Read Renegade Reject Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

Renegade Reject (33 page)

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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I suck on the head, trying to be careful of my teeth.

“Holy fuck, Daisy!” he cries out, and his dick jumps against the roof of my mouth.  I’m a little shocked, but at the same time, I feel empowered that such a little thing caused him such big pleasure.

Opening my mouth wider, and instinctively tucking my teeth behind my lips, I take him deeper into my mouth over and over, finding a rhythm with my hand working at his base.  Looking back up, I see he is gazing down at me in awe.  I feel so powerful in this moment.  He is totally enthralled with what I’m  doing.

Tangling his fingers into my hair, he pulls it slightly, and I moan around his cock. “Touch yourself, Little Flower.  I want you to come with me.”

My cheeks heat pink, but I am so turned on that I don’t dare ignore the opportunity.  My fingers quickly find my slick entrance and plunge inside, his hands guiding my head.  While I’m distracted with my own pleasure, Preach takes control of his own, pushing himself deeper into my mouth. “Gonna cum in that pretty little mouth of yours.”

I groan around his cock, my fingers flicking my clit, driving my pleasure higher.  Preach pulls my hair a bit tighter, and I feel the first hot spurt of cum coat the back of my mouth.  The taste of him nearly drives me over the edge.  I can feel saliva and cum leaking out from around the tight suction I have around his cock.  Even more dribbles down my chin as he pulls out, and I abandon my pussy trying to pull him back. Preach lifts me off my knees and lays me back onto the bed.  His fingers delve into my needy pussy, bringing me to another screaming orgasm.

As soon as I come down from my orgasmic high, I smile at him.  “I liked that.”

He throws his head back and lets out a throaty laugh. “I’m glad, because I fuckin’ loved it.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“Well, what do you think?”  I ask as I look around the vacant house and have to fight to keep a growl from escaping my throat.  I’ve been looking for a place for us since the day we got back from Kansas City.  Everything has been too small or too fuckin’ expensive, so we’re gonna be stuck in this dump.

“It’s nice,” Daisy replies, a huge ass smile on her face. 

I stare at her a minute, just shaking my head.  She has been as happy as hell since we got here.  Can’t she see what a shithole this place is?  It’s fuckin’ tiny, with only two bedrooms and a living room and kitchen combined.  Shit, the damn washer and dryer are stuck in the bathroom closet because there isn’t even a laundry room.  The only plus side is that it does have a fuckin’ huge back yard.  It should be plenty of room for the baby to play.

“It’s a piece of shit,” I say as I kick a loose floorboard.  “I wanted to give you something we could be proud to call home, but this place is all I can afford.”

She walks to me and wraps her arms around my waist.  “I will be proud to call it my home, because I’ll be sharing it with you.”

I ignore her words and continue to bitch.  “It’s too damn small.”

“I like the house, but if you don’t, we can keep looking.”

“It’s the only fuckin’ two bedroom for rent in the whole damn town.” At least, the only one my worthless ass can afford. “We need the second bedroom for when the baby gets here.”

“The house is the perfect size for us.”

It’s definitely not the perfect I had envisioned.  I shake my head, not meeting her eyes.  “I fucked up.  We shouldn’t have to rent a damn place.  We should be buying something of our own.  I’ve made a ton of cash over the years, and I blew it all.  I can’t even tell you where it went.  I was too damn drunk most of the time to remember.”

“It doesn’t matter.  We’ll get one of our own later.  It isn’t like I’m gonna kick your ass to the curb anytime soon,” she says, trying to get me out of my fucked up mood.  It doesn’t work.

It does matter. It matters a hell of a lot.  If I hadn’t fucked up so bad, we would be buying our own house right now.  “I wanted to give you a place to call home, not some temporary place to lay your head down at night.”

She squeezes my waist and lays her head against my chest.  “No matter where I lay my head down at night, I’ll always be home as long as you’re beside me.  You are my home.”

Damn, how the hell did I get so lucky?  “I love you so damn much.”

She looks up to me and opens her mouth, but before she can say anything, the old bastard that owns the house walks in.  “What do you think of the place?”

I’m tempted to tell him it’s a fuckin’ dump, but I don’t.  It took me two weeks of negotiations and a favor from the clubs’ attorney to even get this viewing, so I figure it’s best just to keep my feelings to myself. There are two kinds of people in Big Clifty; those that love the club and all the money it brings into the town, and those that would give their last dollar to see the club gone.  This man is definitely one of the latter. 

