Read Requested Surrender Online

Authors: Riley Murphy

Requested Surrender (21 page)

BOOK: Requested Surrender
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Several hours later Lacy took a look around and whistled. The room was authentic all right. “So this is the infamous Rodeo Room. I’ve heard a lot about it.”

Jo had shared some interesting details about what had happened here the first night she and Ted got together, but Lacy suspected it was only half of what really went on.

Staring at the ropes and leather reins that were slung over a huge wooden dowel next to the bed, she asked, “Are you going to tie me up?”

“Not tonight.”

The soft way David answered assured her that he fully intended to tie her up at some point and she couldn’t say she didn’t like the idea. She’d always wondered what it would be like. Spinning around, she stopped and faced him. “So what are we going to do?”

He’d taken off his suit jacket. It was slung over his shoulder, affording her the opportunity to admire his nicely styled dress shirt with pushed up sleeves. It was white and fit him beautifully. The tailored cut of the arms accentuated the bulge of his biceps while the fitted slacks hugged his slim hips to perfection. 

When he closed the door and turned his full attention on her, she had to catch her breath. His clear hazel eyes and stubble-roughened cheeks were a lethal combination. “Since we stopped for an early dinner already, I think it’s time for a show.”

She recognized that tone of voice. Dom-David was in the house. “What kind of show?”

A visual of cowgirl meets her bull came to mind, so when he said, “Fashion.” She frowned.

“Naked? Because I only brought one outfit.”

With a half-smile lighting his eyes, he came to her. “If you go into the dressing room through there.” He pointed to a door to her right. “You’ll see a whole rack of outfits with shoes and boots. All in your sizes. There’s make-up on the dressing table with various colors of lipstick as well. Be mindful to change the color on your lips”—he stepped closer and brushed his thumb across her bottom one—“I love them, and tonight they’re going to be the star of the show, as they’ll be performing later.”

After he stepped back a pace, he went on, “You’ll model each outfit for me, and when you’re done I’m going to tell you what items I liked best. Then you’ll put those together and make the outfit I’d like to see you in. Once you’re dressed exactly how I want, you’re going to come to me and sink to your knees. Then if you’re good I’ll let you wrap those color-stained lips around my cock and suck it.”

Lacy shivered. Before she was tempted to do something like that right now, she nodded and went to the dressing room. Totally amazed when she saw all the items. There were dresses, skirts, scarves and lingerie to one side, and on the other shoes, boots and slippers on a two-tiered shelf. At one end, in the middle between them, was a dressing table with a large mirror surrounded by lights. The kind you’d see on a movie set or back stage of a runway modeling show where the make-up artists worked their magic on the models. One look at the various array of lipsticks had her blushing, but then so did the modeling once she got started. Some of the items she put on were so skimpy she had a hard time trying not to look like a hooker. To David’s credit, each item he chose for her to wear as her final outfit wasn’t the sluttiest. By the time she’d been through eight different ensembles and he’d made his picks, she was ready to face him in the one she’d pieced together.

Viewing herself in the halo of bright light, she had to admit the guy had an eye for details. The way he’d instructed her to wear her hair—clipped up—the few items he’d chosen for her to put on, and the deep crimson lipstick he’d picked out, all came together beautifully. The skimpy royal-blue string bikini top coupled with an equally tiny pair of white latex Daisy Dukes that matched the thigh-high platform boots she was hoping to bring home with her, made her look the part of an edgy version of a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader.

Twisting, she stuck out her butt to have look. The shorts were cut so high she could see her cheeks. She tried tugging the material down, but when that didn’t work, she shrugged. It wasn’t as if this was the bad kind of show-ass. The kind where a person’s butt crack looked like it was eating the garment in question. No, this looked kind of sexy, so she was sure David would appreciate it.

That decided, she took a deep breath and exited the dressing room. Only to stop short when she saw him. He was sprawled in the fan-backed upholstered chair, dressed as he’d been before with one exception.  He had the red silk scarf he’d pulled off her when she was modeling earlier. Following the drape of that across his lap to where it dipped in between his legs, her eyes widened when she spotted what was on the floor. “A Sybian?”

