Read Requested Surrender Online

Authors: Riley Murphy

Requested Surrender (17 page)

BOOK: Requested Surrender
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David waited for Lacy to come downstairs. By all accounts from Andrew she was a virtual dog whisperer, as Phyllis was behaving herself now. David wasn’t going to hold his breath though. Andrew had been known to embellish details, so David was prepared to judge for himself. He did have to admit, the fact that Lacy hadn’t been standing at the front door ready to shove the little beast in his arms the moment he got home from his meeting, was an encouraging sign.

He heard the click of heels—god how he loved that sound against marble—and went to the bottom of the stairs to wait for her. When she appeared at the top, she looked a little nervous. Nervous was good, he decided as he checked out her legs. She had great legs. Taut and toned. The perfect complement to a beautiful pair of strappy shoes. His gaze travelled from her suede pumps, up the sexy length until he reached the tight-fitting fabric hugging her, and scanned that all the way up to her chest. The dress she’d chosen cupped and lifted her breasts beautifully. He was going to have a hard time keeping his gaze off of that kind of cleavage. His eyes remained glued there as he followed her descent until a familiar furry face popped into his line of vision and he jerked back. It was the pooch. Damn, he hadn’t even noticed she was carrying her.

“Did you look your fill?”

He ignored her sarcasm as she reached the bottom and, answered truthfully, “No. Little princess got in the way.”

“Oh, poor baby.”

He heard the laughter in her voice and couldn’t help himself. “You’re beautiful. Do you want to know what my favorite feature of yours is?”

She wasn’t laughing now. “Yes.”

“Your smile.”

That answer seemed to make her uncomfortable. He waited for her to put Phyllis down, but before he could ask why she was bothered, he got distracted watching how Lacy handled the fur ball. She didn’t say anything, executing some kind of hand signal, and lo-and-behold, the pooch sat obediently at her feet.

“I don’t believe this. How did you get her to calm down? I hope you didn’t prescribe her valium. I’m not good with that.”

“Of course not. At least not without your permission.”

He was slightly relieved and a whole lot curious as he took the wrap Lacy handed to him and helped her to put it on. “What’s the secret?”

“No secret. Phil responds better to hand signals…at least until he learns English.”

David’s hands stilled in the task of adjusting her wrap as he stared down at the top of her head. “He?”

“Yep. All that snarling and bluster? The dude was dominating the other people in the household he’d figured you had already dominated.” She turned to brightly smile up at him. “As you know, he
dominated you.”

David stepped back and blinked. “No way.”

She quickly nodded. “I guess you couldn’t see—well, what’s left of his ‘boy’ parts as they had him neutered, but she’s a he, trust me.”

David looked down at his princess. Could it be true? He scooped the dog up and searched for a sign. Anything that would tell him that Lacy was mistaken, but he found nothing. Except for a better looking canine now that it was determined to be male. He thought about all the daycares, all the trainers. The growling, the spoiling. The times he kissed this guy on the forehead… “You sneaky little fucker. It’s doggie daycare for you tomorrow.”

“No, it’s not. This wasn’t his fault. It was all yours and if you stick him in one of those places I’ll be forced to believe that you have double standards.”

“I do have double standards.”

She tied her wrap and sniffed, “I’m going to forget you said that.”

He put Phil down and mimicked the hand signal she had made, still amazed that it actually worked. Then he stepped closer to her and tipped her chin until she was forced to look at him. “Don’t. Don’t ever forget and confuse things between us. I do have double standards. And with every standard I have, double or otherwise? They’re all high. Very, very high.”

When she nodded, he stepped back. “Good. Now let’s go and have the fun I promised you.”

Chapter Thirteen

David made sure Lacy had a great time. He gave her his undivided attention and was very selective about the people they mingled with. The only reason he’d brought her here tonight was because James Tucker threw some of the best parties around. The oil mogul made it a rule to break rules, as he defied every city ordinance and set up backroom gambling. David wasn’t much of a risk taker, but he knew Lacy well enough to know she’d enjoy it.

“I’m going to bet all of it on red.”

He leaned back and checked out her ass as she bent over the roulette table. With one leg up and the rest of her stretched out as she pushed the chips to the red square, he was tempted to slide his hand up her dress and make her moan.