Daisy turns to him.  “I love it.  It’s just right for us.”

He looks between us, his eyes honing in on me.  “I just want to remind you, once again, that there will be no parties here.  If I find out that there’s any kind of ruckus going on, I will have to ask you to move out.”

It’s one thing to keep my mouth shut about what a piece of crap the house is, but I refuse to take shit from him.  “I’ve already told you that there won’t be any fuckin’ parties,” I say in a near shout.

His eyes narrow as he stares down his nose at me.  “I don’t appreciate that type of language in my presence.”

I’m just about to tell him to go fuck himself when Daisy speaks up.  “We promise not to have any parties.  We’re expecting our first child in a few months, so a party is the last thing on our minds.”

His eyes go straight to her little bump, and he smiles.  “I’m expecting my first grandchild next week.”

Daisy spends the next thirty minutes schmoozing him.  By the time she’s done, they’re acting like best friends.  “You can move in on the first, Mr. and Mrs. Austin.”


Ice shakes her head.  “I swear he wouldn’t leave me alone all night.  Every time I thought he was done, he was raring to go again.”

I shake my head at Ice and let out a laugh.  “Poor you.”

“More like my poor pussy,” she says as she wiggles in her seat.

“That bad, huh?”

“You have no idea.  I’ll probably be walking around like I got a broom stick up my twat for days.”

God, this girl is crazy.  She hasn’t stopped talking, or rather complaining, since she and Kidd got back from the city.  Last night was her birthday, so he planned on taking her to a concert in the city.  She spent hours picking out her dress, and the minute he saw her in it, he tore it off.  They ended up spending the entire night in their room, missing the concert. 

“Did you at least have fun?”

“Oh, hell yes.” A huge smile spreads across her face, and she leans closer to me.  “He got really creative—really, really creative.  He used his belt to tie me to the headboard and...”

She goes on to tell me about some of the freakiest, but also hottest sex I have ever heard of.  By the time she’s done, I’m damn near panting.  “Uhm... I think I need to go find Preach.”

Without waiting for a reply, I jump off the couch and rush outside.  Preach is standing beside his bike with a wrench in his hand, surrounded by a few of the brothers.  My attention is focused on him though. His shirt is lying over the handlebars, and the sun is highlighting every ripple of his abs.  I swear he looks good enough to eat.  In fact, I may just do that. 

He smiles and lifts his chin.  “Hey, Little Flower.”

“I need to talk to you in our room,” I say as soon as I reach him.

“Can it wait a few minutes?  I’ll be done soon.”

I squeeze my legs together, trying to relieve the ache.  If anything, it just makes it worse.  “I really need to talk to you now.”

His eyes narrow, and he looks me up and down.  “Is something wrong?”

“Uhmmm....” God, I wish we were in our house already, so I wouldn’t have to broadcast everything to the entire club, but we have three more days here. “I just need to talk to you.”

He stares at my wiggling legs.  “What the fuck, babe?  Are you hurting or something?”

So much for being vague, I lean forward and whisper into his ear. “I’m horny.  I want, no I need you to get your ass inside and fuck me.”

Yes, I said fuck.  I’m not sure if I’ve ever actually said it before, at least not when I wasn’t really pissed, but it seemed appropriate for this situation.

He lifts a brow. “Come again.”

Well, that’s what I’m hoping to do, again and again!  I blow out an exasperated breath and look into his eyes, forgetting that there are others around to hear my words.  “Do you love me?”

“What kind of fuckin’ question is that?  You know I love you.”

“Well then, get your ass inside and do your husbandly duty.”

I hear the guys laugh, but I’m too desperate to be embarrassed. 

I think it finally hits him that I’m being serious, because his lips spread into the biggest smile I’ve ever seen.  He lifts his hand to his head and salutes me.  “Yes, ma’am.”

I turn around, not waiting to see if he’s following, and rush to our room.  As soon as I step inside, I start to jerk off my clothes.  I hear him walk inside and close door, but I’m too focused on taking off my jeans to look at him. 

“Hurry,” I cry as I wiggle out of my panties. 

I hear Preach laugh as I turn to run toward the bed.  “Laugh all you want.  Your ass is not the one dealing with pregnancy hormones.”

