Renewing Lost Love (6 page)

Read Renewing Lost Love Online

Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #louisiana, #rescue, #lost love, #hero, #marine, #wyoming

BOOK: Renewing Lost Love
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“Who is Barry?”

Melanie explains, “Barry is my husband.
You’ll get to meet everyone tonight. Barry is planning a big
welcoming party. Speaking of that, I sent to town and got you some
clothes. I had to guess at your sizes so I hope I was close. They
are hanging in the closet in the bathroom. I’ll leave now and let
you have a good long soak in the tub and dress. I’ll do my best to
keep Pinky out of here and I’ll come back and check on you in a
little while.”

Amazed again I ask, “You’re married?”

A dreamy smile slides across her face and
Melanie responds, “Yes, he is the most wonderful man, extremely
handsome and very rich, I am so blessed. I have another son, now,
too. You’ll get to meet them all tonight.”

“How long did I sleep? It sounds like it
might have been for a long time.”

Melanie answers, “It hasn’t been too long
really, you arrived about twenty four hours ago. The doctor that
examined you gave you a sedative to help you rest for a while.
Enjoy your bath, I’ll see you soon.” Melanie rises from the
straight chair beside the bed and leaves softly closing the bedroom
door behind her.

I climb out of the bed and when my feet sink
into the thick carpet I gasp at the wonderful feeling, wiggle my
toes, and giggle. I’ve never in my life walked on such luxurious
carpet! I walk to the window, pull back the drapes and look out
onto a huge stone patio with furniture scattered about in small
groupings. Looking beyond, I see a huge building that looks like a
barn and several people dressed in cowboy boots, jeans, and hats
are busy around the area performing various tasks. In the distance
I can see a vast expanse of pasture with horses and cattle grazing
peacefully and further out the snow covered mountains. Two young
boys also dressed in jeans and cowboy hats and boots lead a pair of
horses out of the barn, mount and ride out of the yard and across a
pasture next to the house. I recognize the taller of the two boys
as Eric, Melanie’s son.

Then, looking back toward the barn I see him,
my Keith, skipping down a set of stairs leading up to the second
story. My breath catches in my lungs and my heart speeds up. He is
so gorgeous, his auburn hair glistening in the sunlight. His body
has filled out since high school and his dark green shirt is
stretched taut across the bulging muscles of his arms and
shoulders. His jeans are well worn and fit snugly over his muscular
thighs. I notice that he too is wearing cowboy boots. He stops and
speaks to a tall man with dark hair and the shorter burly man I
remember said his name was Stump. He is the one that scooped me up
from alongside the highway in Montana and into the helicopter. My
heart is beating heavily now as I watch the three men, then they
all turn and head back up the stairs. Keith looks back over his
shoulder toward the house and I wonder what he is thinking.


Pinky is rushing as fast as he can to get
back to Jasmine’s side. He doesn’t want her to wake up while he is
gone. Barry convinced him to grab a sandwich and he took a few
additional minutes for a quick shower and now he is headed back,
his heart pounding with anticipation. Hurrying down the stairs from
the second story office and living quarters, he runs into Scoot and
Stump as they are headed up.

Scoot says, “You may as well turn around and
head back up. I just got word from Melanie and no one is allowed
back in Jasmine’s room until later. She is awake and bathing.
Melanie asked us to give her some privacy.”

Disappointment flows through Pinky. He knew
he shouldn’t have left her, not even for a minute. Taking a deep
breath he says, “She woke up while I was gone?”

Nodding in understanding, Scoot says, “Yeah,
I’m sorry man. You’ll get to see her in a little while. She just
needs some privacy to pretty herself up for you. Give her that, all

Dejectedly Pinky replies, “I guess I can wait
until tonight.” Looking back over his shoulder toward the house, he
follows Scoot and Stump back up the stairs to the office.


