Read Rescue Breathing Online

Authors: Zoe Norman

Rescue Breathing (26 page)

BOOK: Rescue Breathing
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Fingers, Owen
… Use your fingers.”

He rewards my bravery by slipping two
fingers inside me. He lowers his head, latching on to my tender
flesh as his tongue flicks rhythmically against me. He hums as he
pushes deeper inside me.

Yes, o
h good,
” I coo, unable to control how I respond to how good it

I love how you taste, baby. So

I moan and arch against his mouth as I
grip the sheets tighter.
My orgasm is building as he fucks me with his fingers and
sucks on my clit, and I feel like I'm going to fly through the

'm so close. So close…” I grab a fistful of his
hair and arch into his mouth as his tongue goes crazy on me. He's
eating me like his life depends on it and it's so fucking sensual.

Owen, baby,
m coming.
Oh God!” I scream into the quiet of the room.

He slows as I start to come down and gives
me light, tickling licks of his tongue. I begin to giggle
uncontrollably, an incredibly embarrassing habit I have after I
come sometimes.

I push at his head as I continue to
Owen, stop.
Too much.”

He props himself up on his elbows between
my thighs and looks up at me. His face at first is confused, likely
because of my odd giggling, but once it subsides, his gaze returns
to sexy and wanting. After climbing off the bed, he pulls his
boxers down, kicking them to the side. He settles himself back on
the bed, onto his knees between my legs, and leans back on his
heels. Then he takes himself into his hand, large, looming, and
hard as granite.

Owen has my rapt attention as he slowly
strokes himself from root to tip.
He pants ever so quietly as he pleasures himself,
preparing for what I know will be a lovemaking session I
t soon
Without taking
his eyes off mine, he leans to his bedside table, pulls open the
drawer, and reaches in, taking out a condom. I watch as he opens
the packet and throws the wrapper to the floor. He begins to roll
the condom over his considerable length, giving a low grunt as his
hand strokes down, sheathing him in latex.

Watching me intently, he grabs my ankles and
pulls me towards him.

Your teasing and flirting and your goddamn
moan make me crazy. I'm nearly desperate for you.”

He takes himself in his hand and strokes the
head of his dick against me, coating himself with my moisture.

Owen positions himself at my opening and
slowly pushes himself into me. My head presses back into the
mattress and I exhale as he fills me. I can tell he is holding
himself back from plunging into me. He slides himself in bit by
bit, letting me feel every large inch of him.

Look at me,” he orders.

I open my eyes and look into his.
I am surprised to find emotion
there, and it takes my breath away. Once he is seated fully inside
me, he bends down and kisses me passionately. I wrap my legs around
him, pulling him to me.

He starts to slowly rock into me, in and
out, in and out. I can feel every inch of him, and it feels so good
I could cry. Initially, he is aggressive in his kiss, a man losing
control from lust, and it's overwhelming that he could feel this
way toward me. But as our kiss lasts and we find a rhythm, I run my
fingers into his hair and the aggression is replaced by passion. I
lift my hips to match his thrusts, and his tongue is synchronized
with his hips as he licks into my mouth. He pulls back, panting,
staring into my eyes, and I can't turn away, blink, or…anything. He
shifts, just barely, but just enough to change the angle of his
thrusts to hit my g-spot with every stroke.

My eyes flutter closed and I moan on a

His hand comes up and strokes my hair off
my face, and I blink my eyes open. He's just...watching me with
glazed eyes. I tighten my legs around his waist and arch my head
back as he rubs against my g-spot again and again.

” he grunts out. “You are fucking amazing.” He
pushes upward on his hands and moves back onto his knees before
grabbing my ankles, pushing my legs against my chest, and resting
my ankles on his shoulders. The change in position surprises me,
and I involuntarily grip him tighter. He groans, wrapping his arms
around my knees, holding me still as he pounds into me.

Ahhhh fuck…” he groans.

The sound of our skin slapping against
each other reverberates off the walls.
He turns his head to the side and kisses the
inside of my ankles. He abruptly slows the pace in an effort to
extend the pleasure. Grabbing my ankles again, he holds my legs
apart, spreading me wide to him. I've never been with a man who had
so much skill making love, who was so attuned to the positions that
will bring me the most pleasure. Every move he makes changes the
feel of him inside me, and I am swooning. He thrusts slowly,
deeply, and brings his thumb down to rub small circles on my clit.
My body bucks at the touch.

Oh God, Owen. Yes...Just like that…” I

You like that?” he asks, a smile on his
lips, his voice breathy.

Ahhh…yes. I love it,” I moan.

He continues to slowly slide in and out of
me, rubbing my clit until it's almost unbearable. I place my hand
on the hand that is rubbing me, stopping him. He looks at me like
I've lost my mind, and I smile up at him reassuringly. I prop
myself up, letting my legs drop to the mattress and grab his face.
I pull him down to me and kiss him, licking his lips and into his

I murmur against him, “I want to be on
top, Owen. Let me ride you.”

His response is a low, guttural groan, and
he gently pulls out, making me wince at the sudden shift from too
full to too empty.
grab his arm and push him toward the headboard, urging him to sit
back against it. He is easy to maneuver, as if reading my mind,
although that doesn't surprise me since we seem to have some sort
of sexual karma.

