Reprisal (10 page)

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Authors: Christa Lynn

BOOK: Reprisal
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Her eyes travel over my chest and I am thankful for my physique at this very moment. Her reaction to me makes my cock harden even more. Her fingers slide over my chest and down towards the clasp to my jeans. She thinks she’s going to get me first, but I have news for her. I g
rab her fingers and slip one into my mouth, gently sucking on it. Then I scoot back and go for the clasp on her jeans, undoing the button and tugging on her belt loops to slowing drag them down over her legs. Once I have her jeans off, I stare at her perfect body, clad in nothing but a white lace bra and matching panties. Her caramel skin glows in the setting sun and the fire in her eyes burns through me. She reaches between her breasts and flips the clasp of her bra, spilling her ample mounds for my eyes, and hands. I cup each one of them, leaning in and taking a nipple in my mouth while toying with the other one. Her back arches and she pushes her nipple further in my mouth, cupping her breast and sighing.

I trail my lips between her breasts and down to her flat stomach, my heated breath causing goose
bumps across her stomach. My tongue pauses at her belly button and I swirl it around, the skin left glistening. Her hips rise and I run my tongue under the elastic of her panties as my fingers begin the slow process of lowering them over her hips.

As I go lower, I see the tattoo of the number four on her hip. I feel her body tense up as the tattoo is exposed, but I gently kiss the inked flesh and continue my descent. I lean back on
my heals after removing her panties and stare at her. She’s looking back at me with the same fire in her eyes, her hands caressing her breasts. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

I lift her foot and start to kiss her inner calf, slowing working my way up to the apex of her thighs, leaving damp marks on my way up. I can tell the anticipation is killing her, but I drag it out. Finally, I reach her beautiful, pink pussy and press my tongue against her soft folds. Her smell and taste are intoxicating and I take a deep breath, hoping her scent stays with me after this is over.

I drag my tongue up and down, circling her clit but not quite touching it. She starts squirming underneath me, but I press down on her hips just enough to keep her still. I’m in charge here and she needs to just sit back and enjoy. “Gabe.” Comes out of her lips on a rush.

“What Sydney?” I say against her cleft, the vibrations causing a sharp intake of breath. I can tell she’s close, so I continue my torment of her pussy, su
cking the now hardened bud in my mouth. I drag my middle finger through her now glistening flesh and slowly slide my finger in.

She’s tight, but quickly relaxes around my finger. I pull it back and curl my finger up to stroke her inner wall and when her back arches off of the sofa, I know I’ve hit pay dirt. I continue to stroke her hot cavern and suck her clit, her body now vibrating underneath me. “Oh God!” She cries out, throwing her head back against the pillow.

Her hot tunnel contracts around my finger and the spasms suck my finger in further. Her head is back and her eyes are closed, a loud and almost painful growl comes roaring from her throat.

“That’s it baby, come for me.” I mumble against her now soaking flesh and she moans in rhythm with the contractions around my finger. As I feel her body relaxing, I lift my face from her pussy and stand up to remove my jeans. She sits up and looks at me, “Allow
me.” She says as she hooks her fingers under the waist band and roughly shoves my jeans down.

Since I rarely wear underwear, my hard cock immediately bounces out and points proudly at her. Her eyes brighten and she smirks. Then, her pink tongue pokes out and catches the droplet of fluid at the seam. Her tongue is soft, firm and hot. Holy shit, I might come right here and now, but I fight it off. She drags her tongue up my hard length and swirls it around the sensitive head of my dick, causing it to twitch. She peeks up at me through her long lashes as she sinks her hot mouth over my entire cock, my balls nudging her chin. I silently wonder if she has no gag reflex,
cause her lips are up against my abdomen and her eyes are still on me. She pulls up and wraps her fingers around the base of my cock, stroking and sucking, pulling me to the brink of complete explosion. “Baby, I need a condom.” I say as I pull back. “I need to be inside you.

Now.” I say as I pull back and reach for my wallet. Thankfully, I have one nestled inside. She looks at me like, “You were pretty sure of yourself eh?” But I just smile back at her as I rip open the foil packet wit
h my teeth. She reaches up and takes the rolled up condom from me and slowly and torturously rolls it down my length.