He nodded and her gaze dropped to examine the saddle-like machine. Was it really as bad as Jo had made it sound? According to her feisty friend this machine was the devil. More than once she’d sworn that “the fucking thing forces you to orgasm even when you’re thinking about shit like contracting the Ebola virus, or worse, doing your corporate taxes. Lacy didn’t know about the virus comment, but if there was a machine that could get her off during tax time stress? She’d be singing its praises.

“Come here. One foot to the left and the other to the right of this.” He pointed to the Sybian.

Lacy came forward and stood over the machine, exactly as he’d wanted, asking, “Do you like the outfit?”

“Yes.” He didn’t look at her as he splayed his palms on her outer knees and pushed his hands upward. “These boots make your legs look a mile long.”

“I like them.”

He looked up at her. “I like them too, but I find the rest of your outfit distracting. Stay still.”

With two well-placed pulls he had the tie of her top undone and tossed it aside. Then he went for the shorts. “Do you see why I chose these?”

Although she only needed to undo one of the thick zippers on either side of the hips to get them on, David was currently tugging on the pulls on both sides of the shorts. They folded from the waist, continuing to slide until they came apart. He collected the two pieces and threw them onto the bikini top.

“You chose them because they come off easily.”

Grinning, he looked up. “No, that was a bonus. They matched the boots.”

Her heart pounded and butterflies took flight in her stomach. She was feeling sexy and vulnerable, naked as she was, except for the boots. While he was impeccably dressed and grinning and gorgeous. She reached out in an attempt to brush the hair off his forehead but his command stopped her.


The small muscles between her legs squeezed up tight. Because when he denied her the right to do something she wanted to do in that firm tone of voice, it made her burn to be touched by him. Was this what he’d meant when he told her about waiting for him to establish his will over her?

“I want you to remember this one thing that will always be true for you and I. When I strip away your clothes, I strip away your choice. I decide where your hands will go. What your eyes will see. What you will feel, taste and touch.”

He stared at her for a long a moment and then leaned back to appraise the rest of her. As he did, she tried not to shake, but the ache that had started between her legs was getting stronger and stronger with each second that ticked by. Especially when he was done examining her legs and turned his attention to her midriff and then higher to her breasts. Her nipples spiked, getting harder still as his husky order snaked around her midsection with an exhilarating squeeze. “Hands behind your back. That’s right. Now open your mouth.”

She wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was his tone of voice she was reacting to as adrenaline coursed through her, making her body hum in anticipation, but she couldn’t stop the trembling now. She opened her mouth and didn’t close it until he picked up one end of the scarf and placed it between her lips.

“Bite down on this. Very good. Eyes straight ahead. Don’t let go and don’t look down,” he said before he leaned forward and tucked the material between her breasts, slipping downward with it so the other end went through the open V of her legs. She made a little sound of protest that he ignored when he pulled up, causing the silk to split her moist folds and more shocking, worked to part the globes of her ass with it, prior to him tugging the scarf taut so it came over one hip. She felt him thread the tie under the section against her naked belly before he brought that second end up to her mouth.

“Let me help you. Open your mouth.” He stacked the two ends together and said, “Bite down on them.” When she tried to bow her head to get some slack he pinched her nipple in warning. “No. Eyes straight ahead.”

Lacy nodded and the silky friction the action created over two of her most sensitive body parts jarred her.

“Careful. No.” He took hold of her wrists after she’d unconsciously brought her hands forward to readjust the scarf, and put them back behind her. “Clasp them together. That’s right.” He dipped his head and opened his mouth, sucking her nipple inside with such ease her knees nearly buckled. The forced draw of suction felt as if there was an invisible connection between her breast and womb. Heady little contractions teased their way through her belly, cascading downward until she was sure the material there was soaked. The more aggressive he became the more she melted until he let go of her and she nearly lost her hold on the scarf. Her lips almost parted with her disappointment.

