Renewing Lost Love

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Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #louisiana, #rescue, #lost love, #hero, #marine, #wyoming

BOOK: Renewing Lost Love
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Lost Love




Smashwords Edition

Copyright © 2011 Glenda Hays

Writing as Karen Ward

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be
used, transmitted, or reproduced in any manner, electronic or
otherwise without prior written permission from the copyright
holder except in cases where permitted by law.

This book is a work of fiction. All names,
characters, locations, and incidents are either products of the
author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual places, events, or persons living or dead is entirely

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Cover images from COVERS BY RAMONA

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Table of


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18


About the Author


Fifteen year old Jasmine Leblanc, her long
auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail, is strolling happily down
the narrow path leading to the swamp near her home in Louisiana
where she goes to collect the wild plants and herbs her grandmother
uses in her all natural alternative medicines. She is dressed in
jeans and a long sleeved shirt to protect her fair skin from the
hot May sun and the insects that swarm in the swamp.

As she walks, she lets her mind drift back
over the previous night. Her boyfriend, Keith Williams, invited her
to his Senior Prom and it was the most wonderful night of her life.
She felt so pretty in the beautiful long, green dress that Keith
purchased for her with money he earned at his job at the Dairy
Queen. He looked so handsome in his black tuxedo, so tall and good
looking with his dark auburn hair and green eyes almost identical
to hers. They had so much fun at the dance but what they did later
is the part of the night Jasmine remembers most.

Keith took her to a quaint little inn in the
next parish where he made sweet tender love to her. Her body still
tingles in remembrance and a smile slides across her face. She gave
herself willingly to him because she loves him with all her heart.
She remembers his work roughened hands caressing her body so
tenderly and with so much love. He was so gentle when he took her
virginity. She saw tears in his eyes when he realized he hurt her
even the tiny little bit it took to initiate her into womanhood.
Afterwards, they lay together with their limbs entwined and talked
about the future, what their life will be like after their marriage
and the houseful of children they hope to have. Then when he left
her at her door just before dawn, he kissed her and told her again
how much he loves her. She has been floating on air ever since.

After she reaches the swamp she is totally
absorbed in searching for and picking the herbs her grandmother
requested so she is completely surprised and horrified when she
looks up to find James Bixby standing right behind her. Panic
immediately seizes her and she opens her mouth to scream but before
she can utter a sound he hits her in the jaw with his fist knocking
her unconscious.

As she slowly surfaces from the darkness of
unconscious oblivion she tries to remember what happened and where
she is when the fear she felt in the swamp washes back over her in
waves. She remembers James Bixby standing behind her and she
remembers him striking her in the jaw. She tries to reach her hand
up to rub her aching jaw but it won’t move. Opening her eyes she
frantically looks around the filthy room and realizes that she is
tied spread eagle on a bed, her hands and feet secured by strong
mailing twine to a rusty iron bed frame. A horrible odor permeates
the room and she searches for the source but all she sees is James
Bixby smugly grinning at her from across the room. He is sitting at
a folding table drinking straight out of a jug of home-made
whiskey. A wave of sheer terror shivers down her spine.

Bixby is dressed in a pair of ragged blue
jeans. A dirty sleeveless t-shirt is stretched tightly across his
broad shoulders exposing the huge muscles in his arms. He rises
from the rickety folding chair and pulls a big, ugly looking knife
from the scabbard on his belt and walks toward the bed grinning
menacingly. He is a giant of a man well over six foot tall, with
long stringy black hair, a pimply face with at least two days
growth of beard, bulging muscles in his arms and legs and not an
ounce of fat on his body. He pulls a dirty handkerchief out of his
back pocket as he slowly advances toward the bed waving the knife
back and forth in front of his face and grinning. When he reaches
the bed he laughs at the look of terror on Jasmine’s face. Starting
at her feet he slips the knife under the fabric of her jeans slowly
slicing them from her body with the razor sharp blade, laughing
each time she flinches in fear.

Jasmine’s heart is beating so fast it feels
like it is trying to escape her body and she is so scared she can
barely breathe. When she opens her mouth to scream he stuffs the
dirty handkerchief inside and growls, “Shut up Bitch! You’ve been
askin’ for this for a long time and now I’m gonna give it to

Slowly, piece by piece he bares Jasmine’s
body, sweat dripping from him as he leans over her. After he has
cut all of the clothes from her body he piles them on the floor at
his feet. Jasmine is lying stark naked before him spread eagle on
the bed and he stands up straight, towering over her and examines
his captive. As his cold black eyes travel from the top of her head
down over every inch of her body, Jasmine’s skin quivers in fear.
Bixby licks his lips in anticipation, and then starts removing his
own clothes.

Jasmine’s green eyes are as round as saucers
as she watches him uncover his huge muscular body. She is screaming
but nothing is coming out because of the dirty rag stuffed in her

When he is naked he climbs on the bed with
her positioning himself on his knees between her legs. Grinning, he
takes the ugly looking knife and points it at her heart. Grinning
he says in a singsong voice, “Should I or should I not?” Laughing
at the horror he sees in her eyes he then barely touches the razor
sharp tip to her skin and says, “Don’t move sweet Jasmine. It would
be a shame if I cut your beautiful skin.”

