishing the first report. As the news rolled out in episodes, public response rose against the church. Bowers accepted the hierarchy’s old-boy network as politics: friends helped their pals. And priests had flaws. But recycling sex criminals like Paul Shanley (whose superiors knew he had endorsed “man-boy” love) staggered Bowers’s imagination.

Sitting in the pew with his mother-in-law, Peter Borré watched Bowers struggle in response to people’s outrage. Borré’s curiosity was growing, too. How did a “land rich” church manage its assets?

Bowers knew many priests demoralized by the scandal’s impact on the church they helped make. But his overtures to his neighboring pastor, Father Dan Mahoney at St. Francis de Sales, to steer school-age youngsters to St. Catherine, had failed. Mahoney, a generation older, was focused on his own parish. Bowers had pulled together a cadre of serious volunteers, mostly women. A Townie who had done time for drugs and been clean for seventeen years ran the daily AA meetings. Despite his parishioners’ anger, Bowers had stabilized the finances, though he had paid no assessment to the archdiocese.

Law was in his own scramble. The archdiocese typically covered operating shortfalls by tapping a line of credit at Fleet Bank, borrowing in summer and fall, repaying in winter or spring. Cash flow rose between Christmas and Easter, when the parishes took in more. “Donations to the annual Cardinal’s Appeal usually arrive in two bursts,” the
reported. “In late May and early June after the Appeal is launched, and in late November and December when many donors are looking for tax deductions.” With cash flow deeply down, the archdiocese in late September mortgaged the cardinal’s estate with the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic insurance group, for $38 million.

Much of the initial advance will be used to retire a short-term $9 million debt to Fleet Bank, part of a $17.5 million unsecured line of credit that was shut off by the bank earlier this year. Another portion of the Knights of Columbus loan will be used to complete the new Shaughnessy Family Center, a social service center serving low-income families in South Boston.
Church officials say the sluggish economy slowed donations in recent years and that the trend has been exacerbated by a downturn in the stock market and the sexual abuse scandal that erupted in January.

The Boston Priests’ Forum was in its own crisis. Formed in 2001 by three clergymen concerned about issues of isolation and overwork, the forum had become an ad hoc support group; its membership surged to about 200 out of 1,250 priests in active service, as the scandal intensified. The forum discussions got past commiseration: the priests were incensed about the betrayal
felt. Bowers felt an aching irony. Like a benevolent lord, Law had put him under no pressure for the unpaid church taxes. But the cardinal who had given him the best job of his life had sold all the priests down the river.

The weight of the scandal bore down on Bowers just as he was discovering the ideal of peace. Peace was measured by the presence of justice—what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called “love in calculation.” To follow Christ in service of the poor was giving love its calculation. Bowers, at age forty-two, was learning the pursuit of that love in the marginal parish where pockets of people who had money made spiritual community with the Other.
The chance to live it
, he would reflect,
with people who were hungry, were aliens, did drugs, lived in violence and fear. It was far from the image of church we so often lived, but it called out the best in the people and in me
. His own cardinal and several assistant bishops had squandered innocence, the seeds of peace.
Twisted lies from men: power and control. Submerged in the muck of covering it up and protecting what was unspeakable. God, how they turned it all so sour and sick!

On December 9, 2002, Bowers joined fifty-seven others in the Boston Priests’ Forum by signing a public letter, telling Law he was “so compromised that it is no longer possible for you to exercise the spiritual leadership required for the church in Boston.”
News coverage of the letter was like a shot across the bow. Four days later, at a private audience with John Paul, Law resigned as archbishop of Boston.

For the Vatican, the resignation of America’s most powerful archbishop, who nevertheless remained a cardinal, meant that whoever followed Law
to be a superb pastor and a good manager. To fill the breach until the new man was named, Rome installed a fifty-five-year-old auxiliary bishop
named Richard Lennon with the title of Apostolic Administrator. Untarnished by the scandal, Lennon was loyal to Law, who had basically made him a bishop. Dick Lennon had a prickly personality and among priests was not exactly beloved. But he worked hard and had a commanding sense of his role in achieving whatever needs to be done. As he monitored the negotiations with the plaintiff attorneys, Lennon was drafting a plan for widespread parish closures.

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