She lies back down, looking up at me with her deep brown eyes, begging me to take her. I position myself at her entrance and without warning, slam in to the hilt. She lets out a squeal, almost like she was in pain. So I pull back slowly, “Are you okay, baby?” I ask her, the tip of my cock still lodged just inside.

“Yeah,’s been a while for me, so....I need a second to adjust.” She smiles shyly back at me.

So I slowly push myself back in to her heated core, so slow that I think I might blow from the heat and snug fit. After a few strokes like this, I feel her body relax and her eyes close. “Open your eyes, Sydney. I want to see your face.”

She opens her eyes, and I can tell it’s a struggle for her. Her eyelids flutter and she manages to open then. The desire I see just about sends me over the edge, but I hold off because I plan to make sure she remembers this day, for a little while anyway.

I continue my rhythm, in and out, in and out. I can see she’s holding back and I want her to come again. I take her mouth, pressing my tongue between
her lips in a heated kiss. She gives back as much as she takes, but something is missing.

I sit back on my heels and pull her up, so she is straddling me and I let her take control. She seems to enjoy this and by having her on me, gives me access to her clit. As her ample breasts bounce in my face, I reach down and press my thumb against her heated nub and circle it. “Does that feel good baby?” I ask as my name falls from her lips on a moan. But she doesn’t speak, she doesn’t have to. I can see the orgasm in her face and feel her pussy clenching down on my cock, squeezing like a
vise. Her bouncing gets faster, more forceful. I press harder on her clit and she explodes, her cream coating my cock and my thighs. Her undoing is mine and on a shout, I fill the condom with my release.

She falls forward on to my chest, my cock still lodged inside her. Her breathing is calming as is mine so I pull my legs out from under me and lie back, pulling her up on to my chest. I immediately feel the loss of her hot pussy as my cock dislodges from her. She sighs and relaxes against my chest, my fingers finding her hair.

We lay there for some time, just our naked bodies warming each other. She finally lifts her head and looks at me, a smile curves her lips. “ I’m not sure what.......” I cut her off.

, no talking. Just kiss me.” I say as she brings her lips down on to mine softly and I realize then I could get used to having her lips on me.

My hands gently rubs her back as she lays on me, her breasts pressed against my chest. Her weight gets heavy and I wonder if she’s fallen asleep. But I stay still, my fingers lazily exploring her sensuous body. As my fingers reach her hip, I feel her body stiffen and she squirms off of me, grabbing her panties and frantically putting them back on.

“What is it, Sydney?” I ask as I sit up and remove the condom from my slowly hardening cock. There is something about this woman that makes me want to stay firmly lodged in side her.

She pulls her tee shirt over her head and walks off to the kitchen not saying a word. So I get up and tug my jeans back on and follow her. She was so open to me a few minutes ago and I don’t want her closing off again, but I don’t want to scare her away either. So I stand in the doorway as she cleans the dishes, placing them in the dishwasher.

She feels my presence and after a few minutes, she turns to me allowing me to see true sadness in her eyes, almost guilt. I move towards her and envelope her in my arms, and she comes willingly. “SHHH, it’s okay, Sydney. I’m here baby, and I’m not going anywhere.” I say as she pulls back, but her hands wrap around my waste.

“I’m sorry, Gabe. I’m a mess right now, you really don’t want to get involved with me.

I’m.....I’m damaged goods, something you don’t need in your life.” She says, those damned tears threatening to spill out of her chocolate brown eyes.

“What are you talking about Sydney? You are a beautiful, smart and independent woman. I love those qualities. You have a past, yes - we all do, but you are far from damaged. I’m in awe of you, really.” I say as my fingers find her chin, tipping her head up to look at me. “What happened to you was not your fault, you didn’t ask for it and you survived it. That makes you amazing in my eyes.”

That one solitary tear rolls down her cheek and lands on her lip. I lean in and gently tongue the tear away, licking her upper lip and then pressing my lips to hers. I expect her to pull away, but she doesn’t. This kiss is soft and sweet, not heated and passionate like earlier. I can feel her starting to give in, and I only hope I can help her overcome her pain.