He moves the blade down between her breasts
circling each one leaving a tiny trickle of blood in its wake and
laughs at the horror he sees on her face. Then he speaks very
softly, “Don’t worry pretty one, I’m not gonna kill you, at least
not yet. I haven’t got my fill of you.” He then violently slings
the knife to the side and sticks it in the wall on the other side
of the room.

He leans forward on his arms over her,
excitement glowing in his black eyes and says, “Now sweet Jasmine,
it’s time for the fun part. Are you ready for me Sugar?” then he
laughs cruelly.

All of the color drains from her face as
Jasmine realizes his intent.


After what seems to Jasmine like a lifetime,
Bixby pushes himself up off the bed and puts his clothes back on.
Looking down at her through hooded eyes he says, “That was real
good Jasmine, real good. Lucky for you, we’ll be doing that again!”
Then he takes the big ugly knife out of the wall and starts cutting
her shoulder length auburn hair off close to her scalp in big
clumps. He stuffs it all into a paper bag with a big hunk of smelly
meat and her shredded clothes then he turns and walks out of the
cabin leaving her tied helplessly to the bed.

While Bixby is gone Jasmine tries and tries
to get free. She jerks on the mailing twine and tries to slip her
hands from its grip. All she manages to do is rub the skin off her
wrists causing them to ooze blood.

Bixby’s not gone long and when he comes back
he looks Jasmine over from head to toe, a look of pure lust on his
face, then he licks his lips and growls, “Maybe one more time for
the road.”


He must have fallen asleep because it is a
long time before he moves. Jasmine can barely breathe he is so
heavy but she can’t move so she just lies there struggling to
breathe while tears stream from her eyes, her heart shattering.

After a while he gets up, dresses, and then
says, “Well, as much as I would like another go at you, I guess we
better hit the road. We have a long way to go. There’ll be time
enough for more fun later.”

He unties her feet from the bed and then
binds them tightly together. He unties her hands then shoves an old
wrinkled out of style shift type dress over her head. As soon as
she inserts her arms he binds her arms tightly against her body,
then he throws her across his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and
carries her out to his truck. He tosses her inside the camper shell
on the back, shuts the door and locks it. Then he drives away. All
Jasmine can do is lie on the camper bed trussed up like a Christmas
turkey and cry.


Seventeen year old Keith Williams is grinning
from ear to ear and whistling while he goes about his duties at the
Dairy Queen. Last night was the most magnificent night of his life.
Jasmine, his beautiful, sweet Jasmine, gave her virginity to him
and he made sweet, tender love to her. He held her in his arms and
stroked her beautiful body with his hands, reveling in the moans of
pleasure coming from her. He grins when he remembers watching her
climax for the first time. He can’t wait until she turns sixteen so
they can legally get married in Louisiana. It’s not long, a couple
of more months and they can be together all the time. He longs to
hold her through the long lonely nights and make love to her every

When he sees Jasmine’s little brother running
as fast as he can across the road toward the Dairy Queen he knows
immediately that something is wrong. He steps out from behind the
counter, his heart slamming painfully against the wall of his chest
and he meets him out front. “Leaf, what is it? What’s wrong? Tell

Twelve year old Leaf Leblanc is crying
hysterically and he moans, “She’s dead, Keith! Jasmine is

Keith’s heart stops as his world comes
crashing down around his head and he screams, “No! You’re wrong!
She can’t be dead!”

Leaf, still crying nods his head emphatically
and cries, “Yes, in the swamp, I saw a gator with her head in his

Keith’s stomach wrenches at his words, turns
over painfully and he loses the contents in the trash can in front
of the building. He feels as if someone is ripping his heart right
out of his chest. Please God, no! No! It can’t be true! Not
Jasmine! Not his precious Jasmine! He tells his boss that he has to
go ... he has an emergency ... he loads Leaf in his truck and says,
“Show me Leaf. I have to see for myself.” His world is ending. A
pain so sharp he can barely breathe is slicing through his

Leaf directs him out to the swamp where he
shows him the paper bag Jasmine had been putting the herbs in and
he says, “See, here’s the bag she was gathering the herbs in. Now
look at the really big gator over by the cypress tree. He still has
her hair hanging out of his mouth!” Leaf starts crying hysterically

Keith looks out into the murky waters of the
swamp where he spots the gator that has to be at least fourteen
feet long and then he sees Jasmine’s beautiful auburn hair
stringing out of his mouth. He falls to his knees tears streaming
down his face and cries, “Noooooooooooooo!”

A long time passes and Keith, numb after
seeing Jasmine’s beautiful auburn hair stringing from the gator’s
mouth, walks back to his truck and retrieves his double barrel
shotgun. He grabs an old pizza box out of the back of his truck and
dumps the remaining contents into the water. He and Leaf step away
and watch as the fourteen foot gator advances toward the pizza.
When he gets close enough, Keith empties both barrels of his
shotgun right between the gator’s eyes.

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