Repair Me (4 page)

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Authors: Melissa Phillips

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Repair Me
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He had actually requested that song and assumed I would dance with him? If he paid attention to the lyrics, which I assumed he did since he sang it, then why would he choose to dance with me? He knew I had a boyfriend and he knew that most of the crowd here was single. Reality hit me, truth hit me, Anthony's existence hit me. “Oh my god, Avery, I think he’s got the hots for you.” No he doesn't, I told myself

“Stop, I have a boyfriend, Natalia, and anyways the man could have any woman in the building if he wanted. Why would he want the simple Avery that is already taken when he had all of these?” I said waving my finger over the crowd.

Natalia continued giving me a dirty smile then her eyes moved to the stage to focus on Scott. The guys looked amazing just like last time. Vince was stepping behind the drums his long, well groomed brown hair was left down and he ran his fingers through it.  Clean cut Justin was picking his bass guitar from its stand and nodding his head to his fellow band members. Scott was always eager to hit the stage. Natalia always said he got a high from it.

Davien left the wooden stool to the side as he approached the front center of the stage. I just had this mans fingers around my waist. He made my heart race, my palms sweat and he left me feeling special for those couple of minutes with him. “How’s everyone doin' tonight?” Davien screamed to the crowd. All of the girls screamed and clapped including Natalia who dropped from her chair and jump with enthusiasm.

Scott hit his guitar and the first few notes came from the song. Every female voice grew louder as they immediately recognized the song. Justin and Vince joined the song and Davien pulled the mic from its stand. We sat at the closest table to the front, same as last week. It was set to the side, but the view was perfect.

Davien began singing the light rock song as his band played in the background. Once again his voice was delicious enough to make any woman weak. Most girls pushed their way through the crowd until they were close to the stage. I could immediately tell that he adored the attention from them as he bent closer, causing a smaller distance between himself and his fans. He was hot and he knew how to work his crowd. He left each one satisfied or they at least believed so. He continued the light song to his adoring fans.

The song eventually ended and Davien stepped to the rest of the band to instruct them on what song was next.  As the bar waited, I saw the look on Justin's face as he was surprised of Davien's choice. Scott shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head.  The guys played the song until Davien joined it and I recognized the song by One Direction 'Kiss You'. Davien stood up and scanned the bar as he sang. His eyes fell on me and he nodded his head up as if he was directing me to come to him. I ignored it, promising myself that he was really looking at the table behind us. I just had my time with him. “He wants you up there, Avery.” Natalia shoved her hands at me across the table. I pulled back and looked back at Davien who was grinning between his words. He shook his head with amusement then nodded once more.  This time Natalia walked to my side and pulled me through the crowd, demanding me to come closer.

I yelled at her through my clenched jaws. She left me embarrassed and blushing. Every person in the bar watched us as we made our way from the table to the front  stage. Once we hit the area just in front of the stage I could feel the heat coming from the band. The stage was only 3 steps off the ground but Davien seemed to tower over us. Scott was smiling down at Natalia as she moved to my back and gently pushed me closer to The Pits.

Davien's grin grew wider and he dropped to one knee as he continued singing the song. He rest his body at the very edge of the platform and it was very obvious that his attention was directed towards me and
me. My eyes were on fire when he focused all of his attention. His hand holding the mic rested his elbow on his bent knee and he reached his free hand out, ordering me to hold it. I let my shaky hand out slowly and he gently grabbed tightly. I could feel the vibrations of his voice as he sang. They vibrated from his hand, through my fingers, up my arm and down my spine until I felt heat between my thighs. He was controlling my every thought at the moment. He was intimidating, he was gorgeous, he was unbelievably everything any woman would dream of. He was everything I needed to avoid, but I couldn't.

His fingers laced through mine as he pulled me closer. Sitting on one knee he continued holding me in place. He was looking deep into my eyes and I had no idea how to look back. So I softly returned the same focus to his eyes. When the other band members grew quiet, he sang the last few words quietly away from the mic so that only the two of us could hear. He kissed the top of my hand and freed me. He stood up and returned to his band as if our intimate moment had never happened. The music turned into a louder tune and Natalia guided us back to the table.

The same waitress from earlier returned to the table once again with another shot. This time including one for Natalia also. After the next half hour we realized that we were being served new shots every 10 minutes. “Damn I’m gonna be wasted before I leave here tonight.” Natalia laughed over the music.



              Six shots later The Pits had made their way off the stage and gathering their things from the table. The crowd at CJ’s was thinning out when the guys were done. Scott immediately grabbed onto Natalia’s waist and pulled her in the air to meet his lips. “You were fucking awesome, Scott.” She told Scott.

The two quieter guys of the group, Vince and Justin, finished their warm beers as they gossiped about some of the fans in the bar. They both had girls that took turns flirting with the guys and many exchanging numbers in hopes.

As I looked around the room I noticed the jealously in my heart when I watched Davien. He was once again covered in overly flirtatious girls. He autographed bare chests and many girls put their feet on his lap, lifting their dress high enough for him to sign their upper thighs. He enjoyed the attention and laughed with each one. Davien's look on each girl, caused him to act like they were the first obscene girl he had ever met. I tried my hardest to look the other way He wasn’t mine and I was already taken, but something made me jealous and I couldn’t stop the feeling.

Justin stood from his chair, waving his hand high in the air as he tried to grab Davien’s attention. “C’mon, ass. We’re leaving.”

I watched as he stepped away from his crowd. He approached our table with a huge smile. “You coming home or going out tonight?” Scott asked Davien.