She releases me and steps back towards the sink, wiping the next tear away. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her, pulling her back against me. My hands travel up her sides and I decide to take a chance and move my fingers over the tattoo again. Sure enough, her body tenses and she steps forward. “Tell me, Sydney. Tell me your story.”

She turns to me and presses her lips against mine, “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

And she turns back to the sink and continues to rinse the dishes. She’s visibly upset, so I let it go. For now.

I know what the police reports say, but I want to hear it from her lips. I want to know what happened to her while she was held captive. I want to be the one to heal her.


Chapter 10


I stare in to the sink with tears rolling down my cheeks. Nice, Syd. Cry in front of the hot detective that just took away your pain, even if it was just for a moment. Could this be the guy that fixes me? I mentally shake my head because no, I don’t think I can be fixed. I’ve tried over the years to overcome my insecurities and every time a man comes into my life, I push him away. I guess that’s what I’m going to have to do this time, cause this guy is getting too close.

But I don’t want to push him away. him.

He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me and I immediately feel secure and safe, like he would never let anyone hurt me again. But I know he can’t make any promises, and neither can I. Right now, I have to focus on getting this bastard off the streets and either dead or behind bars. I prefer dead, but that’s the cowardly way out. He needs to pay. He needs to suffer and if I have anything to do with it, he will suffer.

I lean my head back on Gabe’s chest and exhale a deep breath. His body is hard and warm, his touch
comforting. I haven’t felt this in so long, that inside I’m freaking out.

“SHHH, just go with it, Sydney. It’s okay, I won’t let you fall.”

And somehow I know this. He’s strong while I am weak. No, I am not weak. I will not succumb to weakness. Not again.

“How are we going to catch this guy?” I ask Gabe while he holds me.

He releases me and turns back towards the living room.

“What Gabe? What is it?” I ask

“I’m not completely sure yet, but there are too many similarities with your case from years ago. While I know that your father is dead, something just doesn’t seem right. The fact that the DNA found at the scene matches your father leads me to believe that he might be alive after all.”

I shiver at the thought. Could it be possible? I was so young and so traumatized that maybe...... “Gabe, I shot him at point blank range. I don’t see how it’s possible that he survived that.”

“Sydney, I’d like to think that’s the case, but until we know more I want you protected at all times. No walking the streets by yourself, no going anywhere by yourself.”

“No Gabe, I will not live in fear. If I give in to whoever this is, then he wins. And, we don’t even know that I’m a target. Just because the details are similar, doesn’t mean it’s my father.” I say this to him, but I’m not so sure I believe it. I think back to the day I killed him, the images still vivid in my memory
. The blood, the flesh blown onto the wall behind him, the smell. He has to be dead.

“Sydney, I know you’re a strong woman and I admire you, really. But until we know more, I want you to step back from the investigation.”

“Who in the hell do you think you are? I fuck you ONCE and you think you own me? I don’t think so, I am my own person. I will not allow this monster to rule my life, not again. Now, I think it’s time you go.”

I say this to him and turn back to the sink. How dare he dictate what I can and can’t do! I’ve been living this nightmare for years, I’m not going to back down now.


“No, Gabe. I will not be a prisoner in my own home. I have friends, a career. I will not disappear in to
a hole while you and Chuck figure this shit out. I plan to do whatever I can to make sure this asshole never hurts another woman, even if I have to kill him myself.”

Gabe doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t have to. He stares at me with pity and.....and I don’t know what else, but he’s pissed me off and he needs to go.

“Please Gabe, go home.” I say, trying to fend off the anger that has enveloped me. “I’m covered, as I proved to you earlier. I have a gun and I know how to use it, no one will hurt me.

Not again. Now, I know you have an early shift so please go. I have early appointments in the morning as well.”

He nods and continues back into the living room, putting on his shirt and strapping his gun back around his waist and then opening the door. He turns back to look at me, the look of torture in his eyes. I know he doesn’t want to leave this way, but I need to get myself back under control and call Leslie. Or maybe not, cause she’ll agree with Gabe and I’ll be on my own.

