Read Renegade Reject Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

Renegade Reject (35 page)

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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Kidd shakes his head. “Fill you in later.  Right now, we just need to get to the hospital.”

Fuck!  His non-reply is enough to tell me just how bad it is. 

I make the twenty minute drive in just over fifteen, with my brothers following close behind.  As soon as I step into the hospital, I see Maker leaning against the waiting room wall, rubbing his hip.  “What the fuck happened?”

“Lula ran us off the road.”

“I’m gonna kill that bitch!” I shout, not caring who hears.

“She’s already dead. I made sure of that.” He looks away from me to hand a bag to Reese. “You need to burn that shirt.  It’s the only evidence that’s not been taken care of.”

Reese looks into the bag and shakes his head.  “What the hell did you do, rip her fuckin’ head off?”

I look toward his hand and see blood pooled in the bottom of the bag.  As far as I’m concerned, I don’t care how the bitch died, I’m just glad she’s dead.  “How’s Daisy?”

“She’s gonna be fine, just had a little pain.  The doctor thinks the shock to her system is what caused her to hurt.”

I’ve heard enough. It’s time to get to my woman.  “Where is she?”

He motions his head down the hall.  “Third door to the left.  Before you go, there is something I need to tell you.”

My heart drops. What the fuck?  “I thought you said she was fine.”

He nods.  “She is, but that cop she was seeing is in there with her.”


“He drove by us as I was driving to the hospital.  He saw the damage to the car and realized something was wrong, so he gave us an escort here.”

I want to be angry, but hell, the fucker helped my woman.  “That’s good of him, but I’m here now, so he can take his ass somewhere else.”

“Don’t piss the man off.  He’s helping to cover the shit up; making sure the police report shows Lula died from force of impact from rear-ending us.  He made sure the people on our payroll know the story and are sticking to it.”

“Why the fuck is he helping cover up shit?  He isn’t on the payroll?” Kidd asks.

Maker shrugs as Timber answers the Pres’ question. “He’s Homer’s son.  Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Fuck, that means he’s gonna be around the club.  Considering he took care of Daisy, I’ll have to deal with it.  “I’m gonna go see my woman.”

As I’m walking away, I hear Maker mumble.  “Bitch was so fuckin’ jealous of Daisy that she tried to kill her.  It makes me sick thinking I put up with her shit so long.”  I’m sure he’s not the only brother who’s gonna be having that same thought tonight. 

When I step into Daisy’s room, I see the fuckin’ cop sitting on the other side of her bed, holding onto her hand.

“Get your fuckin’ hand off my wife,” I growl out.

“I was just taking her statement.”

I move closer, staring down at their linked hands.  “You need to be holding her hand to do that?  If not, you better move it before I tear the fucker off.”

He slowly, way to fuckin’ slow for my liking, lets go of her hand and stands up.  “I was just comforting a friend.”

I scoff at that.  “Didn’t look like friends last time I saw you.”

He looks down to Daisy then back to me.  “That ship sailed.  I knew I didn’t have a chance the moment you walked into the diner.  If I thought otherwise, I would’ve never let you take her.”

“I would’ve liked to see your ass try to stop me.”

Before I smash my fist into his face, Daisy speaks up. “Please, Preach, don’t start a fight.  He was just trying to help.”

I nod my chin at him saying, “Get out.”

He shakes his head and chuckles, and then looks to Daisy.  “If you need me, just call.”

I’m about to let the motherfucker know that she would never be making that call, but she does it for me.  “Thank you, Rick, but Preach is here now, so everything is gonna be alright.”

Her words cut right through me, causing a pain to shoot to my heart.  I’m quiet, waiting for the douche bag to leave.  As soon as I hear the door shut, I drop to my knees beside her bed.  Grabbing her hand, I make a promise that I plan to do everything I fuckin’ can to keep.  “No one, no fuckin’ body, will ever hurt you again.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


Jenna helps me with my dress. It’s nothing like the one in my childhood fantasies.  It’s better.  “I can’t believe he did this,” I whisper, trying to hold my tears at bay.

As soon as I got out of the hospital, Preach started acting funny.  He was hiding stuff from me, and so was most of the club.  I won’t lie and say that I didn’t have any moments of doubt, wondering if he was going back to his old ways, but I stayed strong.  In the end, he proved that he has changed for good.  He planned my dream wedding.  Well... he had Grams, Skittles, and Ice plan it, but it was his idea. 

