Repair Me

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Authors: Melissa Phillips

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Repair Me
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By Melissa Phillips




Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17









Text Copyright © 2013 Melissa K Phillips

All Rights Reserved







Dedication to my husband and my kids for giving me “Mommy time”. 

Love you guys!

Chapter 1



Natalia had been on my butt for the last month to have a girls' night out and I couldn’t find another excuse.  She was free spirited, easy going and one of the best people I had ever met.  She was spunky and full of energy. Where I was the laid back, quiet girl. She had beautiful deep olive skin and natural shiny, black hair that reached clear to her butt. Her face had the most well marked features with perfect, clear complexion. Her eyes stood out with a deep lime color. Even her natural lashes and brows stood out, giving her a look that most women would pay to sport.  Natalia was also my world other than my boyfriend of the last year. We met our freshman year of high school and inseparable ever since, but ever since I started dating the handsome Anthony, we drifted further apart.

“C’mon, Avery, just one night. Scott’s band is playing at CJ's. It will be completely innocent.  We’ll grab something to eat and head over to the bar for a couple of hours.” Natalia begged.

“I don’t know.  I have so much studying to do and my finals are coming up.” I tried. Natalia wouldn’t buy it though.  She knew me all too well. “And I’m tired.”

“Avery, you have all weekend and I’ll come over tomorrow and help you study.” She pushed. Her voice was soft yet demanding. Today she wasn’t taking ‘no’ for an answer. I guess one girls' night out wouldn’t be so bad after all. All of my stress from school really could use some relief for a night and she was right. She was always willing to come study with me. 

We were in our second year of college and she was the type to party all weekend and still ace every damn test. I had so much going on in my life at the time, I couldn’t even concentrate on my school work. “All right Nat, just this once and then I really do need to study.” I smiled, knowing this would make her happy.

“Haaa... I knew I could bribe you. Let Anthony know you won’t be out late and I’ll take good care of you.” I knew Anthony all too well after dating for the last year that he wasn’t going to be thrilled that I was heading to a bar with Natalia. She was outgoing and outspoken at times and the two butted heads on many occasions. As Natalia was the fun, Anthony was the serious. I needed each of them to keep me stable. Without Anthony in my life, I would’ve dropped out of school by now and unable to pay my tuition. He was 8 years older ,successful and determined to make my life just the same. “Sounds awesome, I’ll pick you up at 7:30, Scott’s band starts at 9 o’clock and I wanna be there in time. We’ll grab something to eat and head to the bar. We’re gonna have a blast, I promise, Avery.”



              I took a deep breath in before walking through the door of CJ's. Natalia huffed as she shook her head, reassuring me that I was over exaggerating. The bar was packed when we arrived, young girls hanging on the sides of the men, showing off a little too much PDA for my taste. I kept my outfit simple with ragged denim shorts and a thin strapped pink tank top. The other girls in the bar could have passed for whores.  I had a decent athletic built and my curves in the right places. My hair was just as shiny as Natalia’s but I had light brown hair with blonde highlights. I wore simple makeup and usually styled my hair with a flat iron.

In the corner was a group of couples throwing darts, the ladies giggling as they missed each throw, the men with them shaking their heads with amusement. When we walked in there was a long bar to the right that formed into a long “L” shape along the corner.  A few men were seated at bar stools as the young girls begged for their attention. Seductively running their fingers along the guy’s back and laughing to each joke they told.

Natalia led us into the main area of the bar. We walked the hard wood floors covered with a variety of tables and assorted chairs and bar stools. Some long tables, some high, some short. Along the far wall was a dim lit stage. It ran the entire length of the wall. All though the stage was long, it was only 3 steps from the floor. And just a few feet away from the stage sat an obvious dance floor that was cleared of tables.   