“Maybe not, but I am the one that has to watch my woman’s tits grow every day.”

Cupping my breasts, I smile at him.  “They’re amazing, aren’t they?”

He finally kicks off his boxers and walks toward the bed, his already rock hard cock leading the way.  “They’re fuckin’ glorious.”

Not wanting to waste time, I lay back and spread my legs.  He crawls right between them, stopping to kiss my inner thigh.  “I don’t suppose you’re patient enough to let me have a taste.”

My clit pulses at the thought, but he’s right.  I’m not nearly patient enough.  I need him inside me right now.  “No, we can do that later.  There’s no time to play right now.”

He chuckles as he makes his way up my body. He holds himself up with his arms, keeping his weight from my belly. “You know the rules, babe.  Once my dick’s been in there, my mouth isn’t going nowhere near your pussy.”

Hmm, that doesn’t seem quite fair.  “You love for me to do that to you after we have sex.”

“That’s different.”

“How so?”

He tilts his head to the side and smiles.  “Babe, I’ve tasted your pussy.  It’s fuckin’ delicious.  I’ve never tasted my cock, and I don’t plan on that changing.”

Good answer; still unfair, but good.  “I like the way you taste too.”

“That’s good to know.  I’ll let you enjoy my flavor later.”  With that, he starts to rub himself up and down through my slick folds. 

I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer to me.  “I already told you, no playing.”

“Baby, it’s not playing.  It’s called preparation.”

“I saw you walk to the bed, and it didn’t look like you needed any preparation.”  I move my hips, spreading my juices over his dick.  “Does it feel like I need any?”

He goes to his knees and lines himself up to my entrance.  Slowly, ever so slowly, he pushes inside of me inch by inch. “No, Little Flower.  I don’t think you need anything but my cock right now.”

Chapter Thirty


I lug the last of our shit into the house and toss it on the floor before plopping down on the couch.  “Shit, I didn’t know how much fuckin’ work moving was gonna be.”

Kidd sits down beside me and takes a swig of beer.  “I don’t get it.  You took every damn thing you owned from the clubhouse.  All the brothers keep some shit there, but I don’t even think you left any clothes.”

I shrug.  “I left enough, in case I have to change, but that’s it.”

Reese opens his beer as he steps into the living room.  “You planning on deserting us?”

“Nope,” I reply with a shake of my head.  “But, I do plan on sleeping here every night.”

“I never stayed at the clubhouse when Mindy was alive.  I wanted to be in our bed at the end the day. When Dad sent me on the road, it damn near killed me,” Chipper pipes in. 

Kidd leans forward, placing his elbows to his knees.  “After Jenna gets pregnant, I think we’ll be spending a hell of a lot more time at home.  She likes the new house and all, but she’s just used to the clubhouse.  Guess, I am too.”

They just bought a house near Chipper’s, but they still spend more time at the clubhouse than at home.  I nod.  “I’ll still be at the club every day, but this is gonna be my home.  At least, it will be until I can afford to buy us something.”

Chipper leans against the wall, looking toward me.  “I heard Opal Reed is being moved to a nursing home, and her son is planning on selling her house.”

“Where’s that at?”

“You know that blue one with the white fence around it, only a few houses down from mine and Jenna’s?”  Kidd asks.

I nod, remembering the place.  It would be perfect for Daisy and me; close enough to friends and family that I wouldn’t have to worry about her if I had to go along on a ride, and big enough that we could add to our family later on.  “Let me know if you hear anything else.”

Chipper tilts his chin.  “I will, but her son is a tight ass.  He’ll be wanting every cent he can get his hands on, so it won’t come cheap.  He’s got enough money that he won’t mind sitting on it until he gets what he wants for it.”

I know I can’t afford to buy anything now, cheap or not, but I’m gonna work my fuckin’ ass off to buy Daisy a house as soon as possible.  “Just let me know.”

Our conversation ends, when Reese’s phone rings. He mumbles into it for a few minutes before shoving it into his pocket and looking toward Kidd and me.  “That was Pebbles.  She just showed up for her shift at the diner.  She said Lula pulled into the parking lot right behind her.” 

Kidd lifts a brow.  “She’s on club property?”

He nods his head.  “Yeah, brother.  My girl is holding firm in her car, since I told her to keep away from the skank, so she doesn’t know what’s going on.  But she figured, if Lula was at the diner, it didn’t mean good things.”

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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