I turn from the window and walk into the most
beautiful bathroom I have ever seen in my life! It alone is bigger
than any of the cabins where I have lived for the past fifteen
years. The walls and floor are sparkling white marble and the
faucets appear to be made of gold. The oversize plush towels are a
deep forest green. The tub is huge and made of white marble and a
separate marble shower with multiple shower heads sits next to the
tub. On the vanity is everything a girl could possibly want to
pamper herself from combs, brushes, lotions and creams to bubble
bath. I see a selection of dozens of expensive perfumes and every
shade of makeup imaginable. I walk to a set of double doors and
peer inside to see a huge walk-in closet with a large selection of
women’s clothes. I shake my head in amazement. This is certainly a
step up from the life I have been living!

I close the bathroom door and turn on the
faucets in the shower. I am going to spend some time pampering,
first a shower to wash my filthy hair then a good long soak in the
huge tub filled with bubbles. I shake my head in amazement. Bubble
bath, it is a luxury I never expected to be able to enjoy. I
haven’t had a bubble bath since I was a young girl.

An hour or so later I am finishing up blow
drying my auburn hair, another luxury I haven’t enjoyed in years,
when I hear a knock at the bedroom door. My heart speeds up and I
call, “Who’s there?”

Melanie responds, “It’s me, Melanie. I have
someone I want you to meet. May we come in?”

I think well, if I am meeting them then I
don’t know them so I respond, “Sure, come in Melanie.”

Melanie walks in the door accompanied by the
most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. She is tall and
obviously pregnant, with long pale blonde hair falling in waves
around her shoulders and eyes the color of a blue sky on a summer

Melanie says, “Jasmine, this is Skye. She is
married to Dylan Drake, the head of Drake Security. Skye is a
genius with makeup and she is going to show you how to make the
most of your eyes and downplay your scar.”

Smiling Skye says, “It is so nice to meet you
Jasmine. We have all heard so much about you these last few days.
Welcome to the ranch.”

I smile shyly, “Thank you Skye. You have the
most beautiful eyes I have ever seen!”

Laughing Skye says, “It’s all in the makeup,
come on, I’ll show you.”

True to her word, a short time later, I
wouldn’t even recognize myself if I didn’t know for sure who I am
looking at in the mirror. While you can still see my scar, you
don’t really notice it because your attention is immediately drawn
to my beautiful green eyes. Amazed I gasp, “Oh Skye, thank you! I
never realized makeup could make such a difference! Where did you
learn so much about makeup?”

“It comes from growing up around movie stars.
My father was a movie director and I was always fascinated by the
makeup artists and hung out with them every chance I got,” answers

“Will you show me how to do this myself?”

Smiling, Skye replies, “Certainly, I’ll be
happy to,”

Another knock sounds on the bedroom door.
Melanie goes to the door and admits three older women. Coming into
the bathroom where Skye is helping Jasmine select clothes for
tonight’s party, Melanie says, “Jasmine, this is Virginia, my
husband’s mother, Patricia, my mother, and Jesse. Jesse is married
to Bear, Stump’s father. She’s also a psychiatric nurse and can
help you get any counseling you think you need.”

“Oh, it’s so nice to meet all of you. Jesse
we really need to have a long talk. I know I’m going to need lots
of help.”

Jesse smiles, “Actually, Jasmine, nearly
everyone here has needed help of one type or another. Skye is still
seeing a counselor every week. She was gang raped as a teenager.
You know Melanie’s story, of course. She still goes in to see her
counselor about once a month. Even her son, Eric is still seeing a
counselor. Dylan and my husband, Clarence still go to their PTSD
support groups regularly and Dylan knows a great plastic surgeon in
Phoenix that can help with your scar. He had one at least as bad as
yours after his last mission in Central America.”

Skye looks approvingly at me and says, “Well,
I think you’re ready. You’re going to knock the socks right off
Pinky’s feet!”

Nervously I inquire, “Pinky?”

Melanie replies, “Pinky is his code name. All
of the guys have one. I think I heard them say Pinky got his
because of the beautiful shade of pink he turns in the sun.”

Laughing I nod as I respond, “Oh that makes
sense! Well, I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I’m really
scared though.”

Melanie says, “I have an idea, why don’t we
leave and I’ll send Pinky in here so you guys can get past your
initial meeting in private.”

I nod again, “Thank you Melanie. I would
appreciate that.”

When the women leave I walk back to the
window, pull back the drapes, and look out into the darkening sky.
I am scared to death, my heart pounding with dread so I pray,
please God, give me strength when he turns
away from me.

