Rent-A-Stud (16 page)

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Authors: Lynn LaFleur

BOOK: Rent-A-Stud
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“Good morning, Zach.”

“You don’t mind if I hang up now, do you? I want to ravish your mother.”

Breanna giggled. “Go for it.”

Zach pushed the “off” button and laid the telephone on the counter. “Good morning, Jade.”

“Good morning,” she whispered.

Tunneling his fingers into her hair, he tilted her head to the exact position he wanted and kissed her. She immediately relaxed and parted her lips for the thrust of his tongue. He kissed her slow and deep, the way he’d learned she liked.

She purred.

That sound shot straight to his shaft. With his lips still pressed to hers, he wrapped one arm around her waist and lifted her. He turned and set her on the large butcher-block table in the middle of the kitchen. Before she had the chance to pull away from him, he clasped the back of her head with one hand and held her still while he devoured her mouth.

God, he loved kissing her.

Using his free hand, Zach jerked her silky robe off one shoulder until her breast was bared. He cupped the full mound and ran his thumb over the jutting nipple. Jade whimpered. Still kissing her, he kneaded her firm flesh…lifting, squeezing, tugging on the hard nub. Her breathing grew heavier, her kisses more frantic. She wrapped her legs around his waist and hunched into his pelvis.

He needed to fuck her, but not yet. Not until she’d come at least once. He clasped her hips and pulled her to the very edge of the table. Pushing her thighs far apart, he leaned over and buried his tongue in her pussy.


She came almost instantly. Zach pushed two fingers inside her and felt her contractions clench around them. Once wasn’t enough for him. He continued to pump his fingers in and out of her body as he licked her clit.

When the contractions from her second orgasm stopped gripping his fingers, Zach stood and thrust inside her.

Jade reclined on the table, her eyes closed and her fists tightly clenched at her sides. Her robe remained tied at the waist, but hung open to expose those beautiful breasts. He pushed the lapels wide and cradled the heavy globes.

“I love your body,” he said huskily.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. “I love what you do to my body.”

“How about if I keep on doing it?”

“Oh, yesssssss.”

Zach increased the speed of his thrusts. He slipped his hands beneath her buttocks and lifted, letting him drive deeper into her pussy. Jade cupped her breasts, caressing and twisting her nipples. The sight of her pleasuring herself sent him over the top. The orgasm slithered down his spine and grabbed his balls. He dug his fingers into Jade’s hips and groaned out his release.

Zach had to lean against the table since his legs felt like overcooked noodles. When he was certain he could stand on his own, he tugged Jade to a sitting position. “Wrap your arms and legs around me.”

She did as he said. He lifted her from the table and carried her from the kitchen.

Directly into the shower.

He leaned over and turned on the faucet. Warm water sluiced over them.

“Zach, my robe!”

“It’s washable, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but I usually wash it in the washing machine, not the shower.”

He grinned. “So be different today.”

She laughed. “You’re a nut.”

“Guilty as charged.” He stepped to the side until Jade’s back touched the wall. “I’m a nut for you.”

He shifted his hips, and she gasped. “How can you still be hard?”

“Good metabolism.”

She chuckled, but it quickly turned to a moan. “I can’t believe how deep you get.”

He drew his cock out to the head, then thrust inside her again. “Believe it.”

Water cascaded over Zach’s back as he leisurely fucked her. His first orgasm had left him satisfied, so he was in no hurry for a second one. He’d rather concentrate on Jade and what she needed.

The sound of her breath catching made him pick up the pace. She clutched his shoulders. She nipped his neck. Her fingernails dug into his back. Zach knew those were all signs she was about to come again.

Jade arched her neck and groaned. Two more thrusts and he followed her.

Zach didn’t move for several moments. He leaned heavily against Jade’s body, afraid his knees would buckle and he’d drop her. “Intense” didn’t begin to describe the orgasm he’d just experienced.

“Oh, yes,” Jade whispered. “Fantastic in the shower too.”

He lifted his head from her shoulder and looked at her. “What?”


Zach strongly suspected her comment had something to do with her earlier conversation with Breanna. “Were you and your daughter talking about our lovemaking?”

A lovely blush bloomed in her cheeks. “Maybe a little.”

“You told her I’m fantastic?”

She ran her fingers into his wet hair. “Oh, yes.”

He smiled. “Fantastic is a good description. I like that.”

“It’s the truth. I don’t think I had as many orgasms in nineteen years of marriage as I’ve had with you.”

“Mmm, and we still have the rest of the day…and night.”

“Oh, my God, I’ll never survive.”

“There’s always mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.”

Jade smiled wickedly. “There is that.”

Zach chuckled. He liked when her naughty side surfaced. “For now, I think we should get this robe off of you and finish our shower.” The sound of Jade’s stomach rumbling made him chuckle again. “And feed you.”

“I was about to cook breakfast when
ravished me.”

“Are you complaining?”

“You think I’m crazy? I’ll never complain when you ravish me.”

“That’s what I like to hear.”