I surprise him by grabbing one of the
posts on his bed and standing over him.
He runs a hand up my legs and I shiver, feeling
unbelievably in control and sinfully sexy right now. His one hand
continues its trail up and down my leg while his other squeezes the
head of his cock. He leans forward and plants a kiss on my swollen
pussy, sending a shiver through my body. We're both coated with a
sheen of sweat, and his skin glistens in the candlelight. I slowly
lower myself, first to a squatting position, and then to my knees
positioned over his waiting cock. He nestles the head between my
lips and pushes himself in. My head falls back as I sink farther
down. “Oh God, baby, that's so good…
so deep.

When I have fully taken him, he moans.

I wrap my arms around his neck, he cradles
my ass with his massive hands and we start to move together.
We connect.
We find a rhythm with our bodies, and
every inch of my skin is buzzing. I look down between us and watch
him move in and out of me. I have one hand on the headboard next to
his head and the other on his shoulder to hold myself steady and
give me the leverage I need to rise and fall on him. I look up at
him and he's studying me intently. I close my eyes, my mouth gaping
as my breathing increases.

Look at me, Olivia,” he commands. “I want
to watch your face when you come. are… Shit. You're
going to come so fucking hard,” he growls.

He grabs hold of my hips and thrusts up
into me harder and faster. I press my forehead against his as I
concentrate on finding my release. My hands move and find their
place around his neck, pulling him into my chest. He licks and
kisses my neck, nibbling just under my ear, driving me crazy. I am
suddenly building quickly and I clench around him as I purposely
move myself toward my climax.

Eyes on me,” he bites out. “I did this to
you. Me. See how good it can be?”

My eyes are glued to him, and I let out a
silent cry as I come undone.

That's it, baby. Give it to me, Olivia.
Jesus, you're so fucking beautiful.”

His hands slide up my body, grabbing my
breasts, and he leans forward, nipping at my nipples. Panting, I
stare at him, reeling from the sensations his body just gifted me.
I push aside his hair, slick with sweat, out of his eyes. He is
slowly pushing into me still, and I realize he has yet to

I give him a smirk and wrapped a hand
around the back of his neck. Licking the shell of his ear, I

I want you to come
in me, Owen.”

He grunts as his pace quickens.

I know you want this, want to come inside
me, have been daydreaming about it while you fight fires, haven't
you, Owen? Daydreaming about what it would be like to be inside me
again, tasting me, fucking me. I've been thinking about it since
you left my room the last time. I even touched myself thinking
about it. Mmmm, baby, you feel so good, so big, so

His breathing is ragged and I love the
impact my words have on him. I sound like a porn star. It's not my
usual behavior, but he makes me feel so wanton, so sexy, so
necessary that I can't help myself.

Good God, woman!
” he says through gritted teeth. “You're a dirty
girl when you want to be and I fucking love it…”

I give a surprised yelp as he pushes me
forward, laying me flat on my back as he thrusts harder and faster
into me.

I can'
t stop
about you. I want you so fucking bad…” he admits. He lays his body
over mine, pulling me into him, enveloping me in his arms. His hips
lift and plunge into me again and again. It's intense and

I slip my arms around his back and rake my
nails down his muscled shoulders.
He bites my shoulder, marking me. I can feel him
growing inside me—larger, harder.

Liv…fuck. Olivia...I'm there. I'm fucking
there.” Once he looks up at me, he falls apart with a loud shout
and a deep thrust.

Owen shudders and then allows his full
weight to fall on top of me.
I run my hands up and down his back. After a beat, he
reaches down to grab the base of the condom and pulls out, rolling
off of me onto his back, his arm flopping over his eyes. I look
over at him, both of us breathless. I straighten my legs and sigh,
content, sated. He takes his arm off his eyes and tilts his head to
see me. I smile at him and reach up, stretching and slightly
arching off the bed like a cat.

…that was...”

If you say anything less than
'un-fucking-believable,' I'm going to have to ask you to leave,” he
says as he rolls toward me onto his side.

I exhale with a laugh.
“Better than

Better, huh?

he says with a wink. His face goes slightly serious and he asks,
“Are you always this much fun? I mean...we had fun in Seattle, but
this was...well…” He smiles a megawatt smile at me, and I shrug,
grinning coyly.

Can I tell you something?” he inquires,
his eyes serious, the mood changing.

I roll to my side to face him. His hair
has fallen back into his eyes, and without thinking, I reach
forward and brush it out of the way. I realize in that moment how
innate my desire to be tender with him really is.

Sure, Owen. You can tell me

I meant what I said just now. I haven't
stopped thinking about you. Not since leaving Seattle. I'm really
not that great with words, but…
I don
't know.”
He pauses, seemingly unsure of what to say next. “There's something
special about you, Olivia. You're so different than the other women
I've met. I mean…” My face is betraying my surprise at his words—my
pleasant surprise. He flops back on the bed, seemingly embarrassed.
“This has been the best first date I've ever had…” He trails off,
staring up at the ceiling.

I'm stunned silent, but my insides are
doing something that resembles the Macarena and an Olympic
gymnastics routine. He's been thinking about me? There's
me? I can tell that this kind of admission is not the norm for him.
I reach a hand out and take his, linking our fingers

Owen, look at me.” He turns his head to
face me, looking mildly panicked. “I haven't stopped thinking about
you either. When I got home and you didn't call, I thought maybe
you didn't feel the same way, and I was...disappointed. And when
you called”—I scoot myself closer to him so my front is pressed
against his side, my breasts pushing into his arm—“I was very, very

I press a kiss to his shoulder.
“And I'm glad this was your
best first date, because it was mine too, and even more”—I reach up
and press a light kiss to his lips—“I hope against hope you're
different from every other man I've ever met, because I'd really
like to see where we can take this.” I lean forward and give him
another chaste but lingering kiss.

BOOK: Rescue Breathing
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