He must have been expecting her to be rattled because he tested the tension on the silk. Hooking his index finger between the material and her skin, he brushed down from her breast to her navel and then back up. “Good girl.” He let go of the silk and leaned away to reach a hand in his pocket. “I brought something I thought both of us would enjoy.” Out of the corner of her eye she spied him take an item out of his pocket and when he held it up in front of her eyes, her pulse raced. Nipple clamps. Heavy duty by the look of them. “Do you think you’ll enjoy these when I put them on you?”

He knew she couldn’t nod or shake her head without being affected by it. Closing her eyes, she silently willed him not to ask her to. Praying that he wouldn’t make her—

“Answer me.”

She opened her eyes and realized he was staring up at her. “Ay Doh.” Okay, that “I do” was muffled as all get-out, but surely he’d understand.

“I can’t understand you and I want an answer.”

She nodded and the sawing motion of the material between her legs and ass nearly made her come. Quickly she pulled oxygen in through her nose, filling her lungs as she tried to calm her racing heart. Why did he seem so much bigger? Stronger. Fuckalicious.

It was as if he could read her thoughts. He shifted forward in the chair. Coming so close  she closed her eyes again and experienced the crisp citrus of his cologne. The scent did something to her. It awakened a part of her that got restless and needy. Wanting something from him. Needing.

“Shoulders back. That’s right. Deep breath.”

The bite of the steel clamps on her nipples was sharp. At first she wasn’t sure this was something she could tolerate as white hot pain went through her straight to her toes. But as the discomfort wound its way back up her body it started to dissipate. Especially when he whispered, “Tight enough? Look at how beautiful they are on you.”

He curled down and licked one tortured peak, blowing on it, before he licked again and then blew. The process was so slow and intimate that it put her right at ease. Before she knew it, those heady contractions in her belly and lower were back with a mind blowing twist. Each time he blew the warmth of his breath over the chilly wetness of his saliva, she had an orgasm. Small and tight. Over and over until her legs shook and her only thought was to sink to her knees and take his cock in her mouth. To give him the kind of pleasure he was giving her. It was all she could think about—another orgasm came and went—his cock in her mouth. It was all she wanted and the only thing she craved. This time when he licked her she moaned and flexed into him.

“Do you want something, angel?” Leaning back he waited, and she knew what he wanted from her.

She nodded and almost saw stars.

“Good girl. Here.” When he pulled the scarf out of her mouth she was so relieved she wanted to cry. But then he took it from her in the worst and best way possibly, by slowly dragging it from the places it was wedged. The slide over the sensitive flesh of her clit before the material disappeared between her legs and skated over her backside made her gasp.


David tossed the scarf on the discarded pile of clothes and looked up her. Her eyes were all glassy and cheeks beautifully flushed. If that didn’t tell him all he needed to know the little shaking she was doing would have. But he wanted to hear the words. “Please what?”

“I…I…” She licked her lips and he could tell she was having a little difficulty trying to figure out how to ask for it. Clearly she needed some help.

Leaning back in the chair he spread his knees wider and invited, “I want you to put your hands on my knees and sink down to straddle the machine. Make sure that dildo goes in all the way, you understand?”

“But I…”

“Be a good girl and maybe you’ll get the reward you want.”

It took her a minute to do as he said, but once she managed her positioning and gazed up his heart beat against his rib cage. This was the look, the desperate, “I’ll do anything you want” look he’d been after. She was panting and although it could have been the slide of the dildo scraping against her oversensitive flesh that caused the reaction, he doubted it. Her fingers were digging into his thighs too deeply. The way she swayed toward him was a good indicator, as her need for what he had to offer became palpable.

“What do you want? Tell me.”

She was breathless. As if she’d run a mile. “I want your cock in my mouth. Please.”

He reached out and took the clip from her hair, watching as the soft mass fell in a bounce around her shoulders. Brushing back a few wayward strands, he whispered, “How bad? How bad do you want it?”

“I want it so bad that I’m aching inside and out. Please, it’s all I can think of. It’s the only thing I need right now. Please.”

BOOK: Requested Surrender
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