* * * * *

Jade slowly wandered into the next room. Zach had completed the outside walls of his house, the roof, and the studs that divided each room. It appeared he was currently working on the electrical. Numerous wires hung from the ceiling and snaked down the studs. “Guest room?” she guessed.

He nodded. “I have two, in case my brother and sister want to stay over at the same time.”

She stepped through the doorway into the next room. “Which room is this?”

“My computer room.”

“I’m a little confused about the directions. Do the windows face west?”

“Yes. I like to watch the sunsets.” He gestured toward an opening to their right. “My bedroom connects to it. I wanted a separate room for my computer and files, but still convenient to get to.”

Jade walked into his bedroom. She’d never been a good judge of size or distance, but it looked huge. “How big is this?”

“Almost six hundred square feet. The house is close to three thousand square feet.”

“Why so big for a single guy?”

Zach shrugged. “Because I wanted it and I can afford it, especially since I’m doing the majority of the work myself.” He slipped his hands in the back pockets of his jeans. “I may have gone a bit overboard in here, but I have a king-sized bed. I plan to have a large entertainment center on the south wall. Plus, that square footage includes the walk-in closet.”

“I certainly love my walk-in closet. That and the kitchen are what sold me on the house.”

“That isn’t the house you lived in with your husband?”

“No. We sold that when we divorced and divided the profit.” All this talk of size and features gave Jade the perfect opportunity to dig a little deeper. “It’s a great house for a family.”

“I guess. I hadn’t thought of that.”

“Don’t you want to have a family?”

“Maybe, with the right woman.”

Jade swallowed. She definitely was
the right woman for that.

He removed his hands from his pockets and walked toward her. “I honestly haven’t thought about children of my own, Jade. I come from a large family. I have three uncles on my dad’s side and four aunts on my mom’s side and they all have kids.” He stopped in front of her. “I love my cousins, but I don’t know if I’m dad material.”

“You’re a sensitive, caring man, Zach. You’ll be a wonderful father.”

“I’m not in any hurry.” He cradled her neck in one hand. “I always wear a condom, Jade. Common sense demands it, both for protection and birth control. I didn’t use one with you last night or this morning.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb. “I’m clean. All our escorts have regular physicals and blood work. We insist on it.”

“I haven’t been with a man in two years.”

“I know that, but what about birth control? Are you on the Pill?”


“I’ll admit I’m not up-to-date on all the birth control methods available now. What are you using?”

“Nothing.” She touched his hand, pressing it closer to her. “I can’t have any more children, Zach. I had several ovarian cysts over a period of years. They were all benign, but my doctor suggested I have a hysterectomy when I was twenty-seven. I did.”

“I saw the faded scar, so knew you had some kind of surgery.” He gave her a crooked grin. “I’ve studied your body the past few days.”

His joke made her smile. “You have been rather…up close and personal.”

“I’ve loved every second of it.”

“So have I.”

He kissed her, slowly and thoroughly. Jade’s toes curled inside her shoes while her heart clenched in her chest. This would be their last night together. The thought of never seeing Zach again was more painful than if someone jabbed a knife into her. But she had no choice. This conversation about family and children proved that.

Zach ended the kiss and took her in his arms. Jade went willingly, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. She wanted every second of time with him she could get before she had to tell him goodbye.

“I’m falling in love with you, Jade,” he whispered.

His words froze her for several seconds. Slowly, she unwrapped her arms from around his neck and leaned back so she could see his face. “What?” she asked weakly.

“I’m falling in love with you.”

“But-but you

His eyebrows drew together in a frown. “I

“No. Zach, I’m ten years older than you.”

“You have a weird hang-up about age, Jade.”

She pulled away from him and took two steps backward. She could think more clearly when he wasn’t touching her. “I just told you I can’t have children. Even if I could, I don’t want to. I’m almost forty. I certainly don’t want to become a mother again at my age. I’m content to wait for grandchildren.”

“And I just told you I’m in no hurry to be a father. I don’t know if I even
to be a father. I don’t have a burning desire to see a miniature version of me running around.” He took her hand and raised it to his mouth. He ran his tongue between her fingers while he held her gaze. “I want to be with you. That’s all I care about.”

Jade’s heart began to pound. This man stood before her, a man so handsome and sexy that he almost seemed unreal, telling her he wanted to be with her. She wanted to be with him too, but how? It wouldn’t be fair to him for them to continue their relationship, knowing there was a good chance he’d change his mind about having his own children someday. She would never stand in the way of him becoming a father.

“Give us a chance, Jade.”

Grasping at anything she could to keep from weakening under his intense blue gaze, she asked, “What about your…job?”

“I have no job, at least not as an escort. The business belongs to my brother, sister, and me. I’ll recruit new escorts. I’ll do paperwork. I’ll help Michelle with the yard work if she wants. I won’t be intimate with any other woman. I only want to be with you.” He gestured around the room with his free hand. “
is my main job now—building my house.” He kissed her palm. “I hope I can call it
house someday.”

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