Natalia's voice grew thrilled as she pointed towards a long table near the front, just set to the side from the stage. “C’mon, Scott’s over here, I wanna talk to him before he hit’s the stage.” I followed her and she sped her pace to search for her love. I recognized Scott as we approached. He was sitting on a bar stool next to a high table. His right foot rested on his other knee as he strummed his acoustic guitar. “Hey beautiful.” He dropped his hand from the strings of the guitar and reached his hand out to Natalia. Leaving me feeling awkward as she bent in to kiss him. Scott was extremely attractive and Natalia knew it. But she was just as gorgeous leaving them to be the cutest couple.

Scott had dark blonde hair that had a slight messy wave and he wore it just long enough for Natalia to run her fingers through as she played with it. He had a medium build but since he was much taller, he looked like a giant next to her.  Natalia stood barely 5 feet tall. I looked around the area as the other men at the table were around my age, early twenties each had a handsome face and simple, yet sexy clothes. The two men to my right were laughing as they gossiped about the crowd of girls in the room. The one closest me had long brown hair, pulled bag with a tie. He had a worn plaid long sleeve shirt and ripped jeans. Clean but showing off a rough side. He had broad shoulders, giving him a powerful look. I knew that under his shirt he was much bulkier with muscle than I could make out.

The man talking with him was extremely cute, the kind most girls would fight over. He was also around my age and was much thinner and wore a short blonde buzz cut.  The buzzed cut blonde wore clean cut clothes with designer deep dyed jeans matched with a spotless white casual  t-shirt. He came across as the pretty boy type with a tough look to rough it out. His hair was cut short enough to give him that buzzed style, but the front was an inch longer which gave him a much more sex appealing fashion. His body language was obvious that he was either eager to hit the stage with his band mates or he was just naturally energetic.

The man sitting next to Scott was being attacked by the many girls from the bar. He sat backwards on his high backed bar stool, his arms hanging loosely over the top of the chair as he simply flirted with each and every girl that rubbed his back and touched his thigh.  I wondered how many of the girls he brought home on a regular basis. They all seemed to know him on a personal level. He was definitely the most handsome of the four guys. He had heavy, toned arms that stretched through the thin material of his shirt as he reached for the adoring girls in front of him. His dirty blonde hair was a little longer on the top and shorter on the sides, leaving a look that reminded me of a vintage cigarette ad or a modern version of John Travolta from “Grease”. He was well groomed and his bright blue eyes sparkled as he smiled at the girls.

The flirtatious man had the bad boy image, a man that had such a high ego that every other person was below his level. He adored each comment and seductive touch the women gave him. He simply smiled at each one and pulled their waist to meet his chair. The girls took his touch and were more than willing to share him for the night. As much as he turned me on, I only shook my head in disgust. A bad boy with looks of a sex god could mean one thing only, Trouble!

“Avery, it’s great to see you tonight.” Scott spoke to me. My eyes jumped to Scott's voice. “Glad you came out to watch us.” With embarrassment to my flushed face, Scott laughed as he saw me looking at his fellow band mates. I was sure he was used to the many women that goggled over the men on a daily basis. Scott was a wild rocker with a sweet side. He came across as a hard ass but he had the biggest heart. Natalia started dating Scott around 8 months ago after coming to a show. They were perfect together. She was loud and obnoxious at times and he loved everything about her. Scott played the lead guitar in his band “The Pits”. 

“Avery, this is my guys” Scott pointed to the men to my right “This is Justin and Vince.” The long haired man, Vince, was very sweet and soft spoken as he reached for my hand and quietly introduced his self. The energetic man, Justin, to his side matched the same politeness as they both gripped my hand with a soft touch and offering a polite nod. Then Scott pointed towards the extremely attractive man next to him. He cleared his throat trying to grab his attention. “And this is Davien.”