Pinky’s heart is pounding with apprehension.
This will be the first time in fifteen years he’s looked into
Jasmine’s eyes. Does she still care about him? Is she happy that
they grabbed her off of the side of the road in Montana? Will she
forgive him for not looking for her when she first disappeared
fifteen years ago? Taking a deep breath, he enters the room, softly
closing the door behind him.

I hear the soft click of the door as Keith
closes it behind him. He says from across the room, “Jasmine?”

His voice pours over me like warm caramel
over ice cream warming my soul. I am standing at the window, my
back to him, visibly shaking. My heart is pounding with

“Oh Keith, how can I ever thank you for
rescuing me from James Bixby? How did you even know I was alive or
where to find me? I have so many questions!”

He walks across the room to stand behind me
placing his hands on my shoulders and says softly, “Jasmine, please
don’t try to hide, turn around and look at me.”

When Keith places his hands on my shoulders,
I take a deep breath savoring the feel of his hands against me and
imprinting the feel on my mind to relive later when I am alone.

When I hesitate to turn around, Keith gently
grasps my arm and slowly turns me to face him. I know he can feel
me shaking. I keep my head down looking at the floor in shame, my
hair forming a veil around my face. So he puts his fingers under my
chin and lifts my face to his. Gazing lovingly into my eyes he sees
my shame and my fear.

“Jasmine, don’t you know that I love you, not
because of your physical beauty, but because of what is in your

When I look into his warm green eyes I see
the love emanating from their depths. With tears silently sliding
from the corners of my eyes, I ask, “You do? You don’t think I’m

Pinky smiles warmly, “I think you are the
most beautiful woman in the world.” He lowers his head and gently
brushes his lips against mine. Then he says, “Here, let’s dry your
eyes before you mess up your gorgeous face and that fantastic
makeup.” He gently pats my face dry with a clean handkerchief from
his pocket. When he finishes, he gazes deeply into my eyes, brushes
his lips against mine again and says, “Jasmine, I have never for
one second stopped loving you. I will love you forever.”

Gazing into his warm green eyes, I whisper,
“Oh Keith, I love you too.”

Pinky wraps me in his arms and pulls me close
against his body, breathing in my unique scent, savoring the
moment. The warm glow of happiness flows through him. He is happier
at this moment than he has been in over fifteen years.

I savor the feel of Keith’s arms as he wraps
them around me and pulls me close. I feel so safe, a feeling I
haven’t felt in fifteen years.

He allows himself to soak in the pleasure of
the moment then squeezing me gently he says, “Come on, it’s time
for you to meet my friends.” He takes my hand in his and leads me
from the bedroom to the great room where the Rock Springs Ranch
extended family is waiting.


When we enter the great room I am amazed at
the large number of people standing in groups around the huge room.
My heart is beating a staccato rhythm and I cling tightly to
Keith’s hand seeking his strength. Pinky stops just inside the door
and says, “If I can get your attention please, I want to present to
you, Miss Jasmine Leblanc, the love of my life.” He smiles lovingly
down at me and says, “Jasmine these are my friends.” Then he takes
me from person to person introducing me.

He approaches the first group and says, “You
know Melanie, of course. This guy with the bedroom eyes is Barry
Farrady, Academy Award winning movie star, Melanie’s husband and
our host.”

I look at Barry, shake his hand, and then
smile, “Melanie told me you were handsome but that word doesn’t do
you justice. My goodness, Melanie, he’s a hunk!”

Laughing Melanie says, “So says you and fifty
million other women. He’s mine and don’t you ever forget it!”

Pinky struggles to tap down the jealousy that
rages through him at her words. Then he continues, “The cute little
guy is their son Jonathan and I’m sure you remember Melanie’s older
son, Eric. I will always be indebted to him. He is the reason I
found out you were still alive. He saw our prom picture on my
computer and recognized you immediately. After Melanie convinced me
Eric was right and you were still alive I started searching for

I pull Eric into a warm embrace, “Of course I
remember Eric. He’s grown at least a foot since I last saw him.”
Whispering in his ear I say, “Thank you Eric. You are truly my
hero.” Eric turns a bright red and smiles a huge smile.

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