It’s nothing like I thought it would be.  Instead of a giant church, we are having the ceremony out back of the clubhouse.  Instead of my princess dress, I’m wearing a sleek, cream-colored satin dress that hugs my body, showing off our daughter that still rests safely in my womb.  There’s no band, just Pebbles controlling a rented sound system.  The fancy banquet has been replaced by barbeque and all the fixins.  Instead of Prince Charming, I’ve got a biker.  It’s all absolutely perfect. 

Grams smiles at me. “He loves you, Daisy girl.  He wanted you to have your dream.”

Looking around the room filled with my family and friends, I know that he gave me more than my dream; he gave me my reality.  I go to wipe a tear from my eye, but Ice grabs my hand before I can reach it.  “No more of that shit. I’ve done your make-up twice already.”

She dabs my eyes with a tissue and smiles.  “You look perfect, just like a princess.”

Skittles shakes her head as she walks over to us.  “Not quite perfect yet.”

She leads me back to the chair and starts to weave bright yellow daisies into my hair.  When she’s done, she steps back.  “Now, she’s perfect.”

“My Little Flower has always been perfect,” Dad says as he steps into the room.

“Your dad is still sober,” Grams whispers into my ear. “He wants to walk you down the aisle.”

I beam at Dad, so excited that I finally have a dad that I can count on. “I’m glad you’re here.”

He walks past Grams and the girls as they exit the room.  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Daisy girl.”

He hesitates before pulling me into a hug.  “I’m almost scared to touch to you.  You’re so fuckin’ beautiful that I don’t want to mess anything up.”

I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him as tight as I can, not caring about my dress, my hair, or anything but the feel of my Dad’s arms around me.  He chuckles at my exuberance then pulls back.  “We need to talk.”

“Is something wrong?” Not today, please not today.

He shakes his head.  “Nope, at least I hope you won’t think so.”

“What is it?”

“I brought someone with me today.  I was hoping you could meet her after the ceremony.”

Her?  He brought a woman to my wedding.  The thought sends a smile to my lips.  “Of course, Dad.  Do I know her?”

Most daughters would probably be angry right now, but not me.  My dad had to put up with my mom’s shit for more than twenty years, and he deserves to find a little happiness.  If this woman can do that, I’m all for it. 

“Her name’s Brenda.”

“The Brenda?” I whisper, shocked to hear the same name I heard shouted between my mom and dad so many times throughout the years.  I don’t know the woman, but I know Dad loved her and Mom hated her. 

He nods.  “Yeah, my Brenda.”

His Brenda?  Wow...  All this time, and he still thinks of her as his.  “That’s good, Dad.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with her being here?  She said she would leave if you weren’t comfortable with it.”

The fact that she even considered my feelings is enough to know I’m right.  “I’m more than glad she’s here.”

He smiles and takes my arm.  “Okay, Little Flower.  It’s time to take you to your husband.”


As soon as Daisy steps out of the back of the clubhouse, I know I’ve made the right decision.  My brothers can fuck with me all they want, call me a pussy every damn day, but seeing the smile on her face makes it all worth it. 

Kidd lets out a low whistle.  “Brother, I was wrong.  You’re not a pussy. You’re a fuckin’ genius.  If Jenna wears a dress like that, I’ll give up on the whole Vegas plan.”

“Told you, man.  Anything for my woman.”

As the opening tunes of
Simple Man
by Lynyrd Skynyrd start, her father leads her between all of our friends and puts her hand in mine.  “Take care of my girl.”

“Every day of my life,” I vow, meaning every damn word.

Daisy smiles up at me.  “Hey, baby.”

“Hey, Little Flower.”  Looking down at her with awe, I take in the picture.  “You look fuckin’ gorgeous.”

She smiles as she reaches up and pulls on the sleeve of my leather.  “You look handsome too.”

I was surprised as shit when my sweet Old Lady came rushing into the common room screaming at the top of her lungs.  Mary had said she would want me and my brothers to wear suits, at the very least.  Well, Mary was wrong.  Daisy made it clear that she was marrying me in my leathers, or she wasn’t marrying me at all. 