“I’ll be in touch, Sydney. And please, stay safe. Call me if......”

“Don’t say it Gabe. I won’t get in to any trouble.”

The door closes on a loud click and my heart beats double time, because I’m now alone. I should have been an actress, cause frankly I’m scared shitless to be alone. But I don’t want Gabe knowing that. I stare at the door, mentally willing him to come back and throw himself in to my arms, but I know that won’t happen. I hurt him, I know. But I’m so frazzled over this that I don’t have time for anyone else. If I let myself go, how c
an I be any good to anyone else? I start chanting over and over in my head, ‘I am strong, I am strong.....” as I wipe the next tear from my eyes.

What the fuck has my world come to? I thought this was over years ago, why can’t my father’s grip release me? Why does he have to torture me from the grave? Or is he even in a grave? What if it is him that has come back for me, the one that got away?

I grab my cell and call Leslie, cause I need to nip this in the bud before I lose it. I’m a psychologist, a fucking doctor for Pete’s sake. I can’t let myself get beaten down or I’ll be no good to my patients.

“Doctor Phillips.” Leslie says as she answers her cell. Damn, I called her work cell instead of her personal cell. This will cost me.

“Les, it’s me.”

“Sydney? Why are you calling me on my work cell?”

“I don’t know, pressed the wrong button I guess. Can you talk?”

“Sure honey, anything. What’s going on?”

“Not now, tomorrow. In your office, can you squeeze me in?”

“Of course, but you know you can talk to me now.”

“I know, but I need to do this face to face. I’ll check my patient schedule in the morning and call you to set up a time.”

“Okay, Sydney. But call me tonight if you need me.”

“I will, thanks.”

And I press the end button, mentally cursing myself for calling her. Damn it, I really need to get past this on my own, but she is a doctor and she’s my best friend, so I need to do this. Get all of this out on the table and figure out how to deal with it, and quickly
before it’s too late. I have to be careful though, cause I can’t divulge details of the case. Not to her or anyone. If I were to do that and something leak, I’d never forgive myself. I do trust her though, but I must keep it to myself for now.

I head for the shower and turn the water on, but turn it back off. If I bathe, Gabe’s smell will be washed from my body, and I want to keep it there. It’s comforting What has he
done to me? Instead I crawl into bed, pulling the covers up to my neck.

As I lie in bed
, I see his face on the back of my eyelids, his smile and his warm brown eyes. I go over the days’ events and smile. His soft warm lips, his strong hands commanding my body.

I feel the familiar tingle between my legs and I know I’d better put my mind on to something else before I’m reaching for my vibrator. After sleeping with him today, I can’t imagine there would be any satisfaction in that. So I try and think about someone kicking a kitten, and then try an
d imagine a drunk guy puking on the sidewalk. Wait, maybe a......shit, it’s no use. Gabe comes to rescue the kitten and hauls the drunk guy off to jail. I need to face it, he’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

I reach for my cell and scroll through my contacts, starting a text message. I close it out and lay the phone down. No, I will not cave.

But after a few minutes I find myself staring at his name on the screen.

I need you

I quickly press the send button and then pull the covers over my head. I can’t believe I just did that. Fuck! I feel like a horny teenager and I need to get a grip. Shit, what if he thinks something’s wrong? No, I can’t have I grab the phone and before I can send another text he responds.

On my way

Wow. Shit, now what do I do? Do I text him and tell him ‘never mind’? Do I let him know I’m okay? No, I shower. So I fly out of bed and jump in the shower, letting the hot water cascade down my body. I wash my hair and grab the body wash and loofah, giving my skin a good scrub.

The scent of jasmine and vanilla fills the bathroom and I find myself relaxed and calm.

That is until the door to my bathroom comes flying open and my name being called.

“Sydney?” I jump out of my skin and open the shower door to see a flustered and almost angry Gabe Torres standing in my bathroom.

“HOLY SHIT, YOUSCARED ME TO DEATH!” I yell out over the running water.

“You? You text me that you need me, so I come running over here and then you don’t answer your phone. The door man couldn’t reach you either.”