“You need a room?”

He refocused and grinned. “Hi, Jamie. Thanks, but no. Great party.”

“It’ll be better later. You and your lady friend care to stay?”

David liked Jamie. He liked him a lot, but right now he was feeling an unaccountable urge to rip the handsome bastard apart, as he’d given Lacy a too-long once over. “No, not tonight.”

“Is she a new sub?”

He really wished his host would look at him instead of at Lacy’s legs as she stretched to place another bet. “She’s mine.”

“Oh.” He turned to David and grinned. “Too bad. On another note, I had planned on a few of us guys going out to the patio for a nightcap and shoot the breeze like old times—I got my hands on some fine Cubans—but we’ll have to wait for a bit as it’s raining at the moment.”

That’s exactly what David needed to hear. All night he’d been plagued by thoughts of Lacy and images of her as she was last night. Inundated with strobe-like visuals of her sucking his cock, begging and crying for it and then later sprawled on his lap as he got her off more than once. All night he’d been dealing with an aching hard-on, restless to get home because now that he knew she wanted to be his special girl, he was ready to commit to her in the most intimate way possible. But he’d held off. She was having so much fun at the tables. Gambling a tidy sum away for the charity of her choice and using his money to boot, and still he’d been prepared to let her do it until Jamie mentioned the game changer.

“Thanks, guy.” He left Jamie and told Lacy it was time to cash in.

“But why? I’m winning.”

“That’s the best time to call it a night.”

He waited for her to give her information and turn in her chips. “Done?”

“Yes. That was so much fun! I won twelve thousand for the elephant sanctuary.”

He took her by the hand, leading her out of the backroom and through the crowd in the great room, saying, “Correction. You won seven grand and I donated five to get you started.”

“Oh, right. But you said it was okay.”

“It is. But I don’t want you thinking gambling is a good career choice or anything like that.”

“David. David? Are we going outside? Someone said it was raining.”

He pulled her through the French doors. “You love the rain, remember?”

“I do, but the party isn’t over. I may want to gamble some more. I can’t get wet now.”

“Wanna bet?” He walked with her across the interlocking brick, pointing out the uneven pavement. “Watch your step and hurry.”

“Where are we going?”

David took a look around and when he spotted the alcove he headed right for it. It wasn’t raining very hard. Drizzling more like it. So he didn’t rush. When he got to the semi-secluded spot he answered, “Right here.”

The misty drops made the patio lights glow in a hazy golden shine against all the darkness. Fortunately it was light enough to see her because he wanted to see all of her. He’d be dying to get his hands on her and finally bury his cock inside her.

“Up against the wall.” He didn’t wait for her to move. Instead he pushed her back, using his splayed hand to cushion her spine against the concrete.

“But there are people over on the other side of the patio. They’re standing at the doors.”

He dragged his chin from her cheek to her temple and asked, “Do you want to know what I’m standing in front of?”


“A beautiful woman.”

“Where?” When she pretended to look around, he caught her jaw until their gazes locked.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find her. Are you ready?”

He felt her sink a little against him, but then she stiffened. “What about the guests?”

He curled down and breathed, “There are two kinds of people. Those that like to watch and those that don’t.” He rimmed the shell of her ear with his tongue, loving the warm silken feel of it. “My guess is that the ones who don’t like to watch will leave. The ones that do? They’ll stay right there. Getting horny and being turned on by two people who are enjoying each other. In the end though, they’ll leave before we turn around and it will be as if they were never there.”

He kissed her slow and deep. Slipping his tongue into her mouth and swirling it over hers while he tasted raw need. There was tension there though, he could feel it. Using his free hand he fisted his hand in her damp hair and tilted her head to the side as he spoke against her cheek. “Open your legs. Spread them. Good. Now I’m going to move my hand at your back. I’m going to bring it down to your thighs and then I’m going to lift up your dress.”

He bit her earlobe and she whimpered, “David...”

That got him rock-hard. “I’m going to drag these down—” He hooked two fingers through the lace that stretched across her hip and tugged. “Not all the way. Not yet. Just to the knees while I push your dress up to bunch around your waist so the best part of you is uncovered for me while I get another taste of your mouth. Open that for me. Now.”