I let her know we were already married, so her threat didn’t really count.  She let me know that it would count when we went to bed tonight.  Even if I hadn’t hated the damn monkey suit and felt naked without my cut, I would have changed anyway.  I’m not losing my wedding night pussy.

Holt clears his throat to get our attention.  As soon as his eyes meet Daisy’s, he smiles.  His part was also a last minute change.  Little Flower didn’t want a preacher.  She said we didn’t need one.  Considering we didn’t have one the first time either, she was right.

She wanted someone she loved to lead the ceremony, and that someone was her Uncle Holt.  He’s a tough motherfucker, but I swear he was nearly in tears when she asked him.  He told her he had no idea what to do, but she told him as long as he was the one talking, anything that was said would be perfect. 

Everyone around us goes quiet as he starts to speak.  “I’m not gonna ask who’s giving away the bride, because we all know that Preach stole her ass.”

I hear chuckles from behind us, even a giggle from Daisy.  I look down to her and see her eyes twinkling with laughter.  “You kept trying to run away from me.  What the hell else was I supposed to do?”

She elbows me and looks back to Holt.  He waits until everyone quiets down before continuing.  “I’m not sure how this is supposed to go, so I’m gonna just say what’s on my mind.”

His eyes narrow in on me.  “Do you promise never to hurt my girl?”

I nod, and he goes on.  “Do you promise to protect her, even with your own life if needed?”

“Hell, yeah.”

He goes quiet for a second, considering his next words.  “Do you promise to do your best to make her happy?”

“Every damn day.”

Daisy squeezes my hand and leans her body into my side before Holt looks toward her.  “Daisy, girl, do you promise to act the way an old lady should?”

“Yes.” She nods, and I know she will.  Mary may not be an official old lady, but she has been a fuckin’ wonderful teacher anyway.

He looks down to her belly.  “Do you promise to be the momma that baby and any others you have will need?”

“I’ll do my best.” There’s no doubt in my mind that our baby is gonna be lucky as hell to have Daisy as its mom.

Holt hesitates again, thinking on what he should say.  “Do you promise to love him like a good woman should?”

She smiles up at me and repeats my words.  “Every damn day.”

I can’t stop myself from kissing her.  Why should I?  She’s mine.  My tongue delves into her mouth as my hands make their way to her ass.  She slowly pulls back and looks into my eyes.  “I love you, Preach.”

“I love you, Little Flower.”


“Was it all you dreamed of?” Grams asks as she sits down beside me. 

The entire back yard of the compound is covered with good food, great friends, loving family, and loud music.  “No, it’s so much more.”

She smiles and leans forward to place a kiss on my cheek.  “I’m so proud of you, sweetie.”

“Why are you proud?”

She grabs my hand, holding it tightly in hers.  “You were scared shitless, but you still took a chance.  You didn’t let fear hold you back and now look what you got.”

My eyes search the crowd until I see Preach talking to Pebbles by the sound system.  “I got everything.”

She lets go of my hand and lays hers on my stomach.  “Yes, baby, you have everything.”

I think about her words as Preach walks toward us.  He has a devilish smile on his face; the kind that makes me want to drop my panties.  “Daisy, get over here.”

I notice he’s standing by the edge of the makeshift dance floor, and I feel my knees start to shake.  He told me over and over that he wasn’t going to dance with me.  He said he didn’t dance, and that the wedding was gonna have to be enough for me.  I have to admit I was a little upset. Every woman wants a wedding dance, but he was giving me so much already that I let it go. 

I walk over to him as the first chords of
A Thousand Years
by Christina Perri rings out of the speakers. When I reach him, he leads me the rest of the way and wraps his arms around me.  I circle his neck with my arms and lean my head against his shoulder.  Swaying back and forth, he places a soft kiss on my temple.  “I will love you for a thousand years, baby.”

I don’t reply, just bury my face into his neck and smile.  God, how did I get so lucky?

We continue to dance until Reese comes up and taps Preach on the shoulder.  “Sorry man, but you’re needed out front.”

Preach’s body tightens as he releases his hold on me.  “Fuck, brother.  I’m dancing with my woman.”

“I know, but...  it’s important.”

I know there is no way Reese would have bothered us if it wasn’t something big.  I just hope it’s not something bad too.  “It’s okay.  Go with him.”

“Are you sure?”

I smile up to him.  “I’m acting the way an old lady should.”

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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