Davien slowly turned half way towards me, looking at my face quickly but with little interest. I was sure I heard a soft sigh of annoyance as he left his attention from the wanting girls. Grabbing my hand slightly, “Pleasure to meet you, Avery, I’m Davien… Davien Dodge” As if Scott hadn’t already introduced us. Although he seemed annoyed, he actually heard my name and with a soft laugh, he seductively ran his fingers through my palm. My eyes widened as his touch to my skin left tingles up my back. No wonder all of the women wanted his touch, just the feel of his warm skin caused the other woman to drool. But I pulled my hand away as I thought of the many places the man had placed his hand at, most likely even tonight. Gross! I wasn't sure if his soft laugh was from a comment the girls just said, or maybe a fake smile to please Scott... or maybe he was laughing at me.

I tried to push it to the back of my head, far back. Within seconds the man then turned his attention back to the girls as he laughed with them. Surely annoyed that he had to stop his flirting for my second with him.

A loud noise echoed over a speaker while someone tapped on the mic. “The Pits will be on stage in the next few minutes, so grab your drinks and lets get the show started.”

A man dressed in a button down black shirt and faded blue jeans approached the table. “Guys get your stuff together. Time to hit the stage.” He slapped Scott’s back as he pointed to the stage. I assumed he worked at the bar as he prompted the men to start their show. Scott reached in for Natalia’s kiss again and all of the other girls around the table attacked the handsome man to his side, leaving kisses on his cheeks and fighting for a hand to reach from him. He gave each a flirtatious smile as he stood from his chair. Grabbing many by their waist and his hands swept over their rears. And a few lucky ones even rubbed at their cheeks where he left the touch of his lips. I rolled my eyes at the thought that a man would pass women around like dogs.

The guys walked the few side steps to the stage and every female voice in the bar grew louder with whistles and soft applause. The dim lights grew brighter with a soft blue glow crossing the stage. Scott reached for his other guitar that was sitting on its stand. The short haired blonde, Justin, hit the opposite side of the stage and reached from his bass guitar. Vince pulled his long dark hair tighter in his tie and walked behind his set of drums. Davien finally made his way out of the arms of the attractive girls and pulled an older wooden stool to the front middle of the stage, lowering the mic to his reach. He propped the same acoustic guitar that Scott was playing earlier against his stool. “How's everyone doin' tonight?” Davien shout over the adoring crowd.

The girl’s screams grew louder as he watched over the audience. Natalia hit the stool next to her. “Sit, Avery, stop drooling and sit your ass down.” She yelled over the other voices. We had front row seats as we took over the guys spots. I hadn’t noticed that I was watching everyone else and not paying attention to what I was actually doing. “You’ll love them. Doesn’t Scott look hot as hell?”

He was hot, but the man sitting on the wooden stool was no comparison to him. His look was different and it was obvious that every other woman agreed with my taste. I sighed to myself for thinking like I was. He was not my type and I wasn't falling for his false games.

Smiling at Natalia as she was proud of her man. “He is pretty hot I have to say.” She placed her fingers in her mouth and let out an obnoxious whistle. Scott looked at her and shook his head as he smiled. She reached her arm barely to her chest and gave him a small good luck wave.

Looking at my phone I saw 2 missed calls from home already. It was only 9 o'clock and the show was just starting. I tried my best to put it at the back of my mind and enjoy the show. The Pits started playing with a soft song grabbing each females attention. As soon as Davien’s voice touched the mic, it was like heaven pouring from the stage. His voice was different. It was strong and powerful and a slight raspy texture. It was perfect and sexy. He sat on the wooden stool and strummed his acoustic alongside Scott's electric guitar, mixing a unique, yet amazing sound.

The way he watched over his fans, made each woman grip at their shirt above the chest as if they were pulling him closer to their heart. Keeping my hands tied tightly in my lap, I promised to not follow the other girl's reactions to the man's godly voice. He knew what he was doing as he gave each an individual, flirtatious smile. I tried not to pay attention to him as he sang. I had a man at home and I was trying to prove that I was just a girl out with a friend enjoying some innocent time together.  I wasn’t looking for a guy to bring home or to even flirt with. I just wanted to have a fun night with Natalia. The bar was filled with a mixture of people, but mainly people that were similar to my age. Most likely college students, just like me, enjoying the weekend.

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