“Coming home.” He instantly answered “Avery’s comin’ over right, Natalia” He looked at me with question in his brows.  My eyes widened in surprise. I promised Natalia to have a girl’s night out at the bar. What the hell did I have to do with whether or not Davien came home that night? I was only supposed to be checking out The Pits again and returning home.

I stood from my chair as I held on to the table. “Uh not tonight. I can’t. I really need to get home.” I watched Natalia as I hoped for her to answer the same way. This was supposed to be another innocent night. I had not only danced with the most amazing man in the world, not only shared a very intimate moment with him as he brushed whispers of songs into my ear, he pulled me to the stage to sing a personal song that he intentionally directed to me. But now I was completely wasted and my knees were shaky. In fact Davien grabbed my waist at one moment,steadying me as I stood next to the table, waiting for Natalia's answer.

His touch against my body as he held me against him, caused me to question my thoughts. Davien's hand never left my body. Soothing me to calm my drunken moves, he caressed at my shoulder, then trailed his fingers down my back. Stopping at my lower back, he continued circling repeatedly as we listened to the rest of the group. His hand eventually dropped to my butt where he gripped to one cheek. At one moment as he traced my rear, his hand lowered enough to touch my very upper thigh. When he realized where he had gone, he quickly pulled up. Without intentions, his fingers caught at the hem of my dress and he fought to pull his hand from under my clothes. When I looked at his face, he made no expression for anyone to see, but I knew what he was doing. We both knew, even though I was tipsy. His hand guided my dress back in place.

“C’mon, Avery. You can’t say you’re not having fun.” She was right, she was always right I was having the time of my life. But I needed to get home.  I was sure Anthony had been calling me all night and I was already making my plans of what I would tell Anthony. I was sleeping when he called, maybe I had been taking a shower. He was probably worried to death over why I hadn't answered his calls and the last thing I needed was for him to lose more trust with me. From the way he treated me last weekend, I knew for sure he wouldn't buy many of my stories.

I pulled my phone from my purse and had no missed calls. Anthony was probably in bed at a hotel room and was believing me when I said I was staying home tonight.

“Just for awhile then Natalia will drive you home. We’ll have a few drinks and watch a movie. I haven’t been with Natalia all week.” Now Scott made me feel guilty. All she wanted was a little time with Scott and I had to tag along.

Davien placed his hand on my lower back before I had a chance to answer again. He led us through the few left over patrons. “Bye guys.” He yelled to the bartenders who each waved him off. “See you guys next weekend.”

He led us to the back lot of the bar and Scott and Natalia followed behind. “Oh Natalia parked over there.” I pointed to her silver Yukon.

“Yeah I know.” Davien answered. He looked at me with a serious expression “You’re riding with me.” It wasn't a question. It was completely innocent but I still felt awkward leaving with the center man from The Pits.

He guided me to his black and chrome bike and lift one leg over and shift into place. Davien held his hand out to help me to the back. “I really should ride with Natalia.”

He turned his key. “C’mon, Avery get on.” He demanded. I heard Natalia in the distance as she let out a loud whistle. I was not only nervous but she made me embarrassed. While I held his hand tightly, I stepped over the back of the bike. I was feeling my shots at this moment and was sure that Davien knew it. I placed my hands at his upper arms. I knew that I had to hold on some how but I felt awkward with him. I heard an over dramatic laugh and he made my hands drop as he shook his arms forcefully. Then he reached my arms around his waist and laced my fingers in front of him. “I need to drive baby.”

Of course he did.....wait... Baby? I wasn’t his baby? He was my friend’s boyfriend’s band mate. That’s  all he was to me. I was going to Scott’s house and Davien just happened to live there. He was being polite, that’s all it was. Or at least that’s what I told myself. His bike was jumping as he let the kick stand up and he rocked the bike forward. As soon as his leg went up, he sped to the street. I held my hands together tightly and placed my face into his back. When we arrived at the bar it was still sunny and warm. Now that the sun had set, it was windy and cooler. I protected the breeze from my face. The scent of Davien was driving me wild.

I pushed further into his back with my nose and inhaled deep. He must have noticed because I felt the laugh in his chest. “You okay?” He asked me with amusement to his words.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I answered with a shaky voice. When I lift my head from Davien’s back, I saw that Scott had caught up to us and we were sitting at a stop light. My eyes widened when I saw Natalia in the passenger seat. She had left her Yukon back at the bar. “Where’s Natalia’s car?” I questioned Davien.

“Did you expect Scott to let her drive after she had all of those shots?” He found it amusing. “She’s just as tipsy as you.” He pulled my hands tighter around his waist when the light turned green.

It was a fucking set up. Davien had purposely sent all of those shots to our table as he stayed on stage. He sent them to
of us. He knew after 7 shots that Natalia wasn’t going to be able to drive. The only option left was to leave with him since I didn’t have a ride home. He had this planned out hours ago. The whole time I danced with him, the entire time I held his hand while he sang on stage and worse than anything, the whole time he flirted with the sickening girls at the bar, he knew I was going home with him. My heart started racing when I figured it all out.  “Davien, you know I have a boyfriend, right?”

“Yup.” That was his only answer. I dropped my hands from his waist with anger “Don't move your hands again” The entertainment disappeared from his voice as he used one hand to guide the bike and the other to reach for my hands. He placed them back snugly around him. He never said another word the entire ride home. We only drove another five minutes or so, but it felt like eternity as I had no choice but to hold myself to his body. I didn’t say another word as well. I was speechless. I wasn't just speechless, I was pissed!

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