Lacy forgot everything but how to breathe. Her heart and pulse raced while lust and adrenaline coursed through her. He tasted like the dessert they’d eaten. Hot cinnamon and warm honey. Delicious. She couldn’t get enough as she devoured and moaned. Feeling more naked than she’d ever felt in her life, exposed as she was. The chilled, rain-dampened air settling on her skin in the most intimate places got her shivering. Aching and trembling until she didn’t care who looked on. All she cared about was him. Letting her head drop back against the stone she closed her eyes and sighed, “David…”

He lifted her left leg, causing the scrap of material around her knees to fall. Freed from that binding, she tried to readjust but he wouldn’t let her. Instead he forced her leg back down and gave her outer thigh a squeeze, “Spread them wide now. Do it.” Her eyes fluttered open while she studied him. He wasn’t looking at her. He was looking down. Waiting for her to do as he’d directed. Watching while she opened her stance for him. It gave her the wickedest thrill to please him. To beg him without words to take what he wanted. He liked when she taunted and she knew she’d done a good job when his fiery gaze stroked her from center to chest, where he stopped to study her.

“You’ve got the nicest fucking nipples. Always hard.” He lifted a hand and placed it over the fullness of one breast. Touching her in such a way her heart hammered against her rib cage and her knees went weak. “Yeah, hard and desperate.” His eyes shot up. The sizzling heat in their depths entrancing her. “For me.”


“Are you wet?”

She tried not to quiver, but the commanding tone of his voice nearly made her come. “Yes.”

“I hope you are, angel, because otherwise I’m going to have to wait. I want you very, very wet when I slide my cock inside your heat.”

She didn’t try to stop the quivering now when he curled down and sucked on her neck. All she could do was grab hold of his shoulders and hang on for fear of falling. The sensations that roiled through her were harsh and overwhelming. Stunning until his hand cupped her sex. Possessive and demanding. Claiming and forcing her to give up. Give over. Let him own that part of her until she offered the rest even though he didn’t ask for it.

“David…” She slipped her hands down his chest, his stomach and abdomen. Latching onto his belt with pulse-pounding need, she fought to get it undone. The slap of the leather beating against her skin as it whipped and smacked while she hastily loosened the stubborn prong from the buckle was of no consequence to her. She made short work of freeing him and by the time she got her hands on his hardness she was shaking. Wanting.

“Is this what you’re after?” He lifted her off the floor and pinned her against the wall with his weight. Hips grinding while she clung to him. Anchoring herself by wrapping her legs around his waist. Fitting her hands in his hair. Tugging and pulling. Pressing into the hot and solid feel of him even as he shifted to crush her against the concrete.


“Put my cock inside you.”

She reached between them and did as he told her. Forcing the hot steel of him against her entrance. Flexing forward. Inviting him in. Begging with movement. Opening. Impaling. Breathless and needy. Why wasn’t he moving? She bit her lip and tilted her head so she could gauge the look in his eyes. It was sexy. Lethal. Breathlessly overwhelming.

“You’re wet and tight.” The deep, but soft timbre of his voice rocked her to the core as he slowly shifted, causing more of his length to penetrate her. “I like a good fit. Snug and sultry.”

God, the burn. It tore her up. Knitted her together. She heard a sound. Did that hungry little moan come from her?

“Deep breath.”

He slammed into her. His full length opening her up. Filling her. Consuming her. This time when she cried out there was no little about it.

“That’s more like it,” he growled against her neck, before he fit his hand in her hair and fucked her. All the way in for a toe curling press until her tailbone kissed the brick. Then nearly all the way out before he slammed back home, again and again. Friction building and burning. Stimulating parts of her she’d never met. Maybe it was the idea that someone remained watching them or maybe it was knowing that David watched her. Either way it lit a lust-fueled fire within her that had her bucking, begging and moaning for more. A lot more until he let go of her hair and readjusted. Grabbing her ass cheeks with determined hands as he pulled the globes apart. Opening them as the cooler air swept over the intimate recesses and took her breath away.

BOOK: Requested Surrender
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