“I’m sorry, I was taking a.........” And he’s on me. His lips come down hard on mine and his tongue snakes in my mouth in a frantic search for mine. He pushes me back in to the shower and reaches behind him, pulling the door shut. He’s fully clothed and soaking wet, but I can’t push him off me, the cold tiles on my back.

His hands come up and cup my face and he pulls back, brushing my bottom lip with his thumb. “What are you doing to me, Sydney?” He breathes.

“I was thinking the same thing earlier, Detective.”

He steps back, but doesn’t take his hands off of my face. “Is that why you texted me that you needed
me?” I nod and he steps back closer, “I’m glad, because I need you too.” And he presses his lips against mine again in a tender kiss. His tongue swipes across my bottom lip and he pulls me in to him, my wet and naked breasts pressed up against his wet shirt.

My fingers instinctively go to the hem on his shirt and I peel the soaking material up and over his head. His tan skin glistens in the subtle lighting of the room, his eyes
smoldering. I reach for the button on his jeans and deftly undo the button, but he pushes my hands back and lowers his soggy jeans and kicks them to the corner. He is now gloriously naked and his heated stare on my body has me on fire.

My fingers trace his chest and travel down his abdomen and I wrap my fingers around his now engorged cock. I shiver knowing I did this to him and that I affect him as much as he affects me. As I gently squeeze his cock, it throbs under my touch. Gabe sucks in a breath and he steps even closer to me, if that’s even possible. He’s so close, our bodies have become one. His mouth finds mine and our lips and tongues begin an intricate dance, heated and on the cusp of explosion.

He gently removes my hand from his cock and takes my other hand, raising my arms above my head. With one hand, he holds my wrists and presses the back of my hands against the tile.

He leans in and kisses my neck and slowly moves down my chest until he latches on to my nipple. It hardens under his lips and he tugs back, sending shockwaves down my body and a persistent throbbing between my legs. His other ha
nd travels down my side sending goose bumps over my skin, even though the steaming water still streams over me. His fingers stop on my tattoo and I try hard not to tense up, knowing he knows it’s there. He traces over the number four permanently etched in to my skin as his lips find mine once again. It’s as if he’s saying, “It’s okay, I want you anyway.”

I relax in
to his kiss and he moves his fingers to my stomach, causing me to suck in a breath.

His knee presses against my legs and he spreads them without removing his lips. He slips his fingers between my legs and strokes the sensitive flesh, pressing firmly against my clit. My hips start thrusting against his hand trying to coax him to press harder. But he’s not catching on, or he’s teasing me because I feel him smile against my mouth.

“Eager are we?” He asks, joking I think. But I’m desperate at this point. He must see this in my eyes because he slips a finger inside, firmly stroking as his thumb stays pressed against the now hardened nub.

“Gabe.....” slips from my mouth as my head lolls back against the tile. He’s apparently done this before and I shake that thought out of my head,
cause I suddenly don’t want him touching another woman. He has me tied in knots and.........”SHIT!” I scream as he brings me to orgasm, right there standing in the shower. The spasms start at my toes and crawl up my spine, throbbing and pulsating throughout my body. My legs weakening and threatening to give out from underneath me.

“That’s it baby, let it out.” He says as he removes his fingers and plant them right on my hips.

He gently lifts me up and my legs wrap around his waist as I’m impaled on his hard cock. He thrusts deep and it feels like he’s hitting my cervix, but I don’t care. The aftershocks of my orgasm keep going and going and I feel like I’m going to come again. Only I fight it off, because I don’t think I can handle another one right now. His face is buried in my neck as he holds both legs on his hips, my back pressed against the shower wall. The steam is subsiding and the hot water is cooling so he reaches over and shuts the water off. He kicks open the shower door and carries me out of the shower, his cock never leaving the dark recesses of my core. He gently lays me on my bed, my ass almost hanging off the edge and slams into me. He leans in and he squeezes one breast while suckling the other. His free hand between my legs and I’m overcome with feelings. Too much going on at once, but I can’t bear to tell him stop, it feels too good.

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